AUDIO FORUMS >> Classifieds >> IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs

Message started by Pale Rider on 01/27/15 at 14:44:51

Title: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Pale Rider on 01/27/15 at 14:44:51

Hi All:

I am in the midst of a sea change in my system. I absolutely love my Decware equipment, as do my daughters, but as my friend Lon knows, life brings changes. I am retiring soon, and we're moving into a new home, with very different audio presentation possibilities. I will keep one Decware system running in what will be my home office [Taboo, plus ERRs], but everything else will be replaced.

I have already found a home for my beloved Toriis. I will want to find a home for the following:

1. One pair ERR speakers in cherry sunburst finish [the standard, I think], PLUS a custom designed and built by Bob set of servo subwoofers that beautifully match the ERRs, and can be integrated with them with relative ease. NOTE: I do not have Bob's better-than-NASA packaging. More on this below.

2. One pair ERRs in reverse tweeter build, also in cherry sunburst finish. Best as center channel speakers, but also, as it turns out, phenomenal in a small room at low levels, taking advantage of reasonable corner placement.

3. My Ultra preamp. This is a simply amazing preamp, and perhaps my favorite piece of Decware equipment. it is just cool beyond belief, and the sound is extraordinary. But one of the aspects of my new home is that the high end audio is being split from the home theater, and for a variety of reasons, tubes just aren't going to be part of the power/signal equation.

4. An SE84ZS, configured to be switchable between mono and stereo. I used this to drive the center channel in my HT system. FAIR WARNING: When I removed the reverse-configured ERRs from my system, the SE84ZS was clearly not working properly. It may simply be a blown fuse that I have not diagnosed yet, but it is possible it is the transformer.

5. In technical parlance, a snootful of tubes. I am unsure what to do with all these. Many of these are rather ordinary tubes, but some are quite special and high end. I may offer a big lot price to anyone willing to take them all off my hands.

6. B&K 707 tube tester sourced from Brent Jessee Recording & Supply.

As before, my preference is to make these items available to men or women in our military and who, in my experience, often have difficulty affording this kind of equipment. So.........

Any of these items will be free to any U.S. military service member on these forums who can pick them up local in the Bay Area. I will not ship any of these items. With everything my family is trying to get done right now, I just don't have the capacity to secure proper packaging. This also avoids any problem with shipping damage caused by any mistake I or the carrier might make. A verified member of the military who wants to send me a prepaid proper box for either the SE84 or the Ultra I will consider. But the speakers are entirely a local pickup.

This will be a first-come-first-served opportunity. if you are currently on deployment, drop me a PM and let me know what your time and/or logistics constraints are, without of course disclosing any confidential information, and I might be able to arrange a hold. After May, all these items will be stored in Stockton, CA.



Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Lon on 01/27/15 at 14:49:02

Wow Greg. Nice to see you posting. Those are big changes, and a very very generous offer! Kudos!

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Pale Rider on 01/27/15 at 14:50:50

hey Lon, good to be back. Regrets for my absence. Hope all is well with you.

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Lon on 01/27/15 at 15:05:47

Ah, all hasn't been well with me since I left Africa in '71. :) But things are okay. Was taking care of my Mom and Dad, lost my Mom, taking care of my Dad, have a wonderful woman in my life now that I don't get to see enough, but that should change this summer.

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Pale Rider on 01/27/15 at 15:09:16

So sorry about your Mom. I have been there. Hang in there, my friend. A wonderful woman goes a long way. And while I don't have quite the separation that I know you have had, it won't be quite as wonderful as it could be until we are finally together in the same place.

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Lon on 01/27/15 at 15:49:16

Thanks Greg. When you want to, tell us about your next system.

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Lonely Raven on 01/27/15 at 16:54:19

I'm interested in tubes and tube tester, if I can afford.

If that SE84ZS does indeed have issues, I'd be happy to take it, issues and all if the price is low enough.  :)

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by JD on 01/27/15 at 18:43:00

That is a hell of an offer, I hope there is a service man/woman who could take you up on that. As the son of a Vietnam Vet its always great to see and hear about someone helping out the people that serve our country.

Well done


Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Pale Rider on 01/27/15 at 18:51:59

I'm interested in tubes and tube tester, if I can afford.

If that SE84ZS does indeed have issues, I'd be happy to take it, issues and all if the price is low enough.  :)

LonelyRaven, send me a PM. I have one person interested in the tester already, and possibly tubes.

I'd like to reserve the large items for service members, active or retired.

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Lonely Raven on 01/28/15 at 04:48:14

I'd like to reserve the large items for service members, active or retired.

And I think that's fantastic of you!

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Pale Rider on 01/28/15 at 21:03:51


1. B&K 707 Tube Tester taken.
2. Expression of interest by a service member in the larger equipment.
3. Request for generalized description of the tube inventory, which I am working on and should have done by this weekend. Maybe. :P

Thanks for everyone's interest.

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Chad Newman on 02/01/15 at 18:58:05

This is my first post as a new Decware forum member. I have been researching Decware gear and watching the classified section since November. Yesterday was my last day on active duty in the Air Force. I start my retirement today. Unfortunately I live in Texas and would love to talk to you about Decware tube amps. I mainly listen to vinyl and am interested in tube gear. I sold my speakers over Christmas and only now listen with headphones on my late 90's Kenwood surround sound receiver. What you are offering is awesome for veterans and active duty members. This is my first post so it prevents me from sending you a pm. Please let me know if your awesome offer is still available.

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Raymundo on 02/20/15 at 21:54:14

Hello Pale Rider and all,

This is my first post also.  Having read about your HT setup process posted here in play-by-play fashion, I believe I am familiar with your equipment and installation.

Since I am a long separated (from the Navy) veteran, I fall in line behind active duty, reserve, and freshly separated.

I am tempted to find a home for two pair of ERRs and a Sub and the Ultra pre-amp.

Please attempt to PM me so we can try to go to "first base".  I will review your system on the forum.  Is an audition possible?  The logistics sound like, I pick up at your place, put on pallet, and ship.  Very preliminary, but try and pm me and we can go from there.  Thanks.

(new guy trying to build a system from near scratch)

Title: Re: IC: Decware Ultra Preamp & ERR/Subs
Post by Pale Rider on 02/22/15 at 16:09:49

Got your message Ray, and I replied. And thanks much for your service.

All, I have a detailed message to post, but the forum filter is treating it as S P A M without specifying why. This is a frustrating aspect of the forum, but until Steve lets mw know why, I cannot risk posting it.

The equipment is spoken for, and I am just working on the inventory for the tubes. Will post more soon.

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