
Message started by stone_of_tone on 03/27/15 at 19:22:19

Title: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 03/27/15 at 19:22:19

I ordered a pair!  I spent some time reading all the great information about them here. Thanks Zygi, Lon, Tom Collins and Pale Rider.

I will spend the time on them for placement, tweeter adjustment and caps over the course of a year. Looks like moving to a Clarity MA will take some burn in time. Zygi, will they ship with the ClarityCaps?

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by ZYGI on 03/28/15 at 14:11:00


Thanks for the order.....

They can/will ship with whatever you want them to ship with. The sky is the limit.

I also suspect you'ed want the caps on the outside for easy access...


Title: Re: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 03/28/15 at 23:48:58

You bet Zygi.

Ship them with what you think is best for them from your experience to get me rolling well with them.

Yes, for sure, have the Caps on the outside for easy access.

What is the timeline for delivery?

It is about time I have a pair of Decware Speakers and your awesome craftsmanship.

Thanks, Stone

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by ZYGI on 03/29/15 at 00:05:09


ERRx's are next on my build list, Have some started already so less than a month I would say.


Title: Re: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 03/29/15 at 00:16:53


Thanks for the quick reply. I so look forward to them. Keep me posted.

Thanks again, Stone/Larry

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 03/31/15 at 13:08:32

Zygi, after a little more research here on the forum; I would like to have Mundorf mcap supremes for my Caps and Mundorf mresist supreme resistors installed. I want access to the Caps on the outside as we discussed above, as I might upgrade to Mundorf oil/silver Caps down the road you mentioned too in a post.

Are the resistor's located on the inside of the terminal plate? Can I have those on the outside for easy access with my Caps too? Or would that be to cluttered and tight?

What is the x-over points of the Caps for the ERRx, 12kHz? I was just researching the Decware MG944's at 12K cross. I'm having my Acoustic Zen Adagio's MTM config./T-Line, switched to full range and they will sweep for the best range for my Caps = Mundorf mcap supremes.

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by ZYGI on 03/31/15 at 23:45:01


They are not on the outside, they were when it was the ERR but it won't be a problem. (hopefully not sticking my foot into my mouth)

It isn't as simple as a cap, but the sky is the limit to how crazy you want to get, so long as you keep the same value. your liking and room. Won't effect the crossover, it just attenuates the tweeter.


Title: Re: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 04/01/15 at 14:59:22

Okay, thanks Bob.

I think I get it. They do have a internal x-over with Cap. Resistor on outside? I will figure it out when they arrive an ask questions. I look forward to this Radial design, as opposed to my SDA1's an Adagio's I'm having modded right now.

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 04/10/15 at 15:52:31

They are being cut.

I will have my modded Acoustic Zen Adagio's back by next Wednesday to burn in. Then, my ERRx will come in a couple weeks!

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by Dave1210 on 05/17/15 at 13:27:28 you have your ERRx's yet?  I am really looking forward to your impressions!  

Radial speakers have piqued my interest recently.  I heard the Muraudio radial electrostats at Axpona and was blown away.  Very detailed, huge soundstage, and it didn't really matter where you were sitting.   That said, I don't plan on dropping $65K on speakers in the near future...

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by Lon on 05/17/15 at 13:41:42

You'll find ERRs have huge soundstage and you can reap the benefit from almost anywhere in the room. As for very detailed. . . well my ERRs have plenty of details. My HR-1s have a bit more. . . but my ERRs have plenty imo.

My ERRs are the model previous to the current ones.

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by Dave1210 on 05/17/15 at 14:16:07

Thanks Lon.  Some radials I have heard (e.g. Ohm) in the past give a big soundstage, but haven't excelled at imaging.  The Muraudio speakers seemed to do both things well, and this system was one of only a few that transported me to the musical event.  

Can you comment on imaging for the Decware radials?

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by Lon on 05/17/15 at 14:49:41

Oh the ERRs excel with imaging, especially front to back. In my old home I sometimes had members of an orchestra playing in my front yard behind the windows of my living room which the ERRs were about six feet in front of! Bob Z told me one customer sent ERRs back because this was "not right" but it sure seems right to me if the recording is made with that sort of sonic perspective.

And as for the speicific image of an instrument, they excel at this. The last year or so my ERRs have been in duty at my parents house. I can't get them as far as I'd like out into the room there for spatial reproduction, but image "specificity" is excellent. Dad likes to listen to a particular Beethoven piano and cello sonata two cd set on Duetche Gramaphon and the piano and cello are so clearly delinieated on this . . . in a way it is not on any other set of speakers I've heard. You can hear each nuance of pedal movement and bow stroke, and not in a "detailed" analytical way, in a natural instrumenal way if that makes sense.

I would be surprised if Stone doesn't love his--my guess is that it will take him a while to get them, the wait is long on these historically. I've learned to love the HR-1s more, especially my most recent pair, but earlier in my joint history I could have said I preerred the ERRs, it is probably room and amplfier dependent. Both love the Torii.

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 05/17/15 at 15:21:48

My Modified Acoustic Zen Adagio's are so good....I canceled my ERRx order. I wanted them too, but a Concussion and a Appendectomy out of pocket/portion expenses, set me back. However, I'm back on track with things I've sold to get the new Mono's.

Listening Room:
Room Treatments from Michael Green & Home Brew
Sony as Transport (DVP-NS57P)/Sandwich weighted for Isolation
Illuminati D-60 Digital Coax IC
Decware DSD DAC / Recorder (@ -20 Ref Level @ 16/176.4)
Kimber Select KS1030 IC RCA
Decware CSP3 w/Jupiter Caps (NOS/Platinum/Telefunken 6922/E88CC .....for Input Tube)
Kimber Select KS1030 IC RCA
Decware Zen Mystery Amplifier (NOS/Platinum/Matsushita/National PCC88/ A12 an B12 Input Tube positions)
Kimber Select KS3033 Speaker Cable

***Acoustic Zen Adagio - Black Pearl (Modified)

XLO Pro Power Cords to CSP3 an ZMA
PS Audio P3 Power Plant / Pangea AC-9SE from wall to P3
(Transport, ZDSD an CSP3, Regenerated/118, 119 an 120v are used/Multiwave off...ZMA on HC Output)

Decware SE84CS (NOS Svetlana SV83's from 1980's-not the New Sensor knock-offs) ...when SE Pentodes run in Triode/Decware Style...needs to be in the System!

Pending: Decware SE TRIODE 6C33C Mono-blocks

***Acoustic Zen Adagio's x-over's Modified/Full Range with Mundorf MCap Supremes-on Tweets/4.5 cross
(Gutted: 3rd order Linkwitz/Riley's....with all crappy parts = gone).

[Mr. Lee's custom - w/less distortion under-hung neodymium shielded woofer's designed to his specifications in Germany & his in-house designed and made tweeter's.....Floor Spiked/78lb's each and at 48 inches tall.....can cause a Quake in the Room through these Transmission Lines when desired. Bass: deep - tight & musical at any Volume level with tonal balance].

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by Dave1210 on 05/17/15 at 16:23:29

Thanks Lon.  After a few ah ha moments recently, I realize how important an immersive soundstage is for holding my long term attention and overall listening enjoyment.  I think my room is holding me back right now, so radials could help.  Or I could continue to push the limits of aesthetic acceptability with room treatments.  

Stone.  Glad to hear the modified Adagios are to your liking.  

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 05/17/15 at 16:33:07

Dave, I still plan on getting the ERRx's and using Mundorf Mcap Supremes & Supreme Silver/Gold/Oils on them. It pained me to cancel the order with the email to Sarah. I spoke with Bob in a PM as well. Health first.....Audio second.

Moving them around the Room will be a pleasure to find the right place(s) for them. Even in the near field!

2115 ~ Decware SE Triode 6C33C Mono-blocks

2116 ~ New Pre & ERRx

Lon's input an the other Guys about these Speakers, has been very good and appreciated.

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by Dave1210 on 05/17/15 at 23:36:16

Bummer about the health issues Stone.  I hope you are feeling better and wish you a speedy recovery.  Health (and safety) first, always.  Take care.    

Title: Re: ERRx
Post by stone_of_tone on 05/18/15 at 16:44:39

Thanks Dave. I'm doing well. Happy Listening.

PS-ah, I meant 2015 & 2016 respectively above in my last post. I got a century ahead of myself.  ;D

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