AUDIO FORUMS >> Reviews >> Torii IV vs. Simaudio 600i

Message started by Stefan on 04/09/15 at 04:47:28

Title: Torii IV vs. Simaudio 600i
Post by Stefan on 04/09/15 at 04:47:28

Last weekend my friend and I compared my new Torii against his Simaudio 600i. We both have the same speakers (B&W 805N) and record player (mega rp6) which makes it a good comparison. Besides the amp the other main difference was that he has the Moon phono pre-amp with power supply ($3000) and I have a $300 phone pre-amp. Also my room is tiny and his is at least small. We both agreed that the mids sound way better on my system and that the sound stage is deeper and wider. For the higher frequencies we concluded that the cymbals sound more natural on the Torii. For the lower frequencies the Simaudio had the advantage, the drum kicks came faster and with more might. I wonder though if the phono pre amp is limiting the Torii as I hear the same issue via the headphones...
My tube mods compare to original: RCA OA2, Philips 5R4GYS, Cyro'ed Telefunken E88CC.

Thanks Steve for building an 'affordable' amp that makes listing so much fun!

Title: Re: Torii IV vs. Simaudio 600i
Post by Lonely Raven on 04/09/15 at 14:47:14

Sounds like a great comparison. The Decware amps sure are something special.

Title: Re: Torii IV vs. Simaudio 600i
Post by Acetone on 04/09/15 at 16:20:52

Stefan,  When I upgraded to ZP3 and put a ortofon 2M black cart on my turntable the sound (after some burn in time ) was amazing!!  Project tube box s phono stage and grado gold cart were in use previously. I am a very happy listener these days.

Title: Re: Torii IV vs. Simaudio 600i
Post by Stefan on 04/10/15 at 05:21:37

Thanks Acetone, the zp3 is definitely on my short list!

Title: Re: Torii IV vs. Simaudio 600i
Post by stone_of_tone on 04/10/15 at 17:00:10

Oh yeah, I've had Simaudio in my Listening Room. Decware won!

I need to get a ZP3.

Listening Room:
Room Treatments from Michael Green & Home Brew
Sony as Transport
Illuminati D-60
Decware DSD DAC / Recorder (@ -20 Ref Level @ 16/176.4)
Kimber Select KS1030 IC RCA
Decware CSP3 w/Jupiter Caps (NOS/Platinum/Telefunken 6922/CCa/7308 for input tube)
Kimber Select KS1030 IC RCA
Decware Zen Mystery Amplifier (NOS/Platinum/Matsushita / National PCC88 / 7DJ8 in A12 an B12 inputs)
Kimber Select KS3033 Speaker Cable
Vintage Polk SDA1 Speakers in Stereo (91db)
XLO Pro Power Cords to CSP3 an ZMA
PS Audio P3 Power Plant / Pangea AC-9SE from wall to P3
(Transport, ZDSD an CSP3, Regenerated/118, 119 an 120v are used/Multiwave off...ZMA on HC Output)

Decware SE84CS (NOS Svetlana SV83's from 1980's-not the New Sensor knock-offs) ...when SE Pentodes run in Triode/Decware Style...needs to be in the System!

*****Sending my SE84CS in for the UFO MOD

*****Decware ERRx Speaker's coming in a couple weeks!

*****Acoustic Zen Adagio's x-over's Modded/Full Range with Mundorf MCap Supremes-on Tweets/4.5k cross.....should have in a week-finished

Pending: Decware Preamplifier, October 2015

Pending: ZP3
Move Turntable to Listening Room & upgrade cartridge/countertop service at the Needle Doctor

Title: Re: Torii IV vs. Simaudio 600i
Post by Greg12 on 05/04/15 at 00:11:03


I can with confidence state that it is your phono-pre that is holding you back in the bass dept.  I had a $230 phono-pre and I could never get the bass to exhibit any punch.  It went deep, but was muddyish. Once I got the ZP3 though,  man!   I always thought that either the Torii III or the Monoliths were not up to the task.  Silly me.   It was the cheap pre.   Of course mids and treble improved greatly too.  3 dimensional sound now at my house.  If you have to eat only Ramen noodles for awhile to save up for a ZP3 then do it. :)   You just won't believe your ears once you do.   8-)


Title: Re: Torii IV vs. Simaudio 600i
Post by Syd on 06/11/15 at 20:24:17

You`ve probably got a decent cartridge in Stefan. It`s amazing what bass comes out of them with the ZP3. It`s just so effortless.

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