
Message started by Tommy Freefall on 07/26/20 at 19:31:12

Title: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Tommy Freefall on 07/26/20 at 19:31:12

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has experience with both the ERRx speakers and the HR-1s, and can clinic me on how these two speakers differ from one another.
I have been running the ERRxs for several years, but have been tempted by its bigger brother for a while now.
Occasionally, I wish I also had a more conventional forward-firing design - the midrange on the ERRxs can be a bit recessed on some material.
Decware’s Zen Masters Series OBs are tempting. And, the DNA2s are tempting as well.
However, I’d rather not have a secondary set of speakers in the space I’m currently using.
The HR-1s with both the radial design AND the front, forward-firing capability should give me the best of both worlds in a single speaker set.
However, selling my ERRxs and buying new HR-1s would not be an inexpensive transaction/upgrade.
And I’m wondering if it would be worth it.
The HR-1s could be an end-game speaker for me.

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Archie on 07/26/20 at 19:33:04

Tommy, I've never heard the ERRx but I loved my HR1s.  That is, until I heard the F15 in the big baffle.

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Lon on 07/26/20 at 20:28:22

For the last 10 years or so the HR-1 has been the end all speaker for me. I haven't heard ERRx but I had RL-1 and then RL-2 and then the HR-1 and then ERR and then a second pair of HR-1.

The RL-2 and the ERR I really love. But. . .you're right, there's that recessed portion of music now and then and they can be a bit too mellow at times, too laid back (and this from a guy who loves "laid back" sound). The HR-1 don't have that issue--in fact I have to dial the tweeters back quite a bit, but the reward is a huge sound field coming at you and around you. . . the combination of both omni and directional firing really does wonders for me. I've become addicted to it. And the HR-1 are a bit more efficient, and that little bit does a lot for the sound and impact in my rooms, allowing me to have the magic of the lower watt Taboo and Monoblocks and still have a bit of headroom (or quite a bit as I don't generaly listen quite loud).

So. . . I hate to report this but as you suspect I suspect the HR-1 will be an excellent speaker for you. I'm very happy and I'm making sure I don't hear the new OB speakers. . . I can't afford to make a change in the near future!

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Tommy Freefall on 07/26/20 at 20:57:20

Lon, thanks very much for your reply.

I take it the HR-1s that you own are without the upgrades that were released a couple of years ago?

If so, that's even more good news, because I recall Steve opined that the upgraded version is even more better & awesomey!

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Lon on 07/26/20 at 21:26:05

Correct--I have two pair: one is one of the last peototypes, and one bought 7 years ago--both in use in separate systems. The ERR have pretty much been idle the last five years.

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Tommy Freefall on 07/27/20 at 00:52:01

A few more questions.

The space I’m using the ERRxs in right now is very large. But one day I may have my system in a more normal-sized space.
How do the HR-1s do in small to medium sized spaces?

My ERRxs are not placement sensitive. In other words I don’t have them near a front or side wall, but at the same time I don’t need to use a tape measure, and/or have masking tape on the floor to position them exactly right to sound great.
Are the HR-1s also somewhat similarly placement agnostic?

Trivial, but when I occasionally need to move my ERRxs, instead of tilting them and lifting from the bottom, it is very easy to pick them up by their top plate and effortlessly move them temporarily out of the way when say, cleaning the floors, etc. It appears the HR-1s can also be picked up by their top plate, yes?

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Lon on 07/27/20 at 01:31:41

I'd say the HR-1s in my experience, if you want to get the sound and imaging and stage just right, are a bit more finicky than the ERR that I have--a by-product of their directional drivers--but not trememdously so especially if you don't want to be fanatical about all that.

And yes, you can pick them up by the top plate and move them about. That's a good exercise program.

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Tommy Freefall on 07/28/20 at 02:47:05

Any thoughts on how they perform in smaller-to-medium-sized rooms?

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Lon on 07/28/20 at 02:51:01

Sorry, I missed responding to that portion of your former post.

I would say they respond to room size in very similar manner to the ERR that I have used in the same rooms, with perhaps the HR-1 coming off just a little "stronger" in comparison. By which I mean they would rather have a little more space but are going to cooperate a bit reluctantly. . . . ;)

Title: Re: HR-1s vs ERRx
Post by Tommy Freefall on 07/29/20 at 00:52:27

Lon, thanks very much for your insights.
Greatly appreciated.

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