AUDIO FORUMS >> General Discussion and Support >> How many times have you checked the Wait List?

Message started by canonken on 03/10/21 at 03:44:19

Title: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by canonken on 03/10/21 at 03:44:19

Not going to lie, I have checked it hundreds of times since my order on 10/2 - checking every day, often a few times a day to see it moving up.  Steve probably needs to collect another $20 from me for bandwidth usage!

I also notice as of writing the wait list is up to 421 - I think it was about 180 when I ordered, and looks like I will be right around the 5.5 month mark, so it is up to a full year now!?  Hope I don't immediately want to order something else!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Rivieraranch on 03/10/21 at 12:08:06

As with anything else you can let it take over your life. I tried watching the list only when I remembered my order. Then the email notified of any change in status. I was also curious about the number of orders for the equipment I was interested in, as far as trends.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Eldergod on 03/10/21 at 14:37:20

Haha..... yeah.  It was a LOT.  Try to forget about it as you'll get email updates.  Ordered my amp mid August, and received last Friday.  There were only 146 on the list at the time.  You can do the math.  Well worth the wait after some good burn in/heat cycles.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tal on 03/10/21 at 17:27:31

I still find myself frequently checking the list. And this is not my first time I've ordered a Decware amp. So I know the drill. Nonetheless, I succumb to the anticipation! Placed my order at the end of August. So, I'm at the top of the list. Hopefully not much longer  :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by mperdue63 on 03/11/21 at 14:34:41

23 weeks in, does it seem that the weeks get longer and longer or is it just me. I've checked so often my computer thinks that the waitlist is my home page. As always, good things come to those who wait!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/11/21 at 15:09:31

Waiting times are longer than ever before. . . . I'm glad I am not waiting for anything now. It used to be agony when I first started with Decware. But I got used to it. . . but I never had to wait this long!

It's a good sign for Decware, the company has gotten stronger and stronger with an ever more intriguing product line, and this last decade national and international notice. It's so wonderful to see this happen to good people with truly valuable and satisfying components.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 03/11/21 at 15:31:28

agreed, and don't gouge the public like acoustic research, jeff rowland, etc.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dominick on 03/11/21 at 16:51:15

With a new amp on order and finally now on the bench, I’ve been known to stalk the list every now and then.  My order was placed back in the beginning of October, so I’ve been patiently waiting.   Glad I’m finally in the home stretch.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by canonken on 03/11/21 at 23:07:15

Also wondering what Decfest might look like - LOTS of people being added to the owner pool, or just aware of the brand and interested in an event.

I would try to go!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nick324 on 03/19/21 at 00:03:41

Well, I won’t do that again till Septemebrr at the earliest..Nope, no point in it, eventually my amp will ship...Someday  :o

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by SDBiotek on 04/21/21 at 21:00:10

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums here, and recently purchased a Taboo. The long wait has begun. Just curious: how long did you have to wait for your order to show up on the waiting list? Mine has not been added yet.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 04/21/21 at 21:28:29

It took about a week before me amps were on the list and that was last summer. I got them 5 months and a day after I ordered them, and the wait was totally worth it.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/21/21 at 21:29:34

Been checking to see when I make the list. Once that happens just going to forget about it until my B-day. So in five months I'll check .

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MrDerrick on 04/21/21 at 22:22:40

I check it every day and don't even have anything ordered!

I like to see what new orders are being placed, where they are going and what appears to be popular.

I might have a problem.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 04/22/21 at 00:16:52

I had to laugh... clearly we need to get you back on the list : )


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by SDBiotek on 04/22/21 at 05:25:16

Haha, thanks for the input guys!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 04/23/21 at 13:53:54

I am just happy I made it off the last page

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tubeshy on 04/23/21 at 19:47:28

Only checked today to show my kiddo how far far back orderes are that are no longer "new" on the list.

I no longer check it. I'll go mad  [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by SDBiotek on 04/23/21 at 20:14:35

My amp order was placed on April 8, so I'm still in "check every day" mode until I just see it added onto the tracking sheet. Tick tock!After it's officially on the list, I'll feel better.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by sfw on 04/25/21 at 22:39:35

Me too…  I ordered on 4/11 and would just like to see it on the list. I had hoped to build an Amp Camp Amp to fill what now seems could be a sizable time hole before I get my Decware, but those kits are now out-of-stock until Q3,  :'( . Noodling on a plan C...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by SDBiotek on 04/28/21 at 19:59:52

FYI, my order from April 8 is listed now, so hopefully others will show up on the wait list too. I also got a tracking number for the radials I ordered! They will need to wait a long time for the amp, lol, but I'll get by with a cheap amp for now.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DPC on 05/18/21 at 11:18:41

Holy Stuff Batman, 527 orders as of right now.  I'm sure there are more to be added soon.

Having recently escaped the list with me new ZROCK I'm very happy!

My hat is off to Decware for their success!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by kulafu on 05/24/21 at 17:55:21

Just checked....599!  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Windace on 05/24/21 at 19:04:13

When I ordered the Zen back in Feb. I sold all my solid state gear. To keep the music going for the wait I purchased a TubeCube7 for $160.00 including shipping and tubes. I was shocked how good this little amp sounds with my Omega Speakers. Good review at Glow in the Dark. Can't wait for the Zen!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by drford on 05/24/21 at 19:19:46

+1 on the TubeCube. I bought it just to get used to tubes while i wait (now in the top 20... so close I can touch it) and it's a pretty legit little amp.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JP on 05/24/21 at 19:40:39

I’m about to do a happy dance that I’m almost on page 1!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by kulafu on 05/25/21 at 01:19:30

Hooray!  I made it on page 1!  I don"t have the tubecube7 but I also read the glow in the dark amp reviews and came across a used elekit 8200R and it is what got me into tube amps.  Then i came across his reviews of the Decware amps and the gurus here and now I am getting closer!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 05/26/21 at 04:23:28

God bless each of you for your patients!  No one could have predicted that we would be over 10X busier than normal but the great sound of our amplifiers and the Covid 19 situation aligned to turn a lot of people on to what most of you already knew as sound that was nearly a drug in and of itself.

We are all lucky to have such a variety of sound experience at our fingertips due to technology.  Let's not waste it.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by EdwardT on 05/27/21 at 14:19:28

Ah, I couldn’t resist temptation as our used Rachel opened my ears and then lust for a bit more power compelled me to order a Torii Jr. V2.
I, too, will be on the list one day, way down at the bottom  :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Drew T on 06/09/21 at 17:56:26

Hello from Canada,
Generally speaking - after placing your order , how long does it usually take for your name to appear on the wait  list ? I believe the last update was 5/18/21 ? I don’t ask out of impatience as I know Decware is swamped with new orders and I  empathize completely -  just curious ?  Thank you 🙏

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 06/09/21 at 18:03:51

Two to three weeks seems to be the norm this year.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Drew T on 06/09/21 at 20:11:16

Thank you Lon .

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by EdwardT on 06/24/21 at 18:43:24

Yee-haw! I made the list! That was right at 30 days, now the real wait begins.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JWLaudio on 07/23/21 at 07:32:06

I've checked several times already, but wow, it hasn't even been 3 weeks since I ordered. It seems like it's been so much longer.

Not entirely off-topic, but is there also a speaker waitlist?  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 07/23/21 at 17:46:34

JW........I feel ya .......those first few weeks after ordering seem to stretch into oblivion.  I'm coming up on 2 months  and have settled into the groove, content to only check the list once a month (instead of 6 times a day) .....and not drive myself crazy. HAHA!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 07/23/21 at 19:23:24

I guess everyone goes through this phase, I sure did.  There may be a diagnostic category for it, something like Obsessive-compulsive Waiting List Disorder or (OCWL). :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 07/26/21 at 17:09:22

There is a list...
It can be checked...
I can follow the birth of my amp?

I was not aware, oh God.

Can someone point me in the "right" direction?
Perhaps a link to that page?

Oh Lord. This could be addictive...




Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 07/26/21 at 17:13:57

Coyote -

Under both FAQ, and General discussions, at the top of the page "Important Topics", you'll see a "Real Time Amplifier Waiting List", that contains the link which is now several pages long, sorted by date.  You have the option to change how it is organized.

It can sometimes take a while for updates to be made, with how busy they are, but they will update as they can.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Thermionic on 07/26/21 at 17:53:03

Lon, twice including today.  When I tried your link and the Decware one the list would not load.  I assume Sarah is updating it. I most likely will not see my ZEN SE84UFO25 until well after New Years Day. 2022  Originally hoping for Thanksgiving 2021.  No worries as I have a used ZEN SE84UFO with anniversary mods due in this afternoon.  Picked it up to get me by until the new unit ships.    Now onto my speaker journey, Charney, Pure Audio Project, Lii Silver Reference 10, or ZEN Master 10.  Maybe Zu.  Klipsch keeps gnawing at me, but last time I heard them I was not impressed.  The Heritage series IV are supposedly an improvement. I have a local dealer who has offered a demo with a Decware amp.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 07/26/21 at 18:16:08

Thank you all for the information.

Oh, I am not in hurry one could say that I have been planning this purchase since I first heard of Decware circa 1998!

I like what the Decware team is doing.

I read somewhere that Steve even said to his team to take the necessary time in building the best they could build and "ignore" the size of the waiting list.

I like that.
It is called having your priority straight!

"Watching" notes on the little Amp being created over the next months will just be eye candy. I might have to buy a T-shirt in the mean time, or something. ;-)

I am new to the forum, so still trying to "find my way" around!

Kind regards,


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 07/27/21 at 21:42:04

FYI -  

Steve has just posted an updated/refreshed link in the "Realtime Amplifier Waiting List"  post.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 07/28/21 at 02:30:46

Yes, Thermonic, when Lon posted the link it was legit, but recently was changed to:

I also edited Lon's post and put the correct link in it.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 07/28/21 at 03:20:23

Thanks Steve.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 07/28/21 at 16:42:44

WooHoo!!!! My name is on the list!
And climbing!!

There are some people from Switzerland, Singapore, the UK etc in that list.

Congratulations to Steve, your products are truly your ambassadors.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/03/21 at 17:11:42

0K, so it took less than two weeks.
The urge was too strong, the temptation to big.

I created a small spreadsheet to track my UFO2 progress.

Soon Tim N from MD will receive his UFO with Black chicken knob, Copper Foil Caps & bypass mod.

743 orders later it will be my turn.

41 orders after that it will be Brian T from NM turn.

We are pretty chill in the PNW.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Andrew77 on 08/03/21 at 17:52:57

When first added to the list I was checking twice a day, morning and night, every day.  Ended up printing out the list (18 pages) and started marking off the equipment as it goes out the door.   It was satisfying to mark items off the list and it was also really pleasing to know those people all had a wonderful package arriving in the mail shortly :)  

It is really quite interesting to see how many different countries the orders are coming from.  Speaks to a very satisfied customers.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/03/21 at 19:06:57

"I was checking twice a day, morning and night, every day."
Hahaha, well that is more addicted than I am (so far!).

Yes! That is why I created the spreadsheet. It was satisfying to see PeterD getting off the list a few days ago, I can imagine the little box being trucked across the USA and indeed many travel around the world.

Glad to hear you are happy with your gear!
What had you ordered?


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Andrew77 on 08/03/21 at 20:23:09

@Coyote I ordered a TORII MK4.  Hasn't arrived yet, but waiting patiently.  :-)  It's my gift to myself for getting through a bout of colon cancer.  Life's too short to be wishing on tomorrow.

For now, I have an old home theatre amp I rescued from a friend's basement.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/03/21 at 20:44:10


TORII MK4, I think this is an excellent idea, we are not going to take that $$ with us anyway.

Congratulation in slaying the dragon!

The UFO2 is my gift to myself for turning 60 next April :-)



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/09/21 at 04:43:38

I check the list every few weeks.  While it wouldn’t move the list any faster, it would be helpful to have one’s place in line numerically displayed next to the order.  I end up counting the orders ahead of me, which is tedious.  I’m 5 months in and getting excited that there’s only 2 to 3 months before shipping.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 08/09/21 at 16:16:38

Dancing Sea,

You are able to convert the list into a spread sheet that will show numbered lines on the left side.

On the top right corner of the waiting list, you will see three horizontal lines, after clicking on this, you will see the "spread sheet" option.  From there, I believe you can sort the list in any fashion you want, and you will also see a number attached to your position.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/09/21 at 18:15:38

Cool, thanks Andrew. That works great. I’m 232.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 08/09/21 at 18:49:40

#232!  I am envious - from #396  :)  Ditto thanks to Andrew.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/09/21 at 19:41:33

Has anyone calculated how many orders ship per month on average?  I’m over 5 months in and started at about #370.  That would suggest under 30 ship per month and that at #232, I’m not even halfway after 5 months.  And with 800 on the list now, a 2 year wait for new orders.

I’m fairly sure about my #370 starting point. That was back when there were 200 per page and I was near the bottom of the second page upon purchase.  Admittedly there might be errors in my data, hopefully someone has a more accurate figure of how many orders ship per month.

I just remember when I purchased on March 1, they were fulfilling October orders.  Now the are on December after 5 months.

To the positive, I’d like a Zen Line Conditioner. If I order today I won’t have to pay for perhaps 2 years 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by kulafu on 08/09/21 at 21:05:57

I have been tracking my orders periodically since May and it looks like Steve's team is trending at 38 per month.  For me, I would prefer quality over time but I get the excitement of getting them into your hands.....

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/09/21 at 21:30:05

Wow, at 38 per month that gives me about 6 months more, or 11 months total.  And new orders at around 21 months.  I’m not complaining, happy for Steve’s success and devotion to quality.  But this does help clarify my Decware purchasing strategy.  Basically, do my part to make the wait yet longer 😂

I wonder what percentage of orders are not complete due to the intermediary death of the customer 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Thermionic on 08/09/21 at 22:55:21

Glad I picked up a slightly used ZEN SE84UFO with anniversary mod about three weeks back, as my order was late April and at 38 per month12.25 months in addition to the 3.5 months I have in now.  So I'll come knockin' in September 2022. As I said, glad I pulled the trigger on the used unit.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 08/10/21 at 00:31:50

21 months!?  I'm sorry, that is not a viable business model.

The used market ought to be getting crazy.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/11/21 at 01:40:38

I'm not sure this influx in orders actually benefits Decware unless they can increase the rate of production without sacrificing quality.  Decware had been cruising along with a perpetual 3-ish month wait.  That's what I was quoted last summer. Increasing the waitlist to 800 orders doesn't bring Decware any more money than they were making before unless their capacity to produce increases.  Only difference is customers must now wait an unreasonably long time. Such is the blessing and curse of a sudden influx of print and YouTube reviews.  Might have been better off remaining on the down low.  Such are the perils of success.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/11/21 at 05:34:01


As a small business owner (by choice), I would tend to agree with Dancing Sea. Controlling your orders/deliveries, managing expectations is as important as getting orders.

You are only as good as your last sale.

Keeping control of your delivery time is important, otherwise with long uncontrolled delivery time you risk having people selling their "spot" in the queue for $$ and at that point you loses control of the selling price and production line.  

Of course as the delivery delays increase the customer expectation's increase and that can be a compounding problem.
"I waited so long, it WILL be perfect, right?"

Moving Co. assets (people) from promotion to production etc, can be an option.

I would agree with a previous post.
9 months is an exceptionally long delivery schedule, only acceptable because this product is sold as a "boutique, custom item" but at 9 months it must still hurt the business model.

At a 21 months cycle it would likely be unsustainable to control business growth and QC, new orders could simply be refused to avoid clients frustrations, control pace, and future QC issues that would impede future production.

Lets all take a deep breath and support Decware, they will sort this out.
I am with 'it is worth the wait group'.

All this being said I am not even sure where the '21 months' figure is coming from or if it is accurate.

Cheers all,


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/11/21 at 08:40:55

Coyote, thanks for the insight. The 21 months comes from there being about 800 current orders and a shipping rate of about 38 orders per month as calculated by the gentleman above.  That works out to a rough average of 21 months for an order placed today at that approximate rate of production.  Sarah would have to provide a correction if our informal calculations aren’t correct.

21 months isn’t good for Decware or the customer.  It’s a tough spot for Decware to be in.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/11/21 at 15:35:38

Hi Dancing Sea,

I re-read the posts, and Ha, I see.
Well I will think of this as a small consequence of the increase in Decware success and recognition.

This little bump in the delivery schedule will stabilize itself, I am certain they are keeping an eye on it. We also do not know what production 'capacity' Decware has.

Keeping the Quality Control as high as possible is always part of the solution so it does not bight you later... And carillon!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Thermionic on 08/11/21 at 16:44:32

Interesting times for Steve and the Decware crew. As I have other equipment waiting it out isn't a problem.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out between customer patience and Decware's ability to adjust to the increased demand.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/11/21 at 21:21:48

I called to add a mod to my order and spoke with Sarah.  She said new orders are currently running about 34 weeks, which is 8 months.  They have run into issues with the supply of parts that have slowed things.  And they are considering having one tech to focus on the quick things like ZRocks, and other small devices to move those along faster, and free up the amp chain.

They are keenly aware of the situation and feel badly about it.  They are just a very small company and the run of multiple glowing reviews has overwhelmed them a bit.  I expressed our collective sentiment that we’re fine with the wait as long as quality remains as it has.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 08/11/21 at 21:26:43

That's great to hear!  That means my wait at this point is about 6 months or so, which I am fine with. Even if is closer to 8.  I am definitely willing to be patient for such a great product, but will admit I had grown a bit dispirited at thinking I might be waiting another 16 months.

Thanks for the call to Sarah!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/11/21 at 21:30:37

The part we neglected to consider in our original hypothesis is the covid related disruption of parts supplies.

My order was placed on March 1, 1978 (just kidding).  But it was on March 1st.  She said late October to early November was a reasonable estimate for shipping.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Thermionic on 08/11/21 at 22:02:23

@DancingSea, as you have a ZRock on order the should pull forward.  Is that reflected in Sarah's estimate? It will be interesting to see how supply chain, COVID and shipping issues impact their production and delivery schedule.  It makes sense to bring in an additional tech to knock out the simpler items on the build list that is unless the orders are tied to long lead time products.  Having been to their facility, yes it is small but in capable hands.   Patience is key.  One means to tamp down demand is, dare I say it a price adjustment on new orders, or placing low margin products on temporary hold.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/11/21 at 22:19:05

My understanding was that they had already hired extra techs, but are now thinking of different ways to utilize them.  I think her estimate of my ZRock2 order did not include the reorganization idea.

My guess is that they are assuming this is a temporary influx of orders that will ease up over time.  Magnepan had to deal with this on the LRS, but they are significantly larger company.  It’s difficult to hire a stable of new workers for a temporary influx, only to have to then lay off those workers.  I’m sure part of this equation is how to best serve their employees, as well it should be.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Thermionic on 08/11/21 at 23:11:56

@DancingSea:My understanding was that they had already hired extra techs, but are now thinking of different ways to utilize them.  I think her estimate of my ZRock2 order did not include the reorganization idea.

Surprised you didn't clarify it.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 08/11/21 at 23:29:24

Steve mentioned recently that they have two shifts of technicians working at this time. Also, when they first came out with the Zen Line Conditioner there were a lot of orders. Steve had one of the newer techs dedicated to building these and they increased turn around on build and shipping.

So while I understand the wait can be difficult, please folks Steve and his crew will do everything feasible to get orders shipped w/out sacrificing quality builds.

If it's too much, try buying a used unit or inexpensive drop in during the wait. Your patience will be rewarded in time.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Thermionic on 08/12/21 at 00:00:48

Bought a used unit a new tube set about a month back.  I see no harm in discussing anticipated delivery dates, the potential for ship dates slipping, and how Decware may address their backlog.  

Personally I don't find the wait difficult or problematic and don't/won't speak for others.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/12/21 at 01:14:50

@Thermionic - Well, there were several questions I wanted to ask, but sensed she was busy.  And after all, this isn’t a Frontline investigation 😂

I wanted to ask how they came to that 8 month wait conclusion.  Possibly it’s based upon the notion that they are currently fulfilling Dec 2020 orders.  I see 67 remaining December orders on the list.  And this is August.  That comes to about 8 months for the wait.

However, if their orders per month has increased substantially then the 34 week (8 month) figure might not be accurate because it’s based upon a period in which they had fewer orders per month.

I see the following:
Dec = 67 orders remaining
Jan = 70
Feb = 87
March = 100
April = 177
May = 108
June = 75
July = 76

How all that shakes out, I’m not sure.  There seems to be a spike Feb through May (4 months), and then it’s coming back down.  My non accounting background speculates that the 34 week wait might be an underestimate, especially after the spike.  

I also wanted to ask how many orders ship per month, but it felt like an overreach on my part in context of the conversation.

I’d be thrilled if my order came by November, which would be 8 months for me.  But I’m guessing it might be more like January.

Either way, it shall be what it shall be.  No worries either way on my end.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MrDerrick on 08/12/21 at 01:37:04

I placed orders three times with Decware.
All three times I was around 180 on the build list.

The first order took about 19 weeks.
The second took about 17 weeks.
The third I cancelled because the exact same item I ordered came up in the classified section.

So shooting from the hip, if being 180 on the list takes 17 - 19 weeks.
Might it take 34 -38 weeks if you where 360 on the list?
And it you where 720 on the list and Steve doubled his staff, would you still be lookin at around 34 -38 weeks?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/12/21 at 01:45:44

Yes, we don’t have the data to reach an accurate conclusion.  We don’t know by what degree production has been increased.

I can say that I entered the list with 370 on it, that was March 1.  I’m now 228.  That’s 142 orders in over 5 months.  At that pace, the 34 weeks is off by quite a bit.

April had the Andrew Robinson YouTube video.  That must’ve caused that spike.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Thermionic on 08/12/21 at 02:41:43

Makes sense, word gets out, demand builds, supply chain issues hit, and there is a wait.  No problem for me, I won't speak for others as I previously noted.  Seeing it is August 11 and I am at 466 on the list there is no worry about a wait, best to trust Decware. It will show up at some point unless I hear officially from Decware. It is far enough out and with so many variables under no ones control its best to just sit back and enjoy what I have.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/15/21 at 00:18:57

Actually something drastic needs to happen, and happen right now.

The current status quo is going to cause problems with existing orders. At the current rate of output, a large proportion of orders are still 12+ mos. away from shipment.

The current way of business isn't working. Blah blah blah aboit the supply chain. The workforce is necessarily going to have to expand significantly.

I put my order in at the beginning of May, and I'm #510 on the list. Thats almost 4 mos. ago. And now Im still looking at something like 13 more mos.

Yup, something very, very drastic needs to change, and pronto.

Hopefully Steve will make some sort of announcement about this really soon.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/15/21 at 00:58:50

My best guess is they’ve miscalculated the wait times.  Saying they are fulfilling December 2020 orders now (August 2021), which is 8 months behind and thus means an 8 month wait is very inaccurate math.  Especially given the large spike in March, April, and May.  

Waits are ok. My concern is that they are telling folks 34 weeks when that’s very unlikely to be remotely accurate.  That could lead to upset folks. Not me, I’m totally fine waiting, but it’s not the most tactful way to run an otherwise fabulous business.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/15/21 at 01:08:48

DancingSea, I agree.

Bottom line: He needs several more techs, like right now.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/17/21 at 22:04:29

Steve, what is your plan moving forward to avoid 12+ mo. wait times?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bilyeaux on 08/17/21 at 23:26:00

I made my order 1/6/21 and parts pulled this past Monday! Its been quite a test of delayed gratification, very happy as is what I expected. When I ordered I anticipated receiving in mid July to end of. I should recieve before months end and am fired up. It is totally understandable not only due to the Plauge, the economic crisis due to obvious reasons, and the explosion of interest and sales of the Decware products. Steve didn’t get here by luck, he is a very smart Dude and certainly is feverishly working to get to where he needs to be and at the sme time maintaining the same quality in the process. So why dont we chill out and back off the pressure for answers to his problems so he can focus on what he needs to…..

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/18/21 at 00:08:48


I'm only asking what Steve's plan is. I know he's really smart, and I'm sure he has a great plan of attack. To know the plan is very helpful for everyone on the order list, particularly after the huge influx orders flew in over the several months AFTER you put your order in.

Sticking one's head in the sand doesn't answer important questions, and this IS an issue. It isn't just all about you, okay?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MrDerrick on 08/18/21 at 00:24:14


And I placed my Cybertruck order late November 2019.
I'm in the first 250K out of a million plus.
I wonder how long I'll have to wait?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Scott M on 08/19/21 at 14:55:00

When I placed an amp order in late February 2021 was told the lead time was 24 weeks.  IIRC - amps ordered in October 2020 were being built then. It has been 25 weeks now and they are still building amps ordered in December 2020.   Am guessing the lead time is more like 48 weeks most likely.  Oh well......

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/19/21 at 16:40:54

Its going to soon be about 15 mos. for those who ordered during March and thereafter.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 08/19/21 at 17:24:03

I'm going to go to McDonald's while I wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 08/20/21 at 05:13:02

We are actually making some real progress behind the scenes. We doubled our techs around a year ago when the cat was let out of the bag and have been running two shifts since to make things happen. This winter we will be training more help and finding places for them to work.

Our normal build sheet for the past 15 years has been an average of 75 amps. We are now well over 750, despite shipping more product this year than ever before. That's 10 times the load that this ship was designed for.

As things move along we will begin to transition our list into layers. Simpler items will be built sooner to reduce the overall size of the list, which will shorten build times for everyone.

This artisan business model is not scalable. If you want artisan quality products vs. mass produced, and you live in todays CoVid handicapped world, you're going to have to wait for it. Our commitment is simply this: It will be worth the wait.

Things are running pretty tight around here, and despite all the pressure nothing is going out the door with defects and our creative energies haven't been stifled in fact quite the opposite because as we create new ways to deal with this, we keep accidentally having ideas for new products or product improvements.

The future looks bright, as we hope to bring more audio joy to all of you. Both on the speaker end and the amplifier end of things.

Our friends at Lii Audio have been exemplary with their drivers and reference cabinet. They have helped us place what seems like at least a 100 pair into peoples homes around the world so far and we plan to see a lot more offerings from them as we all spend more time in the listening room! Their F15 and Crystal 10 drives that we have incorporated into our Zen Master Series Baffles are flooding the DIY circles with our plans and we have built many pair of these wonderful baffles this year for those who don't do DIY not to mention our affiliate Randy Rash of Caintuck Audio's contribution with his highly affordable small size baffles that simply defy reason...  

And then there are Tube Tots. I have thought about calling them Face Melters, but it's too many letters ; ). These $1200 exotic stand mount almost tiny speakers defy reason when you hear the sound stage and resolution. Some of the best midrange you've ever heard.  Like QUAD quality midrange...  They are in production now with 30 pairs planned for inventory this fall.  Hear them at DECFEST, or make a listening appointment. Also we will start to leak YouTube video speaker demos of these little gems this fall.

We are now getting ready for DECFEST 2021 that all of us who know about DECFEST desperately need after not getting to have one last year due to Covid. It will be wonderful! When people who have never attended one hear the 2 watt Zen Triodes on 100dB speakers and then hear 20 watt Zen TORII's on 93dB speakers that only cost $1200 a pair there will be more than a few sleepless nights trying to figure out which way to go.

Oh yea, we've been doing in house hydrographic paint jobs on both amplifier chassis and our Tiny Radial speakers. These will be starting to appear for sale this fall. It has so far been a lot of fun learning all the many ways to fail at it, but that's how you get good and we need it to be good if it's going to be Decware.

We also have several other things in the pipe that will happen as we move into next year

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Thermionic on 08/20/21 at 14:29:44

Worth the wait hell yes!  Thanks for sharing insight into behind the scenes activities to ramp up production while maintaining quality Decware is known for.  For those not willing to wait, well that is a matter of personal choice.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nick324 on 08/20/21 at 15:57:34

I have waited over 2 years for custom pieces, guns specifically. My previous vehicle took 16 months from deposit to delivery, my home took 1 year from deposit to keys in hand, it took me 18 months from job offer to the first day I walked in the door. Good things, quality and most importantly hand made specialties take time. I too suffer from, " I want it now" attitude, I have learned to deal with it. Thank you Steve, just keep up the good work, I DON'T want a product that has been rushed and then performs poorly or worse yet has issues out of the gate...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/20/21 at 18:37:53

Indeed, quality far over quantity. No exceptions, not one, ever. That is the Decware mission.

As posted in the related thread, kudos to you Steve! Great job

And thanks for the update.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/20/21 at 18:39:16

I have no problem with the wait, totally fine with me. I think the actual legitimate issue is a customer service one.  That the wait times quoted at sale are widely inaccurate.  It’s a matter of attention rather than anything that would speed up production.  It’s not difficult to quote a far more accurate estimate.  More an issue of good form than anything overly significant.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 08/20/21 at 19:04:49

Exactly!  Managing expectations.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/20/21 at 22:50:13


Here is the operative phrase that a few here didn't care to hear about at all, and made it pretty clear their underlying thinking is that no one else should have cared either:

This winter we will be training more help and finding places for them to work.

The above excerpt from Steve's post will be the next difference maker along with the shift in assembly priorities and exactly what I trying to find out as to whether it was in the get well plan.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by derekinla on 08/22/21 at 04:18:47

I finally made the plunge and placed a deposit toward a Torii JrV2 with copper bypass mods! I've been wrestling between getting a 5-6W Rachael vs the 20W Torii JrV2 but I decided that the dynamic headroom of having 12dB's of SPL on tap would make my transition into the world of tube's a bit easier as I currently have low sensitivity Elac Debut B5.2's. While the wait time will be a torture test of delayed gratification, I am more than willing to wait the many months for the gift of audio nirvana from Steve and the audio gods at Decware! :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/22/21 at 05:15:22

Derekinla, congrats on the purchase!!

It’s funny how the waitlist psychology can work.  I got on the list for the ZRock2 in March not entirely sure I wanted, or needed, a ZR2.  The wait was about 5 months at the time, thought I could decide before parts were pulled.  As the 5 months have come and gone (transforming into a fuzzy unknown) my thinking has shifted from “do I really need one” to “if I cancel the order and change my mind, I’ll be #999 on the list”!  The exponential list growth has completely done away with any notion other than acquiring a ZR2, needed or not 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lin on 08/22/21 at 14:07:15

The good news right now is if you get something and decide that it's not what you want, you can sale it at a profit* to someone that doesn't want to wait. ;)

* or to break even

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/22/21 at 17:50:42

True. And ironic.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/26/21 at 02:49:07

FWIW, in 2 weeks I’ve moved up 20 spots; not that I check it very often, or that it means anything to me, no really, it’s meaningless, like zero, zip, nada, bass restoration is for suckers anyway 😂.
This jibes with the 38 per month quote.  40 per months seems to be a reasonable estimate.  I’m at 210, so that’s another 5 months in addition to the 6 months already waited.  For 11 months grand total for a March order.  April and May have a big spike in orders which would push that out even further.  According to my math, the new winter hires that Steve mentioned align for when the April/ May spike orders will be coming up to bat.  Thus hopefully that will keep everyone in the under 12 month wait window.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by derekinla on 08/27/21 at 01:38:33

Do the dates on the wait list correlate with the order date? I placed my order on 8/21/21 and I see that an order from another customer was added to the list today with the date of 8/23/21. I don't see my order yet but I'm guessing my order will appear within next few weeks?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 08/27/21 at 01:56:58

It took 3 weeks for my order to appear on the list. Thus there’s a waitlist to get on the waitlist 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 08/27/21 at 02:45:54

On a positive note, since the 27th of last month I’ve moved up 53 spots as of today, so that eclipses the current monthly estimates on this feed.  :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/27/21 at 03:10:33

That is very positive! Pretty impressive. Hopefully not an outlier.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 08/27/21 at 03:13:33

  It took 3 weeks for my order to appear on the list. Thus there’s a waitlist to get on the waitlist

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/29/21 at 19:46:28

"There’s a waitlist to get on the waitlist 😂"

Hahaha, I love it.

Personally, I honestly do not check the list more than 1 time per hour on the hour. I try not to check during night time but with the time difference between right coast and the left coast sometimes...

Serious I do not really check when I do I put it into a little spreadsheet I created, just but it is just to see the "rate".

Today I am close to leaving the "700 serie" and entering the 600 serie so getting closer everyday!!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/29/21 at 19:50:08


Woooohaaaa, house hydrographic paint jobs on amplifier chassis how I love the red/black one on the right there.

That would not fit on a UFO2 by any chance??



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tubeshy on 09/01/21 at 19:39:58

Once a month now only 203 to be built before mine  [smiley=cool.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 09/01/21 at 23:36:45

Hey #203, that is pretty cool.  Hopefully you might receive your amp right around Christmas or New Years.  What a great way to start the New Year!  Sincerely, #360

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 09/01/21 at 23:53:06

I’m #197. The race is on!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 09/02/21 at 00:08:51

Hey guys. That’s awesome. Some comradery among those on the list. That’ll make the wait a little better. Be here before you know it  8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 09/02/21 at 00:30:39

#475 here, cya in 12 mos! I'll bet I made the 3 of you feel that much better!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 09/02/21 at 00:32:10

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 09/02/21 at 00:39:40


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 09/02/21 at 01:22:34

Ahem… #608.  :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 09/03/21 at 17:46:57

In future generations, ordering a Decware will be like opening an IRA.  Order in your 20’s with delivery by retirement 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 09/03/21 at 18:00:51

Instead of a gold watch, you get a Zen amp...........sounds like a better deal to me. HAHAHA!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 09/03/21 at 18:29:17

Can your place on the list be inherited in case of death?   ;D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 09/03/21 at 19:04:26

Yes, list placement truly ought to be deeded...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 09/03/21 at 21:47:28

Upon reflection, I’m going to sell my waitlist spot as a NFT.  This will allow me to retain my actual place in line and make a little cash on the side.

NFT asking price is $12 billion.  Hit me up with a PM if interested 😂🌈

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by derekinla on 09/07/21 at 06:31:47[img][/img]

Prepare for another bump in orders.. YouTuber Thomas & Stereo just got his hands on an SE84UFO2. He has about 1/4 the # of subscribers as Steve Guttenberg's Audiophiliac channel or Andrew Robinson's channel.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 09/07/21 at 15:44:43

5 months now almost my B-day ...time to check the list soon.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 09/07/21 at 15:53:41

 In future generations, ordering a Decware will be like opening an IRA.  Order in your 20’s with delivery by retirement 😂


Hey DancingSea, you're a-ok in my book  ;)


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ja1 on 09/09/21 at 03:28:57

Checked it twice today. Even though (or because) I received two Emails, My CSP325 shipped today and my ZMA has been updated to packing and shipping.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 09/09/21 at 03:46:52

Hey ja1,

Congrats. That is so cool.  I bet next week will be memorable once everything is up and running.  Let us know how it sounds.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 09/09/21 at 06:40:34

In the spirit of “for what it’s worth”, on August 8th I was number 232. On September 8th I’m at 192.  That’s 40 orders in one month.  Which has been the average for several months.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 09/09/21 at 15:04:41

DancingSea, that does seem to be the ongoing average. By winter, with the addition ofsome more techs, that average will increase. It will be fun to see what the output looks like after that point.

Hang in there, you're getting closer!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 09/09/21 at 17:08:48

August 29th.
"Today I am close to leaving the "700 serie" and entering the 600 serie so getting closer everyday!!

Just had a quick peak and I am now at 685. It is moving nicely!
Is it just me or has the pace accelerated lately?



Title: Off the list
Post by ja1 on 09/11/21 at 04:44:50

I am officially off the list. My CSP325 is scheduled for delivery on Monday and my ZMA for Wednesday.
Tony, I will. Just keep in mind that it will be coming from a non audiophile  and from a music geek who just enjoys music. John

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 09/11/21 at 05:38:28

Perfect.  As a non-audiophile myself, but a real lover of music, it will be fun to her your thoughts, impressions and feelings.  Also, I think you may have coined a new phrase that followers of this forum will be using in the future:  "Officially off the list."  It's got a great ring to it.  Enjoy the weekend.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lin on 09/11/21 at 14:14:16

You guys are funny, look up the definition of an audiophile.
You are spending how much money hoping your music sounds better?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 09/11/21 at 15:35:35

Hey Lin, OK you're on....

Audiophile - Wikipedia › wiki › Audiophile
An audiophile is a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction. ... An audiophile seeks to reproduce the sound of a live musical performance ...

Hmmmmm.  Yo ja1,  drop the "non-" in non-audiophile.  We've arrived.

Here's one more additional descriptor particularly relevant for this forum:  One who is able to delay gratification and demonstrates patience as they wait (seemingly like forever, at times) for their amp to be built. :)

I think Bob Dylan said that.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 09/11/21 at 17:42:31


That word has been bastardized so many times...

These days I take it to mean someone who enjoys playing with tools that reproduce music.

Note here that "music" comes in second and the priority is on the hardware to reproduce it.




Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 09/11/21 at 17:48:00

Yes indeedy.

An audiophile harbors a pretty serious neurosis in the nonending seeking of better and better sound. The serious audiophile tinkers with their toys in the exploration of improving upon whatever status quo was arrived at by the mfr. that renders to their ears, rooms, and system synergy the "best" that is apparent to ongoing target. Thus, a hobby.

Most of us here are audiophiles on one level or another.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 09/11/21 at 18:37:05

I’ve always wondered about the “seeks to reproduce a live performance” part of audiophile.  With rare exception, live music usually has mediocre sound quality at best. Particularly with amplified performances.  I wish live music sounded as good as my stereo.

In my opinion, “audiophile” is essentially a mental illness 😂.  For 25 years I was a music enthusiast who had a decent stereo.  In 2000 I researched gear on the internet.  Bought a YBA integrated amp, an Ah! Tjeob CD 4000, and Meadowlark Kestrel speakers.  DH Labs cables.  And that was it. Sounded great.  I had yet to become infected by the audiophile virus. Until 2016 I never once thought about upgrading my system. The thought never entered my mind.

In 2016 I made the faithful decision to research for a DAC that might make my computer playback rig sound better and stumbled across the Computer Audiophile forums.  It was akin to stumbling across that back alley in town where you can buy crack.  A few months later and the virus had fully taken root in my cells as an entire world of audio-philia opened before me.

Based on nothing other than reading forum posts, I became no longer satisfied with my equipment. The same equipment that had been utterly satisfactory for 16 years.  I live on an isolated little island in the middle of the pacific. It’s not that I heard a better system and became enthralled.  The virus stuck entirely because of reading far too many posts written by people who were only quasi satisfied with their system and eagerly search for upgrade.

That type of thought process entered my mind. I was both infected and converted.

Five years and $15,000 later, yes, my system does sound markedly better.  But I’m not sure the journey has been worth it.  I’m not sure the addition of a neurosis that’s overly concerned about sound quality has increased my musical enjoyment.   In some respects I’d like to turn back the clock to that faithful day that I sought to make iTunes sound as good as my CD player.  The smart move would’ve been to conclude that (to me) CD players sound better and ditch iTunes.

After exploring the world of computer audio in great length, Roon lifetime license, HQPlayer, and expensive DACs - I now find myself back where I started. Have pulled the computer plug and listen exclusively to physical CDs and SACDs on a Marantz Model 30/ SACD 30n/ LRS system.

I’m telling myself, with a shaky metaphoric cigarette in hand, that after the ZRock2 arrives that I’m done upgrading.  That no amount of reading Stereophile on the can will lure me to audition new gear 😂

The journey has had positives, of course. My system sounds amazing.  I do wish I could easily turn off that “dissatisfied voice” inside.  The one that thirsts for another upgrade, another toke on that pipe.  I’d like to turn that voice off like a faucet and set gear infatuation aside and simply enjoy the music.

I have a neighbor who has a $400 Yamaha amp from Costco and a pair of $200 Polk tower speakers. He has heard my system and agrees it sounds incredible. Yet he has zero desire to upgrade his system.  He’s totally satisfied with what he has and is solely focused on the music.  I have one cable that costs more than his entire system!

Don’t get me wrong, I truly enjoy the elevated gear. But there is a certain genius to not needing the elevation in order to truly enjoy music.

The ZRock2 is the last one man, I swear. I’m going to get back on my feet and live clean after that.... you’ll see 😂😎🌈

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Chester on 09/11/21 at 19:30:15


Loved that post.  I have definitely felt/feel that mental illness part as I have placed an order for a Zen 25th Anniversary amp and start looking at my wonderful speakers that I love and think maybe, just maybe, upgrading for another $5000 will get me a little closer to…..what, exactly?

On the other hand, we spend time, emotion, and money on things we care about - whether we fully understand them or the reasoning behind it or not. I know that if I start thinking about a second mortgage, then I really need to slow down, I mean stop.  

I don’t think there are any “true” answers just what makes sense for you.
Just really wanted to say your post really resonated with me.  Good luck and I wish you well.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 09/11/21 at 20:10:53

Caintuck Randy refers to that feeling as “Audio Nervosa”.  I think we audio folks have all suffered from it at one time or another. Lord knows, I have!

Great thread! Have enjoyed the posts!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 09/11/21 at 20:17:55

Well, at least it's not as expensive a hobby as collecting Ferrari's😊. But of course most Ferrari's appreciate in value as opposed to most stereo equipment which does not.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 09/11/21 at 21:34:16

Most cars don't appreciate either.  It's a matter of finding the Ferrari of stereo gear.   8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 09/11/21 at 22:35:32

I’m less concerned about the money, and more interested in understanding the various ways my mind tricks me.

For most of those 16 “ignorance is bliss” years mentioned above I was fine with music playing in the house that I could hear.  Better yet if I was in the same room as the system.  

I actually rarely listened positioned between the two speakers.  Simply didn’t think about such things.

Now I’m mildly offended to be slightly right or left of the sweet spot 😂

Yes, it sounds better now.  But am I more satisfied listening to music now?  In all honesty, no.   It sounds quite a bit better, but am also quite a bit more kooky.

I’m the same person in both scenarios.  Does “better” always equate to better?

I wonder how whatever it is in my mind that determines satisfaction operates?   It’s quite a mechanism.  I’m guessing there’s some evolutionary reason why that mechanism is so convoluted.  Probably some unconscious survival reason why.  Keeps me on the move from predators 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 09/11/21 at 23:09:25

It can really get interesting when you accidentally hear fantastic sound from some "out of date" low cost solid state integrated amp!  Sound that maybe Trumps your high dollar tube system.   :P  

I've thought about the pursuit of "live" sound and good or bad, live sound completely fills the space -- like the air in the room.  I've come closest with the F15s in a big baffle but it's still not live-scale.  I suspect I forgive a lot of technical imperfections based on this alone.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 09/12/21 at 00:22:42

Dancing Sea.
The ZRock2 is the last one man, I swear. I’m going to get back on my feet and live clean after that.... you’ll see "

I heard there is a12 step program for this addiction, you meet with other brothers and sisters and you start with:
Hi my is Al and I am an audiophile...



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 09/12/21 at 02:23:09

Hi All,

This is actually a very cool discussion and many points have been touched.
Here are some thoughts that came to me while reading.

Maybe a category of audiophiles wants to "get there first" the latest caps most performance etc. these pay a lot and will lose a lot as the "future" technology they are buying today will be readily available in a few years.

Then you have the "I want that sound" and one will (especially in the SS world) lose a lot as the Fad fades away and your system sounds "dated".
When doing a sound engineering diploma years ago one teacher was all about the Big bass setup on the board, I learned nothing from that guy and he went nowhere.

Then the nirvana guy who will never be satisfied, this guy is simply not about listening to music, he is about gear, so I will leave him alone.

Then you have blokes like me (maybe). I do not really care about the gear, well aesthetically maybe, ha.
I want hardware that will deliver what I 'need' and that I can tweak. Something that will just pass the signal from a to b.
Within this category there is of course a million paths.
Mine right now is about simplicity.

A source, for me at this time, this is very much an analog source. Or a non-compressed source. S. Jobb famously said he never listened to iTune or most electronic medias as it was compressed crap.

Amplification, to me it starts with a simple, clear, clean, tube amp.
Tube because to me it reaches a vibe when I am listening and because I can tweak that "vibe". A SS never even brings me to the 'vibe' level.

Baffles, to me open baffles with no Xover. this is my current "evolution I have no clued what the open baffle experience will be I am getting some Betsy Lii15. The biggest gamble in my audio experimentation!
We could start a whole new thread on relations between driver size and baffle size. !!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 09/12/21 at 02:29:54

Another aspect of this, for me anyway, is that as we get older (I turned 60 last month) our hearing begins to get a little worse (I have a bit of tinnitus in one ear). So there can be some panic due to that in terms of finding the quality we seek. For myself, if I think something will better my setup, I don’t wait. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t, and this can result in a lot of extra money spent. But, if you don’t try, you’ll never know. And it is a race against time.

Sorry. Just the ramblings of an aging audioholic. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by will on 09/12/21 at 02:41:06

In my experience, a lot of the audio treadmill is due to not being able to get room to work well with the system and visa versa, so we tend to keep looking for improvements because things sound off. Taken a little further, I think the musical experience is so complex and full of complex balances, that it is just really hard to define better sound, making it harder to find.

Truly better sound to me has all the more apparent things like excellent spectral balance and range, natural speed including good hit that is not overstated and very fine micro speed, excellent space and detail complexity across the spectrum.... not hard and not thick... natural bass hit and extension that is fast, not boomy or muddled... etc

But maybe learning to discern when better is better is the biggest thing. And I think that it can take a lot of practice, but also figuring out what to look for. A baseline for me, does it do all the right things with a context of sounding like real playing of nice instruments in a really good room? But what are the things that make a great musical experience that our body/consciousness can identify when it feels authentic, but we can't necessarily easily analyze?

Seems there are just countless balances that can "sound pretty right" based on ideas, and not really "be" right to the subtle discernment of the subconscious... So how to find it?

To me the biggest "real maker" (assuming all else is balanced itself, and balanced between all the rest) is the finest harmonic information in really good space. If these are incomplete or not there across the spectrum, all else can sound really good, but for me it is the natural harmonic stuff that does the magic part, making it realer feeling and more fully engaging.

But unfortunately, this has not been a big measure for many developers, and a lot of highly rated audiophile stuff just does not do brilliantly with this information.... And being so fragile and easy to kill by truncating it in a digital front end, a lot of it may never be there. Or if the front end can hold onto it, something later might squeeze it together too much due to lesser parts and wires, concentrating complexity into harder sound... or masking it away. In a system, it seems there are literally hundreds of ways to lose it little by little, part by part. And back to the all important system balance with the room.... most rooms accentuate or cancel lots of frequencies to various degrees, and the wrong reflections can be big smearers too...

So really, I think our desire for better sound has a very real basis... especially if we get really close to realistic quality sound... if something feels off, it probably is.

And chasing more gear makes some sense... if it is in fact a real upgrade, but it is clearly not the answer on its own judging from how fast the audio treadmill spins for many.

With the very fine musical information innately the most fragile, and with all the many ways to mess it up, I am afraid most of us rarely hear really good harmonic "real-making" in all its glory. And without a reference that reveals it really well, how do we know what all is missing? I wonder how long it would have taken me to "discover it" had I not gotten my NOS Tranquility DAC and the rest of the front end recommended to show the DAC best. With that DAC ,all the parts were chosen finally by sound, and associated computer (with mods), cables, and even external drives were carefully vetted with blind testing.... So all were carefully developed and chosen with this critical harmonic content high on the "need list."

I was lucky with my Decware being nicely resolving and good at natural harmonic content, then with the help of Eric Hider, one of the Tranquility developers, I got a pretty exceptional front end for the time. And even then, it took me years to then further resolve my system and room and show all the Tranquility could give. The upshot of that, even if some is lost, it might intellectually sound pretty close, and feel pretty close, but when there are subtle qualities of natural music that aren't there, we still crave them, most likely because it does not sound as right to our senses and natural consciousness as our intellect. So for me, fine detail and space are major reads for getting to engaging immersion.

Just looking at micro speed.... the fine stuff requires just so speed to show it, allowing the fine detail and space to differentiate. We can hear the finest detail because of the space "next to it" allows us to hear it. And clearly damaged fine detail and space can happen even if our front end is rare enough to fully show this information to begin with. I have found fine detail can be smeared or masked way too easily.... might be some vibration causing subtle noise, or subtle noise from lesser quality power, or too much voltage pushing the amps/tubes harder and concentrating detail into hardness and making thickness... or power cables and ICs that appear good, but mask it.... maybe just a bit too much darkness or thickness in the balance masking it... and many other things! Ouch!

I also find many tubes are not so good at this subtler information. But most likely, it is a progression of decent stuff slowly degrading these valuable musical elements progressively. Fine detail in good space just can't be heard as well if it is slightly smeared... but the subconscious and our senses recognize a lack of natural harmonics just as well as unnatural balances of all the more obvious things we listen for.

So for me, if there is one, harmonic content is the most critical read. And some aspects of fine detail in space are easiest to read, like the complexity of textures, and having them top to bottom... room spatial sounds throughout the range, helping to differentiate and authenticate the players in space, ..... the quality and duration of decays across the spectrum, perhaps one of the easiest reads letting us know we if we have solved smearing, with good speed, and very fine information in space.

If it is mostly there, and supported by a natural baseline set of all the other balances.... nothing missing, and nothing poking out.... no matter what flavor of sound I am working with, I can more easily find musical engagement. Just think how important complex textures and micro speed are to our musical excitement.... complete and with good smoothness, great textures can add such sweet complexity and reduce hardness.... good micro speed can liven it all up with very fast leading edges along with supporting all the fine detail and space I seek..... And if decays are clear and extended in time, from the bass to the very top... then I can be pretty sure I am getting most of what is there on the recordings. Add just a bit of "real warmth," that sweetens the sound a little without the darkening, slowing, or masking anything much, this seems to get me close... then it might be a little luck to get the very deep beauty, but for me, exceptionally complete harmonic content is a critical read to get me close.

What an amazing trip!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 09/12/21 at 02:44:04

Ah Haaaa,


Above 400hz I am losing.
We are looking at the same issues.

For me I am tired of swapping gears in the dark.
I want to create a base line and grow from there UFO set 2 is that, hopefully faster than my hearing declines!
But it is not about the gear, it is about the enjoyment.
I want physical pleasure (Oh dear) out of my listening experience!

I will be 60 in April.
I can't believe it!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 09/20/21 at 03:02:06

I watched the Amazon Prime documentary called LuLu Rich.  It’s the sordid story of LuLu Roe, the women’s clothing multi level marketing company.  At one point there was a many month’s long waitlist just to sign up as a retailer.  They told stories of how overwhelmingly excited new members were to receive their welcome aboard call, how they waited with eager anticipation, and how that was all by design to build expectations and excitement.

As I’m watching this it dawned on me, “wait a minute, I’m on a long wait list…. And my expectations and excitement is building as well…”

Thus I’d like to know, do Decware products ship with a pair of leggings?   😳

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Abunadh on 09/20/21 at 04:11:10

If they provide leggings then I'm sure they would need to be hand made (like all things at Decware) and cost $2000 to cover labor and materials. And can you imagine the hit to the wait list?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 09/24/21 at 19:12:21

WOO HOO.  I made it into the 100's!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 09/24/21 at 23:05:09


Showing off eh?



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by yostjacob on 10/08/21 at 00:25:25

I wonder if they would consider taking a deposit until the build starts?

Its not the wait itself that is holding me back, its the wait plus payment in full up front when work probably won't start for a year.

I am still noodling on it though.  I really kind of want the nifty items.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 10/08/21 at 00:39:50

Hi yostjacob,

Welcome to the community.

I think what you are suggesting is how they do it.  I cannot remember off the top of my head the percentage used, 10% comes to mind.  So if your order came to $1K, they would charge your card $100 immediately, balance due when the order is complete.

If I am remember this incorrectly, I am sure someone will add specifics.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 10/08/21 at 00:46:10

Yes, if you pay by credit card it’s only a 10% deposit.  I’m on the waitlist for a ZRock2 and paid them 10%.

If you use PayPal then it’s the full charge upfront.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by yostjacob on 10/08/21 at 00:51:55

Oh, well then, if thats the case, I will try and call tomorrow to follow up on my email request and place an order.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 10/08/21 at 01:57:01

You might need to wait until Monday as I don't think they answer phones on Fridays.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tubeshy on 10/11/21 at 19:31:29

More so lately. I had in mind an arrival date ( a month past projected date) and thats most likely not going to happen either.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by yostjacob on 10/12/21 at 01:31:56

I am hitting it a couple of times a day.  Not sure why.

Maybe because I am fascinated by the idea that the real time list hasn't been updated in over a month.

I also placed my order the other day, and am super interested on when it will hit the list in the first place.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 10/14/21 at 17:40:38

When I spoke to Sarah on Tuesday she had not processed most of September or any October orders.

Exactly two months ago I was at 232.  Now at 170.  That’s about 31 orders per month. While the new orders have a long wait until they appear on the list, the shipped orders are removed from the list, it seems, within a few days or so.  So the average could be a few orders higher than 31.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tubeshy on 10/14/21 at 20:56:23

Dang, thats like 6 more months on top of the about 7 months in I am already. bummer

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 10/15/21 at 00:31:51

Tubeshy, I'm afraid it will be worse than that, at least for the foreseeable future. There was a huge influx of orders over the past spring. Some of the clog will be ameliorated with the advent of Steve's new hires being trained as techs, but extended wait times 4-5 times what used to be the normal wait time of 3 months will slog along for quite some time in my opinion. I'm in the upper 400's on the list, and am looking at late summer 2022 if lucky, after ordering early May 2021.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by yostjacob on 10/15/21 at 00:43:29

+4 -7

Net change -3

I am still 4 weeks away from even hitting the list.  lol.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 10/15/21 at 22:52:32

So, I had to look.

3 months anniversary.
Ordered July 17th, 773.
Today Oct. 15, 656.
39 unit per month
So apparently 16 months left.

I am happy with that.

I am happy to know that Steve's hands will have touch and fully tested my UFO2 prior to shipping. I knew what I was getting into when I ordered.

There are three things available in this:
fast, small cost and quality.
You can only chose 2 out of three.
I definitely chose small cost + quality so I to not expect it to be speedy.
I am in Vancouver BC it is a long haul!

Bonus: Given that this is a 60th Bday gift to myself it means I will not turn 60 in April as expected but more likely only by the end of 2022!

Seriously, I think when the new techs are trained and the quality is assured the output might slightly improve.

Steve, if you read this: Happy camper here.
Keep up the good work, train your new guys well and keep the Decware team happy!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 10/15/21 at 22:55:00


Think about it this way you could probably sell your position in the line for more than what you paid.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 10/16/21 at 00:51:23

Part of the fun, if not sacred right of an audiophile is to be somewhat disgruntled 😂

I’d be happier if my order was shipping tomorrow!

Steve, if you’re reading this, have you considered the 24/7 production model? 😅😂✌️

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Audionumber3 on 10/16/21 at 02:45:00

I never expected it to take this long but, I ordered a se84UFO in January and now I'm under 50 on the list.

I'm actually thinking, if I am really happy with this amp I might just put in an order for the 25th anniversary UFO and start saving for the nearly 2 year wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 10/16/21 at 03:43:06

Well, strategically speaking, I'd order both amps now.  Add the 25th anniversary version to your current order.  That avoids the 2 year wait.  Take a couple of weeks to audition both, and sell the one you don't want here on the forum.  I'm sure you could recoup 100% of what you spent on the one you decide to sell. And you'd have the funds to pay off your credit card.

But yes, if the 25th anniversary version is not affordable now, then the waitlist gives you plenty of time to save up!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tubeshy on 10/18/21 at 17:55:09

I ordered end of March. At that time the wait put target time to around end of October. I was hoping by Thanksgiving and I'd be thrilled. Which now seems not likely.

I'm happy and excited that Decware is doing great but souring on it at this point. I'll probably not cancel and just sit on it. But just....ya know.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 10/18/21 at 21:43:50

Well, If it makes you guys feel better, I placed an order a few days ago, so I'm about a month out before I even make the list... [smiley=peanuts21.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 10/19/21 at 00:24:40

Ok, I have an idea.  I'm well up the list.  If you want to place an order, just do it through me.  I'll charge a 25% fee and then add your order to my order.  That will save you a 2 year wait.  

I'm sure no one in the office will notice if I add 80 units to my order (g)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 10/19/21 at 00:27:17

Maybe if you offer Sarah a kickback of that 25% she will play ball ;-)..........HA!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 10/19/21 at 00:40:05

Haha!  I have a feeling Sarah would be totally down with it.....

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 10/19/21 at 06:22:39

Having a great time reading this topic. Seems like yesterday I made the list.  Just something satisfying waiting for a handmade product. Love the energy and emotion of everyone just making the list. Truly amazing, keep up the good work Decware.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 10/19/21 at 20:07:33

The Versailles gardens took 40 years to complete...



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bilyeaux on 10/20/21 at 22:13:04

Im stoked ordered 1-6-21 and I am number 15 on list and number 10 in quality control!! Shipping soon!!! UFO2 w/ XLR and mods

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 10/21/21 at 17:59:12


What Mods did you order aside from XLR?

I have been wondering if I should add XLR but I do not see an immediate use for it, I might add a vintage R2R to my rig at a later date but not now.
What is your thinking for adding this mods?



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tubeshy on 10/21/21 at 23:34:11

My irritation is every component that needed to be built took 1.5x to 3x longer than noted. So it takes what I planned to be a 30 month process of building a system to 5 years + now.

My SS amp was quoted 3-4 months, took 8
Tube linestage quoted 2 weeks, took 3 months

So now that I'm on the final piece (though my linetage might be changed out) I'm all irritated as I am looking forward to being amazed by it and also finishing what I started in 2015.

So...just venting. Disregard my agitation. 180+ orders to go which looks to be my busy season when completed (which means no time to sit and listen). Bleh.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 10/24/21 at 21:40:52

To those near the top of the list, and everyone on the list, please accept my apologies for what appears to be a nearly stalled month. We lost 2 weeks for Decfest, and have been experiencing supply chain issues that are out of our control. Many of those parts have arrived now, and things were about to ramp back up, when myself (the quality control guy) got either food poisoning or the flu - feels like both frankly.  It's day six and the most I've been on my feet is an hour or so a day. I still feel like crap, so I have anxiety about this coming week, starting tomorrow. I probably won't make it to work.

Many phone calls had to be cancelled, some more than once and again I sincerely apologize for that. There were several amps this past month that were stalled for parts, so I upgraded many of those customers to the next higher model at no charge and we did indeed get those built, and many have already shipped.

It's a good thing I had the unexplainable urge to start working on cable design this summer because despite everything else, our contractor who builds all the DSR cables and our power cords has also been so overwhelmed and frustrated with parts bottlenecks that he retired on the spot after almost 20 years. I did not see this coming. Since I had been developing cables that were better than what we had (which isn't easy), it is likely those will become our new offerings in the months ahead.

Anyway, please be patient with us, and remind yourself that this kind of a business is not very scalable., so it's difficult to make fast changes to accommodate demand, which I guess is all too obvious. I ask for one more week to get back in the game and then all those waiting for phone conversations will definitely be taken care of : )


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 10/24/21 at 21:45:13


Thanks for the update and I hope you feel better soon. Your products are worth the wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 10/24/21 at 22:32:28

Aloha Steve,

Honestly, no worries on our end. Take your time and get healthy.  Your health and well being are far more important than us having to wait a tad longer.

Be Well 🙏🏼

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 10/24/21 at 23:24:46


Wishing for a quick recovery from whatever is ailing you. I'm sure the entire team is feeling stressed, so my best to them as well. As Sarah is often a first point of contact for many Decware customers, I wish her patience and hope all your customers can keep things civil with their communications.

We all are living through a very a challenging pandemic that has affected many families and businesses. Wishing good health to all.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 10/25/21 at 00:14:58

Well said Dr3wman. Thanks for the update, Stay safe and keep up the good work.  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 10/25/21 at 00:17:40

Sorry to hear this, get well Steve.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 10/25/21 at 01:08:18

Hi Steve,

Thanks for letting us know your not feeling well, and best wishes for a speedy recovery.  


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Deep Structure on 10/25/21 at 04:06:11

From my response to your post about my Rachel you sent today :

First and foremost, take care of your health. Little is more important than that. With all the recent positive reviews in the audio press, I would imagine that Decware is overwhelmed with orders and requests. Do take into account that one person can only do so much. And now that Decware is entering the consciousness of more and more audiophiles, the pressure will likely get worse. You ever thought of selling out to Sony? (just kidding).

Anyhow, thanks for the explanation about the meters. Now go back to bed  and get well. Or I'll spread rumours that you're moving your plant to Quanzhou. That would keep you really busy with emails.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Brian on 10/25/21 at 06:02:22

Hi, Steve
I am sorry you are unwell.  I will pray for you.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by yostjacob on 10/25/21 at 12:20:18

Good Luck!

I have been getting these random weeks of just being very run down with a sour stomach and a headache.  Not sick enough to not sit in the home office, but not well enough to self-start much of anything.

The supply stuff is likely to get worse before it gets better.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by EdwardT on 10/25/21 at 18:01:50

You are the Zen Guru therefore you must get well! But please take care of yourself first before worrying about us minions.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 10/25/21 at 20:12:30

We clearly need some major publication cover story negative reviews of Decware gear to throw the masses off our trail in provide Steve some relief!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Brian on 11/01/21 at 05:24:25

Steve wrote:  "It's a good thing I had the unexplainable urge to start working on cable design this summer because despite everything else, our contractor who builds all the DSR cables and our power cords has also been so overwhelmed and frustrated with parts bottlenecks that he retired on the spot after almost 20 years. I did not see this coming."

That sounds like invisible guidance.  I love this kind of thing.

I hope your health is now well.  - Brian

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/01/21 at 21:47:06

I checked again,
635 I just could not help myself.
Last was Oct. 15, 656.
So a slight slowdown for that period. Mind you this included DeckFest.
And maybe someone had a cold or something... ;-)



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 11/02/21 at 16:59:51

Well, for all of you impatient souls, I just made the list at 931 - dead last on the list [smiley=10.gif]

So, to all of those ahead of me, you have nothing to complain about   [smiley=peanuts52.gif]

A year from now, I'll be sittin' pretty...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Audionumber3 on 11/02/21 at 17:38:13

Sorry but, a year from now.... You'll be "sitting pretty "at 400 or so on the list. Mark my words!

I was around 350 on the list back I January, and I'm still waiting...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/02/21 at 17:48:37

I’m at 145 baby!  Come to papa….  I forecast that’s 3.7 months to go which means end of February.  My order date was March 1, so one year.  Good thing I’m still into audio 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 11/02/21 at 22:49:12

Sorry but, a year from now.... You'll be "sitting pretty "at 400 or so on the list. Mark my words!

Ok then. A year or so... ::)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/03/21 at 01:13:07


Where is the "liker" button on this forum??



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/03/21 at 01:21:38




Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/03/21 at 01:34:30

As a final thought here is how I see the orders shipping out in the near future...:

Haha, we shall see.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JP on 11/05/21 at 14:55:12

Been checking the list frequently recently since my device is in testing.  Seems that there is no movement at all for anyone .  Hope Steve is OK

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by lazb on 11/05/21 at 16:46:57

list movement is not automated. someone, Sarah, has to find time to manually update it.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nick324 on 11/06/21 at 18:55:06

Ooof, I saw another YouTube review again the other day. This time it was Robinson reviewing the Betsie's. I expect this to turn delay's closer to 24 months rather than 12 for anyone w/ the stomach for it. I've done it for Custom Firearms work but not for audio equipment. Since I ordered my last Decware piece i have purchased 2 more HP amps, 1 DAC, speakers and also sold and traded 2 pieces. I don't even have the pre-amp I wanted to use w/ the piece I ordered...LOL funny not funny.

Sarah is AWESOME though and I appreciate her patience and assistance! Thank you again Sarah, for all you do!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/06/21 at 21:59:39

The speaker list is a different waitlist 👍🏼

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bilyeaux on 11/07/21 at 12:16:13

There was a delay from fest and Steve was sick, but is moving! I am two on list and salivating…….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/07/21 at 16:14:40

Autonotification brought me back here and here got me to the list...

So 6 position in 6 days.

Inching away towards the finish line.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 11/08/21 at 15:37:43

Showing 987 of 987

Closing in on 1000 orders on the list. Wow!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/08/21 at 20:02:18

The power of YouTube!

The irony is that without the capacity to scale, none of this benefits Decware unless prices are raised.  Before “The Discovery”, there was a consistent 2 to 3 month wait. Decware had all the business it could handle.  1000 orders doesn’t help Decware. The were at max capacity before all of this, going 850 over max capacity is actually more of a headache because of the lack of ability to scale.

It’s interesting how the audiophile mind works. Rather than seeing a 1000 order long waitlist and buying something else, it instead inspires us to buy Decware because if folks are willing to wait 1 to 2 years, it must be SUPER great. 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 11/08/21 at 20:12:04

Rather than seeing a 1000 order long waitlist and buying something else, it instead inspires us to buy Decware because if folks are willing to wait 1 to 2 years, it must be SUPER great. 😂

I have very little patience, and if I did not already own Decware products, and know first hand of the quality, I'd buy somewhere else. Luckily, too, I have a set up already that more than satisfies, so the wait won't be as nerve racking.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/08/21 at 21:43:34

The unfortunate truth for us is Decware products are substantially underpriced.  If there’s a 1000 long waitlist, prices need a healthy hike.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MrDerrick on 11/08/21 at 23:24:38

I can't recall who published the article on the "ultimate cost no object dream system", it was several years ago.

The unfortunate reality was that it would take over 2 years to obtain all of the components to put it together.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 11/09/21 at 10:38:07

I think the shipper will find my skeleton lashed to the post box.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tubeshy on 11/09/21 at 15:42:38

Scale says a lot.

I pulled my order and will go elsewhere. Kind of a bummer but thats life.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 11/09/21 at 17:08:13

One way or another, it's ultimately self regulating.  It will find balance with time, cost and patience.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/09/21 at 18:42:26

Unless prices go up, all of this attention doesn’t benefit Decware.  Because production can only scale a little bit more, Decware isn’t reaping the financial rewards it deserves.  That’s why prices ought to rise.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/09/21 at 23:13:33

Dancing Sea,

You have a point, and it is Steve's decision but I would chime in saying that with all the very recent positive publicity Deckware has received it would be opportunistic to up the price right away.
I think possibly "not accepting order at the moment" or maybe only accepting "x" amount of orders per month like say... 10 units per months until the back log is processed and then increasing to 30 per month with a slightly higher price. Managing expectations.

But as I said earlier it is none of my business, just sharing a thought, I am happy that my order is in.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/09/21 at 23:48:17

Coyote, fair points.

It’s just such an approach doesn’t really benefit Decware financially. It’s like after 20+ years Decware hit the review lottery, but are unable to reap the rewards because of the inability to scale. A 15-20% price increase might slow orders some, and allow Decware to benefit more from the attention.  Many high end audio companies recently raised prices 15-20% just because of supply chain and inflation.  I see this as a perfect time to raise Decware prices.

Take PS Audio.  When they cut out the dealer network, they did not lower prices.  It leaves then room to offer higher than market value trade in rebates.  And they’re still able to keep some of the retail markup for themselves.

Decware states “wholesale direct prices”.  With a 1000 order waitlist, I’d suggest finding a happy medium somewhere in between wholesale and retail. Not sure what price that is, but that’s what I’d explore.  

After all, the market is not Little Sisters of the Poor. It’s audiophiles with far more dollars than sense.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 11/10/21 at 00:16:24

FWIW, I agree with Archie on this one.  In general, I'm a proponent of self-regulatory systems.  

I put in my order in mid-April, and it has been a long, hard wait.  Luckily, I could focus on my room and other components, so there was momentum.  

I missed what was probably a good deal on a CSP 3, but lucked out when Steve recently put up a demo amp that I grabbed.  Before that piece of good fortune, however, I was starting to tire of the wait.

Already some have decided it is not worth it and pulled their order.  Others are buckling up for the long run. That's self-regulation, and it will continue.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/10/21 at 00:19:45

Decware isn't going to get back to a 3-4 mo. cycle until a commitment to operationally expand by 3x or more like 4x is made and realized.

Put an order in now, and you're proabably looking at 24+ months until shipment. Now the ultra fanboy-cheerleader wont publicly profess to care, but fact is the more the orders pile up without a dramatic expansion in operations, the higher the risk in losing existing orders.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 11/10/21 at 00:22:43

Correct.  The system will self-regulate.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 11/10/21 at 00:30:05

DancingSea, You sure are big on having Steve raise prices.  Do you also support higher tax rates too?  lol  You are always free to pay more than list.   8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/10/21 at 01:25:44

I see the pejorative  term “Fanboy” used a lot on this forum.  What’s up with that ? It’s a condescending and juvenile way to speak of others on this forum   - and a rather passive aggressive way of insulting those who aren’t willing to jump on the bandwagon and critique Decware’s handling of it backlog.

preteen female sensibilities? what's up with that? or just a modern liberal?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/10/21 at 01:25:59


I’m merely considering Steve’s best interest rather than my own self interest as a customer. It’s called being aware of something beyond myself.  Otherwise known as selflessness.  Something humans often have a difficult time grasping 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/10/21 at 02:08:26

Drew T,

Yeah I see these poor insensitive, unsecure people throwing insults, I guarantee you they will double down.
Oups look down just a few posts... He did!
I really have no idea what they are doing around here, noise lovers.

"preteen female sensibilities? what's up with that? or just a modern liberal?"

Here he is again!
Not the first time piezo has been asked to tone down his racist-sexist-trumpist rhetoric, at least here on the forum. Mind you his nick name suits him well:
Piezo is derived from the Greek πιέζω, which means to squeeze or press. Frustrated people try to squeeze and press on others.

Piezo is also advocating for Deckware to just become a big box retailer, I bet he is a bezo's fan!

Personally I am a fan of Steve's mentality (without knowing exactly what that is), I suspect: Do the best you can, produce the best you can and money will come, not as an objective but as a consequences of you doing good things for others.

I suspect that people like piezo cannot understand that concept.
I am not being mean.
It is perfectly fine.
Some people are just wired as predators to others.

Jump on your soapbox again.
Let me throw my friend really off the deep end: Namaste Piezo.
Do you need a hug?

Ok I ranted enough.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 11/10/21 at 02:12:58

DancingSea, Your altruism is admirable.  

Drew T, There are many here (in the past, of course and not current Forum members) who start sounding like sycophants.  The ass kissing can be wearisome.  "Fanboy" seems appropriate.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/10/21 at 02:25:48


Lovely post, also close to empathy.
We do (unfortunately) live in a market/profit driven society so consideration has to be made on taming the beast of consumerism.

One way is price, one way is availability, another way could be quality and QA. USA loves to hate China but China was brilliant in producing cheap available products with no guarantee, undercutting everyone else for long enough to gain the world wide market and every one else went bankrupt. Thanks to their eight years economic plans when the USA has been fighting for 30 years to implement a tiny social program, the USA has spent more $ into talking about it than the cost of implementing it!

The only thing I see is deckware having some back lash from non deckware people about the waiting list and there are a few ways to address that.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 11/10/21 at 02:28:26

"But describing other adults who don’t agree with you  as “Fanboys”  is more reminiscent of a grade 5 schoolyard mentality at recess time"

well said.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 11/10/21 at 02:34:07

I think I missed something.  "Fanboy" as a descriptor to this discussion is appropriate where?  I am not seeing it here, so plese point out what I'm missing.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 11/10/21 at 12:48:00

Well Tony, Fanboy is exactly what this tread is all about. Look up the meaning and check the subject of this thread. If you don't get it then I'm at a loss to explain it.

I'm just content to wait for the fallout(resale) of the purchases not being properly set up or driven [smiley=icqlite22.png]


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 11/10/21 at 14:41:18

How many time have you checked the thread  "How many times have you checked the Wait List" ? Sorry to see tubeshy pull his order.

Checked the list this weekend WOW 1000 orders. Was around 650 when I made the list. Knew that the wait would be extensive and was prepared for it.

Sorry for those who are having a to wait so long. Sounds like Decware is committed to making a solid product and not pushing inferior crap out the door.

Call me old school ... I would wait for that.

Peace and love

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lin on 11/10/21 at 16:44:09

wrote on 11/10/21 at 14:41:18:
Call me old school ... I would wait for that.

Hope you are listening to music and enjoying it while you wait. [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Skip on 11/10/21 at 17:13:44

I placed my order in the beginning of May.  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Can someone explain how to easily find what number position you
are at, without having to count each order line by line?  [smiley=icqlite22.png]


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/10/21 at 17:21:56

Hey Skip, click on the table icon at the top right corner of the waiting list.....then click on "spreadsheet".


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/10/21 at 18:25:31

If Marantz saw 15 times more orders, they’d see 15 times more profit.  But thanks to ye olde world manufacturing and the presence of only one Geppetto, Decware cannot realize the largess.

I’ve pulled out my orange pencil, loose leaf paper, and trusty eraser to work out the solution.

Therefore, for instance, the $1439 CSP3 base model ought to be increased to $21,585.  That way production can maintain its current pace and Decware can experience the full benefits of scale.

For that advanced thinking, I deserve a scratch and sniff sticker 😂

If any of you titans of industry have business  issues in need of cutting edge thought, I’m always here to help 😇🎉

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/10/21 at 19:07:55

DancingSea, LOL, you're a trip

To address a couple of the totally assinine idiotic prior posts by forum liberal trained marxists, I do NOT advocate for a "big box seller" approach, but I damn well sure as hell do advocate for open markets, consumerism,  non predatory profit taking, and self regulation in the market process. Very minimal govt involvement to stay the living hell out of the way. I love Steve's approach in maintaining quality integrity, he is to be commended for providing superior product at more than fair market prices. The point I made is that there are pressures to increase the number of employees to address the endless avalanche of orders, which he has done somewhat already, nonetheless that will be overtaken by the sheer weight of orders. Not much he can do, because expanding beyond that will certainly necessitate pricing increases across the board.....and right now due to the policies, strategies and tactics of the blanking goddamned Biden admin who has done EVERYTHING wrong by design, manufactured parts shortages, energy costs, inflation, etc are "necessarily skyrocketing" [infamous govt tyranny one-liner belched out by the infamous blanking marxist Barack Hussein Obama] , all of which puts incredible pressure on Steve to raise prices just to cover the potent failure, by design, of the current admin.

So, some self correction/regulation to orders will likely be made by customers as they see the wait grows upwards to 24 months. It is what it is, Steve is doing his best and that's all he can do.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/10/21 at 19:39:17

Moderator? Bueller? Bueller?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 11/10/21 at 19:42:49

Hope you are listening to music and enjoying it while you wait.

Yes was able to build a system that doesn't suck. Threw in a Raspberry Pi 4 running Volumio OS with TIDAL Connect. Listen to music every chance I get.

Like I said knew the wait was long when ordered. Others have  different timetables and needs.

Peace and Love

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bilyeaux on 11/10/21 at 20:01:01

Mine left the list yesterday and should ship any day! Order 1/6/21, been a hoot!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/10/21 at 20:08:57

And if y’all haven’t done so yet today, please hug a communist.  Communist are people too 😂😂

True story. I was an exchange student in Finland, 14 miles from the Russian border. My Finnish girlfriend’s father was a card carrying communist.  They literally had a “Anti Monopoly” board game in the living room.  And they were genuinely nice people.

And if you saw my Finnish model girlfriend, you too would have a new found appreciation for Communism ✌️😇

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/10/21 at 22:13:04

And now the schnitzel is gonna hit the fan 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 11/11/21 at 00:25:49

And if you saw my Finnish model girlfriend, you too would have a new found appreciation for Communism ✌️😇

LOL  Eric Swalwell agrees with you.  So long as he was getting laid, he was just fine with his CCP Honey Pot.     ::)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/11/21 at 00:50:06

I have zero appreciation for marxism. I hate it to its very core. You own nothing, are a tool of the state to be used up and promptly discarded, your god is the state. You have no rights, no autonomy,  no soverienty. You are nothing. All decisions on your existence are made for you, by the state. So hell no, it must be completely repudiated at every turn, crucified and burned at the stake

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/11/21 at 02:50:58

Looks like someone forgot to put on their smiley face this morning.  Everyone, let's have a big group hug for piezoman before we send him off to Siberia for re-education!

You know, the world over, people just want a better life.  To provide more completely for their families.  Few set out to make it all worse.

Then we have various philosophies about how to accomplish that universally sought goal, a better life.  And with all those systems, a narrow few who hold the most power invariably sell everyone else out to enrich themselves.  This happens equally in communism or capitalism.  They manipulate people through propaganda in order to further their own power and wealth.  In that regard the track record is clear, on the level of exploitation, Marxism and Capitalism have much in common.

You see, the problem isn't the "ism".  The problem is human greed, violence, and general stupidity.  And that is a human condition found equally no matter to which philosophical wagon you hitch your horse.

The truth is that if the humans involved were enlightened and awake, any economic of political system could work equally well.  Capitalism, communism, socialism, totalitarian, fascist, take your pick - if the human heart is pure, any of those would work.

But the human heart is troubled.  No form of legislation can force the fragile wayward chimpanzee we call human to act in a pure way.

Marxist are people too.  They have the same hopes and dreams as everyone else.  They simply have a different way of approaching things, and a different set of thugs running the show.

Human confusion is the core issue.  Political ideology is entirely tangential.

But hatred always needs an enemy for fuel.  Something has to be the enemy.  That itself is a limited level of consciousness.

I visited the Soviet Union before it fell.  I remember complete strangers taking me on a long ride in a fabulous horse drawn carriage through the streets of Leningrad.  They were just people happy to see a foreigner.  Nice people - they heard me speaking english and said "please get in", and we had dinner at their house afterwards.  And that's how I became a spy for the Soviet Union, sending hundreds of thousands of documents via a KGB contact who was coincidentally named piezoman (ok, that spy part is fake news, but it did make the story more interesting). :D

Don't get me wrong, the Soviet Union was an utter mess, but the people were kind.  And when we have the awareness to look beyond the outer shell of ideology, we will see that all regular people just want a peaceful life.  The Russians love their children too.

Just like you.

Debate ideology to your heart's content.  But please, don't waste time hating anything.  Hatred is far bigger problem than any political ideology.

It's worth noting that monastic orders across the world have, for centuries, lived in a fairly communistic manner - with most things held communally.  I'm not advocating for that, it's just an observation.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/11/21 at 04:04:52

Nope, I hate marxism. Completely. Take no prisoners.

A moral society flourishes under capitalism.  Under communism, morality is crushed;  immorality is its basic input, it's fuel.

Capitalism fails as immorality pervades.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 11/11/21 at 05:04:04

Well that's all nice ,but how many times do you all check the wait list?

Congrats to Bilyeaux

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/11/21 at 05:29:36

I check it usually once a week.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 11/11/21 at 05:55:52

DS,  work on yourself and become the best human possible all the way up to a divine human but you still live an a world where individual humans run the whole spectrum from barely above animals to barely below god.  There is an objective reality out there and what has been shown in one short year is how F'd up it can be when the wrong people are either put in power or in this case, steal the power.  The system that gives each person the maximum freedom is my preference.  I'll never willingly trade liberty for security.  No one is doubting what you say about "people" but give them the truth and which system do the Soviet people choose?

So, until enough people achieve individual perfection to create heaven on earth, you have to pick a side.  Maybe that's unfair and sucks but that's the time we are living in.  I haven't read anything to make me think anyone commenting here hates anyone; systems yes, people, no.  But, as it is said, if you are a Ram bhakta and your brother hates Ram, then you shun your brother.  That's not the same as hating him.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by funch on 11/11/21 at 16:13:14

Reading Steve's latest thread "WHY TUBES, CABLES ..." will explain why the wait is worth it.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/11/21 at 16:28:12

Archie, very well said.

There is absolutely nothing to appreciate, nothing to smile about in marxism. It is always pure slavery, killing the soul, its landmarks pain and death.

I hate the system and those in its power structure. I am sad for its mass slaves.

We have a movement and a well developed  communist structure in America and some 20% in the population who are either all on or at the,l least radical wannabees. Right now 70% of democrats still approve of Biden......mass ignorance on this scale is beyond disturbing and an existential threat to the republic.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/11/21 at 16:29:33

Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Reply #242 - Today at 11:13:14   Reading Steve's latest thread "WHY TUBES, CABLES ..." will explain why the wait is worth it.

I agree

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 11/11/21 at 16:33:01

Okay, so now that everyone has had their say, and been able to bloviate about their politics, can we please get back to audio related posts?

I tend to check once a week, but often succumb to daily temptation.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/11/21 at 18:41:17

Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Reply #245 - Today at 11:33:01   Okay, so now that everyone has had their say, and been able to bloviate about their politics

No bloviating. Not politics. Observations and historical/current fact.

If one doesnt KNOW there's a major existential threat born right smack in the middle of the democrat party, then one has his head buried straight up his ass. And believe me, I ain't GOPe either...all they are is the alleged opposition.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bhamm on 11/11/21 at 19:06:00

Cool.  Checked waiting list today and I’m in shipping😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by lazb on 11/11/21 at 19:13:29

good for you! I checked yesterday and I am in 905

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 11/11/21 at 19:23:32

I was on a different type of waiting, waiting for an amp to come back from the mothership for repair. It's arriving back tomorrow, five weeks plus from sending it back.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 11/11/21 at 20:23:30

Congrats Bhamm!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 11/11/21 at 21:57:00

Hey Lazb. Looks like you and I will be in close proximity on the list for the duration. I’m at about 930. We will have our product in no time ::)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by lazb on 11/11/21 at 23:48:39

yes, Geno, after we get them and look back it will be "no time"

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/12/21 at 01:15:28

Wee update.  On 8/10 I was #232.  On 11/11 I'm #128.  That's 35 per month if one rounds up.  Slow but steady.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 11/12/21 at 23:47:41

Lon wrote on 11/11/21 at 19:23:32:
I was on a different type of waiting, waiting for an amp to come back from the mothership for repair. It's arriving back tomorrow, five weeks plus from sending it back.

And the amp is back and all my settings restored and the two Monoblocks are now back in action.

Just amazing sound, these amps have magic, they are worth waiting for. These Zen amps are just. . . unique, and in a great way.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Drew T on 11/13/21 at 00:00:18

That’s great Tell us more !

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 11/13/21 at 00:05:50

Hey Drew, if you are talking to me I can say that I have had a number of other Decware amps, five with larger power than these Monoblocks, but none that sounded better.

While this one Monoblock was gone for a rectifier socket repair I used my Taboo Mk IV and also a DALAUDIO solid state chip amp that I bought as a back up and was very pleasantly surprised with, but there was not the seductive detail and micro-dynamic contrast and realistic tonal qualities and texture to the extent in these SE84UFO3 Monoblocks with the Anniversary mods. I am so used to them and everything else just doesn't quite measure up.

I've been blessed with a great Decware system for years now. I'm so enjoying listening to music, this is my main pleasure in my retirement.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Drew T on 11/13/21 at 00:18:42

Awesome . Thanks Lon - yes i was speaking to you .  I’ve ordered  se84ufo25 . It’s still quite a few months away. I’m wondering if I shouldn’t scale back to the se84ufo2  with the anniversary mods ?  Have you ever compared the 2 models ?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 11/13/21 at 00:24:17

No I have not . . . I have had earlier versions of the Zen amp. . . the 27th one Steve built, the "Select," and a Rev. C with mods by Eddie Vaughan. They were all good. The 25th Anniversary mods would have made any of them even better--I first had those in a Taboo Mk IV and then ordered these SE84UFO3 Monoblocks with them. I imagine that the SE84UFO2 with the mods would be great. . . but I also think the 25th Anniversary SE84UFO would be just a bit better. So. . .there's no crime in leaving your order in place as is. All reports of these Anniversary amps are heavy with praise.

I would have ordered one instead of the Monoblocks except I wanted to have that little bit more power the Monoblock design allows, I think they help me to have just more than enough power for my speakers and I'm glad I did order them.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Drew T on 11/13/21 at 00:29:01

Thank you Lon . Appreciate the feedback - I’ll most likely stick with my original choice . Easy to 2nd guess oneself while waiting for delivery . 👍

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by EdwardT on 11/15/21 at 17:27:43

I look at the title of this thread and think “way, way too often.”

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/15/21 at 18:16:13

35-40 a month.

Once Steve's new hires get rolling [a month or two from now?], we'll see how that number increases.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 11/15/21 at 22:59:24

It looks like it is moving faster in the last few weeks. I'm not in a rush anyways... :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 11/15/21 at 23:27:30

Thankfully I haven't checked the wait list in over 5 years. Glad I bought my gear early.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 11/16/21 at 00:12:06

Haven’t checked the list in 5 years?  I have great news, your order likely will ship soon 😂

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 11/16/21 at 01:05:29

Thankfully I haven't checked the wait list in over 5 years. Glad I bought my gear early.


After purchasing a zbit, zrock2, and taboo mk 4 and thinking i was done, it later became apparent I committed a false start....after selling the taboo and ordering a torii mk 5, that false start penalty became not only 5 yards but a 1.5 year wait :-O

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 12/08/21 at 13:31:28

Checking the list weekly now that I'm under 250.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 12/08/21 at 15:49:12

Do you remember what was your spot on the list when you ordered?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 12/08/21 at 17:06:17

We have written our own list software and have switched over to it as of Monday.  We are no longer using ZOHO for anything.

The new link:



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 12/08/21 at 18:37:21

Is there a spreadsheet mode for the new list so we can easily see our numbered position?

I was at 234 on August 10.  Today I’m 91. That’s holding steady at about 35 per month.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 12/08/21 at 18:46:21

daily. Still not even on it~      '35 per month'  Oh sh*t!   I'll be dead before even getting on this list!   [smiley=tunes26.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 12/08/21 at 19:08:56

On the new listing, how can I see my current numeric position in line like I could with the prior listing?  Could not find it at first glance.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 12/08/21 at 19:11:34


At the bottom of each page, it lists the range of that page's entries " Showing 31 to 40 of 961 entries"  so you just have to find your page and it is a quick count to your position.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 12/08/21 at 19:18:16

Got it.  That works.  Thanks.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 12/09/21 at 13:17:35


Just under 500 when I made the list.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 12/09/21 at 13:38:28

it makes sense, I was around 700 when I ordered early July. Today I'm at 544. So I moved up around 30 per month. Hopefully in 18 to 24 month I should receive my UFO.
I also ordered a zrock2 but I'm 900+ on this one by then who knows...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 12/09/21 at 14:48:25

As the number of Decware orders in the build que continues to grow along with the average age of customers, perhaps it's time to consider including a beneficiary designee with all order information. Hey, just a thought...


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 12/09/21 at 16:10:14

That's funny, I had the same thought.  Maybe a waiting line algorithm that factors in age.  If you are over 70, you get bumped up. Over 80, go to the head of the line. Over 90,......

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 12/09/21 at 17:33:51

MichaelG wrote

 makes sense, I was around 700 when I ordered early July. Today I'm at 544. So I moved up around 30 per month. Hopefully in 18 to 24 month I should receive my UFO.
I also ordered a zrock2 but I'm 900+ on this one by then who knows...

Sarah will combine both orders for you by moving your ZRock to #544.  I ordered a ZRock in March and added a CSP3 in October which was added to the ZRock order rather than going to the end of the line.

Also, as a reminder, Steve has stated that more techs will be hired this winter to help with the influx of orders from last spring.  While it won’t bring wait times back to the normal 3 to 4 months, it should nonetheless improve on the current rate of 35 per month.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 12/09/21 at 18:47:52

I might do that but originally I wanted to spread my purchases over time. I don’t mind waiting. Eventually if nothing comes before 2023 I’ll combine the orders.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 12/09/21 at 21:59:47

On the new listing, how can I see my current numeric position in line like I could with the prior listing?  Could not find it at first glance.

Choose CSV at the top, and it will open up an excel spreadsheet with the number in line shown on the left (subtract one because of the header at the top)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by prtuc2 on 12/13/21 at 16:55:55

I knew about Decware back in 2012, I believed it was only 6-8 weeks for delivery and haven't place order until recently because, I was living in an apartment back then. Now fast forward to 2021 my order didn't even make it on the waiting list yet. Probably won't see my order until early 2024. Wish me luck guys   [smiley=tunes10.gif]

Side note: I waited 11 months for my DNA amp, so this one might broke the record.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 12/13/21 at 17:53:37

Good luck with the wait. Use the time to build a small stash of tubes😉.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sarah on 12/14/21 at 17:19:49

Hi guys!

I just wanted to update everyone that I am behind on adding orders to the wait list. I had to hold off beginning mid-November as we transitioned to a new list. The final export took place last week so I can begin adding orders placed after 11/15. Hang tight! I've never had this many to add before so it's going to take some time. There are approximately 232 orders to process. If you'd like the deposit charged now, please give me a call.

Thank you for your patience!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 12/17/21 at 14:28:45

I made it to double digits.  Never so excited to be 99 on a waitlist.  yep, I'm fleixng.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 12/23/21 at 19:58:30

"I've never had this many to add before so it's going to take some time."
Steady as she goes Sarah.
It will get there. :-)

To All: I am 597 as of today ;-)


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 12/24/21 at 08:10:32

I’m 81 and 82…. Tick, tick, tick….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 12/30/21 at 02:53:01

Not wanting to get too excited just yet, but the list suddenly seems to be flying.  I was 81 & 82 just 5 days ago on December 24th.  Today I am 59 & 60.  That’s 22 spots in just 5 days, which is more than twice the normal rate.

Perhaps the Big Kahuna has his new tech dudes in da house??

Also entirely possible I’ve messed up my calculations!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 12/30/21 at 03:36:13

Actually some techs are home. What you witnessed is due to someone finally doing an update which has been behind on the task for awhile.

So it’s slow as she goes…..

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 12/30/21 at 05:12:18

Thanks Brad, that makes me feel better.  Too much change makes me nervous   [smiley=50.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 12/30/21 at 16:40:12

Can’t put thanks in a wallet! Just joking, I figure you can appreciate that as you’re a bright funny guy with a good sense of humor.

So you’re quite welcome. Just stop dating communist women! LoL  :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 12/30/21 at 16:51:24

Seems like Sarah spent some time updating. An unsung heroine.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 12/30/21 at 17:17:26

Brad, you’ll be pleased to know I’ve recently learned that fascist women do it better.  A little bossy and self absorbed, but hey, watchagonna…

Btw, are you hiding in the bushes outside Decware right now?  Did you follow the techs home?  You seem to know quite a lot about this   [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 12/30/21 at 17:41:47


Actually Steve sent an email out to subscribers yesterday. He noted that the shop was closed this week, some techs were out with Covid, that they were transitioning to a new waitlist system, and also a new webpage system updating it one product at a time (so I'm guessing it's going to take a while).

Hopefully the new waitlist system will not require manual updates which along a the record orders have created bottlenecks in production of equipment. Hope they can get things sorted in 2022.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 12/30/21 at 17:52:30

Goodness, after all these years I never noticed the giant “Get on the list” ad at the bottom of the page!

In any case, Brad in the bushes is more entertaining….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Donnie on 12/30/21 at 18:29:12

I am truly surprised that someone hasn't monetized this wait list situation yet.

A person could make a killing by putting in a "block order" of say 5 to 10 amps and then selling either their place in line or the amps themselves down the road.

I'm betting that there is a easy 20% to be made here, perhaps even more.

Now no one can say that isn't a capitalist idea right there.

What would you pay right now for a brand new Decware amp and not have to wait in line for months and months???

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 12/30/21 at 18:32:06

Brad, you’ll be pleased to know I’ve recently learned that fascist women do it better.  A little bossy and self absorbed, but hey, watchagonna…

LOL well please don’t ever marry one of those creatures…indeed they are mouthy, loud, and very self-absorbed much like their liberal leftist sisters.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 12/30/21 at 18:43:38

Donnie,  That's a two year, minimum, investment.   8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 12/30/21 at 19:05:27

We’ve already covered the “order a bunch and sell them to avoid the waitlist” idea.  We’re currently negotiating a cut for Sarah, as her participation will be key as we’ll need aliases created for the list to keep it all on the down low.  Next we’ll give Steve Guttenberg a slice to post a glowing Decware review once a month to keep the gravy train rolling.  Within a year we should be able to offer an IPO and retire as multimillionaires.

One day, when people log on to Amazon, literally the only products for sale will be Decware.  We’ll take over the entire economy.

If you’d like to be a part of this fantastic opportunity, please PayPal me $2000 immediately.  Opportunities like this are very rare!

I’m securing the domain name today,


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 12/31/21 at 16:16:07

"If you’d like to be a part of this fantastic opportunity, please PayPal me $2000 immediately.  Opportunities like this are very rare!

I’m securing the domain name today,"

Whooooaaaaa hahahaha!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sean on 12/31/21 at 19:42:52

What would you pay right now for a brand new Decware amp and not have to wait in line for months and months???

I'm fairly new to all things Decware. I REALLY wanted to order new, but the wait is a feat of strength I just don't have. So I scoured everywhere for a used amp. The amp I got is 17 yrs old and I paid almost double what it went for new. Seems most used SE84's (non UFO) are between $700 and 1000. I haven't found many year or two old Decware amps.

What would I pay for a new UFO2? Put one in front of me and we'll find out!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 01/03/22 at 15:38:21

WOO HOO! sarah is knocking it out of the park  went from 99 to 65.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by duaneh on 01/04/22 at 01:20:39

The glass is half full.  I'm 327 from the bottom.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 01/04/22 at 05:53:15

3 different lists ,months later and A lot of smart people. I'm under 200.

So glad I got on the list.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/04/22 at 07:38:17

I'm closing in on the Precious at 47.  Have begun to make space on the rack in eager anticipation.  One preamp to rule them all.....

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 01/04/22 at 18:52:25

I'm closing in on the Precious at 47.  Have begun to make space on the rack in eager anticipation.  One preamp to rule them all.....

Exciting! I hope that your new Decware addition stops you from dating hot communist women! Haha

It’s been a long long wait for you and everyone…After submitting my order for a Torii MK 5 w/A-mods in May of last year I’m now in the low 300’s. I figure another 7 mos. which makes final delivery around the 14 mos.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/04/22 at 21:46:14

My Match profile does read “must love vodka, sunset walks, and decapitation of elites”!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 01/11/22 at 19:03:59

I have been checking the waiting list very often lately. I ordered an SE84UFO plus a ZROCK one month ago and my order wasn't yet added to the list. Looks like the most recent orders are from Nov, 26. I would be happy to see my name popping up... even if it is to stay there for 1 year or more :)

Has anyone else ordered recently ?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 01/11/22 at 19:08:59

Hang on Nuno the fun starts when your order hits the list.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/11/22 at 19:47:58

I spoke with Sarah yesterday, she said she has a couple hundred or so orders to add to the waitlist.

With shipping perhaps 2 years out, there’s not a hurry to update the list. They are swamped with other operational things that take precedence.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 01/11/22 at 22:46:26

Posted by: Nuno      Posted on: Today at 19:03:59
I have been checking the waiting list very often lately. I ordered an SE84UFO plus a ZROCK one month ago and my order wasn't yet added to the list. Looks like the most recent orders are from Nov, 26. I would be happy to see my name popping up... even if it is to stay there for 1 year or more Smiley

Has anyone else ordered recently ?

I placed my order at the end of November (Black Friday) and I'm still not on the wait list. I placed my first Decware order over a year and a half ago, and waited 5 months and a day for my amps to be delivered. I may wait that long to get on the wait list this time  .

But if my Decware experience has taught me anything, it is the amps are more than worth the wait, and worth much more than the price.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dominick on 01/12/22 at 16:59:58

I placed my order at the end of November (Black Friday) and I'm still not on the wait list. I placed my first Decware order over a year and a half ago, and waited 5 months and a day for my amps to be delivered. I may wait that long to get on the wait list this time   .

But if my Decware experience has taught me anything, it is the amps are more than worth the wait, and worth much more than the price.

I did the exact same thing and I am not on the wait list yet either.  If I get it for Christmas that would be fantastic…either way it’s worth the wait.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 01/13/22 at 09:16:53

My orders have advanced 60 spots since late August. At this rate, and as long as aliens don't kidnap Steve in the meantime, I should be getting my orders around my 70th birthday, three years from now.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/13/22 at 17:32:08

I know it must feel that way, but the list has moved quite a bit faster than 60 spots since August.  On August 10th I was at 232.  Today I’m at 35.  So that’s nearly 200 since August.  

Since August the pace has been 35 per month.  The pace has picked up noticeably in the last month which has brought that 5 month average up to 40. Not just 40 in the last month, but enough of an increase to raise the entire 5 month average to 40.

In the last 3 weeks I’ve gone from 82 to 35.  If my math is correct, that brings the average pace up from about 35 per month to 67.  

The pace has quickened, and that’s with the holidays and Covid mixed in.

The new pace, assuming the list is at about 1200 orders, still makes it about 18 months for a new order to ship.  Perhaps faster.

But this appears to be good news overall.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 01/14/22 at 03:54:52

Welp, I was always in the 600s and still am, after 5 months. If that's actually not true then that would be interesting, but I'm just calling what I see on the list. Of course not everything will be delivered in lockstep order.

Problem with a long queue is the lack of interactivity. Can't buy one component, wait for it, listen for a few months, say "hey, how about that other component?" and wait for it. Not when there's a year and a half from order to delivery (and continuously getting longer -- the rate at which the queue is inflating is a who other topic).

Well, it's a fiendishly effective reverse marketing tool. I ordered everything I might ever want from Decware, ever, all at once because I'm too old to wait a year and a half again if I decide I want something else (i.e. I will have to look elsewhere for additional components, if I ever feel the need).

The queue LOOKED like about 8 months to delivery when I placed my orders (i.e., the oldest and newest orders were 8 months separated in time). It's getting kind of humorous to hear accounts of waiting a whole four months for delivery, "but it was worth it."

Having never even heard one of these components, I would consider myself thoroughly red-pilled, but I think customers who wait more than a year should get, like, a Decware coffee mug or a nice T-shirt.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/14/22 at 05:04:32

BurgerMeester wrote:

Welp, I was always in the 600s and still am, after 5 months. If that's actually not true then that would be interesting, but I'm just calling what I see on the list. Of course not everything will be delivered in lockstep order.

The good news is that you're most certainly mistaken.  If you're in the 600's now, then you were in the 800's five months ago.  That much I can guarantee.  There's no way you've been spinning your wheels in the 600's for the last 5 months.

Also, the concept of looking at what orders were being shipped when you ordered as a way to determine your possible ship date, is mathematically incorrect.  The reason being is that the number of orders per month can fluctuate.  There was a big surge in orders from March 2020 through the summer.  When I ordered on March 1, that put me at about #360.  If you ordered in August, that probably put you in the 800's (I'm guessing).  That makes your wait much much longer than whatever order dates were shipping when you ordered in August.

Hopefully that makes sense.  That your wait was always much longer than 8 months at the production pace throughout the fall.

Steve has said more techs would be hired in the winter, and here we are, in the winter.  This will pick up the pace, as it seems to have accelerated as of late.  The average has been 35 per month.  If it gets up to a 50 per month average, then you still have a year to go.  At 70 per month, more in the 9 month range.

Keep the faith!  What else is there to do?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 01/14/22 at 05:45:19

Well, that's good news. Good news is tight!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 01/14/22 at 05:51:53

Everyone who actually has to wait a year will get one of these T-Shirts with their order.  It will be the only way to get one.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 01/14/22 at 06:21:13

Absolutely brilliant. I love it, and look forward to my shirt.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tone-Deaf on 01/14/22 at 06:26:13


Thanks for the math work, and the encouragement.  I also ordered on Black Friday, and am waiting to get on the list.

I just wanted to note that one factor not included in your analysis is the effect of people who are ahead of you on the list that decide to add another item to their order.  My understanding is that the new item would have the same priority as the original order.  It that is right, then it is possible that while you move up the list for each item shipped, you fall behind for each item added to an existing order that is ahead of you.  

If I did my math right, then the farther back you are on the list, the less progress you may make each month because there are more people ahead of you that may add to their order.  That might be why Burgermeester has not moved up as much as you (on the other hand, maybe I just did my math wrong!).

So I think it is very hard to predict how long the wait will be if you are at the end of the list (I'm not complaining, as I was aware of the long wait when I ordered, and I think this is a very challenging situation for Decware to manage).  What will be will be!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 01/14/22 at 06:54:10

I waited a whole year and all I got was this lousy tee shirt!   ;D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 01/14/22 at 13:26:31


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 01/14/22 at 13:38:40

Something makes me think Steve has no intention of ever sending that to anyone.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 01/14/22 at 14:47:03

XL for me please.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 01/14/22 at 17:21:14

Hi Lon,  Sure he will! I think you feel left out wishing you could qualify for a T-shirt - it is NOT EASY, you know. I could send you a UC-Berkeley shirt in its place to help with this issue of inclusion.  :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/14/22 at 18:00:03

Tone-Deaf wrote:

If I did my math right, then the farther back you are on the list, the less progress you may make each month because there are more people ahead of you that may add to their order.

Thanks for pointing that out. While certainly a factor, I do not believe it could account for only moving 60 spots in 5 months.

I’ve been following the math since the summer. Once a consensus was reached that about 35 per month are shipping, I calculated that my order would ship in mid February.  And that has proved to be accurate, down to the week.  The 400 in front of me didn’t add to their orders enough to alter that pace over 8 months.

Ironically 2 weeks shy of qualifying for a T-shirt!  C’mon Steve, help a brother out!

Heck, delay shipment 2 weeks just so I get a T-shirt

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 01/14/22 at 20:39:08

No need to send me a T-Shirt. I rarely wear any with writing or images on them. I am not jealous. Rather. . .I think Steve means to move all orders out in less than a year. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/14/22 at 21:02:31

I checked with the mothership and the T-shirt is an actual thing…


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 01/14/22 at 21:23:45

Well, that's a shame.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Donnie on 01/14/22 at 21:48:18

I may put in a order just to be able to get the shirt!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/14/22 at 21:55:09

It just happened. The moment I’ve been waiting for, the moment we’re all waiting for, the email from Sarah stating parts have been pulled.

This is a harbinger, a prophecy unfolding, that the T-shirt is that much closer to shipping!

I assume by “parts” they mean the cotton is being harvested and heading to the loom.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 01/14/22 at 23:09:56


I am only 400ish behind you, but it seems like it is moving faster than before!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 01/14/22 at 23:14:34

DancingSea, After this very long wait, and once everything has been delivered to you, let us know what you think -- of the T-shirt. :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/15/22 at 00:30:27


Yes, that’s right, John is the first name and “???” is the last name.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 01/15/22 at 00:34:19

And here I thought only Prince had symbols as part of his name, that definitely makes you stand out from the crowd.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/15/22 at 01:02:58

I’m still trying to find myself, thus “???” is apropos.  Have you seen me lately?  If yes, please send gps coordinates!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 01/15/22 at 17:29:09

Going to put my shirt in a frame. 9 months 7 days, less then 180 on the list. Ordered some Lii f15 this week. Would like to get some baffles from Caintuck . Checking the list weekly and this thread Daily.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 01/15/22 at 17:37:18

Steve, master psychologist, now has people hoping for a wait of 1+yr!   :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/15/22 at 20:44:54

Of course there will be the inevitable special “2 year club” T-shirt as we move from egalitarianism to a strict caste system….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by lazb on 01/15/22 at 21:42:12

I personally have no interest in acquiring a T-shirt. Only want my order filled and delivered.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/15/22 at 22:07:34

Excellent!  We can look forward to you giving away your T-shirt here on the thread.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by lazb on 01/15/22 at 22:37:33

never said I would not accept and keep it!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/16/22 at 04:43:56

Fair enough, we'll pencil you in as having a new found interest in the T-shirt...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 01/17/22 at 00:49:07

Someone will have to start a t-shirt thread.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/19/22 at 04:28:40

I've moved up 20 spots in the last 14 days.  At 28 and 29 now.  While a bit faster than normal at 10 per week, or 43 per month, it's 20% faster, but not exactly flying.

In the spirit of new things to complain about, should the list really start to fly will we start thinking we're getting a rush, slapped together version of a Decware amp instead of the traditional slow as she rolls version?

I'm joking around.  I poke bears for fun.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 01/19/22 at 15:37:37

At least once every two days since Black Friday so about 40 times since late November. Still not on the list as of yesterday though.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/20/22 at 18:00:23

To correct my most recent post, the list is moving much faster.  I moved up 10 spots in 48 hours to #17 & 18.  

Obviously the new techs are in house.  Which is good news for the waitlist as production ought to be much faster going forward. Still a year wait, but that’s better than 2 years!  And you still get a T-shirt

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/20/22 at 21:38:38

A landing spot has been prepared for the eminent shipping of the CSP3 and ZRock 2!  Top shelf, center.

For the life of me, can’t figure out how to post a photo to this forum.  Here is a link to the photo…

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 01/20/22 at 21:42:51

Very nice!

Do I spy a Marantz Model 30? I was VERY tempted by that option at one point.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/20/22 at 21:49:36

Here’s a better photo. Yes, EISA award winning Model 30 & SACD 30n. I’m now officially a Marantz fan boy!

The lower shelf is an Ah! Tjeob CD4000.  IFi Zen Stream with door stopper on top. And a ZBox.

Speakers are Magnepan LRS with MagnaRiser stands.

All Duelund cables.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 01/20/22 at 22:38:37

I am in the 700's now! Just a few more months wait...   8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/20/22 at 22:49:01

Geno, I think you're all set for next Wednesday.  Those new techs really work fast.....

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 01/21/22 at 00:16:30

There's actually 1 new tech.....Steve is working on getting a couple more but its very hard to find candidates. The blanking socialists were busy paying people to not work and stay home over the preposterously extended purposeful govt fail response to the Fauci-Xi re-engineered viral attack...all part of the Great Reset.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/21/22 at 01:05:18

The P-man is back in form baby!

But the last thing you’d want is a wanker socialist building your Ayn Rand inspired amp, thus it seems the Fauci communist have done you a favor by weeding out the lazy bastards from the Decware hiring pool.

It’s another communist miracle!

How about you and I go together and get Dr Fauci tattoos?  We can get a mani pedi afterwards, you know, like buddies.

After that we can go to the library and learn what the words “socialist” and “communist” actually mean.  Just for kicks.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by lazb on 01/21/22 at 02:51:00

Thanks for that post, Dancing Sea! Politics have no place on this forum.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 01/21/22 at 03:13:34

Oh John, you’re a hoot!

No tattoo for little Fauci, just solitary confinement for the rest of his unnatural life, along with most of the public health establishment liars, big pharma liars, eco health alliance, too many in the private medical establishment, all of the mainstream media knuckleheads.

No need for a library here, the Great Reset will actually look more like 21st century fascism.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/21/22 at 03:59:00

True story.  This week a friend set me up with a dinner date.  The lady reference covid as "the flu" in an email.  I told my friend Brad over at Decware told me to never date a facist and I called the whole thing off...


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 01/21/22 at 04:31:42

Well John you have that one backwards, but I’m not surprised by much of anything in the world as it’s gone insane.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/21/22 at 18:37:38

I know it's backwards, I'm just poking fun.

Brad, I'll let you in on a little secret.  It's not Ayn Rand vs Karl Marx, it's the human race vs all other creatures, the earth itself, and perhaps the universe.  The human kingdom has been crazy for as long as there have been humans.  No other animal species, by order of magnitude, has created such chaos and destruction.  During my childhood we spent time practicing hiding under desks in case nuclear missiles rained down - the pinnacle of our evolution.  We are a very troubled chimpanzee drunk with the arrogance of our perceived superiority when the actual track record paints a very different story.  Literally every other animal species (and we are an animal species) has managed to live in relative harmony.

Meanwhile, back to our regularly scheduled program.  I'm now up to #11 and realizing I might soon have to actually use money to pay for my order!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Skip on 01/22/22 at 00:19:54

Placed an order back in May. Getting a SE84UFO25 and CSP325. Haven't looked at the list much until just recently. Moved up over 70 slots in a little over a month! Now at #276.

Oh yea, great response DancingSea. :-)


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 01/22/22 at 02:40:11

After a long stressful day in front of my computer reading about wackado liberal BS the last thing I want to read when I visit the Decware Forum is some liberal wackado ranting about posts they don't like on the Decware Forum!     :'(

I wish Steve would put an end to it.  I think speech I don't agree with should be censored.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/22/22 at 03:39:08

I responded to Brad in a humorous, chiding way partly in hopes of not having this thread devolve into a train wreck.  And to get a laugh.

I'm all for free speech.  I'm all for folks believing whatever the heck they want to, whether I find it nuts or not.

That said, I do find it reasonable to carve out a politics-free space in regards to HiFi.  This gear is something we can all easily find common ground over, regardless of our political slants.

And what is gained by thrusting a political rant into a thread about waiting for a tube amp?  The results are nearly always the same.  Pointless argument that leads no where.

My leanings are certainly very different than Brads.  So what?  What is gained by me telling Brad he's completely wrong?  Is it going to change Brad's mind?  Of course not!  It will only cause yet more fire to pour out of his eyes.  All I gain is a tiny bit of satisfaction that I spoke my mind.  And the group gets a derailed thread.

Brad, I totally get you are passionate and firmly convicted in your views.  Hey man, go for it.  But for the sake of peace here, can't we all agree to simply discuss such toxic political topics elsewhere?

In Decware we have a great place to commune around safe topics for which we're all passionate.  HiFi.  Let's not spoil that sacred ground with political vitriol, no matter our position.

I think Brad is good dude who is perhaps not reading the room correctly.

And this is Steve's place of business.  His life's work and livelihood.  His customer base spans the political spectrum.  Out of respect to Steve, let's respect his business by making the forum welcoming to everyone, regardless of politics.

And in these current times, the only way to do that is avoid politics entirely.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Donnie on 01/22/22 at 04:19:20

Ok from now on instead of politics you all can just make fun of me.

I'm tired of the yammering and caterwauling, so go ahead and just make fun of the fact that I'm left handed and that I have to wear glasses.
Make fun of my school (MIT*) or the fact that I am from Illinois.
How about that I'm thinking about buying a new car when my old one only has 30K miles on it.

* Mississippi Institute of Truckin

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/22/22 at 05:10:35

Drew, sometimes our reactions can be just as much of a problem as the problem.

The best way to deal with Brad is to either ignore his rants, or find humor.

The approach you are taking will only add fuel to the fire and make things worse.  Brad, or Archie, or someone else will react to your rant against their rant, yada yada yada.

The forums are not moderated.  Think of Brad as a political homeless person having a conversation with dumpster.  Toss a few coins in his cup and move on down the street.

Ok, I'm doing the very thing I said not to do.  Thus please do as I say, not as I do!

And honestly, Brad is a good dude who can take a joke.  Crazy uncles make the world go round.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Drew T on 01/22/22 at 05:56:01

Dancing Sea - perhaps you’re right. I  appreciate your humour , measured response and level headed  advice.  I will no longer engage. Best

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 01/22/22 at 06:13:24

You guys put on a Master Class on how to have the last word while chiding people for their last words.  Self awareness is not that hard.

BTW, Qanon doesn't exist.  Just for the record, there is Q and there are Anons.  Arm yourselves with knowledge.     8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 01/22/22 at 10:59:17

Speaking of 'Q' Archie, Roger Walters "Amused to Death" work is so underrated. It should be rated right along with "The Other Side of the Moon" as he intended. I find it one of my goto CDs for judging resolution of a system. There is so much detail in Amused to Death that only the finest systems will reveal.

You guys awaiting are in for a real treat [smiley=peanuts05.gif]


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 01/22/22 at 18:59:27

I should check it out.  I soured on Waters when he split off of PF.  He got so wordy too!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DPC on 01/23/22 at 10:49:40

" I soured on Waters when he split off of PF.  He got so wordy too!"


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/24/22 at 22:30:09

I am 490 on the list.
I am 490 on the list!!!
I am 490 on the list!!!!!

running around in circles, jumping on the sofa...

You are welcome comrade.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 01/24/22 at 23:46:05



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/25/22 at 01:07:03

With the silliness above in the tread, how could I resist!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 01/25/22 at 01:44:56

Still not on the list but celebrating that we finally have a new person as the last entry, who apparently put in his order 50 min before me, so we’re getting close.  And here I thought I was getting a leg up by ordering close to 2 am, while everyone else was sleeping.  Little did I know…

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 01/25/22 at 02:05:18

Almost at 150, still have time to finish my Lii f15 baffles. Plus a frame for my shirt.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/25/22 at 16:32:01

"And here I thought I was getting a leg up by ordering close to 2 am, while everyone else was sleeping.  Little did I know…"
Interesting. I wonder if the Decware people actually sleep???

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/25/22 at 16:33:25

"Plus a frame for my shirt."
Hahaha good one!
I am almost tempting to ask Steve to slow down so I can get the T.
Perish the thought!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 01/25/22 at 17:34:30

Yeah going to match the frame to my Zen base. lol

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sarah on 01/26/22 at 23:23:14

Hang tight guys! A new office assistant joined the Decware team on Monday, and I'm currently training her on adding orders to the wait list. She is on a roll and doing great! I'm beyond excited to have help with data entry, for starters. Next is phone and email. Eventually, I won't be drowning anymore! ;)


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 01/26/22 at 23:57:55

Great news Sarah. Good luck with your new trainee!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DPC on 01/26/22 at 23:59:55

That’s really good news.

Now I won’t feel so bad calling in.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 01/27/22 at 00:44:58

Just got the email that my Black Friday order is on the wait list, woot woot! I'll be back this summer to see where I'm at.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 01/27/22 at 01:25:01

Good news! You've needed help, glad it's there now.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 01/27/22 at 13:25:54

my order didn't pop up, even if there is one order with a later date. Maybe it was forgotten and will pop up next, just sent an email to Sarah, waiting for feedback :-)
At this point, I'm happy to see my order added to the list.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by chapsjon on 01/27/22 at 14:44:39

You're not alone. My order didn't pop up either. Placed on 26 Nov. I will email Sarah too. I was waiting a few days as I know they are all very busy. I'll feel better about seeing my name on the lost as well.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 01/27/22 at 15:26:11

There were many, many orders after mine that got processed before mine did. Just be patient I'm sure yours will be on the list soon.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by chapsjon on 01/27/22 at 16:33:00

Good to know. Thanks!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Giggsy on 01/27/22 at 16:49:47

Watching the list on a daily basis is like watching your investments on the stock exchange. Day to day goes up and down but long term you hope it moves in the right direction. A couple of days ago I was 204, today 207. But over the course of the month i've moved up many positions  :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/27/22 at 17:24:06

I was at 11 & 12.  A fellow above me named Duane C. from Ohio has added to his order.  He’s getting 7 devices.  That bumped me down 2 spots.  In the nearly a year that I’ve been on the list, this is the first time I moved down.

I’m sure Duane C. correctly concluded to buy all he needs now to avoid going to the end of the list.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/28/22 at 00:01:56

Just a thought.

Think of it this way (maybe): Every email that team Decware has to answer is time not spent entering orders in the data base...

I, myself am at 500something, I want to call and ask Sarah to upgrade my UFO to copper caps but I haven't bothered her yet. There is plenty of time before my unit gets on the bench so I will wait until things calms down a bit for them and call later.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/28/22 at 00:05:08

Just a thought.

Think of it this way (maybe): Every email that team Decware has to answer is time not spent entering orders in the data base...

I, myself am at 500something, I want to call and ask Sarah to upgrade my UFO2.1 to 2.2 (copper caps) but I haven't bothered her yet. There is plenty of time before my unit gets on the bench so I will wait until things calms down a bit for them and call later.

You guys are making me think maybe I should order more stuff!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/28/22 at 01:31:24

Great idea!  I’ll email Sarah and see what she thinks   :D

Parts don’t seem to get pulled until the about last 20 spots, so plenty of time to concoct order changes.

That bastard Duane C. added a ZP3 and 4 Zbits to his order last minute. Some nerve!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/28/22 at 03:32:51

HAha, sure then I can send a quick email to her to confirm my suggestion was right... or wrong.
Then you can send an email to thank her for agreeing with you... or ask why she disagree.

We could go in circles like that for an eternity.

After that we could start a club of Decware 'free citizens' but if I go over the one year wait time I still want my 'T'!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 01/28/22 at 03:34:01

Listening to Cowboy Junkies Trinity Sessions as I write this….At first, my order on the 26th didn’t pop up either and PM’d Sarah just to be sure.  Today, I got the e-mail and I’m finally on the list.  It feels more real now.  Amazed how many ppl ordered before 2 am on the 26th.  I do realize the list fluctuates as ppl add to their existing orders. Sarah did tell me that this is an option and it doesn’t bump you to the back of list.  However, I figure there are some ppl who change their minds and cancel their orders so hopefully it balances out in the end.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/28/22 at 04:35:26

Given the age demographic and psychological profile of the average Decware customer, I’m sure institutionalization offsets any add on orders.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by OKNOTOK on 01/28/22 at 16:30:59

"However, I figure there are some ppl who change their minds and cancel their orders so hopefully it balances out in the end."

Correct, between half a year ago and now the difference for me is -2, more people cancelled their order than additional items got added to existing orders. However I still have some months to wait and supposedly most people will change orders closer to the finish line.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 01/28/22 at 17:23:32

How does that Muddy Waters song go . . . "And that's 24 hours too long."

I'd like another ZBIT but I'm not going to get on the list and wait. I think I may get the Jensen transformer they are built from--I don't need adjustment in this instance.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/28/22 at 17:45:42

I’m joking about the honorable Duane C.  Totally cool that he has ordered whatever he needs or wants.

I’m finally on the ultimate page. After eleven months, up to #8.  And one day, so you shall be as well. Started at 370.

Has passed quality control is and being packed.

And now, I'm off the list entirely.  Whew, that was quite a ride.....

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by chapsjon on 01/28/22 at 22:10:32

Now officially on the list. I expect quite a wait, but I know it will be worth it and have good gear to hold me over. In fact, I didn't think I was going to add anything further to my gear but have read so many rave reviews of anniversary gear that I couldn't resist an SE84UFO with mods.

I have an SE84C+ that I may send back for mods once the UFO arrives in house and then use them as monos. My plan is to compare them once I have both, then consider upgrades to the C+. Not sure if anyone else has mixed SE84 models as monos or not. I know it would be unequal without upgrades to the C+, but am curious if it would sound "equal" after that. I thought a "Ying Yang" sent of monos, one black, one white, might be cool. Thoughts?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 01/28/22 at 22:32:22


I have a second SE84UFO(modded) on order (high 700's on the list) that I plan to match with the one I have now to run as balanced monoblocs.

In the meantime, I picked up a used Spud kit to use as the other channel matched with my SE84UFO(modded), and it sounds great. So good in fact, that I think I would be fine to use it permanently, but I know that the other Zen will be a very nice upgrade.

With a little luck, maybe Steve will find another good tech or two to hire in the near future that will help to speed the process a bit. I'm trying to be optimistic...

Very best,


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by chapsjon on 01/28/22 at 22:58:39

That's great to know Geno! Thanks for the feedback. Also, from looking at your signature line, it looks like we have similar taste in gear: vintage Japanese. I need to get a signature line. I have an Accuphase e-303, Pioneer Exclusive M-4, and a couple of Technics SL-1200MK3D. I was stationed in Japan, so grabbed several pieces of gear while I could...

Thanks again, Jon.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sarah on 01/29/22 at 00:30:45

Hi all,

I'm getting tons of emails about people not seeing their order on the list but others who submitted after them. There are still quite a few to go so please bare with us.

Some of them are being added out of order depending on the method of payment (our system sends them to different departments). It also depends on the way the order was submitted. Right now I have orders in 4 separate systems. (Phone orders, UltraCart orders, PayPal orders, and Steve's new website orders.)

Please do not worry as your name will be added according to your order date & time. :)

I think within a week or so the new assistant (Veronica) will have the list fully updated.

We have the most patient customers and I really appreciate you guys! Thank you!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/31/22 at 15:41:32

Hopefully we will get an official Veronica introduction at some point LOL

As for being impatient to see your name on "the list" when there is a nine months delivery time scheduled...


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 01/31/22 at 16:03:44

woo hoo.  Made it into the teens, although still listed as new.  might need a couple more rachels to be gathered together before they start them.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 01/31/22 at 18:33:04

As for being impatient to see your name on "the list" when there is a nine months delivery time scheduled...

9 months seems pretty optimistic if you've placed your order in the last couple of months, but your point remains.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 01/31/22 at 19:14:18

Checking the waiting list this morning, and the pages of names/orders changed from showing ten at a time to 100 on my screen.  This change makes it difficult to calculate where exactly one stands in line.  Not impossible, just tricky.  Is there a way to switch back to presenting ten names at a time on the screen?  Can I do that from my screen?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 01/31/22 at 20:06:29

ZR2, CSP3 and T-shirt are packed, card is charged, and they ship tomorrow. Yahoo!  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 01/31/22 at 20:52:24

Exciting news!  Congratulations John, looking forward to your review.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/31/22 at 21:35:11


go to the list and save it as CSV then open that file it will open as excel sheet with the number on the side.
top right click on 'find' type your first name in the field and your order will come up with the number on the left side

PS. if I type my last name nothing comes up if I type my first name it works??.

I forgot who wrote that trick but it was someone from this tread.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Donnie on 01/31/22 at 22:43:06

Congratulations DancingSea on your impending delivery.

So it is going out tomorrow?

The forecast is for 5+ inches of snow Tuesday night followed by 5+" Wednesday, then  by 5+" Wednesday night then 5+" Thursday.

Everything will be drug down to a standstill.

Sorry, I'm not making this up!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 01/31/22 at 23:19:31

Alain, that worked - thanks.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 02/01/22 at 00:05:52

Donnie, I live on Maui.  What is this 5” you refer to?  Is that 5” of beach sand or 5” of surf lapping onto your feet as you walk the beach?

Are they unable to handle sand and surf in Illinois?

I’m not clear what the issue is?

My mind is no longer able to associate a meaning to the letters s, n, o, and w.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bluemage on 02/01/22 at 21:15:34

I ordered on Jan 23, and my name isn't on the list, yet there are orders for dates past Jan 23. Should I be concerned, or email Decware, or is this normal?


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 02/01/22 at 21:25:19

No, there is no reason for concern.

Sarah from Decware posted this a few days ago:

"Hi all,

I'm getting tons of emails about people not seeing their order on the list but others who submitted after them. There are still quite a few to go so please bare with us.

Some of them are being added out of order depending on the method of payment (our system sends them to different departments). It also depends on the way the order was submitted. Right now I have orders in 4 separate systems. (Phone orders, UltraCart orders, PayPal orders, and Steve's new website orders.)

Please do not worry as your name will be added according to your order date & time. Smiley

I think within a week or so the new assistant (Veronica) will have the list fully updated."

Just to give you an idea.......when I ordered in June it took nearly a month to show up, now that Sarah has help I don't believe you should expect that kind of wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/01/22 at 22:41:50



I have it from a reliable source:

Please, in absolutely no circumstances a Decware product should ever see or be in close proximity with sand, wave or on an island, EVER.
This will automatically destroy the unit unique qualities, make it unreliable and producing an enormous amount of distortion.

Ask Steve to send the units to my address.

I will take good care of everything and will invite you for a listening anytime you drop by Vancouver ;-)

Kind regards,


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 02/01/22 at 22:47:41

Alain --

I certainly hope that Vancouver Island is far enough from the mainland so as to not interfere with your seems like it could be a close call in which case you can send it on to me in Tacoma.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Andrew77 on 02/01/22 at 23:45:22

But, Coyote....  Vancouver is an island....   [smiley=tunes26.gif]

Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Reply #412 - Today at 17:41:50 ***ATT DANCING SEA****

Please, in absolutely no circumstances a Decware product should ever see or be in close proximity with sand, wave or on an island,

I will take good care of everything and will invite you for a listening anytime you drop by Vancouver Wink

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Skip on 02/01/22 at 23:52:00

Ok, Ok...I'm out here on the Olympic Peninsula. I'll split the difference. You both are welcome to come for a listen anytime. :-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bluemage on 02/02/22 at 00:40:11

Thank you Dr3wman! I appreciate the info! I'll be patiently waiting to see my name on the list. Then, I'll patiently wait again for a good year! Haha.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 02/02/22 at 03:25:16

Can I keep the T-shirt though?


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/03/22 at 16:46:55

Alright alright you can keep the T-shirt.

BTW Vancouver is a city on main land BC not an island!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 02/03/22 at 16:52:35

It is also an island across the straits from the city it shares a name with, no? Not that I am arguing with the resident of the city of Vancouver.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/03/22 at 16:53:55

Haha, you are absolutely correct.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Andrew77 on 02/03/22 at 20:30:50

I learn something new every day.  Thank you.  Being a Nova Scotian, I have only been to Victoria once for a couple of hours on the way back from an Alaskan cruise and not yet been to Vancouver.   :)

Have a wonderful day.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/03/22 at 21:23:29

Haha, love NS and NB and QC and ON, we have relatives all over the country so we travel all over!

But Vancouver yeah, it rains all the time, and there is no night life, and people don't talk to each other a nd Victoria is for the newly wed or the nearly dead... yady ya di ya, you wouldn't like it...


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dana on 02/04/22 at 05:15:05

Vancouver does have the  magic mushroom shops that have a nurse on site to help you make the correct "healing" decisions.

Not that I ever been there :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/04/22 at 05:20:41

her name would be Jenny, stationed at Joe Fortes, my sis in law but all this is hypothetical...
And decades ago!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 02/06/22 at 20:28:04

The Eagle Has Landed!

(Not sure how else to post the photo. What’s the forum photo posting secret?)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 02/06/22 at 21:08:19

DancingSea Congrats !!!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 02/06/22 at 21:39:15

Congratulations! You have to let us know how it all sounds when you can.

Interestingly due to a Grateful Dead office error I got THREE copies of that Dave's Picks #41.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 02/06/22 at 21:42:46

DancingSea congrats! Love the t-shirt as well!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 02/07/22 at 00:06:27

Thanks!  I'll write more about the sound later.  First, there's a mystery afoot with the new CSP3.  Have posted about it here:

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by urbino on 02/11/22 at 21:56:56

My name just made the list!

I feel like Navin Johnson when the new phone book arrived.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 02/11/22 at 22:10:21

Just make sure you stay away from those cans!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 02/11/22 at 23:16:06

Somebody hates these cans!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by urbino on 02/11/22 at 23:26:41

Die, gas pumper!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 02/12/22 at 00:23:55

Knock it off Jerk. You must think you’re somebody now!?!?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by nilecniv on 02/15/22 at 15:13:33

Woohoo! I'm in the 40s.... !

Regarding the DSR cable contractor who retired suddenly... Can anyone confirm if that is Cullen Cables? I've had some challenges trying to reach them.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 02/17/22 at 19:36:14

Nilecvn, Im 12 and 13.  woo hoo

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nick324 on 02/20/22 at 15:18:20

About 3 weeks shy of 1 full year, my amp is on its way to me. In that year's time I changed my order 3 times, sold off the initial equipment I was going to use w/ the first and second orders and currently have no need or particular use for the amplifier incoming other than curiosity.

Extended wait times are ok if you can stick to a plan [smiley=icqlite19.png] Anyway, orders placed in March of 2021 should be arriving soon for anyone that wants to know the current waitlist timetable.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Giggsy on 02/20/22 at 19:02:12

You must have ordered just as the orders were escalating because i ordered maybe a month after you and i'm at #185, so still a few months away.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 02/20/22 at 19:05:39

Nick324 - Congratulations!  I think?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 02/25/22 at 20:39:44

my amp is shipping!!!  just a few weeks short of the 1 year Tee Shirt.  oh well.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 02/25/22 at 20:45:14

Every time I see a post like this, I look for the "Like" button - haven't found it yet, but I still look for it :o



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 02/25/22 at 21:03:04

Beerfab - just ask for the T-shirt, they'll include it.  I was 3 weeks short of a year and asked for the T-shirt and they happily included it....

And Congratulations!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 02/28/22 at 15:45:31

thanks guys.  Spent the weekend preparing for it.  

If anyone has experience with rasberry pi streamers ans Qobuz send me a PM

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 02/28/22 at 19:08:29

Still checking once a week about to enter the double digits.

Beerfab, I run a Pi4 streamer running Volumio. Use Tidal not Qobuz. Start a topic in the digital section.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 03/04/22 at 21:30:29

I went a little over a month without checking just so I could have better gauge of my remaining wait time. Looks like about 35 orders shipped.  10 months or so remaining at that rate. Started at #700, which is certainly better than the guys at 1400 now......

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 03/04/22 at 21:51:11

Oh, 35 per month is what was before the new tech was hired.  For awhile there it seemed to pick up steam to 45 per month.  At 35 per month, people are looking at over a 3 year wait.... ugh....

In my opinion, Decware should increase their prices by even 25%.  With demand this out of control, and production capped, Decware isn't making more profit and new customers are having to wait unreasonably long.

A price increase will put more money in Decware's pocket, and hopefully slow down demand.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 03/05/22 at 13:20:33

I’m around 400 and was 700 when I ordered early July 2021. For me the waiting list situation is even more a headache for Decware than the clients for a few reasons:

The waiting list is still growing. Decware is still receiving more order everyday than they can produce. So even increasing output for now would not result in a decrease in waiting time for new clients.
With a 3 to 4 years waiting list you are exposed to potential reduced margin due to inflation (increase in parts cost, increase in wages…). The selling price is locked in, a new client knows what will be the price of his amp in 4 years. However Declare cannot be sure how expensive it will be in 2026 to build an amp ordered 4 years before.

Another point is that it is becoming hard to release new products when it won’t be available for many years. Assuming Decware release a new UFO at a slightly higher price.
Decware would have to deal with clients who wants to switch for the new model and clients who don’t. A third option would be to offer the new product to clients in the waiting line with no price increase which become a hard solution with a very long waiting list.
So in the end you re stuck building multiple version of the same amp for many years which is not good for production output.

I could go longer but I just wanted to give a few example to reassure people. No matter how long the list is, Decware has the most interest I making it shorter ( or stop its increase) while on our side, we just have to wait  :) 8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 03/05/22 at 16:51:57

MichaelG - great points!

Excellent diagnosis of the problem.  Using that same level of business acumen, what are possible solutions?

Certainly maintaining the current approach is not sustainable.  Might Decware be loved to death?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 03/05/22 at 20:02:00

It is hard to tell, scaling is not an easy thing. For example, assuming you can double your output by doubling your employees , growing to a small business of 2 employees, you would only need to hire 2 more. Now once you have four employees and want to double your output again now you need to hire 4 people. So you go from a 2 employees to 8 people.
Of course it is just a simplistic example and you could probably realize economies of scale but the whole business would change.
With more employees you would need more equipment, more space , it would take more time managing the people, their schedule, their training…
On the top of that you now need to analyse your production line and reduce bottlenecks in your chain because the relationship in / out is not linear at each positions.
You need flexibility and not everybody should work  at full capacity to absorb the natural variation of the production . For example if your techs can build 4 amps a day you also want you quality and testing employee to be able to handle the testing of 4 amps a day. But you need  buffers because maybe it takes twice a much time to build a Tory vs a UFO but on the testing side it doesn’t requires double the time.
On the top of that you will also have a fluctuation in the type of products you have to build in a certain week.

By now, I guess you all understood 2 things:

-scaling is hard
-I have obviously no idea of the reality of building audio components.

Now the good parts: When I first heard about Decware a year or so ago, it was about great sounding products for an amazing value with life time warranty, handmade in the US . None of that changed (and hasn’t changed since the company creation). The waiting list is long but no compromises were made!!!
Pre owned products are frequently showing up online if you want to skip the line.

For the rest of us the solution is the same : wait and enjoy the process because according to everybody that already received their order, it's worth it.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 03/05/22 at 21:29:08

Excellent contribution Michael! Great information.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 03/05/22 at 21:40:45

I guess my concern would be the part where Michael explains the perils of locking in a price today for a product that might not be built for 3 years where inflation, heck World War III, or other market factors might have changed.

I'm not sure how much threat such a scenario poses to a small company like Decware.  But the idea of such a thing does cast doubt on the viability of having a waitlist stretching so far into the future.  Perhaps the margins are such that it's not an issue?  Only Steve would know.

But I do hope Decware has put thought into the potential ramifications of their current model and develop an effective strategy to keep the company healthy during this period of affection.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 03/06/22 at 00:56:32

DS, I gotta say, you put in a lot of time worrying about how Steve runs his company.   ::)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 03/06/22 at 01:38:43

Was thinking the same thing Archie lol.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 03/06/22 at 02:39:12

Well, let us put on our thinking caps for a moment.  A quick peek shows that there are somewhere around 80K+ posts on these forums.  I didn't count them all, just a rough estimate from the main page.

And within those 80K posts, a wide swath of topics have been covered.  I assume most are out of interest, rather than any particular worry or fear.

It gets rather boring to me to read posts that say "I started at 900, and now I'm at 748".  There's nothing wrong with such posts, but they hardly challenge the intellect.

MichaelG's analysis and observations about the nature of Decware's business were far more interesting than the usual fare.  His post got me to thinking about the business side of this discussion.  It doesn't require a high Mensa score to see that there is a very real correlation between the massive size of the waitlist and the functioning of Decware as a business, all things that MichaelG shed some light on.

Thus in the spirit of interesting discussion, I've merely responded to what Michael wrote.  And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that how the forums work???  That someone writes something, and then others respond?  You know, like a discussion.

Or does it work some other way to you guys?

I have no personal "worry" about Decware's operation or viability.  But MichaelG did bring up some interesting points and I find discussing those interesting.

But perhaps that is too challenging for you guys?  Perhaps "I ordered at 900 and now am at 748" is all you can intellectually handle?

I prefer a free-for-all, wide open, blows the doors off and see what it goes type of discussion.  Otherwise it gets boring to me.

But if I have rattled any mental insecurities, please accept my sincere apology....


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 03/06/22 at 03:24:19

It's just that you go on and on and ooonnnn about it.  Ann Landers used to say it best.  "MYOB."

Let Steve worry about it.  If he wants to close up shop, that's his business too.  There's 80,001 post now!   8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 03/06/22 at 04:47:02

And may I add, even IF he needs to raise prices across-the-board even for existing orders...that is his business.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 03/06/22 at 08:00:58

I don't think this will happen, as there are downsides, but one option could be partnering with someone that would share the values Decware defends.

This would bring more resources, split the risk and increase capacity, assuming that this partner would bring a team and Decware would get some compensation that could allow to scale up as well. Anyway, this wouldn't be solving the 3 years wait, but it could help in the scaling process and consequently reduce a little the waiting time.

Not going to bother going in detail on how this type of deals could be structured (way too many details for sure that would make it very hard to put in place) on the other hand, maybe this is me thinking that it would be cool to build old school amplifiers, if I only knew anything about this stuff, I know more about the boring side of business (finance and all that boring stuff).

As much as I would prefer prices to remain as they are... I think that increasing prices are becoming a necessity, this demand must be tamed down a little. I imagine Steve doesn't like to see the waiting list becoming unmanageable, more than 6 months of waiting time sounds already prejudicial for this type of business, in my opinion.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 03/06/22 at 15:20:48

Partnerships increase risks.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 03/06/22 at 15:58:09

Interesting opinion, I see the other way around but of course without details  being looked at, both of us are probably right.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by johnnycopy on 03/06/22 at 17:34:51

You see it on shark tank all the time.  How does a successful company of size x move up to size y when they want to scale.

Question is what does Steve actually want?

What are his aspirations for this company?

What is success for him and what does he enjoy?

This company imho is Steve.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Edsonic on 03/06/22 at 18:22:53

With financial investing, a partnership can split the risk, with an actual business, not so much. Especially if two mature companies, much occurrence of acrimonious break-ups. Whatever problems Decware has, risk is the least of it.

As to the proposed nostrum of a significant price increase to reduce "excess demand", a further expedient of thinking it through would be in order.

Initially, the higher price would whittle down the orders and wait time. The value proposition would change (much less wait time).  But consider that there are many who could afford and are willing to pay 2x or 3x for the product itself who would now place their orders due to this change in value proposition. Guess what happens next; yes, the orders would fill up to amount where it was previously, and there we are again at the long list. So then another, possibly more severe, price increase to purpose of maintaining that particular (time) component of value proposition. How long, how many price increases to get to an equilibrium of price / wait time?

Non-home-theater high end audio is a niche market to begin with. Tube audio high end is a nested niche within that, and specialist tube gear (no NFB, point-to-point wiring, self-designed bespoke output transformers, etc.) a quite small niche within that.

That equilibrium described above would not maintain forever, and likely not for very long. Then would come lay offs and price reductions.

Fanning the flame burns out the candle more quickly.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Edsonic on 03/06/22 at 18:54:33

And by the way, Steve announced that he had hired a new tec at least two months prior to that glowing you tube review that initiated the flood.

I am pointing this out for those who thought Steve was sitting on his hands and only commenced more hiring by force of their badgering him to do so. After all this melodrama I can see why he would be disinclined to provide progress reports. "Right! Glad he's doing what I told him he should do!"

Decware was aware of the oncoming expanding wait list sometime before it happened (though I'm sure they were taken aback by the magnitude), and has been addressing the situation ever since. But in this society where instant gratification is expected in all matters, not fixing the wait time issue in two months means it ain't happening.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bluemage on 03/07/22 at 04:55:51

I have utmost faith in Steve and fam's ability to run their business properly. It's obvious that craftsmanship and innovation trump all other priorities, with with affordability and approachability being a close second. Were it not for Decware's realistic price points, I wouldn't have been able to place an order, as 95% of true hi-fi products have an unattainable price point for most.

For me, Decware's approachability is worth the 10 month price of admission. And even if I were sitting at the 2 year mark, I still would have ordered. I'd rather pay 5 grand for a torii mkV and wait, then for it to be a 13k$ amp that I'd never be able to own.

To me, a Decware amp is akin to blue collar guy acquiring 1968 big block Camaro that can outrun the local doctor in his Porsche. It's just as beautiful, doesn't have anything it doesn't need, is attainable, and wields the potential to be faster. But you can't push an Internet button and have one on the doorstep the next morning. If that's a thing you truly want, you've gotta be patient--might even have to wait a year or more until farmer Joe will even let you make him an offer on the 68 that's been parked in the barn for 20 years.

I can appreciate all the speculation about what the team might do, conjecture about what Steve should do, and so on. But as a guy who's currently listening to a beat up old 63 Sherwood tube amp with the left channel putting out 20% less power than the right, I'm simply happy to have been able to place an order for such an exquisite piece of equipment (MKV, CSP3). Steve's gear will be worth the wait. I'm quite pleased with his lack of pretension, his product's attainability, and Decware's general laid-back vibe in a market that often comes with an elitist, gate-keeping kind of attitude!

And in the meantime, I'll cue up Pretzel Logic and try to imagine that my channels are balanced!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Edsonic on 03/07/22 at 07:46:20

We've been shown all these good pics at view from the underside of the Torii MKV, the Torii Jr.V2, the ZMA, etc., and I look at all the parts and all the precision of pathways and connections. And I wonder how long it takes to go from tranee level to full production level building such gear.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 03/07/22 at 16:20:49


I was not thinking of something big when it comes to partnering with someone, neither putting in cause the current model. I literally was thinking of a second "Steve" that could help with operations and share the risk, but who knows if there is another person with this profile... growth, profit margins and all that stuff didn't even cross my mind
Anyway, it was a high level comment, in one point we are absolutely in agreement, this is not the kind of business that would scale up easily, that would bring other challenges and the beauty of Decware is also the waiting list, handmade, lifetime warranty and for sure, Decware is Steve, no question there.

By the way, I have no issues waiting 1 year or a little more for a new amplifier, my current amplifier works just fine and hopefully will not go bad during the waiting time, but there are risks especially in an unstable and inflationary world that we live in today.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by nilecniv on 03/07/22 at 19:08:15

so close.... seems like there is a hold up with ZBITs and ZLCs

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 03/08/22 at 15:09:13

I received my Zbit last week.  however it was part of an order with an amplifier.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by nilecniv on 03/09/22 at 16:14:33

Thanks Beerfab, I'm acutally waiting on two ZLCs ordered in March of last year.

Lastnight I did receive a Decware koozie apologizing for the current lead times...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 03/11/22 at 23:53:14

Checking the list weekly. Been moving steady for a while . On the top half of the first page. Curious if a Decware amp will have that new car smell.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 03/12/22 at 10:54:35

How long you want to wait for delivery on a purchase is just a pay your money and take your choice decision. It's YOUR decision.

If I'm making something for you and you pay a deposit (or 100% up front, as we offshore types do with Decware) then how long it takes me to build it is YOUR, the customer's, problem. You no like? Go elsewhere.

Accounting for WHEN you will get it (plus/minus a month or two, say) is, however, a problem for me, if I'm making the product. I'm taking your $$, so I should be able to give you delivery info, so you can decide. You might not like what I tell you, so you should be able to bail.

Isn't the real problem not the length of the queue, but the fact that people ordering have no idea when their order will be filled? There's an issue of proportionality here. If I make a product that's in demand, saying, I dunno, four five months to delivery?, that's one thing. Months, okay, who cares.

I dunno when you'll get it. Two three years? is a whole other ballgame. There many well be amps out there, available today, that I might want to consider against a 2 year wait. Thing is, w/o the info, I can't make that decision. (For avoidance of doubt, I am all in on three amps but if I'd known in advance, I'm not so sure.)

Hey, life is a bitch and we're all doing our best. If I take people's money for my quality product, they'll have to wait till I'm done making it, 'cause until it passes my filter, it ain't goin' out the door. But I sure will tell them WHEN they'll get it (roughly) when money changes hands. Again, a matter of months, this doesn't apply so much. A two-year queue, and the gods of business will, I think, weigh in with this: Start running an operation, or issue a disclaimer that you make no guarantees about delivery. In a big banner on the website. That'll wake people up.

Of course, AFAIK anyone is free to cancel their order and get a refund at pretty much any time up to very close to delivery, if the wait thing is too long.

Oh, hell. Maybe I should just start treating this whole thing as a religion, look forward to my delivery a year from now on something I ordered 7 months ago when the wait list looked like 10 months, and shut the f up. I mean, I'm open to suggestions.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 03/12/22 at 13:58:58


Forgive me for being a simpleton. Your post is a little confusing.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 03/13/22 at 00:32:59

It's not just Decware.  If you order a Subzero fridge it's a year out.  They supposedly do a good job estimating delivery time but other appliance makers just tell you a number and then drastically exceed it.  I guess we all have to do our homework and not make assumptions.

I'm just grateful we don't have to read any mean Tweets.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/13/22 at 03:10:24

"I'm just grateful we don't have to read any mean Tweets."
No shit... what a fn relief!  Build back better!!  [smiley=beer.gif] And the best part? We ain't seen nothin' yet! The very best is yet to come!  Of course that depends on how much you like the bent over position...and by you know who. Think his name is Brandon. Yipppeee!! Agree. Glad we ordered a replacement garage freezer several months ago. Shop owner said he ordered 8. Got just the one. Ours. Got lucky. Now need to get elk, deer and moose tags to fill that sucker up. Going to NEED to get our own. Take care Archie and thanks for laugh, although its not all that funny anymore.. ~Mike

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DirtDawg on 03/13/22 at 06:07:45

Yeah, we've had our fun.
I just hope no one gets hurt, "Brandon' is simply a flash in the pan and we can get back to the "new normal" soon.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Joey on 03/13/22 at 13:28:18

There are many Brandons all around the world both in and out of the public eye. It ain't lookin too peachy but I hope things get better.

One way to experience personal victory for me is to not listen to or read the msn propaganda. Instead, I stream jazz. No fear porn for me. We may be on the Titanic but I'm gonna keep playin music.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/13/22 at 14:06:06

A reminder:;num=1616815450

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 03/13/22 at 14:13:41



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/13/22 at 16:13:38

Well aware Lon. I do know where I am. For now. Thanks though! Sometimes 'that' bleeds or relates into everyday life. And does affect business/ a big way. My sarcasm and attempt at humor was well placed. I hit a few nerves maybe? I know how that can be! I'll try to be good now. [smiley=icqlite14.png] As a retired PO, I haven't quite mellowed where I want to be yet. Workin' on it. Have a great day,  Mike     ~~ by the way Joey. I agree! We don't have the tv on anything but that stupid shopping channel (turned all the way down, just for something on..except for some bush she just bought. LOL) We can't even stomach the commercials. It's been like this for months. Need to just disconnect the thing, except for concerts and huntin' vids we own. Outdoor folks mostly anyway. The thing is useless. Take care man..

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/13/22 at 16:49:52

I posted the reminder because it has not had a lot of visibility, and I just don't want to see this forum develop in ways that Steve does not want it to, nor do I want to see members banned for not following policy. My politics are well known here and my nerves are steady. I prefer to remain informed and separate facts from bullshit and weird "faith" and do so from many sources. I'd rather not know the politics of persons here for several reasons, and there are other places to discuss politics, culture war, etc.

Enjoy the music and the machines, that is what we should be here for.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/13/22 at 16:52:54

"and there are other places to discuss politics, culture war, etc" You'd be amazed at how untrue that is these days! LOL Shit man, we're censored all over. We're monsters! I get your drift though Lon. Take care. Mike .Over/out...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 03/13/22 at 17:26:36

 It's been like this for months. Need to just disconnect the thing, except for concerts and huntin' vids we own. Outdoor folks mostly anyway. The thing is useless.

I moved my TV out of my main room months ago. I had finally had enough. Nothing but gloom and doom. I have a TV in the bedroom, but it rarely gets turned on anymore.

Gives me more music time anyway😁



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 03/13/22 at 17:37:34

I posted the reminder...

mirror time

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DirtDawg on 03/13/22 at 22:06:55

Lon wrote on 03/13/22 at 14:06:06:
A reminder:;num=1616815450

Sorry, Lon.
I did not think I was going political. I was actually trying to post a positive note, culminating with ... "we'll be back to normal soon." No reason to worry.

I'll see if I can tighten my panties some and still stay in the ball game.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Edsonic on 03/14/22 at 02:32:16

Some people must have seriously limited news sources.

Easy enough to de-politicize previous commentary concerning shortages.

Shortages of many items, inflation, worker shortage, etc. is happening in all regions of the world.

The pandemic displaced and/or reoriented practically all aspects of commerce,  - everywhere -. Yes, there actually is commerce in countries other than the U.S., believe it or not. And commerce has been international in scope, to varying degrees, for a long time. In any case, the U.S. has chip fabricators, most European countries do, one company in Taiwan makes almost 50% of all chips. But it doesn't matter who makes how many, none of them foresaw what was coming.

There was momentarily an increase in fab capacity, as auto makers and others canceled orders as the pandemic took hold. But then there was a sudden upshot in sales of home computers, teleconferencing equipment, (Decware amplifiers), etc. All of a sudden the chip makers were at full capacity, and now with order backlogs exceeding capacity by 20% or more, from pre-existing and new orders from companies not making computers. Chips are in almost everything nowadays, in kitchen appliances, in CNC rigs, in machines of every sort, in the machines that make parts for those machines, etc. So now everything that is directly or indirectly dependent on chips (meaning, almost everything) is 'molassified.'

No president, no chancellor, no premier, no prime minister told those auto makers to cancel some orders, they did not tell millions to suddenly buy more computers, did not prohibit chip fabricators from building out capacity they didn't know they would need, and they did not tell shippers to not build more ships they didn't know they would need.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Archie on 03/14/22 at 05:32:45


Yup.  It wasn't planned at all.  Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.   ;D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 03/14/22 at 12:03:48




Spend a clear night in the remotest part of our country and look up. What you all will see is real power. Not the weak self serving power of human manipulation. But, a force of physics that have a set of standards that will not sway.

The thought above aways gives me comfort in this troubled world. Peace of mind. My audio system comes in a close second of solace.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/14/22 at 17:17:58

I so wish I could have had the luxury of being oblivious in my life and career. I'd have lived longer. Never took up drinking or dope. Maybe it IS the answer..LOL! Back to chores...Mike

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 03/14/22 at 18:02:40

I beg to differ Mike. We lived longer because we payed(paid) attention.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 03/24/22 at 21:13:35

The wait list has been on a roll lately.

Finally broke the 200 barrier, after order submitted 5/4/2021! That was back when the list ended somewhere around 6-700 [I think].

Today at #192.

I'm guessing an early July delivery at this point.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by lazb on 03/24/22 at 21:58:51

WOW! good news at last.  Based on your calculations I may get mine for Christmas since I ordered in October

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 03/24/22 at 22:03:47

lazb, we're in the "free t-shirt 4 us" club!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 03/24/22 at 22:50:27

Two weeks shy of the "free t-shirt 4 us" club. Must say Decware is crushing it lately.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by nilecniv on 03/25/22 at 14:55:44

Ordered my ZLC's 3/17/21 and they are in "packing and shipping" status now! I don't recall how many open orders at the time, but a fraction of what it is today.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 03/25/22 at 17:29:23

I started out in the mid 900's, and now in the 600's.  Rolling right along... [smiley=peanuts05.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 03/25/22 at 18:44:34

Since the beginning of the month my first order moved 46 spots. My second  order at the end of the list moved 71 spots. Must be a few cancellations between the two.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/25/22 at 21:09:00

I'm at 940 now!! And the new phone book is here!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 03/25/22 at 21:34:27


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beerfab on 03/25/22 at 21:40:49

Big flex Mike?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 03/30/22 at 01:54:22

Here is an email I sent out to everyone 2 years ago...  just amazing.  And despite more than doubling our production we're now over 1400 and counting.

On Sunday, December 13, 2020, 6:46:35 PM CST, Steve Deckert <> wrote:

Dear Customer,

When this Covid19 crisis first started we had to make some quick decisions which meant trying to guess what was going to happen.  So we broke our own policy about sending out review samples and for the first time in 25 years agreed to a few reviews. Up until now all the amplifiers that have been reviewed were actually purchased prior to being reviewed.

Fast forward to today and we now know that people have been stuck indoors with little to do but listen to the stereo!  As a result we are now at 600% of our normal production for this time of year.  For that we would like to sincerely thank you and even though our real-time build sheet is now at 20+ weeks with 300 amplifier orders... we promise to make it well worth the wait!

Our Zen Triode Amplifier model SE84UFO won product of the year from Steve Guttenberg.  That video, a review of our 25th Anniversary Zen Triode amplifier, and an interview with Steve Deckert can be found here.

Additionally Stereophile's Herb Reichert is doing a review on the 25th Anniversary Zen Triode amplifier for the magazine and Andrew Robinson will be doing a review on the model SE84UFO2 on his youtube channel.

We are grateful for your support and wish you a wonderful Christmas/Holiday season filled with love and great music!

Stay Safe!

- Steve, DeVon, Sarah and the entire Decware crew!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/08/22 at 22:08:44

Officially qualify for my t-shirt. One year since order was placed.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by mperdue63 on 04/09/22 at 03:02:00

Is the t-shirt a real thing?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 04/09/22 at 03:12:15


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/09/22 at 04:01:25

DancingSea got an honorary t-shirt he didn't earn it being on the list for a full year.

Well you did have to wait when you sent your preamp back.

Sorry forgot about that.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 04/09/22 at 04:14:42

Haha!  Well, I was originally at 11 months and 15 days.  So just short of a year.  But once the CSP3 had to go back, I was squarely past the 1 year threshold baby!  And that's not even mentioning the emotional suffering of having all my music play reversed soundstage for the first few days...


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 04/10/22 at 04:36:00

I think it would be more than appropriate to have everyone who has received a One Year T-Shirt post a picture yourself with the shirt in this thread : )

You can use this link to upload your picture:

Then just copy and paste the code it generates for you right into your post.

- Steve

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 04/10/22 at 08:04:38

There will be a need for 2-year strips to be ironed onto the shoulders. I'm projecting 23 months to delivery but who knows, I might luck out.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Giggsy on 04/10/22 at 15:17:26

Just broke into the top 100 on the list. My 1 year anniversary is April 16th.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 04/10/22 at 19:16:24

In the spirit of moral support for those languishing on the list, I can reemphasize how worth it the wait is.  I bought the base model CSP3 and ZR2 together, thus it's difficult for me to quantify exactly which device is responsible for which part of the loveliness, but I can say that with each listening session I become more and more enamored.  For context, I am using a solid state Marantz Model 30 in power amp mode - Bruno Putzey class D.

The results are just stunning.  There's a rightness to the music that I've never heard in my 25 years in this hobby.  It draws me in on an emotional level like never before. Last night I listened to some non-audiophile CD's, Samite's "Salina Musango" (kalimba music) and David Wilcox's "Out Beyond Ideas" which has turned a variety of Rumi poems into songs.  Part of my experience is of course influenced by the Marantz SACD 30n.  Back in my DirectStream days, these less than high quality recordings had become virtually unlistenable under its high res lens.  The Marantz brought them back to life, and the Decware gear has taken all of that to such an astounding level of musicality.

While I was listening I thought "wow, this sounds great".  Two hours later, once the system had been long off, I thought "wow, that sounded great" - this morning, same thing, "wow, that sounded great".  Decware sounds great even when not playing any music!

I'm unable to fully articulate why, but the Decware gear has brought a genuinely organic quality that registers in my mind as deeply right.

I honestly had no idea what to expect from the CSP3 and ZR2, therefore I cannot say that it has exceeded my expectations because I really had none.  What I can say is that they have redefined what my expectations ought to be by opening a wonderful new door into the music I love so much.

You know how it is being an audiophile, the compulsive part of our brain that reads the magazines, forums and watches YouTube and is compulsively plotting the next equipment move?  With the Decware gear added to the system, that compulsive part of my brain is being challenged like never before as it can't find anything that needs to upgraded!  The key word being "need".  Yes, I'm certain there is a endless road of possible upgrades, but I feel no need for them and can in no way justify the price it would take to better what I have.

Needless to say, that compulsive upgrade to infinity and beyond part of my brain is now struggling to sustain its most favored nation status in my head.  

So lads, hang in there.  It's all well worth the wait....


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/10/22 at 19:32:10


Order an amp, build some open baffle speakers, and get back on the list.

I'm down to 50 on the list. Second order is at +1300.

Really Cool your gear is working out for you.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 04/10/22 at 19:59:57


Believe me, I've thought about it.  The problem is that I'm head over heels with my Magenpan LRS and Maggies in general.  And they require far more power than Decware amps can provide.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 04/10/22 at 21:11:16


Which piece is at your #50 spot and shipping soon?  Which is at 1300 and shipping after the world war?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 04/10/22 at 21:28:11

My thoughts exactly. My amps will arrive right when I need them, to trade for a sack of wheat.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/11/22 at 20:50:16


UFO2 coming soon and sometime in the future a ZROCK2.

Maybe another order will be placed depending on tests with the UFO2.

Long story short I might be on the list for a Record breaking time.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 04/12/22 at 01:43:01

How exciting!!  The T-shirt is near!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/12/22 at 02:05:48

A Decware koozie came today in the mail. Frame for my t-shirt is ready.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/12/22 at 18:58:53

DancingSea and Burgermeester,

Have a small fortune in tubes, should last me through the war. Could always trade for bread.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by mperdue63 on 04/20/22 at 18:45:10

Well, looks like I'm getting a T-Shirt! 94 more items to build before mine. Tomorrow will be a year. Worth every minute of the wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/21/22 at 03:54:13

Won't be long mperdue63. The list is moving along at a good pace.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 04/24/22 at 02:39:38

My list view no longer lists total orders, or the CSV download option. Please bring these back, they are needed to estimate time to delivery.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 04/24/22 at 16:49:34

Posted by: Burgermeester      Posted on: Today at 02:39:38
My list view no longer lists total orders, or the CSV download option. Please bring these back, they are needed to estimate time to delivery.

I blame Donnie

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Donnie on 04/24/22 at 17:19:33

Sure, why not blame me?

I am now the official Decware "Engineer of Blame".

If something is wrong, I'm the reason.

It speeds the whole organization up. Instead of spending time trying to figure out who is to blame, just blame me and move on.

Think of the savings, think of stress being avoided.

Yes, I am to blame for the loss of the CSV downloads.
Sorry, my teenaged son* was messing around on my computer and hit delete.
He won't be able to sit down for a few days and might get cold sleeping in the back yard, but I guarantee that he won't hit that button again.

* Don't worry, I am childless, really, no woman would want to carry my child.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 04/24/22 at 17:32:44

With great power comes great responsibility.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by EdwardT on 04/25/22 at 00:45:03

Oh, Donnie, you made me look at the dang list. Lo and behold my order is close to cracking the hot 200 with 30 days left to t-shirt eligibility. It’ll be nice to have a new tee :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 04/26/22 at 00:35:15

I had a chance to talk with Sara this afternoon, and she was unaware that the CSV download option was not working.  I just got an email from her letting me know it is back in action.

I did a quick check, and after a year and one week, I am down to #50.  I should be completing this tour of duty by June.  

It has been a long wait, but I have picked up a ton of information.  This forum has been invaluable for learning and support.  Hopefully, in the next year, I can return some of that to others making their way through this process.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/29/22 at 00:34:21

Checking the list every other day! Getting close to the top. Second order is under 1300. After this order is completed I might check next year. T-shirt frame is ready.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Yakatak on 04/29/22 at 18:52:43

Really torn here.  My Rachael wait just broke 100 and 1yr at the same time.  Great news, huh?   Well...not with a Sarah 300B in the imminent wings.  What are the chances that the Sarah will be listed on the Amps page before the Rachael's parts are pulled?   Arrgghh.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 04/29/22 at 18:57:05


I feel confident you can call Sarah and work something out that would secure your spot in line with the 300B, assuming that's what you prefer....  main thing is to discuss the matter well prior to parts being pulled for the Rachael.  I'd call today.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/29/22 at 21:10:35


The unknown is when the 300B Sarah will be ready for sale. My limited dealing with Decware's customer service has been fantastic. Have a feeling that your not the only one with this dilemma. My guess, things will work out for you. Good luck

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 04/30/22 at 05:17:25

Correct thread this time.

Progress on 2 orders:

3/11: 522/943
3/18: 508/929  +14/14
3/25: 491/913  +17/16
4/1:   477/899  +14/14
4/8:   466/888  +11/11
4/15: 455/878  +11/10
4/22: 446/869  +9/9
4/29: 444/867  +2/2

Things are slowing down.
The difference between 14 orders shipped per week and 11 (just for example) is an extra 4 months of waiting if you started at (for example ) 900.
Well, this is what happens to people with time on their hands. They start crunching numbers.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/30/22 at 17:16:29

Hi Burgermeester,

In my opinion, and it is just my opinion I don't think things are slowing down. Recent orders had multiple more complex products included within one order. The last 3 weeks had many complex multiple orders. My guess is that adds to the process that doesn't reflect on the order list progression.

This month I have been paying close attention wanted to change my original order. My thoughts was time is running short because of how fast the list was moving. Not saying your numbers are wrong, but production hasn't slowed in the way that the list numbers are indicating.

Just my thoughts, but what do I know.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 04/30/22 at 18:38:45

As a veteran, now graduated list watcher, I suggest taking monthly averages rather than looking week by week.  Remember that people can add to their order, and that upgrades to existing Decware gear, I believe, bypasses the list entirely.  And there's the issue of when Sarah has time to update the list which can cause there to seem to be lulls followed by acceleration when the truth is more of a steady flow somewhere in between.

During my year the list started out at around 35 orders shipped per month, and once the new tech was hired, moved to the 40 to 45 range.  I have not been following it since early February thus cannot comment on the current pace.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 04/30/22 at 19:02:44


Do appreciate your observation and thoughts. Please don't think i'm trying to belittle or undermine you opinion.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 05/01/22 at 07:26:20

No concerns there, jec!

I tried looking at the last 4 weeks in terms of units shipped (to treat orders with, say, 2 amps as 2 units instead of one order) but got the same result for that particular time frame.

My post was just an observation that there's a big difference over a year of waiting between, say, 14 orders filled/week vs. 11. Well of course since 14/week would be 27% faster.

Overall the queue does seem to be moving @ around 60 places/month, or 2.5 years if you are still thinking about ordering. At some point this amount of wait time does, er, pose existential questions. Let's just say I'm all in on my CSP25+UFO25 x 2 setup, but I do not think I would order anything more from Decware w/o getting an approximate delivery time frame first. Anyone know how long standalone power cord or interconnect orders are taking to fill these days?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 05/01/22 at 13:56:20


Orded a DHC3 - 1.5 Meter Power Cord last week. It took 3 days via UPS.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 05/01/22 at 18:41:28

60 places per month is a substantial increase over what it was in January (about 40 to 45) and nearly double what is was last summer and fall.  60 is probably as fast as the little engine can go….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 05/07/22 at 17:35:12

Just dropping by to say:

Jan 24th I was at 490 on the list.
Today I am at 340.
So 150 spots.

I remain resolutely optimistic.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 05/07/22 at 17:57:51

That’s about 42 per month which makes a new order taking over three years….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 05/07/22 at 21:34:45

The gardens at Le chateau de Versailles took 40 years to build.
Worth every moment!

Makes my little UFO unit even more desirable!
I love it!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 05/08/22 at 01:04:05

Not far away from the top of the list. Keeping my expectations to a normal level. Time will tell.


Get your Cryotone tubes yet sir?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 05/08/22 at 02:57:27

jec3504 - they shipped today!  Due by Wednesday.  I shall report…

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 05/27/22 at 19:01:07

I made it into the 500's on the list! I started out at 925.  Of course, that was late October of 2021, but no matter - progress has been made [smiley=peanuts10.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 05/27/22 at 19:30:14

Geno, rockets away! Its one of these things where one has to forget all about ever ordering and a couple years later suddenly it arrives. Its crazy. Newest orders are looking squarely at a 2 year minimum, more likely 2.5 years and maybe some more, and that's considering the new additional tech is soon hired.

I'm now at 117, with 12 to ship soon {in QA} after ordering 5/4/2021. So August is now on the horizon.....15 mos wait time.

It will get much, much worse and not get much better for anyone who ordered in the last 6 mos. or so.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 05/27/22 at 19:32:57

I think it would be more than appropriate to have everyone who has received a One Year T-Shirt post a picture yourself with the shirt in this thread : )

You can use this link to upload your picture:

Then just copy and paste the code it generates for you right into your post.

- Steve

Sorry Steve, not the greatest idea IMO. Personally I wouldn't do that if I had a gun to my head. No pictures anywhere on the internet, ever, period.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 05/27/22 at 19:51:18

Geno, sounds like your over the hump. Brad, still waiting patiently. Guess the excitement level will rise when I get a bill.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 05/27/22 at 20:01:29

"Sorry Steve, not the greatest idea IMO. Personally I wouldn't do that if I had a gun to my head. No pictures anywhere on the internet, ever, period.

Piezo sorry to disappoint you but: Read your service agreements with your ISP, your browsers, your O/S, your email system, etc, etc.
Everything and anything you ever typed on your computer while connected to the internet is public. Unless you had a secure connection, and even than, if needed the authorities can have access to all your records.
Like it or not.

Here is more, if you own a cell phone every place you ever went, any picture you ever took etc, can be unlocked in 'case of emergency'.

Go ahead, post a picture of your t-shirt... Or someone else might do it for you!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 05/27/22 at 20:06:35

This is why I ALWAYS wear a tin foil hat while posting on the forum.....  not aluminum, tin.....

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 05/27/22 at 20:28:44

0k now that I am here I had to check:
315 is the number today.

I will soon have to make the serious decision as to modifying my oder for the final version.


I am thinking of upgrading the UFO V2.1 to the UFO 2.2...
Any one has experienced both and can offer opinion on the value of this upgrade?



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by piezoman on 05/27/22 at 21:47:37

Everything and anything you ever typed on your computer while connected to the internet is public. Unless you had a secure connection, and even than, if needed the authorities can have access to all your records.

I understand that, but as far as photos I will not post one of myself, my wife, or anyone in my family.

Not yesterday, not today....not ever!

Not making it any easier for some unhinged whacko crackpot.

That's aside from the bastard runts, rats, and liars in gov't and their cronies - they all can go to hell, right up front in he first place.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 05/27/22 at 22:25:58

Alrighty. So I post my photo here. What might that photo inspire a crackpot to do that said crackpot might not do anyway?

Seems unless our crackpot has some global facial recognition software enabling him to pin point my location and commence to crackpotting, that the odds of my photo posted on this forum does not statically increase my crackpot exposure any more than a random trip to Walmart.

It’s not like my name is Nathan Johnson.

Although, audiophiles are nuts, so you might have a point….


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Donnie on 05/27/22 at 23:17:27

Boys boys, now now!

Photos of us are everywhere.

Here is my photo.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 05/28/22 at 00:00:06

Coyote said:

I am thinking of upgrading the UFO V2.1 to the UFO 2.2...

Do you mean upgrading to SE84UFO2.1 or SE84UFO25?

A significant difference with the last one, as you know.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 05/28/22 at 00:42:49

3 times in the last 2 days! It’s not moving fast enough. Lol
I checked when they sent it to me and again after I ordered another unit, the csp3 to go with the mk5. Checked to see if they had processed the order. I wish they hadn’t sent it. It’s daunting to look at. Good for Steve and the crew though. 👍

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Giggsy on 05/28/22 at 15:53:44

Can't help but check every day. Made it up to 50, ordered on 4/16.
If the list was moving at 35 a month would be looking to receive around my birthday. But last 2 week's the pace has adopted to slow.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 05/29/22 at 04:31:19

Hi Tony,
nope the level 1 uses poly film caps while level 2 uses copper foil caps to match the copper foil caps in the signal path.

The anniversary edition is unfortunately totally out of my price range!
It would be  a dream come true.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/03/22 at 03:27:43

As of today, for my order at least, the queue is moving at an average speed of 11.08 orders/week (12-week average).

When I ordered initially I thought, this might take a year. As of a few months ago I was projecting 15 months. Current projected turnaround is 21 months, with 9 months already elapsed. 12 months left.

Hard to avoid the feeling that the queue is slowing. Obviously the turnaround projections over many months are very sensitive to small changes in queue speed.

I wish I was a statistician. I could figure out the odds, on the current queue, of the number of people we can expect to croak before their orders are fulfilled. There have been a few already, I would assume, but that's to be expected. Audiophiles who can afford Decware skew old.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 06/03/22 at 08:19:46

Dear 67,

The average 12 months ago was around 30 units per months the current average is 40 (or 46 as per your 12 weeks average).
I ordered last July and I am sitting pretty.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/03/22 at 11:31:40

Yeah, that's what's interesting. I ordered late August last year and I am sucking eggs, but the people who ordered 2-3 months ago seem even worse off.

I keep getting the feeling that this queue has some sort of relativistic property. The later you order, the slower the queue you findy yourself in.

Ah, I guess it's just this: as time goes by, the number of people ordering/day keeps going up.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 06/03/22 at 15:34:58

I keep getting the feeling that this queue has some sort of relativistic property. The later you order, the slower the queue you find yourself in.

There might be some kind of truth to that.

If you order now you have 40units/per but some 2k orders in front of you.  If you ordered a year ago you were at 30/Mth on a 1000 orders BUT you now have  this progress in the "bank" and you are now running at same speed as everyone else.

I just like to think the little engine is running as lean as it can hopefully quality is same or better, that is my only concern.

BTW does Steve's units have the likes of serial numbers?
Or a builder's plaque or such thing like:
Se84UFO 2.2
Options: xlr
Custom: Figured base black
Completed: 07/2022

Anyway I am happy as I am!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 06/03/22 at 15:39:39

There is a sticker on the underside that will have the purchaser, model, serial number so to speak, and date built and often the level of mods purchased.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 06/03/22 at 15:47:55

Very Cool,



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/04/22 at 15:09:58

Been checking daily, still at # 10 on the list for a week. Amps been in Q.C. for two. Waited 14 months to this point. Don't want to rush the Q.C process. Feeling confident the amp will have been check over thoroughly puts a smile on my face.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 06/04/22 at 16:13:53


... You look like a guy I know...


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 06/04/22 at 17:08:47

As a recent orderer of 3 components, I’ve decided not to look until the new year. Hurts too much! I’m on the fence with ordering the phono pre amp right now, but figure I may as well since waiting could result in an eternity of waiting. I’m sure I could go to other brands but I like to stick to one if I can.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/08/22 at 18:53:56

As I while away the time, watching the rain fall and waiting for the calendar leaves to whirl away, fast-forward style, to the delivery of my UFO25 two years from now <cue prolonged coughing fit>, I was browsing the listings of other Decware products, as is my wont, and it occurred to me that a ZBIT would actually be a nice tool to have. I could even buy one right now, if nothing else as a way to blow off steam.

Can't add it to my original order, though. Delivery in three years? No, I think not. Not even two. The queue has closed my wallet.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by lazb on 06/08/22 at 19:18:59

According to forum posts by waiting list watchers, the less complex builds are moving at a much faster clip now. Speculation that a "new", perhaps less experienced, tech is handling that construction so is almost like a separate "build list". I do not know but repeating observations. If you want a ZBIT, order one!!!!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/08/22 at 22:29:37

It always made sense to me that "simpler" non-amp electronics, as well as speakers should be available faster, or even subcontracted so Decware could focus on amps. OTOH if non-amp products are moving out faster, that would be kind of depressing (ha ha) because the overall queue is only moving at around 10.5 units a week, which means amps are moving even slower.

Lack of informative disclosure on productivity is the only thing that has kind of bothered me about Decware. The list exploded, what, 3 years ago? Till then it seems Steve could be pretty, ah, "organic" about productivity and turnaround because even at an organic, quality-focused pace, people would get their amps in 4-6 months. I would say that anyone should be willing to wait 4 months for any product. But three years?

Your comment is interesting, though. Shit, now I have to start tracking turnaround on individual products.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 06/08/22 at 23:19:23

Is there anyone who actually waited 3 years for a Decware product?
That would be news to me.

If Steve was sub-contracting any product I for one would cancel any order and move-on the very essence of Decware is the fact that they are hand built, custom built, by the owner and his employees.

As for Steve disclosing any productivity number you must be kidding, why on earth would he do such a thing? Heck he does even have to produce a public waiting list.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 06/08/22 at 23:41:14

The 3 year wait comes from dividing the current approximate 40 shipped orders per month into the length of the current waitlist.  At about 1600 orders, that’s a 40 month wait unless production rates increase.  Or 3 years and 4 months.  The super long waits began with orders placed last summer onward.  Super long being over 2 years.

It is what it is.  But Decware should post ACCURATE wait estimates on the order page so folks understand what they’re getting into.  Especially given deposits are now not refundable.

The length of the waitlist is not good for anyone, including Decware as I doubt they are buying parts now to cover the 3 years.  Inflation could be troublesome for Decware having sold amps 3 years before parts were purchased.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/09/22 at 01:18:56

And if you are offshore, you pay 100% up front. As such, international buyers should be calculating interest income losses (I would use US REIT returns as the standard) on their purchase. For me over two years, that works out to about $2,000. Nice.

Maybe the Decware T-shirt logo should be a skull with headphones. Think the Grateful Dead logo.

It is what it is, so the saying goes, and I am what I am. I don't think Steve is the only person who can assemble a ZLC or a ZBIT, and I don't think Decware products get more desireable the longer they take to deliver. If I were Steve I'd be awake at night wondering how I could cut the wait down to about eight months or so, averaging across all products. There are ways, if you feel for your customers. But I'm not Steve, and I'm not cancelling my order either. Wouldn't do it a second time though.

OK, time to get back into my coffin and go to sleep.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 06/09/22 at 02:08:49

The obvious solution is to sub contract out to the Cayin facility in China that makes PrimaLuna.

Bueller?  Bueller?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 06/09/22 at 02:18:09

China has declared war on the United States. Aside from his business philosophy otherwise, Why would Steve ever pull such a fundamentally fucked up move? Ha ha

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 06/09/22 at 02:25:34

Dancing sea, so we are in agreement no one has waited 3 yr and 4 months for a decware product. Are you saying decware is not presenting accurate wait time or that decware should purchase a crystal ball in order to predict the future wait-time?

"The length of the waitlist is not good for anyone"
I think we can all agree on that and I think Steve must certainly be acutely aware of that. As for parts well for the past year or so all chip have been super expensive due to silica sand shortage so it might be a good gamble not to stock-up  when the prices are reaching record high price. But that is his gamble not mine!

"For me over two years, that works out to about $2,000".
If you purchase 30K$ worth of decware hardware,
2k$ profit over 3 years would mean your return on investment would be around 7% average for the entire 36month period, If you can achieve that you should open a brokerage firm and trade on the stock exchange, you will be the talk of the town.

I myself decided to give some money to Steve in exchange for receiving an amp. The rest is irrelevant.
The day If one day I don't like terms I could cancel the order.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bluemage on 06/09/22 at 02:35:38

If Decware amps were made by the CCP, I wouldn't be buying one.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DancingSea on 06/09/22 at 03:38:54

Coyote wrote:

Dancing sea, so we are in agreement no one has waited 3 yr and 4 months for a decware product. Are you saying decware is not presenting accurate wait time or that decware should purchase a crystal ball in order to predict the future wait-time?

Your comment that no one has yet waited 3 years and 4 months is a red herring and not worth responding to.

Yes, I am saying that Decware is not remotely clear on their website about approximately how long the wait will be.  So unclear as to border on deceptive.

The website states:

“There are presently lots of orders on our real time build sheet.”

That’s it.  That’s all they convey about the potential 3+ year wait.  And that’s absurd.  “Lots of orders” could mean a 2 month wait, or 4 month, or just about anything if no context is provided.  And in no way alludes to the nearly inconceivable reality.  1600+ orders for Marantz might mean a one week wait.  Unless Decware states their production capacity, then saying “we have lots of orders” is meaningless, and fairly deceptive.

A 4th grader can calculate what the approximate wait is as of today - and so can Decware.  If they successfully hire more techs, they could then update those approximate wait times.

When I ordered my CSP3 and ZR2 I easily calculated an 11 to 12 month wait - which proved spot on.  At the time Sarah told me it would be about 5 months because she grossly miscalculated.  Her way was to look at what order dates are shipping today, look at today’s date, and let that determine.

By that logic, if you look at the wait list today they are shipping orders from April 9, 2021. Today is June 8, 2022.  That would mean at 14 month wait.  But the truth is vastly different, being currently at 40 months.

I’m not sure if Decware is intentionally being deceptive, or if they just aren’t that smart about this sort of thing - things are not being run by a Harvard MBA.  

But when your waitlist is, as of today, over 3 years, then a company owes it to their customers to make it abundantly clear on the website that the wait is a matter of years - not a year - but years.   The same should be conveyed for phone orders.

Their approach really doesn’t make sense in nearly every business direction.  Can anyone name a similar situation in the HiFi industry in which wait times grew to 2 or 3 years with orders continued to be taken, all with little mention on the website about how long the wait is?

I totally get it, this current situation vastly exceeds the business parameters that have guided Decware well since day one.  But surely that answer is not to just keep raking in orders and collect the non-refundable deposits should someone, well, die because the wait is so long (joking, sort of!).

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 06/09/22 at 05:15:33

Hi dancing Sea,
First, if the conversation is upsetting you in anyway, please feel free not to reply. :-)

That being said, if I just walk onto the decware website I can access the forum and in the forum I can open the waiting list "spreadsheet" and I see:
2021-04-02 04:06:09      
Richard V.      Netherlands      
1      TORII MK V      
Walnut      230V      
Custom Options Requested      
Currently in: Quality Control.

Right there I know that the next order shipping out of decware  was ordered some 14 months ago.
I kind of have my answer.

Do I know that 14 months ago the waiting list was a thousand orders not 1750? no I do not, do I know that 15 months ago the rate was 30 units/month and now about 42/m, no.
Do I know if decware is gonna push to 60/m? no.
if 15 months wait time triggers meI am certain  I could contact decware and ask: Say how much time before I get a unit that I order today?

As a side note, I have no idea how stating that no one has waited 3yr and 4 mth (your statement) could be misleading. It is literally your projection.

Do I think it is a bit risky to have such a long wait list for Decware? Certainly. Is it my business? No.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/09/22 at 05:40:28

Hi Coyote,

7% pa yield @ 2yrs on $14,528 = $2,105.

7% return on a real estate investment trust is trivially easy to get. Maybe you should look into one.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/09/22 at 06:00:59

Hi Coyote,

Since this is a forum, we can have people who are Not OK with the wait express their Not OK-ness.

"I myself decided to give some money to Steve in exchange for receiving an amp. The rest is irrelevant." Yes, irrelevant to you. Not to others, necessarily. I'm curious when people post, in effect saying "you are wrong because I don't care about what you care about."

You don't seem to understand the concept of orders piling up. When the person at the top of the list ordered, output was X and input (orders) was Y orders/day, and the backlog sitting there was Z.

Now, output is X, input is 3Y orders/day or whatever. and backlog expands accordingly. Since output has not increased to match, you have a longer wait.

When Richard V ordered, orders were not coming in as fast, i.e. not "piling up" as fast. That is why, if you ordered 6 months ago, your wait is NOT Richard V's 14 months, less 6 months. It's far more.

FWIW I made the same mistaken calculation when I decided to order. At the time, I could see that the person at the top of the list had been waiting 8 months. TEN months have passed since then, and I still have 400 orders ahead of me.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/09/22 at 21:07:33

Number of places moving UP on the list.

3/18: 14
3/25: 17
4/1:   14
4/8:   11
4/15: 11
4/22: 9
4/29: 2
5/6: 9
5/13: 1
5/20: 10
5/27: 17
6/3: 3
6/10: 13

Average places moved, 13 weeks (one quarter): 10.08
Queue length for tail order: 1751/10.08 = 174 weeks

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Rivieraranch on 06/09/22 at 22:49:38

This whole thread is asinine.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/09/22 at 23:38:35

Fair enough Rivieraranch, my favorite thread. Off the list my orders been in  Packing & Shipping Dept. since  Tuesday. ZR2 is just above 1200. Guess I'll check next year. Today is 14 months since my wife ordered after I said it would take too long. Somewhere in this thread said "would be happy to get my order by July" lol.

Hang in there Burgermeester!!! I'm pulling for you!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 06/10/22 at 04:51:26

Couple things:  

Your patients is amazing. As always we will do our best to make sure the wait was worth it.

This list that everyone is watching is only one of our lists. It does not include all the cables and accessories which is a lot or vibration platforms or our entire line of speakers and so on.  

We have just completed expanding our build room from 4 to 6 laberatory build stations as well as doubling our QC area. We had just hired one of the two remaining positions when our senior tech retired. The new hire lasted only 2 days. So we now have two full time positions to fill which is our top priority at this time.

Veronica in customer service has been a blessing and Sarah is at the top of her game right now...  so as we ease into summer and find our new guys you'll see production go from 4 to 6 full time techs.

Also the web site transition is going well but has not been without some issues with the contact forms.  We have tested them every way we can and made many improvements so there should be no more missing emails!  That was top priority for weeks.. and before that something else was on fire.  You can't transition without becoming a fire fighter.

The people we presently have are the absolute best there is, and I couldn't be happier with the work everyone is doing!  Over 1700 orders and still coming.  

Another exciting thing has to do with our speaker list and vibration platforms, tiny radials, and Master series baffles and things made of hardwood is the addition of another full time member of the team.  A senior woodworker like Bob Ziegler with his own master shop only miles away who is going to working full time for Decware and even will be doing all of the non-anniversary bases for the 1700 orders on tap so Bob can get back to making speakers on a much shorter timeline and with much less stress!  

I guess that's more than a couple, but that's the happy update : )


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/10/22 at 05:24:52

Thanks Steve for posting in this thread. Find it interesting to hear the passion, excitement and sometimes frustration of people waiting for your gear. Yes vacuum tubes are cool!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/10/22 at 05:26:21

Kudos to Rivieraranch for his pithy comment. Made me smile.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/10/22 at 19:31:06

Stop taking orders until the wait time for that specific product, order to ship, is 6 months or less.

Closing the order window won't make anyone who wants that Decware product wait longer for it. Instead of waiting interminably for their order to ship, people will wait interminably for the window to reopon on that product they want. But at least Decware would be saying, if we can't fill your order in a reasonable amount of time, we won't take your money.

That way Steve can operate as he sees fit -- which ultimately he has to do -- without generating dissatisfaction. On its face, it's a more professional approach, and communicates reliability.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 06/10/22 at 20:55:57

I guess publishing the wait list publicly wasn't enough? Nor telling everyone who calls to place an order how many are on the list and the best estimate of wait time is isn't enough either?  Go ahead a call the attorney general, all this friendly protection is getting laborious.  You could also raise this fake news on other forums, for some added protection.  


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by EdwardT on 06/10/22 at 21:05:33

Not everyone is unhappy. I ordered a bespoke product from a craftsman, I expect that to take time. I consider the deposit a placeholder to engage that craftsman. Waiting should surprise no one. It does not surprise or anger me in any way.
Steve graciously refunded my first deposit when I found a used amp in the classifieds, so there’s also that.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/10/22 at 21:10:22

Just got off the phone with the lovely Sarah Richardson and Paid for my Torii. Brad may be right, might be tough sleeping tonight. "Fake News" good for you Steve almost wet myself!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kahuna Jack on 06/10/22 at 21:16:35

anyone on the Decware site familiar with Howard Dumble guitar amps??

I tried to call him once. He never answered. He billed me $350 for trying.
( joking but not far off)

If anyone is interested just google a Howard Dumble contract trying to get a amp built. ( he is no longer alive ) then look what the amps originally sold for and what they sell for today if you can find a seller.

It is a special gift that hand built electronics like Decware are as easy to obtain as they are.
Thank You Steve and the Decware team for your gift to our audio society.
Kahuna Jack

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Matchstikman on 06/10/22 at 22:39:24

Howard Dumble, RIP.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 06/11/22 at 09:36:17

I certainly agree that you pay your money and you take your choice as far as how long you're willing to wait. This is a point that has been made to death on this thread. I'm not cancelling my orders; I made my choice. That doesn't mean I can't be curious.

Having to wait a long time, it's perfectly natural to be curious about how Decware is going deal with the deluge of orders, especially if yours is one of them. Curious, not critical.

And if one were to conclude that no information forthcoming on that subject for months on end means no plan in particular, that's natural too, especially if you've paid 100% up front and are looking at two years to delivery. That describes me, anyway. Curious.

Also, this is a forum and people chat, and it would seem that what Steve is facing is an operations challenge, and many of us are very fond of that topic and like to talk about it and are very interested in how he's handling it.

The update Steve provided above is, in effect, exactly what some of us have been looking for, and it was greatly appreciated. The funny thing is, none of us came out and just asked for the information, because, well, we're intimidated by our own lack of technical chops and maybe we think it's presumptuous. Now we have the information. Thank you!!

As far as calling the Illinois AG, I'm more concerned about the trove of sales and business information contained in the list. I mean, there are few businesses that would release that kind of info to the world, though I personally think it's harmless. Steve's willingness to allow me to estimate his accounts payable and working capital (ha ha) are the best indication that he's the anti-Dumble.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 06/11/22 at 17:49:47

its very difficult to find employees that are willing to learn anything and who want to actually work. that is why Steve hasn't been able to hire more readily. he's been trying to find at least 1 more tech for quite some time.

i won't get into exactly why this is, because it will get me banned again from the forum. i can and will say as a general matter that many already know exactly why and are unaccepting of it all, and the rest are in on the problem.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 06/11/22 at 17:57:49

That would be a question for the Illinois Attorney General.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 06/11/22 at 18:02:42

might be tough sleeping tonight.

you bet. you're getting what has to be one of Steve's very best creations. almost a ZMA. enjoy!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/15/22 at 05:27:21

Hanging on the wall like a diploma.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Yakatak on 06/15/22 at 06:36:16

So...Is the One Year Club really a thing?  I'm currently at 14+ months and no hat, certificate, or letter of condolence??  If it is a thing then, going forward into the foreseeable future, everyone will eventually be a member of the club.  Of course, my 14 month wait now has me on the very short end of that list, and I suspect that listening to my Rachael will make me forget all about that hat.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Same Old DD on 06/15/22 at 09:32:53

Better than a diploma; you can actually  "use"  what you got with this award.

*turns green*

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/15/22 at 15:12:08

Same Old DD,

Feel like I've got an education being on the forums for over a year. Definitely thankful for that! Could not be happier....well need more gear. Have a plan, budget and a flashlight for this amazing rabbit hole I fell into.

Thanks all been a nice ride. Think I'll check the list next year.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 06/15/22 at 15:20:50

Hanging on the wall like a diploma.

nice job. i'll be doing the same, right next to my old college diploma, circa 1984.

i see you've updated your sig. have you unboxed your torii yet? flummoxed or flabbergasted?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/15/22 at 15:56:16


Had to miss my sons baseball game last night waiting for UPS. So figured  had time I might as well open it up. Funny, plugged it into my Dac...couldn't go pass 2 on the dials it was so loud.

Running it with my preamp and W15 using hi level inputs on the plate amp. All stock tubes on the Torri. It was shipped with JJ el34's . Have 4 JJ 6SN7's that came with my preamp. Imagine the el34s are just as neutral as the 6SN7's. Can't believe it sounds so GOOD! This is just the beginning WOW. Those JJ sure were matched according to the meter. Running Tung Sol 6SN7 (old stock) GTB's in the gain stage and Tung Sol 6SL7's (old stock black glass) in the output stage on the Freya+. Just incredible!

Can't wait to listen more tonight for sure.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 06/15/22 at 17:11:40

Hey Joseph, that’s GREAT news! Enjoy your new life. I’ll bet your wonderful wife is very happy for you, as I am and I’m sure many of us here are. Please don’t forget to post in the new MK 5 section as to your ongoing impressions.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Same Old DD on 06/15/22 at 18:14:35

wrote on 06/15/22 at 15:12:08:
Feel like I've got an education being on the forums for over a year. Definitely thankful for that! Could not be happier....well need more gear. Have a plan, budget and a flashlight for this amazing rabbit hole I fell into.

Thanks all been a nice ride. Think I'll check the list next year.


while the urge to simply relish is strong, you just can't leave for a year.

I assure you that all of us wearing finacial bits are chomping to hear what you experience with your latest.

Took eleven chomps just now.
Awaiting your evals in the coming weeks ...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/15/22 at 18:35:41

Same Old DD'

Not going anywhere.

Thanks all been a nice ride. Think I'll check the list next year.

Sorry for the misunderstanding - Talking about checking the list and this thread for a nice time.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/15/22 at 18:56:20


Thanks for all your help, many others as well. Going to be in touch. Plenty more questions ahead and all the tube Rolling possibilities.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Same Old DD on 06/15/22 at 19:15:58

Had me worried, Joseph.

See you next year, then.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 06/15/22 at 20:43:27

Yesterday I reached the 6 months milestone! During this time I moved 214 positions. At this speed I will cross the 2,5 years... wow.

I hope Steve gets the technicians needed to speed up production  :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 06/24/22 at 22:13:25

Well, one nice thing about being on the long wait list, is the ability for us poor folks to work on paying the order off while we wait.

I just made a second payment at the 8 month mark, which takes care of almost 40% of the total. I'll pay it off ahead of time, so once I receive the amp, it'll be paid for.

Just looking at the bright side of the long wait time 8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 06/24/22 at 23:07:58


I didn't know you could make payments, I assume you just call Sarah?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by chapsjon on 06/24/22 at 23:08:25

I'm with you Geno. I feel for those without good equipment to keep them company while they wait, but for me, I don't mind. Like you, the wait helps me save up to pay for my order.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 06/24/22 at 23:38:10

I didn't know you could make payments, I assume you just call Sarah?

Yep, just call Sarah and make a payment  ;)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Yakatak on 06/24/22 at 23:56:21

Now that I'm about 60 places away from leaving the list, I have been checking daily.  Anyone else notice that there are approximately 40 SE84UFO2.1 orders, listed as "New", at the top of the list, while other models, with later order dates, are showing more progression?  Parts supply issues?  Too much time on my hands?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 06/25/22 at 00:13:02

Yakatak -

That has been my speculation. Some component, or perhaps steel for the chassis? is hung-up in the supply chain.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/25/22 at 01:40:43


For the last 14 months been dreaming and wishing I had a system like yours. FWIW I'm so broke can't pay attention.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 06/25/22 at 01:55:02


Thanks for paying it forward, found a piece that was missing, saved me a lot of time and money.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 07/02/22 at 01:37:49

I placed my preamp order 10 months ago and I'm not even halfway to delivery. The amp to go with it was ordered 8 months ago and delivery is still almost a year and a half out.

Sometimes I'm not sure my mind can handle the endless waiting, and the relentless heat... Oil paints melting down the canvas...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 07/02/22 at 02:45:51

UPDATE: We have another full time tech starting next week, bringing the number to 5.  We we are looking for a total of 6.  You'll see things ramping up by fall as we get into a new groove.  

Steve : )

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Donnie on 07/02/22 at 03:00:10

It sounds like the turbo is kicking in up in Spring Bay!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 07/02/22 at 04:06:51

It takes a long time to spin up, but that means it should take a long time to spin down : )

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 07/03/22 at 01:14:35

Hallelujah! I can WALK!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 07/18/22 at 23:40:05

I'm starting to feel sorry for Warren H. His amp has been in quality control for a month.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 08/01/22 at 14:59:01

ZROCK is in quality control so it’s a matter of days by now!!! the ufo should arrive later this year / early next year as I’m sitting at # 198!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 08/06/22 at 21:10:52

I think you won't have to wait too long for these SET amplifiers if you can't bear to wait for the Decware amps, and have a large amount of disposable income. . . .

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 08/06/22 at 23:13:08

Only $80,000/ pair plus $30k for the preamp, might as well get a setup for my office as well.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kahuna Jack on 08/07/22 at 00:16:02

"Only $80,000/ pair plus $30k for the preamp, might as well get a setup for my office as well"

well ?  that's alot of piggy banks to crack open.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 08/07/22 at 00:46:07

Yes. Time is money, but maybe not THAT much money.

I bet those sound pretty interesting though!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/17/22 at 17:47:28

I did it  again...
I checked the list.

I am at 192 !!!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 08/17/22 at 18:10:48


Under 200 is a good place to be. Soon you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Got curious and checked after seeing your post. Just under 1100.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/17/22 at 19:17:29

OK there are 1417 people ahead of me I see 13 units in QA
let's say out of QA they ship an average six units a day five days a week

1417 divided 6 = 236 days of production

In a year there are 260 weekdays so I'm thinking I have 11 maybe 12 more months.

Does this make sense?

It probably doesn't work that way and I am overlooking some variable, some peoples units have stayed in QA a month but does my math sound reasonable?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Beni on 08/17/22 at 19:35:21

I was ranked 770th 13 months ago and am now ranked 190th.
That gives about 45 units per month.

Kind regards

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 08/17/22 at 19:42:13

Posted by: BicycleJoe Lo-Fi      Posted on: Today at 19:17:29

...let's say out of QA they ship an average six units a day five days a week

I would say shipping 30 units a week is somewhere between optimistic and very optimistic. I think Decware is working to get there but the actual rate is more like half that.

I placed my order at the end of November, which was a very confusing time because it took 2 months to even get on the list but I've moved up about 360  places in the 7 months I've been on the list. That's 50ish a month.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/17/22 at 19:49:50

They were estimating 14 months when I ordered, with your estimate I still have just under 2 years maybe I will/should order the 2nd Rachel at Decfest

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 08/17/22 at 19:59:38

I'll never discourage you from ordering more gear. .

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Skip on 08/17/22 at 20:13:41

Check the list daily. Got an email from Sarah. "Parts Pulled" on my CSP325... :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/17/22 at 20:20:22

oh boy oh boy you must be psyched out

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 08/17/22 at 20:27:44

Skip, that's awesome! Won't be much longer.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/17/22 at 20:28:52

My order is 10 months old now, and I'm at exactly the halfway point.

So, I'm gonna expect delivery around June 1st.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it ;)



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 08/17/22 at 20:29:10

Hey BJ,

I'm not sure about the math, but it could be correct - let's hope.  When I first ordered in April of 2021, I was #500.  It took 15 months to work down to delivery.  I'm currently under 1500 for another amp, and I was figuring on 36 months based on prior experience.  It would be great if it were shorter than that.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/17/22 at 20:45:15

I took a screen shot of the first page so I can track units as they leave the list weekly. I'll average it out after the decfest and Steve ramps up his new production crew. You really can't hurry something like this, you never know when somethings going to bottleneck. Increasing the crew by 50% this summer and fall will have some growing pains before production stabilizes. I'll take advantage of the wait with room treatments and measurements with what I have in house now. All in good time, Art for Arts Sake.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 08/17/22 at 20:59:13

Being on the wait list is very ZEN

All about enlightenment

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 08/22/22 at 21:13:16

Hey Brad!

Looks like you are in QC! Exciting times.  Looking forward to your MKV impressions.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/22/22 at 21:15:22

I just checked the waitlist and compare today's waitlist to last Wednesdays and it looks like 12 units have left QA and like you said people have moved up. I'm going to take a snapshot every Monday and see how many units they're moving a week, 12 units is pretty good for three days.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 08/22/22 at 21:30:55

recently I moved up around 50 since July 22nd for my UFO. My ZROCK2 is shipped and will probably arrive in a few days!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/22/22 at 22:04:25

Exciting Times!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 08/23/22 at 01:07:26

I just went the road of what a previous post suggested, buying an amp for the interim. The sound improvement from my last equipment to now is barely believable for me. I’m going to enjoy this for awhile. Not to say I am not anxious to get my 3 orders, but I do have a nice tube amp to listen to. What I’m most excited about is what comes next. Each piece of equipment will arrive at different times. Between the present system and when all the Decware items come, I will have had 2 years of an ever evolving system! Look forward to hearing the differences and learning more about this whole adventure.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 08/23/22 at 02:52:37

BicycleJoe Lo-Fi

Keep in mind that depending whatever comes to QA some items take longer than others to get out of QA!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/23/22 at 08:24:16

I just went the road of what a previous post suggested, buying an amp for the interim. The sound improvement from my last equipment to now is barely believable for me. I’m going to enjoy this for awhile. Not to say I am not anxious to get my 3 orders, but I do have a nice tube amp to listen to.

I bought a Rega I/O just for temporary it's got a pretty good quality phono preamp built in class A/B for a temporary set up,

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 08/23/22 at 14:35:19

Nice BicycleJoe. I purchased with the intent to sell the amp when the Decware stuff arrives. Probably not going to happen. With tube gear, I’d imagine that keeping extra tubes and equipment around is always wise. I don’t want to be without music for weeks if a tube goes or a problem arises. Also, good to switch it up every now and again.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/23/22 at 14:52:41

Yes I am stocking up on some NOS tubes specifically for the Rachael and the ZP3, I will of course run it stock while they break in to get to know the Zen sound out of the box before I start to roll. Picking up my JBL's Labor Day weekend, then I will get to hear the Rega with my TT. It's been a while since I could play vinyl in the house I'd say about 8 years.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 08/23/22 at 17:15:36

I have to start the tube selection as well. Would like to get a full set of middle of the road tubes for the streamer, zrock, csp3 and amp. Then prior to build, have Steve pick out an upper level set of tubes for all the gear. I don’t know much about them yet but look forward to learning that next.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/23/22 at 18:11:07

I am a great believer in finding tube pulls from vintage equipment that are a good measured tube but not NOS, what you might call ANOS Almost NOS. Slightly used/pulled out of something in most cases. Upper middle of the road when compared to current production tube prices. The market fluctuates a lot often, before the pandemic the vintage tube market was soft. When Current production prices approach the level or even more than ANOS pulls I like the idea of looking at the better older tubes in the 80% range.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by rluciano on 08/24/22 at 02:14:46

Too many times. And now my amps are in quality control for two weeks. It was only one week from parts pulled to quality control. I mean I'm glad they are doing quality control. But I hope nothing is wrong.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 08/24/22 at 05:09:34

I wouldn’t sweat it, it seems many orders spend the majority of the build time in QC, especially as their complexity goes up.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/25/22 at 20:24:22

I started out at 930, and I'm already at 450. Hell, this ain't bad at all... ;)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 08/25/22 at 20:39:28

Middle of page 8, bottom of page 8 and top of 9. June order so less then a page per month. 10 pages so a year at best and probably a year and a half.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 08/25/22 at 20:44:36

at best and probably a year and a half.  


I’m #5 on the list. By the time the Torii is delivered, it will be 16 mos.

Since some time back, it will be t-shirts for everyone, forever


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 08/25/22 at 22:25:19

Hey Brad,

#5 on the list, that's great. 16 months is a long wait. So are you excited? You been very passionate about this amp.

Happy listening,


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 08/26/22 at 00:55:09

Hiya Joseph,

Indeed! We did wait a long time, you’re very happy and I no doubt will be as I anticipate the MK 5 to kick the shit-damn daylights out of the all too often steamed-out, cough cough Taboo MK 4 (speaker use please keep in mind / it was GREAT with my Audeze LCD-3F’s at the time) on every level. With the updated HR-1’s it’ll be that much better.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 08/26/22 at 09:10:01

I thought The Flywheel had arrived, but things have quieted down again. Guess it's a little early.

Recent weekly movement up the list (places). This is just my order, YMMV.

7/22: 8
7/29: 14
8/5: 17
8/12: 17
8/19: 12
8/26: 10

Tracked over 25 weeks, the total weekly average movement has held pretty steady at slightly over 10 places, but this should get better.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/26/22 at 09:49:56

Yeah I started a weekly tracking list too. They’re increasing the  production workforce by 50%, that could be in production or shipping or Q&A.  You couldn’t have someone Q&A the same unit they built you need a second pair of eyes. It takes a village

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 08/26/22 at 12:49:48

It takes a village

I’m pretty sure I know where you learned that collectivist phrase from, and it doesn’t bode well at all. It doesn’t “take a village”, it takes several individuals. Steve does the QA, Devon handles shipping, I believe the increase is in production only.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 08/26/22 at 15:12:17

With a small company like Decware, every piece is integral to the process, from ordering, to manufacturing and then delivery. So, in that respect, it takes a small village!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/26/22 at 15:56:39

Maya Angelou, I enjoyed her early work? did you see the Color Purple?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 08/26/22 at 17:32:20

I’m not sure who you’re asking, but I did.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/27/22 at 00:58:11

It’s for the guy who wonders where I learned about literature and film from, the one who thinks it’s collectivist ( how do they make words up like that) to express oneself and attacks others language because they see everything through the lens of politics. The guy that posts to agitate passive aggressively like one of Pavlov’s dog’s drooling on que for their media masters that have trained them to be agitated and to control their thought process to have them trigger on words media programs into their consciousness repeatedly non stop limiting their ability to think for themselves outside of their political animal farm.

If Decware is not an example of a company, a small company where everybody’s role is of equal importance being led in symphony by its creator.  A cooperative business for a profit where there is a goal to together create the best hi-fi equipment for a  Specific market, if describing Decware to be a village triggers you to a involuntary knee-jerk reflexive action maybe you should think about why these things consume your mind.
The beautiful thing is with the English language, one can learn to express oneself in an exacting manner or one can be a reactionary obfuscating  pissant demonstrating their Inability to think freely

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 08/27/22 at 04:23:42



If ya got that much gas, take it to it via PM. Waiting….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/27/22 at 05:13:29

Please refrain from PM me fascist racist political propaganda and political content of any kind. You are not equipped to have a political discussion with me so I graciously decline to have any further intercourse with you.
if you would refrain from commenting on my posts that would be great too

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Skip on 08/27/22 at 07:20:05

#2 & 3 on the list.  
I check the list hourly at this point.   [smiley=laugh.gif]

here, here, BicycleJoe. Agree 110%.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 08/27/22 at 16:08:56

Let’s keep this focused on the list (and what ultimately brings us together) so knock it off Brad and Joe.

I’m still 500 and change….:(

Skip: wohoo!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Edsonic on 08/27/22 at 16:59:41

Do not blame the person responding to attacks.

Blame the instigator, who does this repeatedly.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 08/27/22 at 21:04:12

Looks like the piling on has started Brad. This is how they chased away Archie. I'm here only on purely selfish reasons. Hate to see anymore knowledgeable senior members leave the forum.

I hope your not taking the fact that someone called you a "fascist racist " to heart seems like those insults are commonly thrown around loosely these days.

Sad that my favorite thread has become a place for insulting other members with truly hateful and mean thoughts. Not to mention all the unsolicited advice to the owner of Decware on how to run his business. Just my it really doesn't mean much.

"Can't we all just get along" Rodney King

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Edsonic on 08/27/22 at 21:27:26

And there we go, right on cue: blaming the responder, not the instigator.

Ankle biter bites ankle, gets kicked, consoled by old lady.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 08/27/22 at 21:38:34

Wow good for you Edsonic it takes a big man to recognize his faults. Believe they call that mirroring.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 08/27/22 at 21:42:09

And so much can be avoided if one would just follow the rules of the house:;num=1616815450

There is also @Donnie and his rule about personal attacks.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Same Old DD on 08/27/22 at 22:22:30

Not sure exactly how to act my age, partly because I've never been this damn old before, but I think we could all do better with fewer of the snarky, add nothing, commnetaries.

Last thing I want to do is lose another established, learned soul with ideas and experiences which differ from mine.
I already know what I know; I want more from those who've traveled journeys unlike mine.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 08/27/22 at 22:46:59

Still on page 8 here, Lon, but not too far behind you.  Shooting for June... 2024.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Edsonic on 08/27/22 at 23:10:11

Last thing I want to do is lose another established, learned soul with ideas and experiences which differ from mine

That horse is already out of the barn. There are more than a few long timers who have gradually absented themselves from the forums since a particular member showed up.

I've been visiting these forums for a long time and never had trouble finding others with different ideas than mine about audio who were (and are) capable of conducting themselves at least somewhat in civilized manner.

There certainly have been dust ups here from time to time, but always about audio. The word "collectivist" (which instigated this whole kerfuffle) is not an audio term. And though the phrase / aphorism "It takes a village" has only recently been politicized, anybody taking a quick look at it would know that this phrase and others similar to it originated centuries ago, probably millennia. Long before any modern notion of politics.

In any case, attacking the direct recipient of such nonsense for his response and siding with the person directly responsible for the whole affair is completely overboard.

If some are okay with having persistent neo-McCarthyist (or any other political) intrusion into otherwise audio discussion, so be it. But don't expect others who find it annoying and inappropriate to remain silent forever and not voice objection, once out of ten occurrences or so.

And don't be surprised that some leave the forums because of it.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/27/22 at 23:25:11

Let’s MoveOn I’ve said my piece. You have no idea the what  he sent to my pm box before I could block him. I’ve also made it clear to all I am done with this guy harshing my mellow.
Thanks for your interest.
Keep moving, there’s nothing to see here, those are not the droids we want.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 08/28/22 at 00:24:21


Thanks for the graphical estimate, as I think I am approximately at the same place in line as you.  Seeing it laid out that way makes the wait more bearable.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 08/28/22 at 00:38:05

For sure Tony was thinking the same thing. Thanks Mannytheseacow, great way to have some fun watching you plot  the progress of the wait list.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Same Old DD on 08/28/22 at 00:41:34

Edsonic wrote on 08/27/22 at 23:10:11:
That horse is out of the barn. There are more than a few long timers who have gradually absented themselves from the forums since a particular member showed up.

I've been visiting these forums for a long time and ....

Well, Ed, I've been around longer than my profile suggests, seen many come and go.

I do not disagree on any of your points, except I was raised in a way that a horse out of the barn meant it was time to go back to work, even if it happened at supper time.

Enough metaphors.
I have been guilty of responding to such nonsense as well.
I will try harder to not feed trolling comments from anyone, no matter which of my hackles are raised.

I ask for everyone to join me in this attempt toward further civility.

If nothing else Steve, our gracious and forgiving host, asked for this from all of us long ago.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 08/28/22 at 00:47:28

We'll see "neighbor." I am optimistically estimating May 2023. Que sera, sera. . . .  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Edsonic on 08/28/22 at 01:10:25

Old DD,

I've been around longer than my profile suggests

Same here, long before.

Thanks for explaining your understanding re horse and barn, that makes sense. I've always heard "That horse is already out of the barn" used as a shortened variant of "Shutting the barn door after the horse is out (gone)". I erred in forgetting the 'already' part, which is more explanatory (since fixed w/ edit). Anyway, something like "That ship has sailed."

So there we are - different experiences with horse metaphors!

Thank you, Sir.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 08/28/22 at 01:16:33


That would be outstanding if your estimate is even close to may! Would be a much welcome outcome for me. I'm waiting for a device that you hold in high regard. Let's all hope for the best.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BicycleJoe Lo-Fi on 08/28/22 at 01:49:25

We'll see "neighbor." I am optimistically estimating May 2023. Que sera, sera
That’s my clan family motto

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by EdwardT on 08/28/22 at 14:54:21

Quoting “The Man Who Knew Too Much” seems apropos.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 08/28/22 at 15:05:41

Quoting “The Man Who Knew Too Much” seems apropos.

“He also knew a great deal about art, letters, philosophy, and general culture; about almost everything, indeed, except the world he was living in.”

- G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Knew Too Much

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sinisster on 09/10/22 at 01:32:50

Well, I believe last I checked I’m about 1821 on the list lol. I just ordered end of August. Also new to the forums, but have been eyeing a decware amp for ages. I knew I needed to get in now, or the wait will just keep increasing. I look at the wait as a great way to do 2 things. 1. Save money for the right speakers to go with the amp 2. Choose the right speakers to go with the amp. Either Decware or Omega are where my budget, and likes are atm. Anyway happy waiting, an Ill see ya’ll around.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 09/10/22 at 02:36:24

Posted by: Sinisster      Posted on: Today at 01:32:50
...I look at the wait as a great way to do 2 things. 1. Save money for the right speakers to go with the amp 2. Choose the right speakers to go with the amp...

You forgot 3. Build your tube stash.

Welcome to the forum.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sinisster on 09/10/22 at 11:05:48

Im lucky to live in the same city as The Tube Store. So they’ve been my source for awhile. As well as ebay. I don’t have much for the decware though. I really look forward to experimenting ;D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Skip on 09/13/22 at 22:32:37

Man my head is gonna splode...stuck in quality control "purgatory" [smiley=tunes57.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 09/13/22 at 23:16:02

I feel for ya. Soooo close to the finish line.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 09/14/22 at 02:34:11

WARNING: Quality Control bottleneck detected

Send Steve D. his amp!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sarah on 09/14/22 at 19:12:19

Just wanted to let everyone know that typically when a unit is in Quality Control for awhile, we are waiting on something which a majority of the time is the wood base. Our woodworker is behind even though they were added to his base wait list nearly a year in advance there are supply issues that created delays. We're currently transitioning to a local woodworker that will be building most of our wood bases now (He also builds our ZF Open Baffle speakers and now Audio Focus platforms). He will eventually be ahead on orders so hopefully this QC delay doesn't happen in the future.

Thank you,

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 09/14/22 at 19:14:18


Thanks for the info! Makes total sense.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by cmdc on 09/15/22 at 13:36:55

Thanks, Sarah,

This is really helpful to hear. After nearly three weeks in QC, I was starting to get antsy.  But having ordered my base in tiger maple, I'm happy for Bob to take his time to get the woodwork right. I've spent 16 months on the list, and 2 years before that irrationally thinking I might get a UFO25 in the classifieds section (ironically, to save time not money). I mention the last part mostly as a kindness to other impatient dreamers--UFO25s almost never come up for resale and when they do they disappear immediately.  Do yourself a favor and just get on the list.  

Meanwhile, after all this time, another couple of weeks won't kill me.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 09/15/22 at 13:47:03

See Decware fans. It's all about the "base". 😂🤣😂🤣.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 09/15/22 at 14:42:40

Wood bases: CHINA (where they made my exquisite Tube Tots)

Speaker enclosures: America

China does wood of all kinds, in tonnage. Why is an American craftsman-- probably a professional invested deep into five figures in his shop--stuck doing something so straightforward?

Just saying (queue flame throwers) arrrrrgh!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tal on 09/15/22 at 21:07:25

Ziggy not only made the bases for my amps, he also made the enclosures for DNA2s I previously own. His craftsmanship is worth the wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 09/16/22 at 03:10:18

Actually the hardwood bases are anything but straight forward to build, despite the simple appearance.  They require a master craftsman.

As for woodworking in China, there are precious few factories in China that do audio and have their own in house wood working, and of those even less that have the skill and tooling to make something like Tube Tots.  In fact I only know of a couple.  Everything else is made by smaller shops or temporary setups where the results are a real crap shoot and mostly poor.  Take a look at the House Speaker thread on this forum for an excellent example.  I was extremely lucky to find the factory that makes Tots for us.  They also make the T6 that we are coming out with as I write, and equally stunning speaker with the perfect piano gloss finish done in a sealed atmosphere with electrostatic applied 2K lacquer.  There are only two places in China with that technology.

Bob Ziegler is making our Anniversary amp bases and our Local shop is making all the other ones. : )

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by PugDad on 09/16/22 at 17:43:48

If you want a graphic representation of your wait time, use a weight loss app. I assume they all work pretty much the same, I use one called My Weight (or My Wait if you prefer). Enter your starting or current number from the wait list as the starting weight and 0 for your goal weight. Every time you check the enter it as a weigh-in. You may have to ignore the decimal point in the app or drop the last number off your list number. This will track the progress and give you an estimated delivery date from any new data.

This is my first post so I am not allow to post images but it should show a line graph with my starting number at the top left corner and the goal (delivery) in the bottom left.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sinisster on 09/17/22 at 14:14:04

Thats not a bad Idea. That might be entertaining to see it change as you lose wait lol. I just got to page 9. Started at 1831, now at 1798. Now for the full size pages to climb.  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 09/17/22 at 21:37:17

Top of page 8 🤮..So, started on small page 10 on June 6. 3 months and 2 pages of movement. My math says another year from now. Not sure I have the stamina. Been looking into alternatives.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 09/19/22 at 00:31:18

Okay. So I was overtired and acting like Varuna Salt. The not so patient wait continues…..😀

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Herbert Kelly on 09/21/22 at 23:43:51

Haha I am checking it less frequently lately but being in the low 200s feels good since there are 1800 people on it now holy smokes.

I just hope they let me know when they take the money for the amp haha I don't even know if the CC I used is valid any more  :-?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 09/21/22 at 23:51:34

I'm pretty sure Sarah will call to confirm which payment source you want to use, and what your shipping address will be. I am actually planning on calling in to do that myself once I drop under 50 (5 away.........woooo)  on the list just to make sure things are settled.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by terlenka on 09/22/22 at 03:15:51

Based on my experience (with speakers, not amps), they send an email when it's ready. It includes a link for shipping and payment preferences.

I think they contact you when your order is ready to build to check up on options and whatnot or to make changes to your order (they used to allow you to add on to the order, but they wisely ended that option).

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 09/22/22 at 03:49:18

I don't know if things have changed but as of 2 years ago (when the wait was "only" 5 months) there was no contact until my UFOs were done and I got an email with a link to pay the balance.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 10/21/22 at 00:29:57

I've been keeping track of queue movement for 33 weeks now. Whatever representative slice I take out of the numbers (e.g., the last 8 weeks which included Decfest -- 0 units shipped that week, as well as a record 20 units shipped in another week) I get pretty much the same moving average: 10.X units shipped/week.

10.X units/week seems to be a kind of equilibrium or base rate for DW as a manufacturing operation over time.

I suspect there is an east Illinois lifestyle factor here in addition to the capacity thing. The line is something people can step away from whenever life intervenes, not a job where you have to show up every day. Wife's got a baby on the way. Woodshop tools need sharpening. Had to get the truck fixed and it took me all damn day.

Adding staff then just makes it easier to step away. R&D. Trips to the doctor for the kid. Had to fix the roof. Can't make it today. That's OK.

All of this is called "real life," which will intervene as much as you let it. What it isn't is a job you gotta show for at 9 every morning, five days a week.

Funny, all the other places I order from seem to operate like a job. Even where the products are built to order the wait time is weeks, not years. I ordered a Decware amp a year ago; it now looks like it will arrive in early 2024. Holy crap.

It's not a matter of "too long" but rather "maybe too long for me." I have a life too, and by 2024 I fear it will have taken me somewhere else, with some other amp from some other company that has come up with something judged excellent, and it's available in les than 2+ years. Job.

Greetings of the season. All I can say is I'm really hoping the Great Flywheel doesn't turn out to be more like the Great Pumpkin.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 10/21/22 at 01:14:49

Ironically, the long wait turned out to be a good thing as I fell in love with the Sarah and need that extra time to save up some more.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 10/21/22 at 04:00:30

You are right! I changed my amp order 3 times, and changed one other order too. But that was in the first 3 months...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 10/21/22 at 05:21:53

Well, I think we all are secretly hoping that everyone ahead of us on the list cancels their order.
But seriously, as I’ve said before, it’s not like anyone is holding a gun to anyone’s head to buy anything. It’s a free choice. If the circumstances aren’t right for an individual’s needs then that individual is free to not make a purchase.
For me it’s just something down the road that will happen when it happens. I’ve had a lot of great systems and this little DIY zkit sounds better than anything I’ve had, so I can wait for the Sarah and not missing anything in the meantime.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 10/21/22 at 13:19:29

Y’all stop being so analytical. It is what it is. Forget about it, and it’ll be here before you know it ;) :) :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 10/23/22 at 16:33:51's cute some LIKE waiting. To have time on your side. I can remember.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 10/24/22 at 02:13:40

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Doug on 10/25/22 at 02:02:25

Total times I have checked the wait list:  Easily more than 100 times.
Ordered a ZROCK2 14 months ago, and it’s already on the bench!  

I’m now getting excited to see if the ZR2 can produce better sound quality in my system. If yes, it will be a keeper.  If no, it will be listed in the classifieds and someone will luckily avoid the year and a half wait time.  

Oh… apologies for scooting past all you guys waiting for amps!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 10/25/22 at 04:34:34



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 10/25/22 at 08:36:42

Yep, my ZBIT was at around 180 on the list when it abruptly shipped. Until then it had been moving at regular list pace. Final delivery turnaround: 14 months. Zoom!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 10/25/22 at 16:43:28

Odds of dying? 1.00

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sean on 10/25/22 at 19:17:15

No one here gets out alive...Not to be a downer, my best friend dropped dead at 49 and 25 days three months ago. Massive heart attack. Ironically, he was in the best shape of his life the past few years. That likely extended his life a couple years, but sooner or later it gets us all.

For those on the list, I applaud your patience. I guess it's easier when you may already have a great system and you're waiting on that destination piece or a solid upgrade. I've been close to getting on the list a few times, but I lose my mind waiting 5 minutes for dinner or an appointment...pretty sure my old man drilled it into my head that waiting wasn't going to be my best attribute.

I had to go the used route. I've had tube amps and tube pre's for almost ten yrs and after the "new toy" phase wears off I was always searching for something better, always left wanting for more. How I missed Decware back then, I have no clue. In any case, the reviews lit a fire under my ass, I HAD to hear this for myself and in my room. The used market is pretty brutal, anything Decware doesn't sit for long and sometimes the prices are reflective of the demand. I got lucky finding pretty much exactly what I was looking for, a UFO and a ZP3. I have my foot in the door and really like what I have, I think if the need or want pops up now, I could possibly sit the wait out, but man that would really be tough.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 10/27/22 at 11:37:12

If you have a nice system already you could, I guess, order from Steve and just forget about it until delivery.

Trying to build a system with DW is sheer torture, but not solely because of the wait. It's also because there seems to be zero sense of urgency on the DW side about all the orders. Yep, I think Steve finally decided he should up production -- by 50%. That's about as far as he is willing to go, because he doesn't want to spend all his time tending the business. That might mean missing the next miracle from the Audio Gods.

This is part of the DW experience. It's like Fight Club, where you stand outside the door for days. You think Steve will move to solve the "problem" of too many orders -- you think he will react the way you would, and lay awake at night worrying about his LOYAL CUSTOMERS -- but after standing on the porch for 12 months you realize that not treating this like a business is the whole point.

This reality takes a while to wake up to. Then, you realize it's all OK. One day you will have your DW amp and 1) you will be in heaven and the waiting will be as if in a dream and 2) you know you will never order from Steve again except for cables. This is the future he planned for you, who are you to second guess him? He wants you to go on with your life and stop thinking about the Next Order.

Besides, that waiting time lets you change your amp order three times like  I did. Good god, if DW had shipped right away I'd have THE WRONG AMP.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 10/27/22 at 13:40:43

I asked Steve at Zenfest on his plans about expansion. He said that there is room for one more artesian in the assembly room. There is an active search is in progress to find one. He finish with the old saying, "It is what it is."

I had a chance to talk with the latest artesian hire. He said that this is his dream job. He also travels 60 miles just to get to work....another 60 home! He is full of enthusiasm for sure. Also stating, when asked, that he was not the one responsible for DancingSea's faulty wired amp.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 10/27/22 at 15:24:54

I was there for part of the discussion with Steve and the new tech that John alluded to (only missed the inside baseball on DancingSeas amp—not sure what that drama is about).  It was impressive to see how enthusiastic that tech was about driving in to Decware everyday to do what he loves to do.  This is a small business and you can’t always hire yourself out of a problem.  In fact, overdoing it can lead to other issues such as quality control.  I rather Steve and team take a deliberate approach to sustainable expansion and continue to focus on the love and attention to each unit they build.  Their goal : Let’s make sure the amp does not need to come back for repairs—and if I recall correctly, their batting average is pretty stellar on that front.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 10/28/22 at 10:15:20

DS had the same experience we had with our first session at Decfest this year. His new CSP3 was wired internally with reversed channels. It had to be returned for repair. Our fix was a reversal of a couple interconnet or speaker wires!

Decware just hired a new QC person about the same time. Chalk it up to a learning curve.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 10/28/22 at 11:22:17

The building a system scenario is my situation. I’m not as light hearted about the waitlist. I was told about 12 months and it will be more like 2 years.
Please understand though, it’s nobodies fault. These are unforeseen good problems that Decware has. Glad to see Steve’s hard work and quality product getting the recognition they deserve, and hopefully financial benefits.
For many I suspect and for me personally, this means moving on. I’m not angry but perhaps a tad bitter. I still have one spot left which I will use for a back up amp. I did debate using all 3 spots and just selling 2 amps but didn’t feel right about it. So, I gave up 2 spots and won’t build a Decware system. Sucks but there’s other great equipment out there.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 10/28/22 at 11:33:33

I've had the same reversed wire phenomenon and I just switch left and right on the interconnects involved. Seems easier than intercontinental mailing and repair. But that's me.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by tempest62 on 10/28/22 at 18:40:29

I would do it the right way and rewire it myself, or get advice on how to.

But that's just me.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Catfood on 10/29/22 at 03:57:35

I just put an order in.  The wait list today is up to 1,936.  I guess I'll be #1,937.  If the estimate from others is correct and only about 10 orders are shipped per week, by the time mine gets shipped I'll be a skeleton covered with cobwebs.  Hopefully I'll still want it by then :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 10/29/22 at 16:52:07


Until you decide on another brand, keep your eyes on the classifieds here. You might just luck out, and find a good one there. And already broke in, and ready to play.

You have to be quick though - they don’t last long!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kahuna Jack on 10/29/22 at 18:34:24

True on the secondary market . Not even 2 weeks after I received my amps ( 11 month wait) a cat I casually knew and lived only a few blocks away from me had a collection of Decware for sale. He wasnt really advertising as he doesnt ship. I picked up 4 pieces from him.

Timing and some luck does exist.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 10/29/22 at 22:42:27

Thanks Geno. Will do. Check every now and again but will make it a habit to check with coffee each morning. 👍

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Herbert Kelly on 11/01/22 at 18:56:33

Wohooo I am on page 1 haha super excited ...

I hope yall reach out before charging my card haha I cant even recall how I originally paid pretty sure the card might not even exist anymore :P

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by terlenka on 11/01/22 at 19:21:38

For my order of speakers, they sent a notice with a link to pay. Doesn't have to be the same credit card/pay pal.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Catfood on 11/01/22 at 19:30:10

Why is it that there are 4 people at the end of the list with order dates from yesterday, while my order from 10/28 is NOT on the list?  I have the confirmation email with invoice, so I know my order is in the system.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 11/01/22 at 19:57:49

Posted by: Catfood      Posted on: Today at 19:30:10
Why is it that there are 4 people at the end of the list with order dates from yesterday, while my order from 10/28 is NOT on the list?  I have the confirmation email with invoice, so I know my order is in the system.

It took 2 months (and many many later orders getting posted) before my order was on the list. Don't worry, you have plenty of time and when your order gets posted it will be in line at the time you placed your order.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 11/26/22 at 23:23:34

Today marks my first year anniversary on the waitlist and what a year it has been!  A lot of learning, discoveries, leaps of faith, and above all, new friendships and engagement with fellow members both here on this forum, but also at Decfest.  I remain humbled by your collective experience, wisdom, and your willingness to share.

By my rough calculations, I’ve moved up just over 500 spots in the past year.  400 and change to go.  Bring it on!

And of course, looking forward to a new 2 yr journey waiting for the ZROCK2, which I just bought yesterday.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 11/27/22 at 03:26:42

From approximately Spot #500 forward, at least, the queue continues its rock-steady (as measured over the last 10 months) 4-week moving average of 10.XX units shipped per week. Like a heartbeat. This average pace seems fairly resistant to efforts to increase it. Very stable/reliable.

I ordered a year ago and will take delivery a year from now. When I ordered, the queue was just under 1,000.

No more 2-year journies for me.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 11/30/22 at 17:59:29

One year as of yesterday. I mistook the 'wait' by a LOT when I first ordered. Go figure.... [smiley=tunes26.gif] But then again as of this past April, I was supposedly not going to be anymore. God Bless my wife for quickly noticing something wrong and those as well who saved me. I am truly blessed! Just would have liked getting a bit older gracefully ya know... Not cancelling my fn way. :) She convinced me to order! Take care all, have a wonderful day and Merry Christmas. Now back out to move snow..again.... [smiley=icqlite20.png]  ~Mike

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 11/30/22 at 20:00:37

I placed my order on 10/16/2021, so I am just over 13 months on the list.

I started out at 925, and have just made it into the 200's - 294 to be exact.

So, I optimistically calculate that I should have my amp by the end of May?

I can do that time standing on my head :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 12/01/22 at 08:21:38


Next Decware T-shirt motto

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 12/01/22 at 09:07:39

Solve for the following:

2 years/[76.1 years - Your Current Age]

where 76.1 years = average lifespan of a US male

and tell me 2 years from order to delivery is not a big chunk of time. I mean, a year, okay, but...

Your lifespan may vary. In my case the ratio is 25%. THAT is why I say I'm not buying another component I have to wait 2 years for.

Decware audio is a young man's game.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 12/01/22 at 15:17:18

The wait list is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure.

I don't feel it's a young man's game alone, this waiting for a great Decware product. I felt old at 42 when I began the Decware audio game; my life with my job and my late first wife's mental health had me feeling aged. And I won't say that 25 years later I'm young, though I may feel younger after 14 years of retirement. In my case I know that these are worth waiting for, and heirloom items really so if we don't have a lot of time to enjoy them (who knows?) someone we love may just.

And I get the feeling there are some of us older who have researched enough to know these are worth waiting for. . . or not. . . one can always drop out if one loses faith.

In my case there's that other tantalizing thing that may be just a benefit for a few of us: something to look forward to. I'm looking forward. There's a 300B amp in my future. That's sort of exciting!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 12/06/22 at 01:07:25

Parts Pulled today!!
For my zrock it took a month to go from parts pulled to shipped so I expect my UFO by January (maybe late January including holidays.

I ordered July 2021 and I was around 700/710 back then. it took a year and a half. With the current waiting list it should take just a bit more than 4 years. I will probably place an order for a se34 next year or maybe the UFO will be my last amp as I’m sure it will be great.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 12/06/22 at 02:31:01

Congrats! Entering the final stretch!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 12/06/22 at 03:11:19


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 12/17/22 at 08:49:29

Just reached the 1 year mark this week, moved 538 places. Still another 9 months to go.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Klipschguy on 12/17/22 at 15:27:06

109 on the list now.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 12/17/22 at 16:27:04

I moved 29 places this week - that’s a new record.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 12/17/22 at 16:29:30

Whoo Hoo!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 12/17/22 at 17:17:15

Mannytheseacow — wow!

Wanted to quote your post but haven’t quite figured out how that function works in the forum yet.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 12/21/22 at 22:18:56

... Well I checked today Dec 12  and: #42!!!!

So my UFO will be a 2023 new year presents to myself!

I see that Sarah updated my order to Cherry wood and top level mod.
Very happy.

How fitting,  as we are just finishing the 'renovation' and tooling of the shop so I will be able to build my Lii F15 OB speakers just in time to pair with the UFO.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Catfood on 12/23/22 at 03:41:06

Something happened.  I just moved up the list 133 spots in the last 48 hours.

Either a whole lot of people cancelled their orders or they've been behind on updating the list.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 12/23/22 at 11:32:05

The list has had a big change. Almost all the non amplifier devices such as ZRock2 and Zbits etc. have been removed. If you were high on the list, that wouldn't make much of a change to your spot but if you were very low, that would certainly move you up quite a bit. Perhaps Steve will be setting up another list with those types of devices separate from amps and preamps.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 12/23/22 at 13:50:02

Yes, looks as if only a few NON-US ZBIT, ZROCK2, ZLC, ZBOX, etc. are on the list.

Turn and face the strange changes. . .  ;) Maybe this is a sign of some production improvements. Happy holidays all!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by michaelG on 12/23/22 at 15:12:31

Packing and shipping since 12/16. On it’s way to canada very soon!!  :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 12/23/22 at 16:02:23

"they've been behind on updating the list."

Possibly  Steve hired some Elves to help for Xmas?



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by filthnoise on 12/23/22 at 17:08:52

Seems like they've moved most of the non-amps off the main list. They mentioned they'd be doing this a while back.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 12/23/22 at 17:30:05

Yup, my ZROCK2 order from this past Black Friday is not showing up anymore.  I am sure a new list will be forthcoming.  This should be interesting.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sarah on 12/23/22 at 18:02:57

I should have posted prior to changes, but just wanted to update everyone about the list.

We are forming a second production line for non-amplifier units so all the following models will have a separate list (working on making it public):


We have one technician that is building these in groups for training purposes. This is the most efficient + quickest way to train and get orders out. The grouping build is temporary for a couple of months, and eventually they will be built in an orderly fashion like the amps. There are currently 155 orders on this, 18 of which are already "Passed QC."

Many units are in Passed QC, and Packing for so long since Jake can only pack so many orders per day. We're limited on space to bring them in the shipping room.

Veronica is planning to pack accessory items like cables and tubes. : )

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 12/23/22 at 22:20:45

Thank you for the update Sarah, Merry Christmas to you, Steve and the whole Decware crew and family.

Andrew ( LOVING my MKV by the way)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 12/24/22 at 00:38:03

Thanks for the info Sarah! Happy holidays to all at Decware and the forumites.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dominick on 12/24/22 at 01:09:52

Thanks for the update Sarah!  Happy Holidays to you, Veronica, Devon, Steve, and the entire Decware team!   I just got an email that my ZROCK2 is on the bench.  I was expecting this in like February 2023.  Heck …I’m not complaining….talk about an early Christmas gift.  


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HeresyGuy33 on 12/27/22 at 19:06:01

Hey all. New member here. Just placed an order for a Torii MK5 and the wait begins. Wish I had done it years ago but will appreciate it more now I suppose. Look forward to getting to know everyone.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bilyeaux on 12/27/22 at 23:16:48

Congrats, the wait will give you the time to learn a bunch from the gurus here and of course Steve. Read everything…… And post your system in your profile, like to see what the Heresy guy has!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 12/28/22 at 03:53:30

Has anyone checked Sarah on you tube!?

THAT, is a reason (after watching) to close your eyes while listening to "Take five".

BTW I just purchased Brubeck 2 x Vinyls, 12", 45 RPM, time out Album and
Kind of blue UHQR 45RPM.

Now, I understand we do not all have the same budget and let me say mine is small so that was a "big" purchase in terms of "vinyl" and not something I will likely do again.
Was it worth it?
A B S O L U T E L Y.
And that is out of a QUAD vintage 300 series. With Ditton 65 and/or Lii F15 OB. on a Torenz 165 with SME  arm.
I cannot wait to put the UFO in that.
The Brubeck one is a bit ... "analytical" but I think this is in part the Quad 303's fault.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 12/28/22 at 05:33:40

Hey all. New member here. Just placed an order for a Torii MK5 and the wait begins. Wish I had done it years ago but will appreciate it more now I suppose. Look forward to getting to know everyone.

Second what Bilyeaux said.  You will learn a lot and make new friends.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sinisster on 12/29/22 at 14:43:31

Well I took awhile (Basically all of December), without looking at the list. I have made it from page 10 to page 8 about halfway up 8. Still lots of time left(not a bad thing). I have since begun upgrading the rest of my System to get the most out of the Decware amps. TT & Cart being the biggest, and most recent.  I recently decided to add a second SE84UFO 2.1 to have flexibility to Bi-Amp or Run them Mono. The customer service process was so easy, and informative.

As we all know Decware are Loved and Appreciated, and didn’t get where it is by seeing its customers as numbers, but as clients to the service they provide. It is all encompassing in everything they do. They are not just a facilitator of Audio gear. I couldn’t be happier to be joining the Decware family. Happy Holidays, and Happy Listening!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HeresyGuy33 on 01/03/23 at 01:55:09

Hey all..  I placed an order for a Torii MKV on 12/27..  still waiting for my name to appear on the list..  recently purchased a used Torii Jr to enjoy while I wait..  I'm figuring 2025 maybe?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by thevinoman on 01/17/23 at 16:55:32

So, am I interpreting this correctly?  The latest update on the list is for a person that placed their order in July 2021.  I placed my order (for a Rachel) in January 2022 (1 year ago).  Does this mean that I basically have another 18 months to wait?  I hope not.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 01/17/23 at 17:02:58


You really should not look at the list that way.
Decware Had a huge backlog about two years ago that created these delays in "production" but the situation was addressed and the waiting list is actually shrinking instead of growing.

An order placed today will not/should not take as long as an order placed when Decware was caught without all the staff an the system they have today.

Still I would say expect about a year.
All very much worth it in my opinion.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Earthbound on 01/18/23 at 00:51:23

Coyote I think your being very optimistic. I started on top of page 10, first week of May and now I’m on the bottom of page 6 9 months later. Not quite 4 pages in 8/9 months. Won’t be 2 years but looking like 20 months.
I chose to get a different hand made amp, which is awesome, but am still excited to get the csp with all the bells and whistles. Look forward to having a great headphone amp.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Zoso69 on 01/19/23 at 16:22:10

Is it just me, or are there folks with the new SEWE300B on the first page on the build sheet? Didn't this amp just become available for purchase a few weeks ago?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 01/19/23 at 16:27:35

Although one can no longer ADD to an order, you can change an order that was made previously. So about a dozen persons or so have changed their order to the 300B over the last months.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Ghostship on 01/19/23 at 16:43:12

I placed an order for an amp in August 2021 and changed it to the 300B in May of 2022. Orders placed in July and August of 2021 are being built now, depending on the particular amp.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Yakatak on 01/21/23 at 18:02:15

Not sure how I missed this!  How do we now monitor the progress of non-amplifier components...ZRock2, etc.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 01/21/23 at 20:14:22

Yakatak, The non amp devices such as the ZRock2 were moved to another list a couple weeks ago. Sarah said they will be setting up a separate list for those items at some point.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 02/03/23 at 17:44:07

Hi Sarah.

We are forming a second production line for non-amplifier units, so they will have a separate list (working on making it public):

Is there an update on this?



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 02/03/23 at 19:05:38

HI Geno,

This was sent to me today.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Dr3wman on 02/03/23 at 19:52:33


Great to see that second list.  My order in May is getting closer!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 02/03/23 at 20:12:44

Thanks, jec!

I really should not be interested in this list, since I don't have an item on it.

I was just curious to look at what all is on it.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 02/03/23 at 20:42:24

Very nice. I am 28 on the list for a ZRock2. Looks like I will be getting that way before my MK5. It will still be nice to play around with it when I get it and let it break in a bit.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 02/04/23 at 00:40:46

jec3504 — Thanks for sharing!

Nice to see everyone on page 1 for a change!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/11/23 at 18:56:30

I am please to report that my name is not on the 'waiting' list anymore.

I ended-up upgrading my UFO to all upgrades short of getting the 25th anniversary.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Zoso69 on 02/22/23 at 00:27:26

Buehler... Buehler... Buehler

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/22/23 at 00:33:47

Greetings all,

A question for those of you who have already received their orders:

Once your name is off the list (mine was pulled off after the "parts pulled" update) Do you receive any other updates or are you just waiting for  box to arrive?



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 02/22/23 at 00:45:44

A, you will receive email notices when the order changes status. I.E. to "Parts Pulled," "On the Bench," etc.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/22/23 at 00:51:33

Thank you.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 02/22/23 at 01:09:27

Congrats Coyote!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Coyote on 02/22/23 at 01:29:39


I know, right!
I am so happy.

I have been wanting to buy this Amp since the 1990s.
But... Life.

I think I bought the best UFO I could (short of the 25th edition) and at last year's price!!
Woot Woot

I think I found the perfect open baffle design and best drivers.

So the stars have aligned.

My journey into HiFi is not really about finding the "perfect" sound (sorry guys/gals). My journey is about finding "satisfaction" with the ears that I HAVE (what is a perfect ear and who has it?).

The wait has been kind of a blessing in disguise, I have researched components and made inquiries (thank you to all who replied to me about what they had, what they had, what they thought, and had available or for sale, etc).

It has given me time to find a long lost Thorenz TT I thought had burnt in a fire.

This experience with Decware, so far, has been so good on so many levels!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by thevinoman on 02/24/23 at 00:20:46

Moved up to the third page.....Woooo Hoooo!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 02/24/23 at 00:26:01

I'm now on the first page, #195.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 02/24/23 at 03:32:47

Lon, you just talked about ordering the 300B last May. How are you on page 1 already?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 02/24/23 at 10:40:10

An earlier order placed was changed.

Still months away. Wish I had a time machine!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BlackBess on 02/24/23 at 11:37:42

Holy Toledo, I just checked. I’m lucky 13 from the bottom of page 7. Shouldn’t be too long now.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/24/23 at 15:30:07

BlackBess    ;D   Top of page three now. If I can just keep sucking air...i'm in business..... :P

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by thevinoman on 02/25/23 at 02:18:06

Yep, sucking air.....that's the key for sure.....

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 03/10/23 at 16:43:17

I have finally made it into the one hundreds! 193 to be exact.

Mine is an SE84UFO (my second), too, so the easiest to assemble.

Let the countdown begin. I'm thinking that i should have it by June or July.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 03/10/23 at 16:59:14

All downhill now Geno.

This week after 23 months my waitlist journey has ended. Wow time flies.

Being on the wait list is very ZEN.
All about enlightenment .

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 03/10/23 at 17:28:24

Right on Geno! I'm almost exactly 100 behind you, hoping for Sept/Oct.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/10/23 at 17:39:13

Wow. I've made it to 179. If only I could Rip Van Winkle about four months. . . .

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 03/11/23 at 00:05:12

Congrats to all who are moving forward and or have received their amps.

We live vicariously through you!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/11/23 at 14:56:14

'Congrats to all who are moving forward and or have received their amps.

We live vicariously through you!'  [smiley=icqlite20.png]  ...and I'm goin' to park my arse right here til' I get it too!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by jec3504 on 03/12/23 at 04:48:30

Your patience will be rewarded. So worth the wait.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Klipschguy on 03/12/23 at 14:27:57

I am now in the 30s. Ordered on August 31st 2021

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 03/15/23 at 20:44:12

I'm not sure this is because I'm now reaching the second page of the waiting list (... still a lot to go) but lately the list is moving way slower than before. Do you guys notice the same or is it me getting anxious ?  :D

my estimation was that I would get the amp during this summer, looking into the speed the list was moving... now my calculations indicate winter time, I think I will cross the 2 years waiting time (ordered late 2021).


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/15/23 at 20:55:41

Yes. Well. . . no one has ever tried to chain Steve to a work space. . . . He has at least one unit out for review, he has Axpona to get ready for and probably a few top secret things we don't know about. Yes, things seem to be going slow, the things we can see, that list.

Waiting is hard. The weird thing for me is that my system sounds better month by month as this goes on and I wonder if I need what I have on order. But every component I wait for exceeds my expectations so. . .I'm waiting as patiently as I can.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by mperdue63 on 03/15/23 at 21:15:05

Just got my email from Veronica. Sarah #03 has shipped and should be headed my way soon, shortly. Now I need my CryoTone tube for Sarah set to show up. I ordered the Sarah sans tubes. Wathen is experiencing some supply challenges these days. Happy Happy Day.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/15/23 at 21:22:53

Well happy day. Congrats! I hope you will share your impressions with us.

Wow, you'll soon be listening to this exciting amp.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 03/15/23 at 22:14:46

That’s awesome—congratulations! Looking forward to your impressions!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 03/15/23 at 22:19:14

I'm not sure this is because I'm now reaching the second page of the waiting list (... still a lot to go) but lately the list is moving way slower than before. Do you guys notice the same or is it me getting anxious ?  :D

Movement has slowed tremendously (~38%) since the list was split into amps and smallwares.  Previously we were moving an average of 14.5 places per week, now down to 9 places per week.  Although I should note, there is much more data from before the list was split than after the split

For me personally, it has extended my estimated wait by over a year.

But who's counting?  lol   [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/16/23 at 20:42:47

Got to the top of another waiting list! About eight and a half weeks.

I got my shipping notice for my PS Audio DSD DAC Mark 2. ETA is Sunday, which is unfortunate as I may not be here due to a family gathering that I am loathe to back out of. . . haven’t seen this branch of the family since the fall and really want to. Of course. . . you know how FedEx is. . . the delivery date may change tomorrow, and if not I’ll try to change it to Monday.

Excited! Finally something I’ve waited for is arriving!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 03/17/23 at 09:54:38

I got myself in a pickle once with undesirable FedEx delivery times. Turns out FedEx gives the option to divert the shipment to a local FedEx facility for pick up by the recipient.
In my case, it was sent to a local pharmacy that had a FedEx shipping outlet inside the store. The item was in a locked cabinet and released to me with proper ID. It may be to late for your delivery Lon. There is a day or so notice required and must be picked up in a certain time frame.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/17/23 at 11:27:10

In my case the local place is far enough away to ruin my day so to speak--the downside to this idyllic near nature living. So that's not really an option. Now that the package is really in the system and en route I was able to purchase a change of delivery date and moved it to Monday. (Odds are it would probably be delayed til Monday anyway, but this was cheap assurance of a window for delivery I can work around).

Will be sort of fun moving three DSD DACs around. . . my original one out of the headphone system, my modded one from the main system into the headphone system, and the new Mk2 into the main system. Don't we live for these sort of days?  I do.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 03/17/23 at 13:10:23

Ahhhh….yess [smiley=peanuts05.gif]

One of the questions I had for Steve this week was answered in a way that got me dreaming of the day that it can put into action.

I have this custom build amp and DAC setting around with no intention of letting those get away. Also, a Wicket One with the DHM-108Bs setting idle. My question centered on building a WO32 using the DHM-108s as drivers then mating Tiny Radials to the WO32 bypassed at 80hz. The Tiny Radials are being used in the office with the Zkit1 and DAC dongle now. There is room to add the custom amp for sub use(already equipped with eq modules) and the DAC. The WO32 will fit nicely under the drafting table in the office where the TRs reside on top of said table. Add the CXNv2… [smiley=peanuts42.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 03/17/23 at 13:21:54

And…..I just got notified the 2nd pressing of Keven Grays mastering work will be delivered today ;D Good times ahead!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 04/26/23 at 20:23:20

Glad to share that I actually received two notifications today for my ZROCK2—First “Parts Pulled” and Second “On Bench”

So roughly 5 months after ordering.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by LiquidBlue on 04/27/23 at 02:08:45

Congrats Kamran! I'm about to have parts pulled for my amp, as well! I'm at 19 months on the waitlist and so very excited to have it be on the bench for the build soon! I may be getting back on the list for a ZRock2 in the future. Want to get the amp fully broken in and have some time to get familiar and roll tubes to see if it's warranted.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 04/27/23 at 02:34:06

Thanks LiquidBlue—at time of ordering, I was set for a 2+ year wait and then the list was divided between amps and non-amps.  It was a very pleasant surprise!

I just completed month 17 for my amp and I’m still somewhere on page 2, so I don’t expect it to ship before this coming winter. I think it will be very close to a 24 month (or more) wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by LiquidBlue on 04/27/23 at 03:55:37

Hopefully that'll go quick as well. I noticed they may be getting more amps on the bench at a time than they did a couple of months ago.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 05/17/23 at 20:49:53

Here’s my current experience with the accelerated amplifier list.

I ordered a Zen Switch Box on April 22, 2023.  I was 118 on the list.

Three weeks later, it’s moving through quality control today.

It seems they are doing all the Zen Switch Box orders at the same time as nearly all ZSB’s on the list, no matter their list position, are being done today.

For instance a ZSB ordered 6 months before mine is also being done today.

I was expecting mine around September (5 months) and am thrilled that it will end up being likely less than 1 month.

Even back before Decware was “discovered” (or perhaps cursed), a 4 week turnaround would’ve been unexpected.

Luck has played a part as my order seems to be serendipitously timed to parts availability.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 05/18/23 at 01:37:47

Wow—that’s an incredible turnaround time.  And here I thought, getting my ZROCK2 just under 6 months was a major milestone.  It is scheduled to arrive tomorrow! Last scanned at 6 pm—4.5 hrs away at a UPS facility in PA.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 05/18/23 at 01:41:35

How exciting!  The ZRock is amazing.  You’ll love it.

I ordered the Zen Switch Box for a ZR2.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by instinct2 on 05/28/23 at 00:22:34

Ordered my ufo 2.1 nineteen months ago.  Ordered the zrock2, zp3 and zmc1 7 months ago.  Was shocked get the zrock last week, now patiently waiting on ufo2.1 to use the zrock, lol!!  Guess I can plug it in and get my burn in done ;)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 05/28/23 at 00:53:13

I'm sure you were surprised! Hope you don't have to wait too much longer for the amp.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 05/28/23 at 01:17:26

My Zen Switch Box is being packed for shipment.  A mere 30 days since ordering.  By Decware standards that’s practically a same day turnaround!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 05/28/23 at 02:47:49

Add a few more days wait for all those waiting for amps. (Sigh)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BlackBess on 05/28/23 at 13:14:42

I’m about 1260 on the amp list. Moved from page 9 to page 7 in 9 months. A visit to a Decware Zen Festival may be my only chance to actually experience the SEWE 300B amp on this mortal coil. A dark thought, but at this rate we’re taking about an extended wait. At least I’m not going backwards {I think (& if you don’t think too good, don’t think too much)}. But as I patiently wait I can only remember the old adage, first come, first served. This is surely a sign of a company with superior products & a healthy customer base. Some day I hope to join the “club”, I do have some T6’s, but that barely counts.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 05/29/23 at 05:53:14

I obviously got lucky with the timing of my Zen Switch Box order.  Just happened to order when they were doing a batch of 10 or so.  Mine was assembled along with orders than had been on the list for 6 months.

To my understanding, the accelerated list was created to increase the speed of the regular list.  Decware is unable to scale to meet demand.  But by putting the simpler to assemble products on their own list, less experienced technicians - ones who aren't otherwise qualified to work on the big ticket items - can move the easy stuff along.  And thereby increase the speed of the main list by a mile per hour or two.  

It's still a long ways to Tipperary any way you slice it for amps.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BlackBess on 05/29/23 at 14:22:08

It seems I might be invoking the ban hammer by saying this but I find the terminology used by Mr. Rising Sun to be questionable. Are you part of the Decware team? “ Less experienced technicians … who aren’t qualified to work on big ticket items “. I hope you don’t mean “poor soldering skills, unable to follow directions or have bad general work habits” Otherwise I’ll be holding off on my ZRock2 order until the “less experienced “ workforce gets up to the required level to build anything that Mr. Deckert asks of them. I’m wondering now if one technician builds an amplifier start to finish? Now with my obviously flawed reasoning process I feel that delivering a product ordered after after me, before my order is processed means that the person building these expedited items could have been working on the next item in line on the original list. Sorry to ruffle some feathers but I don’t seem to play well with others. As I have said before, I want to join the club but as of now, have not had any “Kool Aid”
Meanwhile I’m wondering “How many is blue? Just sitting around with nothing to do”

I guess in the end, it’s all entertainment.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 05/29/23 at 18:52:26

It’s just my understanding (right or wrong) of the creation of the accelerated list. It’s a way to very modestly speed up the main list through greater efficiency.

I see no reason nor evidence to conclude that those working on the simpler devices are unqualified to do so, or that the items produced are below the normal Decware standards.  They might be, but we have no evidence to support such a conclusion.

I doubt seriously that Steve halted Sarah construction to personally assemble a batch of Zen Switch Boxes.

The point being that, in theory, the kiddy table list helps move the main list along rather than slow it down - and maintains Decware traditional quality standards.  Only the powers that be are in a position to evaluate the results.  I personally have no idea one way or the other. How could I?

I was fortunate to get the bulk of my Decware stuff just prior to the list entering absurd lengths.  Which of course does nothing to speed up your wait.

The long wait is what it is.   Steve has chosen to keep his company boutique rather than scale.  It’s his choice to make. And our choice whether or not to purchase.

There are enumerable readily available high quality amplifiers on the market from other manufacturers for those who prefer not to wait.

It’s as simple as that.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 05/30/23 at 04:12:11

Just MHO, but from looking at the recent pictures from Decware (what was not shown as well as what was), I get a sense that adding techs and expanding capacity, given the way they make their products, would involve rejigging the workflow in a lot of subtle ways, and not the kind Steve would realisitically update us on.

Progressing toward figuring out what is needed to ship more units/week and how to do that while ensuring flawless manufacturing outcomes is likely a slower process than someone on the outside would think, so slow that Decware might well be working hard to expand output, yet an acceleration in The Flywheel wouldn't be evident for many months.

I am outside the US (way outside) and I don't think sending my amp(s) back to DW if they are not flawless out of the box (cough, cough) is going to be very realistic (cough, cough). If it takes slow production to ensure quality, it's OK with me.

As it is I'm looking at 28 months from order to delivery. After more than 18 months of waiting I've finally gotten to where I don't really feel the time passing. That first year was very hard, though.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 05/30/23 at 05:30:10

Oddly enough, the massive length of the list is itself excellent marketing for audiophiles.  If 2000 people are willing to wait 2+ years, it must be worth the wait.

Steve has expressed that while they have increased capacity several times, it’s not their goal to scale in order to fully meet demand. It’s a reasonable conclusion given the very niche nature of flea watt amps. He has to plan for the potential of this sudden popularity to pass and return to the few month turnaround it was before the Guttenberg/ Robinson rocket fuel.  

Yes, there’s obviously a bottleneck, but how long will that last?  How many people out there can even use a flea watt amp?  Decware is wise to treat expansion with skepticism.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 05/30/23 at 15:19:58

FYI/FWIW here is a post from Steve from last month re: the waiting list. It was originally written to address Decware drama on a different message board. Emphasis added by me.

Posted by: Steve Deckert      Posted on: 04/20/23 at 13:33:49

...I have prepared a statement regarding our waiting list that will hopefully be of some use.


Decware is a small boutique company that creates hand made amplifiers and loudspeakers of an exceptional level and sells them wholesale to the public.  This has been our business model since 1996 when we went online with

During the past 25 years Decware has never had to advertise, the success came from word of mouth from satisfied customers in over 54 countries.

Our business and products evolved around a consistent pool of orders that averaged 100 people at any given time.  The wait time to get an amplifier ran around 10 ~ 12 weeks.

Decware has been a well kept secret for 25 years until Covid 19 hit in 2020.  No business at that time knew what the future held. We have an obligation to not only our employees and contractors, but to our customers whom we extend indefinite after sale support too.

So in an effort to make sure our sales didn’t decline during the pandemic, we sent our 2 watt Zen Triode amplifiers out for review which basically let the cat out of the bag. Our order list doubled and then tripled in only months while people were trapped indoors with nothing to do but listen to their hifi rigs. In the two years since that time it has continued to grow to insane numbers — now over 2000 people on it despite the fact that we have doubled our production the first year and then doubled it again this year.

We will continue to hand build these amps with a lifetime warranty vs. mass producing them using circuit boards like most manufactures.  That means that the wait time is not going to change any time in the near future.

We are charging a 10% non-refundable deposit with full disclosure and access to our real time build list.  This is because:

Despite what you might think it actually does cost a fair amount of money to enter your order with all the custom options and get those parts made.  Many orders involve several emails and or phone calls where we spend time helping you select the best gear for your situation at the time of your order and again as the situation changes during the wait.  

Without a deposit the list would explode in size with people who wish to hold a place on the list until the very end and then often cancel their order.  We don’t have the time or the manpower to cover all the phone calls and emails associated with a 2 year wait just to cancel it.  The ones who complain online about this are the very ones who would do it.

We will make sure your order was worth the long wait.

Orders can be changed without loosing your place in the list.  As well, if we come out with a newer version of the item you ordered, you will automatically be upgraded at no additional cost as this has always been our policy.

Reviews will continue to occasionally happen because those who are on the list enjoy having some confirmation that what they are waiting for is the best.

For those of you who have irreconcilable issues with the fact that our list is so long — you are invited to do something about it by bringing yourself to Decware with soldering iron in hand and seeing if you have what it takes to join our team.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 05/30/23 at 20:09:13

Yes, going the way of PrimaLuna and having production scaled at the Cayin factory in China (still point to point wiring) would both solve the long wait and give little reason to order in the first place as Decware would no longer be Decware…

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 05/31/23 at 20:32:52

For me, the best thing about being on a (relatively) long waitlist, has been the ability for this 'po-boy' to make payments when able. I am nearing the 100 mark on the list, and today, after a year and a half, made a third payment. This leaves me only 35% of the total price left to pay when the amp is finished. Much easier to deal with. [smiley=simp38.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 05/31/23 at 21:28:07

Absolutely! I too have made payments and my SEWE300B is totally paid for and I also have bought tubes to use in it. Makes the wait a bit harder. . . but it's a good thing.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 05/31/23 at 22:00:18

The math says you guys would be better off putting the money in e.g. a money market acct until your amp is ready to ship , but regardless I'm glad you've a a plan that works for you. And I'm looking forward to Geno joining the "balanced mono bloc club" and Lon getting is 300B amp. My UFO25s just made it to page 1, so I'm not that far behind.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 06/01/23 at 00:13:32

I haven't made much money investing lately, to the contrary. Anyway I'm glad to have done what I have done with this order.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 06/01/23 at 03:34:12

Yea, I’ve also been paying off my Sarah since last year as finances allow though I had to re-direct it recently towards the ZR2, which was going to be ready much sooner.  Now back to finish paying off the remaining balance for Sarah. Currently #209 on the list so should be on the first page soon!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 06/01/23 at 03:47:40

There must be something fundamentally wrong with us as audiophiles. The lengths and gymnastics we go through for sound.

We are crazy!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 06/01/23 at 14:42:51

Posted by: RisingSun      Posted on: Yesterday at 19:47:40
There must be something fundamentally wrong with us as audiophiles. The lengths and gymnastics we go through for sound.

We are crazy!

I kinda fell like the rest of the world is crazy for missing out on the great sound we enjoy so much . JMO.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 06/01/23 at 14:49:08

I think it's just one of many forms of manly obsession (yes, I know there are women audiophiles. . . but predominantly this is a male thing).

Certainly I've been acquainted with hobbyists of other stripes that are just as "crazy"--those into cameras and photography, hot rods, hunting and fishing, wood working et al. I've known many who are as deeply and devotedly into their pursuits. (Ha! and some of them are also audiophiles!)

And hey, I think this makes the world better more often than it doesn't.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by LiquidBlue on 06/01/23 at 22:24:33

What’s crazy is checking the list so many times that you feel a sense of loss when you don’t see your name on the build list anymore. My amp just shipped this morning!!😀

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 06/01/23 at 22:44:00

Haha.  And yes, referencing the handbag asylum next door is a great way to prove our sanity..

Just paid the Zen Switch Box invoice and it ships tomorrow.  A mere 5 weeks since ordering.  I feel a bit like someone who feigns the need for a wheelchair at Disney and skips all the lines.

So long suckers!  Mr Toad’s Wild Ride here we come…

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 06/09/23 at 01:12:09

Talk about quick turnaround on repairs:

My Taboo Mk IV with 25th Anniversary Mods needed a look see by the Man.

I mailed it to Decware on Saturday morning. I got a confirmation that it was at Decware by Sarah on Tuesday, then yesterday (Wednesday) an invoice for shipping it back was sent by Sarah.

Today Steve emailed me announcing a shorted Jupiter capacitor was the issue I had and all the capacitors were replaced with Miflex capacitors, and he did some refinishing work on the wood base. (I love this wood base, it's special, it has a walnut burl on it, and unfortunately I had put a good scratch on one side: I did not mention the woodbase at all in my communication.) All NO charge. A few hours later Sarah sent me a tracking number from UPS, ETA is Saturday.

So probably one full week (only!) from mailing to return.

I'm so grateful for all the attention from all hands on that deck!

I'm going to put that in my pipe and smoke it!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 06/09/23 at 01:33:44

It wasn’t just any Taboo Mk IV…it was your Taboo Mk IV—-special treatment is called for!

Just teasing!

That is fantastic customer service! Makes the wait—worth it.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 06/10/23 at 17:31:40

Wow-finally on page 1! Maybe it’s just my elation talking, but there seems to be an increase in production lately.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 06/10/23 at 18:26:52

Last week produced was a bit higher than average, this week was below average, though not uncommon.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 06/12/23 at 16:40:26

I've been on the waitlist a year now and monitor my position weekly.  It worked out that I had about half a year before the wait list was split (n=27), and another half a year now after it was split (n=26).
Despite the comments that nothing actually changed when the waitlist was split, it is quite apparent that the projected delivery date actually was extended by a year when this happened.
So, it is what it is.  I'm not complaining or criticizing, just showing everyone the data so hopefully it is helpful to others.
The boxplot graphic shows the weekly movement (average movement every week, with the standard deviation, minimum and maximum).  The second graph shows the previous waitlist and it's projected linear trendline in blue, and the red is the new amp (split) wait list with trendline.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 06/12/23 at 18:44:11

Awesome chart!

Their decision to split the list most certainly involved no professional level data analysis.  Part of the reason they did it is perhaps to increase revenue speed? Which would make sense. A small company needs cash to operate.

It does seem out of whack that my Zen Switch Box took 5 weeks and amp orders take over 2 years.  And I’m returning the ZSB as the silver internal wiring messed with my tone.

I’m sure Decware is doing the best they can. Indeed, it is what it is.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 06/12/23 at 18:48:12

Hi Manny.  I communicated with Sarah last week, because I noticed that there hadn't been any change with the SE84UFO's at the top of the list (mine being on the second page).

She said that they were waiting on parts, so the supply chain is affecting the progress (sometimes), as well as the ability to do everything else it takes to get the products finished.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 06/12/23 at 19:23:36

For sure, Geno.  The variation in production week to week is so large that it is beyond the explanation that assembly is the controlling factor.  Like everything else in the world supply chain likely has a lot to do with it.  Though I'm sure the randomness of the each product being produced has some effect (making a complicated circuit with custom options vs. a simple amp with stock options), not to mention holiday business closure and the like.
For the most part I just leave the Decware folks alone and wait patiently...  though I never forget to mark my place on the list every weekend.  [smiley=50.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 06/14/23 at 02:17:21

Thanks for the detailed analysis Mannytheseacow.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by The other Lon on 06/14/23 at 16:19:19

Woohoo, officially made it the very bottom of page 2 (Torii MKV), and the top of page 3 (ZP3). So excited!

Waiting is not the end of the world. Just glad I am lucky enough to be able to wait for what is truly a luxury.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Yakatak on 06/14/23 at 19:12:50

Well...Ladies and gentlemen...Step right up and place your bets.  There are currently 78 entries on the alternate, non-amp list (Does it have an official name?). Two of them are ZSB's in Quality Control; the rest are all listed as New. The remaining 76 consist of 38 ZRock2, 15 ZStage, 7 ZBox, 7 ZLC, 6 ZMC1, 2 ZSB, and 1 Gizmo2. Which of these will be chosen for the next campaign?  They shipped a batch of ZRock2 in April (I'm enjoying mine very much, thank you), so probably not those. Since my ZStage has been on the list for exactly 1 year, I'm placing my bet (and hopes) there.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 06/16/23 at 00:12:26

If there were a like button I would have clicked it on that closing comment, TheOtherLon.  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 07/01/23 at 00:34:45

Damn! I have made it to 68 on the list, but all work on SE84 and SE34I.6 has stalled. No work done on any of these at the top of the list, for 3 weeks now.

Sarah said that they were having trouble getting parts. My logical side understands, but my impatient side is not happy.

Not really complaining, but like Joe Friday said, “just the facts”.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 07/01/23 at 01:34:13

Dang, that hurts—sorry Geno. Hopefully, they can overcome the parts situation soon.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 07/01/23 at 08:27:48

Well were is better than are...hopefully production will resume shorty Geno!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Matchstikman on 07/01/23 at 22:04:51

I'm on the "other" list.  I ordered a ZROCK a few months ago.  The ZROCK at the top of the list was ordered on February 2022 and that is still at NEW status.  Most of the time I forget that I am on a list.  Years from now I'll get an email that says the gear is ready and I'll probably go into shock.  We shall see.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Yakatak on 07/01/23 at 22:47:32

I've been watching the list for a while and that 2/22 ZRock2 seems to be a bit of an anomaly.  You'll notice the next ZR2's on the list have 11/22 dates, so you may be further along than you think.  On the other hand... they seem to be building in batches of a single component at a time and just sent out a large batch of ZR2's in April.  With all those ZStage's at the top of the list, I'm hoping they're next on the bench. You can probably guess why.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Matchstikman on 07/04/23 at 02:55:17

I looked at the "other" list today and every item listed is at NEW status.  Interesting how that works.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 07/07/23 at 09:02:53

The mention of parts shortages is ominous. Some information would be appreciated, if this is real.

I've seen other manufacturers sites where parts shortages made certain items unavailable for well over a year.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 07/11/23 at 16:14:46

Hey Steve or Sarah,

How about an explanation on why there has been no movement with the amps at the top of the list in 4 weeks?

Last I heard, it was waiting on parts. I assume that is still the issue, but how bout an update on this?



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by oztayls on 07/18/23 at 03:13:55

16 months in and have progressed to about #900 on the list. I guess that means I have about 64 weeks to wait? In the interim, I decided to improve my skill set and build an amp. I chose the little Spud Kit SEP amp. What a killer little amp that turned out to be! It has about the same power as an SE84. The 6CL6 video tubes are so very cheap which is a bonus for tube rolling. I was able to pick up a batch of about 50 NOS military/Navy and FAA tubes for about the price of a good 12AX7, so can't complain about that.

Too bad I'm in Australia as I'm now almost qualified to build my Decware amp  ;) What's the weather like in Peoria at this time of year?  ;D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RCFDSL on 07/18/23 at 23:34:44

When I ordered my integrated amp I was around 700 on the list and it took a little over 1 1/2 yrs

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bilyeaux on 07/19/23 at 00:08:42

Im 20 mnths into my order and 235 on list…..2nd page!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sarah on 07/19/23 at 01:37:41

For those concerned about the orders that were temporarily bypassed on the wait list. It is due to parts on back order. We had a delay with chassis' for two models: UFO & SE34I.6. Some of the other models were waiting on transformers on back order. They have arrived from our supplier and we are pulling parts on anyone bypassed. Unfortunately we are still waiting on chassis' for the SE34I.6 but they should arrive soon.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Sarah on 07/19/23 at 01:44:02

We are temporarily unable to build orders on the non-amplifier wait list due to parts as well. We were building these orders by model for training purposes, but will get back to building by order date once parts come in. We appreciate everyones patience as we deal with unexpected delays.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 07/20/23 at 16:50:21

Thank you for update. [smiley=icqlite20.png] We try to keep track of money spent or about to be spent VERY closely now. Life changing events (health etc..) can get extremely expensive and I do not want my way better half wondering how did she forget about this $ if or when I'm not here. Time sure creeps up as we get older.  Build Back Better!  All the best to you guys.~ Mike   ~please continue with updates~

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Yakatak on 07/22/23 at 06:20:40

What Mike said.  Especially the " Thanks for the update" part.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 07/22/23 at 12:34:36

With the possibility of the UPS strike coming up soon, the supply chain will be in even more trouble. I would think that is certainly going to affect everyone including Decware and their ability to get parts. It's a situation that will be out of their control and even more patience may be required.

So the updates and any updates are very welcomed and very important.

Thank you for that and keep up the great work you're already doing.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 07/22/23 at 16:45:37

Thank you for the update Sarah. I think that it is only proper, with delays like this, to keep customers informed on what’s going on. Puts things in perspective, and minds at ease.

While my amp will make it to me a little later than I anticipated, my birthday is the second week in August, and it should make it to me pretty close to that. So Happy Birthday to me [smiley=simp38.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 07/28/23 at 20:02:04

Mannytheseacow Will probably have more precise data but my back of the envelope math suggests that Decware has been consistently putting out 10 amps a week.  This is just based on observing my jumps of 10 slots per week for a couple of weeks.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 07/28/23 at 20:24:06

I made the first page at the end of May, and at the end of July I'm 113 which averages out to just just over 10 a week for the last couple months.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 07/28/23 at 20:34:55

Thanks for confirming — you’re 10 slots ahead of me 8-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 07/29/23 at 00:26:33

Hey, to both CAJames and Kamran, #'s 114 & 124, respectively - (sigh)

It's still a few months away for you both, but I look forward to your reviews.  The Sarah reviews thus far have been sensational.  Thank you.  Like Kamran, I thought more Sarah owners might jump in, but writing reviews might not be for everyone. As a dyed-in-the-wool introvert, I can relate to that.

I am also becoming more curious CAJames' choice of bridging two UFO25s into a monobloc.  That is a more novel design, so I must research that option.

Enjoy your weekend, guys!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 07/29/23 at 12:04:22

I ordered my Torii MK5 on 10/16/21, just as Decware blew up...By the time my order showed up on the list one month later, I was #912. I received it yesterday 7/28/23, 648 days, 1 year 9 months 9 days...but who's counting.

It is beyond worth to wait, as I've said before, and as (almost) all here know. It is beautiful, it sounds great right out of the Pelican Case.

After 6 hours of playing tunes with my 15 year old daughter (we listen to music together all the time), it definitely sounded better that my solid state Marantz. I had her in tears during Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah...

My wife is a musician and very good singer and she also had a huge seal of approval on the whole thing, from looks to sound as we listened to music in the dark with just the glow of the tubes to light us up.

I can't wait to hear from all of you about your experiences when you receive your Decware amp...It is so worth the wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 07/29/23 at 15:01:35

Hey Chris,

Congratulations.  It is easy to relate to your experience and imagine how pleased you are to have Tori MK5.  Here's the best part, in another 648 days, you will like it even more!

Enjoy the music!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 07/29/23 at 15:23:54

Thanks Tony—I look forward to sharing.  Sarah said that they are generally tracking 22 months so I am hoping to receive my amp by September.

Chris: Good to hear from you and thanks for sharing your experience with the MKV.  Jeff Buckley’ s Hallelujah is one of my favs.  His first breath on the track, takes my breath away every time.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 07/29/23 at 17:43:51

That's awesome Chris! I waited 5 months and a day for my UFOs back in 2020 (when that seemed like a looooong time). I'm not quite as optimistic as Karman, I'm thinking probably October maybe November before I'm posting about my UFO25s but whatever it is they will be more than worth the wait and worth much more than the price.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 07/29/23 at 23:34:30

Hi guys.

I got the email yesterday - Parts Pulled

Celebrate, Celebrate  
Dance to the music!!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 07/30/23 at 00:27:21

Yay! I know it’s been frustrating of late, with the parts shortage so I’m really excited for you Geno!

I think I’m gonna pull a couple of dance tracks on tonight listening session!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 07/30/23 at 01:41:10

Thanks Kamran.

The long wait has been tough. And I have 0 patience, so that makes it even harder.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 07/30/23 at 02:27:18

Right on Geno! I’m almost as excited as you are about you joining team balanced monoblocs.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 07/30/23 at 02:59:46

Hey James.

I’m really excited to get the balanced monoblocs going. The new Lii Audio drivers are getting broken in good just in time. I prolly have over 80 hours on them by now, so ready to match them up to the Zen twins.

It was encouraging too, to hear that you stayed with the SET amps. I remember that you were close to jumping on the Sarah 300b bandwagon.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 07/30/23 at 03:15:56

Yeah, I had a brief flirtation with Sarah. But I wanted to stay balanced and buying 2 of them plus TOTL 300B tubes would have been 5 figures and that was just too rich for my blood. My 300B amp sounds really good (and has a cool balanced input stage, which is why I got it) but I miss the UFO sound. So I'm really looking forward to how you like your system once you get the amps in place.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Mannytheseacow on 08/01/23 at 12:57:02

"Mannytheseacow Will probably have more precise data but my back of the envelope math suggests that Decware has been consistently putting out 10 amps a week."

Averaging 9.5 amps per week since the split.  Like any statistical analyses the details are important.  Saying that they are tracking at 22 months is based on a customer getting on a list under 1000 people and the higher production occurring before the list was split.  Getting on at 1500, and factoring in current production, the wait is projecting at 3.25 years...  and if one gets on the list today at over 2200 one might expect the wait to be 4-1/2 years.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 08/01/23 at 16:25:19

At 201 now. Christmas maybe? Stormy morning (Saturday), but pretty out anyway~ All the best everyone

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 08/01/23 at 18:11:36

Great pic Mike — you’re almost on page 1!

Mannytheseacow—Just the kind of detail I was expecting! You make a good point about the 22 month tracking. That is how Sarah phrased it but the nuance here is that it pertains to orders from 2021. She also mentioned that this will be further impacted by the large number of orders during Black Friday.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 08/01/23 at 18:20:15

Posted by: Kamran      Posted on: Today at 10:11:36

...She also mentioned that this will be further impacted by the large number of orders during Black Friday.

That is certainly a thing. I was the sixth person to get an order in Black Friday 2021 but there are at least 50 more orders  after me that day. That's like 5 or 6 weeks difference in the wait for orders placed the same day.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 08/01/23 at 18:28:31

Since the list madness began, Decware has consistently misrepresented how long the wait will be for a new amp. My guess is it’s out of misunderstanding rather than malice.  But a 3 to 4 year wait needs to be clearly expressed at the time of ordering, especially given deposits are no longer refundable.

There ought to be a large banner next to the “place order” button that says “Wait can be 3 to 4 years, 10% deposit not refundable” so that customers can consult with their doctors prior to purchase to determine their anticipated life expectancy ;)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 08/01/23 at 21:26:13

...."so that customers can consult with their doctors prior to purchase to determine their anticipated life expectancy".  Actually what you said right there hit pretty close to home.  :-/  I am blessed to be here regardless... [smiley=icqlite20.png] My way better half has been keeping a very close eye on me...twice now, so I think all is good

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by oztayls on 08/01/23 at 23:53:28

If the build rate of 10 amps per week is correct, then if you order today, your amp will be ready on or around Wednesday, 3 November 2027. You will be 222 weeks older. Plenty of time to save up!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JP on 08/02/23 at 02:09:58

I have a Tori jr v2 and when I ordered the wait was almost 11 months in 2021. That seemed like forever.  Numerous times I have been tempted to get  on the list for the Sarah.  At this point a wait time of 4 years is way too much. I’m thinking of just keeping my Tori jr ,adding a Dennis had 300b, and swapping them out intermittently.  
A lot can occur at 4 years and unless there are some drastic changes to the build queue I unfortunately won’t experience the decware 300b offering.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 08/02/23 at 03:39:27

Perceptions, or maybe it's auto-intoxication. Is it really possible that Decware amplification is so unique and superior than it justifies anything more than (IMO) about a 1-year wait?

Perhaps the real secret sauce -- ladled on with love and pure passion, I know -- is the positioning and descriptions of the products (I think unintendedly but it is still genious) that create a sense of total uniqueness and must-have product lust. Audio gods, etc. etc.

I am waiting for a pair of UFO25s. There were 900 guests in the restaurant (with its fixed kitchen staff), now there are 2300 in here. We can't even see how many people peer through the window, shake their heads and walk away. Nor should we care, I suppose. That would be telling Steve how to run his business.

To while away my months and years as I wait for my order to be served, I read Steve's build log for the UFO25. It's pure mind candy. Well, I will listen to nothing else after the amps arrive, so maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyway, I'm glad I'll have the chance to find out.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 08/02/23 at 11:41:13

The wait is a mathematical fact. Unless production changes are made, and I wouldn't want Steve and family to change anything because of me (us), the wait is at least the # of orders divided by # of amps shipped in a given time period.

I now have a Decware amp, and I wouldn't want to buy any other, so for me waiting another 3-4 years for another one would be fine if I knew everything in my current situation would be the same in 3-4 years. So much can happen in that time, good or bad.

I do feel that more upfront information would be needed when ordering, including the possibility of any amp to be delayed in production due to supply issues. Transparency is most important and I also don't believe that anyone is misrepresenting delivery times on purpose. The changes to their business is just as sudden really as the past events to our own lives during these Covid years.

Either way, keep up building great amps...If you build it, they will come. I likely will be back too.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by BlackBess on 08/02/23 at 13:48:47

It seems I’m on schedule to receive a SEWE300B in about 2 years & 4 months from now. But nearly a year after ordering I’m wondering about the speaker wait time? 3/4 to 1 year has been quoted in the past & I was hoping someone with first hand experience in the matter would weigh in.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by terlenka on 08/02/23 at 14:19:46

I ordered speakers two or three years ago. They took about a year to arrive. It's possible that they arrive more quickly now as Bob, who builds the speakers, no longer does the woodwork for amp bases.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by JBzen on 08/02/23 at 14:55:13

Perceptions, or maybe it's auto-intoxication. Is it really possible that Decware amplification is so unique and superior than it justifies anything more than (IMO) about a 1-year wait?

Perhaps the real secret sauce -- ladled on with love and pure passion, I know -- is the positioning and descriptions of the products (I think unintendedly but it is still genious) that create a sense of total uniqueness and must-have product lust. Audio gods, etc. etc.

I am waiting for a pair of UFO25s. There were 900 guests in the restaurant (with its fixed kitchen staff), now there are 2300 in here. We can't even see how many people peer through the window, shake their heads and walk away. Nor should we care, I suppose. That would be telling Steve how to run his business.

Last year at the Decfest I question Steve about the wait list and his response in his mild manner was, "It is what it is".

My educated opinion from spending time with him and various avenues of conversation is - he's in a happy place. He loves to tinker in his space and the cottage business affords it. Anything else would be a distraction from it. I also think the whole family feels the same as Steve.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 08/02/23 at 16:09:50

I like both of these posts as they express some thoughts/feelings I have had over the past two years.  Burgermeister creatively imagines the genius marketing strategy behind keeping inventory low.  While John describes a man at the top of his game and enjoying the moment. Steve's reported response to the situation seems perfect.

With one amp now received after what seemed like a painfully long wait and another ordered with a wait time twice as long as the first, I feel lucky to have stumbled upon this place: the products, the community, and the educational experiences - all first class.  

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by RisingSun on 08/02/23 at 19:53:37

I love my Decware gear. That said, they are not, in my opinion, sonically unique or superior enough to in anyway justify a 4 year wait vs other choices on the market.

Oddly, the absurdly long list serves as an effective marketing tool to make a yet longer list. Such is audiophile psychology.

In the beginning of list madness Decware failed to be transparent about wait times.  I cannot speak for if their motivations for doing so were an honest mistake or purposefully deceptive.  That’s between them and the Good Lord.  Things are better now, but in no way fully transparent.

As for Steve’s public response about the list, it’s clear it was written by someone not accustomed to dealing with such situations. An engineer’s response rather than a skilled businessman. The public shaming of a customer was a large mistake.

It is what it is.  A learning experience for all.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Ghostship on 08/02/23 at 20:27:49

They aren't? You have a ZRock2 and a ZenSwitchBox, which as you are well aware, don't take ~4 years to build as the amplifiers might.

Please don't claim to speak from experience like those of us who have waited in line and received a Decware amp, because there haven't been any complaints from us claiming there's nothing "sonically unique or superior enough to in anyway justify a 4 year wait vs other choices on the market"...on the contrary, we have concluded that it was worth the wait.

As far as your baseless allegations that Decware intentionally mislead buyers about the wait times, as you have posted more than once now, you are completely full of sh@t.

And yet in the same post you claim that buyers are fully aware of the wait, which serves to motivate them to add their names to the list.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you do not have the right to misstate facts.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Burgermeester on 08/02/23 at 22:50:05

There seems to be something about the way I express myself that sets off controversy, sorry about that. My bad. I guess if you don't make it crystal-clear where you're coming from, people infer the worst.

To be clear, I love Decware.

I also think a lot of us are too willing to buy almost anything without even demoing it when we are told it has a big impact on the sound--even if it costs thousands. I dropped 5 figures on Decware equipment on other people's recommendation, not on feedback from my ears. Past a point I think this gets weird.

Audiophilia has the potential to stress people's finances in a pursuit of better sound that never ends. I simply suggested people thinking about a 4-year wait maybe should dump some ice water on their heads and look elsewhere -- or maybe better yet, stick with the system you have. It might be so close to Decware's that it's fine.

And just for avoidance of doubt, I don't think Decware has ever been misleading in its communications. Steve's delight in the results of his tinkering is contagious, that's all. But if you have audiophilia, they can set off lust for a product whose 4-year wait only makes it look even better. This is crazy, unless you have money and remaining lifespan to burn.

This is still on topic, about the "wait list."

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 08/03/23 at 18:25:16

..."can set off lust for a product whose 4-year wait only makes it look even better. This is crazy, unless you have money and remaining lifespan to burn....." Sure understand that! There is no way I would even consider ordering today. Personal stuff. Looks like these relatively younger/healthy folks are in business. But still, we are so pleased to see a small American family company doing so well. So many American outfits have folded up last few years. ~Build Back Better! [smiley=icqlite19.png] This one is doing very well...there are many reasons why.  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 08/04/23 at 18:48:02

RisingSun posted twice and seemed to double down on the notion of misrepresentation.  The careless (and hurtful) use of that word upset me as someone who has been waiting for almost two years and I wanted to share my thoughts and observations:

Discussing current production stats and exchanging notes with fellow Decwarians continues to be just that—estimating wait times for our stuff from time to time so we can level set our collective expectations.  It was not an invitation to make assertions about the Deckerts transparency w.r.t. the waitlist or lack thereof.  To come to the forum that they host and question their motivations is in extremely bad taste and demonstrates a colossal lack of tact.

Decware is not your typical Audio Corp making transistor based tech on assembly lines with access to both large corporate teams and cheap labor—nor are they answerable to investors who demand a quick profit and compel such hi-fi outfits to cut costs, often at the expense of quality.  They also don’t have a Marketing Communications team ready to keep customers apprised of exact wait times.

But what they have is very hard to get right—-a family run business where most members wear multiple hats and work methodically and meticulously to produce high quality products that have touched the life of thousands and continue to sweep customers off their feet.  They are fueled by their love of high fidelity audio, their passion to tinker and innovate, and to make deeply impactful products. Not for nothing, I’d rather have an engineer answer my questions vs. a slick businessman.

No—they are decidedly not a typical hi end audio co — thank goodness!  We’re all better for it.

For folks on the fringes—Yes, the waitlist is long, yes it’s painful.  You be the judge whether you want to weather this storm.  Want to make an informed decision? Go read the reviews on this forum, setup a listening appt, or attend their annual fest- where you can evaluate multiple combinations of amps and speakers.  You’ll be dazed by their hospitality and make some amazing and lifelong connections with fellow members.  

Could they do better? Sure, everyone can improve and adapt.  It just takes time to figure out while staying true to your ideals.  But there’s a way to articulate such feedback, so it comes off as constructive vs. destructive.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 08/04/23 at 19:02:49

Thanks, Kamran, for your post - well said.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tal on 08/05/23 at 00:06:09


Well said!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Yakatak on 08/06/23 at 02:22:27

Just when you need a "Like" button....Sigh :'(

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ArtMan on 08/06/23 at 20:58:38

The death of many businesses comes down to the choices made, when the company tries to expand rapidly to meet the demand for its product. A small business is especially vulnerable if the right decisions are not made.

There is one thing that hasn't been mentioned. Decware has a lifetime warranty on their products. By trying to ramp up production, if the same quality is not maintained during the expansion, an even larger problem is created in the long term, which would likely lead to its death knell. This would be true for both its reputation and future costs to service the failures of its products.

This is especially true today due to the breaking down of global supply chain and the challenges of sourcing parts.

From what I have seen, Steve has chosen to make his decisions based on maintaining quality control. Even though it sacrifices quantities sold and profit, it is a more sound approach to expansion and increases the odds of this family business continuing to exist in the long run.

For a family owned, small business with a hard earned reputation for quality and value, the choices Steve has made for this expansion is just as sound as the reputation of his products. I personally applaud his decisions he has made from a business perspective.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 08/06/23 at 23:08:32

Well said ArtMan.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by terlenka on 08/08/23 at 23:34:25

Agree with several of the previous comments.

There aren't many options for Decware and the wait list/production capacity. There are only so many people who can be hired and keep up the company's level of quality. Expansion of the production space would be ideal, but it's risky and would take some time anyway, and I understand Steve's decision not to pursue this option. Some companies (I think Omega speakers did this) have suspending taking orders while they work through the wait list. I'm not sure what this would help (besides the used market, which is already insane for Decware products). In the meantime, they've streamlined the list in two ways that make it more efficient and accurate: 1) they've eliminated the possibility of someone adding to their order (this prevents the used market from dominating and taking over the new market) and 2) moved the non-amp production to a separate list.

For those struggling to keep track, my items (ordered several months apart) have moved about 36 spots on the list per month (this is consistent with another poster's estimate of 10 amps per week/40 per month; several orders are for 2 amps; I count that as one spot moved). The newer order has moved right at 40 spots per month this year (I assume the extra movement is due to people dropping out).

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 08/11/23 at 23:11:30

Hmm, maybe I’m jet lagged cause I seem to be at exactly 100, when I was expecting to be #103 with the steady 10 amp week over week production cycle.

Not complaining!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/16/23 at 00:58:15

Well, after 22 months, my SE84UFO shipped today. I ordered just a few weeks before the waitlist topped the 1000 order mark. I think I was 930 to start.

This is my second SE84, and when I ordered the first one in 2017, I think there were like 150 orders. If I remember correctly, it took about a month to get it. Back then, Decware was still audio’s best kept secret ;)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 08/16/23 at 01:10:15

Congrats Geno! I started at 940 something if I recall correctly.  The list might see another surge after Harley’s review, which I just posted….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Matchstikman on 08/16/23 at 02:29:35

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with GAS (gear acquisition syndrome).  The backlog is a blessing to me. If it wasn't there I would have pulled the plug on at least 4 items this year.  Whew!!  The thing with GAS is that I want it NOW and if I can't have it now then I move along.  Again, depending on where you are coming from, this is a blessing.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/16/23 at 03:20:30

Thanks Kamran.

Yet another very positive review. I am so glad that Steve and Decware are getting their just reward.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 08/16/23 at 03:57:37

Right on Geno! I'm ready for you to stop with the wait list updates and start with the listening impressions. I also want to know if they are still sending t-shirts with the amp?

If anyone is keeping score I waited 5 months and a day for the UFOs I ordered in June '20, back when that seemed like a long time. When I ordered my UFO25s, on Black Friday '21, it took over 2 months just to get on the waiting list. I'm #88 today, I hope to be listening to them by the end of October, so 23 months.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/16/23 at 04:21:20

Hi James.

I forgot about the T-Shirt! I hope they are still sending those out. Now that you reminded me, I’ll be disappointed if I don’t get one. Do you hear that, Steve! [smiley=peanuts21.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 08/16/23 at 11:43:52


Congratulations on your new amplifier. I'm glad you had a short wait, excellent timing with the order on your part. I look forward to your impressions as the amp settles in and your tube rolling experiments begin. Enjoy!


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/16/23 at 16:11:57

Thanks HK! Ain't open baffles fun to listen too?!?!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by HockessinKid on 08/16/23 at 16:56:03

Geno, open baffles with Lii Audio drivers are amazing. Never thought I could get such terrific sound quality for single driver speakers under $2K.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 08/16/23 at 17:08:55

Congrats Geno! Worth the wat.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/16/23 at 18:24:39

The wait for the wat ;D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 08/17/23 at 11:37:06

That's awesome Geno. I had been keeping an eye out on your amp's progress as I checked for mine since we were so close in our order time.

The T-shirt is real. I got mine with the MK5.

Kamran, thanks for posting that review. It was worth a watch and all the reasons I bought mine were revealed.

The listening will be happy. Enjoy.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/17/23 at 13:53:09

Good morning Chris.

That is good to hear. But how are they determining the correct size of the shirt? I was not asked that.



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 08/18/23 at 03:54:20

I was not asked what shirt size I wanted. I received an XL which will certainly fit albeit a little big. Still, I got real excited when I saw the shirt.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 08/18/23 at 04:50:46

Mental note: Tell Sarah my shirt size in advance.  If they only have XL, I might end up framing it on my wall. Hehe

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 08/18/23 at 05:26:32

Thanks Chris. If that is the case, XL is generally what I wear in a t-shirt, so perfect!

Kamran, the t-shirt in a cool frame would be a great addition to your awesome music room!



Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 08/18/23 at 21:55:14

Thx Geno, that will most likely be the outcome if it’s too big.

Two milestones today:

In double digits now (97 last time I checked)
Finally paid off the amp

I can see the finish line…

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 08/18/23 at 22:04:03

Congrats Mr. K.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 08/18/23 at 22:13:10

That's awesome Kamran!

If you are 97 that would make me 87ish. It looks like there is a hiccup in the UFO25 production, hopefully it is brief.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 08/19/23 at 02:00:05

Thx guys.

Speaking of production, the last two weeks seemed a bit atypical.  Moved 13 places last week and 3 places this week.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 09/01/23 at 02:00:03

CAJames: Are you reassessing your timeline yet? Transferring some of my optimism your way  :)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 09/01/23 at 02:22:24

Appreciate it Kamran! But I'm cool, the amps will get here when they get here...

...when they get here...

...when they get here...

[fade to black]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 09/03/23 at 16:04:24

I made it to the first page !  [smiley=beer.gif]
1 year and 8 months later. Let's see if I get my amp still in 2023.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 09/03/23 at 17:25:56


I made the first page at the very end of May and am now 53. So you probably have 3 months and change until they start on your amp. Hopefully.

Unfortunately the supply chain is apparently still an issue, so how your order matches the available parts is going to determine your delivery time once you get to the front of the line. ATM it seems like Rachaels and UFO25s (my order) are currently on pause. Presumably once those parts arrive all the other amps pause while they get caught up.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 09/03/23 at 17:45:50

Congrats! As James notes the supply chain issues will have a hand in your delivery time. When I hit the first page it was about three months before my amp was delivered. You're closer than you were!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 09/13/23 at 17:19:27

My God. It finally happened—just received the parts pulled email!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 09/13/23 at 17:59:59


Awesome! (That you ordered after me but your amp will be done first :-) )

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 09/13/23 at 18:13:35

A lot of gaps between quality control etc and 'new'. I guess some holding off payment or parts etc? Starting to really look forward to this. Purchased 11/29/21. 2 or 3 more months maybe?  :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 09/13/23 at 23:58:29

LOL James. I’ll take it (no pun intended). For a fleeting second last week, I thought about asking Sarah to delay it until after you got yours, but recall what I said about fleeting…

If it’s any consolation, I don’t see my self using the amp on arrival due to this never ending remodeling project—will most likely park the box in the basement until the project is over. Haven’t listened to music in my rig for 10 days…

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 09/14/23 at 00:12:29

In all seriousness I’m glad the wait list is moving forward, and I look forward to hearing about your experiences. And I’m cool, my amps will get here when they get here….

When they get here….

When they get here….

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 09/14/23 at 00:12:56

Haven’t listened to music in my rig for 10 days…

Ouch! Kamran, that sounds rough.  Hopefully, you will be back up and listening soon. I look forward to your review when that happens.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 09/14/23 at 00:22:31

I recently made it through six days with no system(s) myself so you have my sympathy. I hope there are no delays in your relocation plan.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 09/14/23 at 01:15:20

Thx guys. This is my better half’s dream project to get the house remodeled  including gutting our kitchen, bathrooms, flooring, and adding additional closets,  pantry space and extending the sq. footage a tad. It’s a lot and I figured if she can put up with my time and investment for hifi, then I can put up with helping her finish the project on time. The only exception is that I was allowed to attend Decfest next month!

For now, I’m just enjoying audio vicariously through you guys.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 10/03/23 at 20:42:53

Well, I feel badly for the would be Rachael owners who ordered months before me and are still waiting, but it looks like production of the UFO25s has started again. There are maybe a dozen ahead of me, I'm hoping mid-November for delivery. So almost exactly 2 years on the list. Of course if they get the parts for the Racheals it will push things back considerably, but I'm OK with that.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by oztayls on 10/03/23 at 21:42:48

You're close and your patience is about to be rewarded! I ordered in April last year and by my calculations, I should get mine in early Dec next year (about 2 yrs 7m). At the current rate of production, ordering today should see them arriving in early Dec 2027.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 10/03/23 at 22:06:58

Thanks! Your patience will be rewarded as well. One thing I know for sure is Decware amps are worth the wait and worth much more than the cost.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by chapsjon on 10/03/23 at 22:24:17

I just received my SE84 UFO today. I ordered Black Friday of 2021, so 1 year 10 months and some change from order to delivery. It seems the one year club t-shirts are no longer a thing as one was not included in the box. Kind of would have been cool, but I ordered an amp not a T-shirt so no big deal. Just started my first itineration of burn in and well pleased so far.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 10/03/23 at 22:51:59

Congrats chapsjon! May today be the start of many hours of listening enjoyment.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 10/03/23 at 23:58:59

Congrats chapsjon!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 10/04/23 at 01:00:39

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by chapsjon on 10/05/23 at 18:40:55

Thank you for all the congratulations. The amp is settling in nicely.

I was contacted by Veronica RE the t-shirt after she saw my comment. Here’s what she said:
“We currently are out of stock and have more coming in. Instead of further delaying your order from shipping, we went ahead and sent it and will be sending you a shirt as soon as we restock them.”

What fabulous customer service! So for those who thought as I did that the t-shirt may no longer be included, it is. This and the great customer service are just two among many reasons Decware has so many fans and customers.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by chapsjon on 10/18/23 at 22:45:03

For those that are looking forward to a t-shirt with your amp order... I just received mine. My order wasn't about the t-shirt, but it is cool. I have already worn it proudly.

I'll offer some feedback RE my SE84UFO in appropriate forum once I feel like it is burned in.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by yostjacob on 10/23/23 at 21:38:02

Tomorrow is the day.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 10/23/23 at 22:42:33


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by yostjacob on 10/25/23 at 21:55:43

Oh....  So this is what they mean by soundstage.

In any case.  I was not prepared for just how warm the whole amp gets.  This is gonna keep the ol' basement home office nice and warm during the winter.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 11/08/23 at 03:58:05

After 102 weeks I'm done with the waitlist! According the UPS my amps are barreling down Route 66 looking to start a new life in sunny California. Actually my order looks to be 3 packages, I'm guessing 2 UFO25s and a t-shirt. Delivery expected on or about Friday afternoon, reviews to follow.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 11/08/23 at 07:34:48

Congrats! Probably two amps, and a box for tubes and maybe a t-shirt. Great fun ahead for you!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Geno on 11/08/23 at 13:01:07

Awesome James!

Enjoyable times ahead. I look forward to hearing what you think of the fully balanced 25’s!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 11/08/23 at 14:50:09

How many times have I checked the wait list?

Probably a 100 times (if not more)—a combination of downloading the CSV file and looking at the build list online.

So, after:

1 year, 11 months, 13 days Or
23 months, 13 days Or
712 days

Sarah is out for delivery on the UPS truck.

The last month has been very hard as I delayed delivery due to making sure CA James was closer to his delivery since he technically ordered before me and I didn’t want to further offend his sensibilities!  LOL—JK CA James! So, so happy for ya and look forward to your impressions!

The real reason was on-going remodeling, which is still not finished by the way, but the nasty dusty part is pretty much over and I’m able to welcome my baby home.  Talk about a 23 month labor—-this baby better be worth it!

For now, I’ll leave you with this.  Sarah departing Peoria.  Impressions will follow in due time.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 11/08/23 at 14:58:35

Fantastic Kam! SEWE300B will definitely be worth it!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 11/08/23 at 15:09:13

Congrats CAJames!  I look forward to your reviews and impressions.  Enjoy the sound.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tony on 11/08/23 at 15:16:15

Kamron, You too?!

This is going to be a big week for two members of the community.  I look forward to hearing your reports too.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 11/08/23 at 15:40:57

Thanks guys, the excitement is starting to build!

Kamran, it is funny after all the shenanigans on the waitlist we are getting our amps within a day or so. Did you get yours cryo'd?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 11/08/23 at 18:44:11

Just checked a minute ago, looks like we are number 58 now. Looks like late November 2021 to mid December 2023? Maybe? Looking forward.... [smiley=happy.gif]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 11/08/23 at 22:34:04

Thx CA James—absolutely agree on how the timing worked out—wouldn’t have it any other way!

No, while I was tempted, I didn’t pull the trigger on cryo.  I wanted to get to know the sound signature of the amp first and decide next year whether I want to get it dipped.  Sending it to Don is going be a pain though—she is heavy!  Already, my back is aching after lifting it to the listening room.

Break-in underway.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Gilf on 11/09/23 at 02:41:25

Happy for you guys. Looking forward to your impressions. Anxiously awaiting a Sarah of my own.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by GroovySauce on 11/09/23 at 12:45:44

So exciting for you guys! I'm looking forward to both your reports. I'm still a year out for my Sarah.

Kamran, That's over 1,000,000 minutes you waited. :D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Nuno on 12/05/23 at 19:11:48

Next week I'm reaching the 2 years mark ! I'm approaching the 50th position in the waiting list and I may actually get my amp by January next year ! :)

By the way, did anyone noticed that recently the SE84UFOxxx are not getting produced at the same rate as other equipment ? any ideia if this is due to parts shortage? Yes... I ordered one SE84UFO so this explains why I'm locking to these amps specifically.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 12/05/23 at 19:17:52

Posted by: Nuno      Posted on: Today at 11:11:48

By the way, did anyone noticed that recently the SE84UFOxxx are not getting produced at the same rate as other equipment ? any ideia if this is due to parts shortage?

This also happened to my UFO25, all production of those amps was on hold for like a month, and to the SE34I, for much longer. Sadly the "supply chain" is still an issue.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 12/05/23 at 20:10:38

I think we're in the 20's now. Yeah, it does skip around some between models. But as we all back better! :P  Parts are not as easy for anything it seams these days. Not even our car. Still though, very excited for sure....  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tal on 12/07/23 at 21:12:02

I thought was done. Content with my current setup. But curiosity got the best of me. Order placed for a Torii V. See you all 2 years from now.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 12/08/23 at 02:19:12

Who’s gonna tell him?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Gilf on 12/08/23 at 02:49:32

4.5? ;D

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 12/08/23 at 03:22:42

LoL. He probably meant he was going to come back in 2 years to check the progress. :-)

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Matchstikman on 12/08/23 at 13:25:04

4.5 years?  I remember when it was 4.5 months, if that.  I have one item on a list somewhere that I check every few weeks.  After that I can't seem myself waiting years for gear.  I'll live with what I have which is about where I want to be anyway.  4.5 years?  Wow!!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Tal on 12/12/23 at 18:02:32

Wow! I knew the wait is long, but obviously was way off the mark. I too remember 12 week turnaround times. Looking at the invoice for my first UFO, I placed the order in Nov 2015 and received the shipping notice from Steve end of Jan 2016. Oh well. It is what it is. Plenty of things to keep me occupied. Plus, I know it will be worth the wait.


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by The other Lon on 01/18/24 at 18:27:10

Who's counting?

Just cracked the top 100 (98 & 99) for a MKV and ZP3. Ordered almost exactly 2 years ago so it seems like it is right on time based on units produced each week.

In the meantime I have been working on my room, purchasing used gear from other Forum members, stocking tubes, and trying to learn more about the equipment.

I am amazed how my 84CKCS sounds currently and I cannot image it getting better. Looking forward to what lies ahead in a few months.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 01/18/24 at 18:59:58

Cograts! I'm interested in the comparison between your TORII and Zen.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bluemage on 02/01/24 at 17:14:12

Probably 600 times or so. I'm currently on page 6. When I ordered my amps, I called my audiophile dad, thrilled to share the news. He was ecstatic. And in the interim, he died. In fact, 3 family members have died, dad, grandma, and grandpa, during the wait. I hope it comes soon, or I won't have anyone left to share the experience with!

The ZR2, ZLC, ZSTYX, and Decware cables / interconnects are all here, patiently awaiting the 300b, the CSP325, and the ZP3! If I'm on page 6, I'm guessing May, perhaps?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by The other Lon on 02/01/24 at 18:53:58

A lot does happen during the wait, yours definitely not what one wants.

200 orders per page at 6 pages would mean 1200 orders. Approximately 12 orders completed per week, I believe, which would mean almost 2 years. Maybe March 2026 depending on how far up on page 6 you are.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bluemage on 02/01/24 at 19:13:28

18 orders per page.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by terlenka on 02/01/24 at 20:29:08

>>Posted by: Bluemage      Posted on: Today at 19:13:28
18 orders per page

May sounds about right in your case. Maybe as early as mid-April; definitely by the end of May. My best estimate puts your order around the beginning of May

Most of us see a sheet with 200 orders per page.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Bluemage on 02/01/24 at 21:33:17

Oh, wow. That would explain lots of confusion I’ve had reading posts on here. Not sure what I’m doing wrong. April would be awesome!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Gilf on 02/01/24 at 23:27:20

Different browsers and operating systems will show a different number of rows per page.

Decware rarely produces more than 10 amps per week; usually less.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Steve Deckert on 02/06/24 at 16:00:15

Going into 2024 we have 17 people here.  That is a big change from last year at this time.

Steve : )

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Matchstikman on 02/06/24 at 17:31:48

Does Decware sell Decware T-shirts?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 02/06/24 at 19:10:06

None show up on the web site for sale.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/06/24 at 20:10:32

Love my shirt...but wish I could get my hands on a 2x one for wearing over top of warm clothes-thermals. COLD here. man boobs at all. Workin' on it though. The large size will work fine for summer.  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Eightweight on 02/07/24 at 02:13:48

At least 3-4 times a month

Not thinking of getting back on the list as I picked up my 2 amps today

Don’t know what will be offered in 20 plus years

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 02/12/24 at 18:28:14

I think this is a new page, not sure:

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by DLM on 02/14/24 at 21:01:22

Happy Valentines Day Decware !
Hit my 2 year anniversary of my order today.  
Won’t be long now !

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Carl on 03/11/24 at 15:07:36

Looks like they're running about 46 builds a month for the last couple months.  Unless things change, those that are new to the list should expect a 4+ year wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by The other Lon on 03/24/24 at 22:27:23

This will be my final week of checking the list. Currently I am the first one listed with a status of new. Sometime this week I should be parts pulled and get that wonderful email from Veronica.

During the just over 2 year wait since order I have picked up a SE84CKCS and a CSP3 from forum members in addition to spare tubes. I cannot fathom how the sound will get “better”.  Maybe it will be different. I do have a CSP325 on order. As that is 3.5 years out I’ll set a reminder to see how the progress goes. Big thank you to all the members here for their knowledge and help. Definitely have learned a lot. One of the best things I’ve found is the music recommendations everyone makes. So great to expand on what I listen to.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 03/24/24 at 23:12:22

That is so exciting The Other Lon! Congrats!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 03/25/24 at 00:12:57

Congrats! You have some serious fun ahead of you!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/25/24 at 17:21:45

That last week, I was checking in daily like a little kid. And then the package tracking was even worse.  :D And still after it's arrival, it's on almost every evening into the night. Congratulations! Almost like having a baby 'round here~ Where's that cigar.....  never got one.     Calving season~

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Carl on 04/10/24 at 14:33:34

 If you look at the wait list and think "Oh, they're just over 2 years out on builds, I'll order now and get my amp in 2 years" you'd be terribly wrong.  At about a 46 amp a month pace, if you ordered today, it's almost a 4 and a half year wait.  There should be a running projection of the estimated time delay on the order page IMHO.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by mperdue63 on 04/29/24 at 15:42:02

Looks like the non-amp waiting list has stopped moving. Any news on why?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 04/29/24 at 16:27:15

Seems to me it gets updated once a week or so. I saw movement about a week ago. I'm #30 currently for a ZROCK3. Although I take your point--looks as if nothing is being worked on. That may change with the next update.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Veronica on 05/02/24 at 17:36:28

Hi Everyone,

The accelerated list is a live waitlist. However, we are currently waiting on chassis' to arrive for all models, which is why you haven't seen much movement lately.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by mperdue63 on 05/02/24 at 20:39:21

Thank you for the update.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Samuel Bayles on 05/06/24 at 04:57:29

i check the list everyday! mostly just to see how many people are ordering amps. my purchase is on page 13 so ive got a long wait indeed. i may need to show up to Deware and try my hand at soldering! i'm sure the wait will be worth it but damn its a long ways off.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by bhenriks on 05/13/24 at 11:49:23

I got out of the habit of checking and kinda forgot I ordered (Jan 2022). Just received Sarah #39!  Now the burn-in roller coaster begins...

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 05/13/24 at 12:57:32

Congrats! The adventure begins.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by bhenriks on 05/13/24 at 13:07:34

Thanks Lon!

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Kamran on 05/13/24 at 15:13:11


Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by CAJames on 05/13/24 at 18:32:35

Right on bhenriks! What tubes do you have?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by bhenriks on 05/19/24 at 00:06:04

Hello CAJames. I went with the Decware set, added ebay OA2 and OB2 regulators, then Sophia Electric 300B Classic II "Signature Edition" demos and Aqua II 274B <-THANK YOU forum posters for speaking well of that baby! Just two input tubes so far, a gin clear Telefunken 12AU7 smooth plate and a surprisingly good General Electric 5814 from the Decware kit.

Great fun, worth the wait.

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by bmwgeorge on 05/20/24 at 08:27:46

How many times? I'm too embarrassed to admit how many times I have checked The List. I want to thank Mr. Deckert and the Deckert family and friends and crew who make all this possible. And before I go any farther I want to send condolences to Bluemage for the family members lost while he is doing time on the Wait List. Sorry, Man. Fortunately for me I have not experienced a comparable loss though two neighbors in my building have passed; one last year and one last week. If you consider that there are only 15 units in our building - and the last guy had two of them - that's a pretty high attrition rate. And, sadly, both of those guys were younger than I am. In light of recent events my landlord has requested more complete information on my next of kin and wants to know who is in my will. These persistent reminders of the impermanence of our existence make me wonder ... hmmm? I wonder how many "waiters" were - as I was - born during or before 1950. I wonder how many of us would survive a four and a half year wait. I wonder about the apparent optimism inherent in a two and a half year wait. I wonder how much hearing loss I suffered in those early years of rock and roll when I was young and fearless and I hope there is enough left to appreciate the SE34I.6 I ordered a couple years back when I cashed in my previous SE84UFO slot ordered at last years prices in exchange for a more expensive amplifier named "Rachel" because I wanted EL-34 tubes and the meters (I never wanted meters on any of my stuff before but it seemed appropriate on this amp) and who could complain about more power and besides, I like the name, Rachel. I wonder about all this stuff and more. But this last February 12 (2024) was my 2 year anniversary on The List so I am closer than many and farther than too many. And yes, I think I'm going just plain crazy waiting for Rachel ... I guess I'll order a power cord.    

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by mperdue63 on 05/31/24 at 14:54:38

Any news on when the ZRock3 production might resume?

Title: Re: How many times have you checked the Wait List?
Post by Lon on 06/22/24 at 01:08:24

In the last week my spot has moved a few upwards so I think there is some movement. . . haven't analyzed if it is ZROCK3 movement or not.

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