AUDIO FORUMS >> Member's Systems Picture Gallery >> Dom’s Digital Domain

Message started by Dominick on 04/27/21 at 16:06:46

Title: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 04/27/21 at 16:06:46

Here are a few pics of my new and temporary setup with my new Torii MKIV 25th.  I’ll post a first impressions post in the upcoming days... but the short answer is “Godsmacked”.  My vinyl rig and ERR’s are currently in storage since I will be moving into my parents house for my construction project that should hopefully start in 1-2 months.  

Once I get established there...I’ll setup my ERR’s and hopefully my Rega if I have enough room.   In one of the photo’s I had added my ZSB just last night that I am now using the dual outputs to feed the amp and my dual firing Velodyne powered sub.  I’m sure the sound will be better using the speaker level inputs on the sub...but it’s located far away, and I don’t want to waste money for speaker wire with a temporary setup.  I’m sure I will not even use the sub with my ERR’s but for the Pinnacle monitors, they definitely need it.  

Title: Re: Triple D’s [Dom’s Digital Domain]
Post by piezoman on 04/27/21 at 16:33:13

Very nice....I also like the furniture piece

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 05/06/21 at 05:22:48

Thanks Piezoman.  Yeah that is one super solid and heavy piece of furniture.  Just trying to figure out where I am going to put it when the house is renovated.  


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 08/26/21 at 13:49:29

Here is my new temporary setup in my parents basement.  My house is now officially under construction, so this will be my refuge for the next 8 months.  

I fired up the system last night for the first time and I’m at a loss for words.  Just blown a way is an understatement.  This setup has a lot of changes that I didn’t have prior, probably too many at one time but here is a list of my changes…

1.  My ERR’s were pulled out of storage after a long hiatus.  My soundstage just doubled in size.

2.  My DIY speaker cables ( DH Labs Silver Sonic T-14 ) while not completely finished, are good enough to use.

3.  The addition of a custom built power cable that was built by forum member Will.  This addition I feel has given  me a profound change is the music. Everything  sounds so much more lively and energetic… like I’m running on pure DC!!  

3.  I swapped out my ZSTAGE tube (Amperex Holland  pinched waist 7062 12 AT7) with a NOS Jan 12 AU7 from Upscale audio.  This tube has not settled yet, but it’s super quiet and clean.  It’s a tube that is “not there” as you increase the gain.  I’ll have to report back after it settles in. While I love the sound of the Amperex in my system , The Upscale Audio tube was bought  a while back but I had never auditioned it.  So this was the perfect time.

Also… In my previous set up I was running bookshelf speakers with a sub.  Quite honestly in my new set up I actually don’t feel it’s necessary. These ERR speakers have enough bass, where the sub is definitely not needed.  I do have the sub connected for now in this setup crossing over at 30 HZ to fill in where my ERR’s can’t hit, and the volume is set low so as  not to over pressurize the room.

More to come as my new system and space settles in for further evaluation.


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Lon on 08/26/21 at 14:12:20

Nice setup and components--and looks as if you'll weather the relocation storn well with great sound.

I have a few Amperex 12AU7 that have enjoyed in the ZROCK2--an excellent fit. In my system so much depends on the voltage regulation tubes I am using on the monoblocks. With some the 12AU7 type are a great fit, with my current favorites the quasi-AT7 types are still stuck in, especially that pinch-waist which has been glued in the ZROCK2 for a while now. It's astonishing what a tube will do in these components!

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by HockessinKid on 08/26/21 at 14:27:24

I'm glad you finally got your ERR's hooked up to the Torii Dom. Hope they sound great and keep you in good music listening during your home construction project.


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by piezoman on 08/26/21 at 15:36:05

Lovin' your new temp setup, Dom! You're a man of taste and style. Your system is a solid foundation, and it looks fantastic. Great job, and enjoy!


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 08/27/21 at 02:21:12

Lon…yes I really do love the Amperex pinched waist.  I now have 5 of them in stock waiting for the day of when I buy a ZROCK2.  That tube has a profound affect in my ZSTAGE and I really love it.  The NOS Jan 12AU7 from Upscale Audio is super quiet, so I’m going to keep it in for now to see how it settles in.

Hock..since the ERR’s been out of service for a long period of time, I think I am going to have to play them for a while to get the caps broken in again.  The ERR’s do sound really good, and I do love the radial sound.  But… I do have new caps sitting in my SonicCraft shopping cart waiting to pull the trigger on…just in case I decide to start playing around. 😀

Brad…. Thanks! Yeah the setup is nice for a temporary solution.  I’m hoping to add another component or a replacement to my system when Decfest rolls around. Fingers crossed.  My audio journey has really made a nice leap forward lately, and I’m really enjoying it!


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 06/21/23 at 23:23:39

Today I received Lon’s old CSP2+ with the Anniversay mods from Joe Lazenby.  After a quick clean of all the contacts, my new setup is now complete.  The white Zen sisters now have their matching preamp, and the look is perfect.  

I’ll fire it up tomorrow since it’s time to get ready for work.  Here are a few pics of the setup….

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Lon on 06/21/23 at 23:27:51

Looks sharp! Glad it made it home!

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by HockessinKid on 06/22/23 at 00:13:38

Looking good Dom. Make sure to queue up The Moody Blues - Knights in White Satin.


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Geno on 06/22/23 at 04:18:15

Very cool, Dom! I love the look of the white amps, and the preamp is icing on the cake. Keep us posted on how it sounds.



Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by CAJames on 06/22/23 at 05:22:46

I totally dig the look! And I’m sure the sound is awesome.

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 06/22/23 at 06:28:53

Thanks guys….The match is perfect and what I’ve been after for the past two years.    It goes with the black  and white farmhouse style of the new home.  We had friends over a few night ago,  and all they wanted to listen to was vinyl.   My turntable got a good workout!  

Roger…Knights in White got it!!  What a great song!  

I’ll post my impressions of the new setup.  I’m confident it’s going to o be stellar!!


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Kamran on 06/25/23 at 19:24:48

Loving the look here Dom—congrats!

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 06/25/23 at 20:40:05

Thanks Kamran,

I do love the look of tall rack.  Originally I wasn’t sure but it has really grown on me.  


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by mclark on 12/19/23 at 18:09:34

Hey Dom - It's been a while -  I love the 'Sister's' set up! Glad she went to a good home. I'ld miss her but I've got my two 84's doing their job. The white IS a stunning look.

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 12/21/23 at 00:14:58

Hi Mike,

Yes it’s been a while.  I was supposed to send your amp back to Decware for the full upgrades with the Anniversay mods.  With recently prepping for a promotional exam…I had to put it on hold.  Now that my exam is finally over, I plan to send the amp back in to Decware come the new year.  

I must say that running the amps in a mono setup gives me the extra wattage I need to properly drive my ERR’s with nice head room.  The turn around time is a few weeks, so once I get them back, I’ll post my impressions here.  The white setup is beautiful, and adding the white CSP3 really ties the system together.

Hope all is well with you, and I’m glad you are enjoying your two 84’s as well.  Have a great Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 06/01/24 at 03:20:14

The Zen Sisters now have their fully matched counterparts with the recent addition of a white top ZP3.  The look is just amazing and the ZP3 has really blown me away with the sound.  Go to the SE84UFO section to read more about my impressions.  

Here’s a few pics of the new setup.  

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by CAJames on 06/01/24 at 03:56:03

The Great White Fleet sails again!

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Tony on 06/01/24 at 05:54:38

That's a beautiful family you have put together. Congratulations!

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Lon on 06/01/24 at 10:12:43

+1. I think you've just increased your vinyl playback significantly.

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 06/01/24 at 12:25:15

Yes I am truly blessed to now have an all tube setup in the signal chain for vinyl playback.  While the amps are a bit crowded, it works.   I tried placing th ZP3 on the upper shelf next to the Torii to space things out, but the output Rega cables didn’t make it all the way down to the ZSB.  I was worried about excessive hum and a potential ground loop, but so far it’s not an issue.  

The look is perfect, but more importantly the sound has now been elevated with the ZP3 addition.  Last night was the first time listening to the ZP3 and it was more casual.  The detail and sound is so just so natural, that I’m eagerly awaiting for a time when I can do some critical listening.   At some point I’ll work on swapping out the base to match the CSP, or vise versa.  Upgrading the ZP3 to the full Anniversay mods may or may not come, but that a decision for next year.  I plan to just  enjoy the unit as is with rube rolling to get the sound dialled in.  

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Sean on 06/01/24 at 15:45:41

Dom, looks awesome! I know for me it's going to take something significant to displace my ZP3. After awhile, you forget it's even there.

I can't recall, are the ZP3 and CSP cases interchangeable? I've got the same cases on my Zp3 and CSP and was planning to make new cases for both of them and my UFO. That project got put on the back burner and is way down the list, my garage went from a shop to a disaster storage area. Now with a UFO25 coming and having a wood base on it I may just replace the black base on the CSP for an all wood look. I'll have to wait til the UFO25 arrives to decide. So I may have an orphan black base with no home coming up sometime.

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by HockessinKid on 06/01/24 at 16:42:32


Congratulations on the white ZP3. I hope it brings you many years of vinyl bliss.


Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Geno on 06/01/24 at 18:30:38

Hi Dom.

That is a very impressive lineup. Every time I see photos of folks setups, I think how much fun it would be to hear the various forum members systems. Too bad that we are spread out so far over the country(and world).



Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Dominick on 06/01/24 at 21:12:06

Sean… I do believe those two cases are interchangeable based on looking at them side by side.  I’ll have to take measurements to be certain.  If you happen to have an orphan base in the upcoming future, please keep me in mind.  

Roger….thank you!!  I was all ready to buy the Modright ph9.0 later this year on their Black Friday sale.  But when this unit became available, I just couldn’t pass it up.  I know the Modright unit is amazing…but the white top ZP3’s a rarely become available.    If it was a regular ZP3…I would have passed it up.  

Geno…thank you!  I say the same thing about other forum members systems as well.  Besides going to Decfest, the only other Decware system I have heard was Kamran’s….which was amazing!! I’ve  been trying to have him over, but our schedules have clashed recently.  

Title: Re: Dom’s Digital Domain
Post by Kamran on 07/22/24 at 03:27:17


You owe me dinner for that sexy ZP3!

Lovely setup—Need to find time in the next couple of months to come listen to it.

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