SPEAKER FORUMS >> Lii Song Drivers >> Ordered Silver S-10s

Message started by tiffy on 09/28/21 at 05:10:10

Title: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 09/28/21 at 05:10:10

Looking forward to hearing these, they have shipped, but it looks like it's going to be a LONG wait to get them, as they go by sea. The 6 weeks quoted - uhhh, no. Ships are stacked up all over the Pacific trying to get into West Coast ports. It's a horrible mess. I'll be lucky if I see these by Christmas.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by lobo on 09/28/21 at 17:03:56

If you are in usa, they will probably ship from warehoue in california. I recieved s-10 and w-15 in about 5 days. The Liionidas baffles come from China been a month,ups out for delivery today. So maybe by dark?

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by Thermionic on 09/28/21 at 19:27:01

Congratulations on the new purchase.   Anxiously awaiting your comments once they have settled in.   [smiley=tunes50.gif]

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by DanG on 09/29/21 at 01:53:11

I ordered the Silver-10 Complete Speaker this morning, too.

My e-mail says 3-4 weeks by sea, then 10 business days.

In one of the Silver-10 threads Steve said listening to these speakers elevated his mood. Just the thought of these speakers on their way has me walking around in a better mood.


Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by SteveC on 09/30/21 at 00:06:20

I've had my Silver 10 full speakers for a couple months now.  With a se84ufo25, they are magical.  I plan to write a real review later, but to do that I need to go back and compare my HDT and DM947 on the ufo25 and the ZMA.  And compare to a Torii mk3 with some 12-inch quarter wave 'single' driver speakers (Hammer Dynamics).  So far, I just can't stop listening to them.  I cannot believe my ZMA is collecting dust. Anyway, these Lii Audios aren’t tipped too bright (no shout), aren’t muddy/slow due to mass (like my 12 inch speakers), reach really low (due to the sheer cabinet volume. They are BIG), and they are very very very fast.  instruments sound so real.  Speed=resolution=detail=realism.  The ufo25 is superfast. These Lii's are super-fast.  The combination is superb and as I said, I can't make myself go try the other combinations.  I can't stop listening to this setup. Looking forward to hearing other opinions when your speakers arrive.  Congrats.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 09/30/21 at 04:22:40

Well, I was wrong. I just got a notice they have arrived in California. Not sure how that was even possible given the fact that last I checked there were something like 60 container ships anchored, waiting to get in, plus a bunch more milling around outside the harbor. I got the same email that Dan did, but maybe they have some in stock in CA?

I'm just now trying to recreate a system I had around 15 years ago. I had to sell everything due to my business taking me all over the world. I've since sold out and retired, so looking forward to getting that magic back that only single driver speakers and single ended triodes can do. I just have to figure out how to wrestle these 125 lb (ea!) monsters into the house when they arrive  :P

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by Creedsman on 10/04/21 at 19:52:53

Mine arrived Saturday! So far I am liking them very much, but still need to spend more time with them. Right now, I believe I am hearing more detail and they seem to suck me into the music more so than my Cornwall IV without giving up anything elsewhere, but I am still in the honeymoon phase, so that my change.

Fit and finish is mostly excellent, except for a small void in one area around where the brass "frame" meets the wood.

Internal wiring is interesting - Ortofon refernce 8nx is what is used. From my understanding this is an IC cable. Not sure why they are using this but sounds good. One possible tweak I'll test is connected the speaker cable straight at the driver instead of the external binding posts to bypass the extra connections.

Lastly, positioning - Room is 18.5x14x9.5. Speakers setup on the long wall are about 7.5' apart center to center, about 5.5' from side walls and 4'  from rear wall. Moderate toe-in maybe around 10-15 degrees. Listening position about 10' from front wall.  Still needs more experimentation. Curious how other people have them set up.  

More to come as I spend more quality time with them.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 10/12/21 at 00:54:02


Nice! I think Steve put up a comment about the fit and finish, which pretty much summarized my past experience with vendors in the same area. And my experience with similarly made drivers is they take a LONG time to break-in, and can be pretty painful to listen to at first. When they finally settle down, the transformation is night and day magical.

Mine appear to be stuck in a LA warehouse now. No truck available I guess

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by Creedsman on 10/14/21 at 19:36:30

Spent more time with them and continue to be impressed! Moved them around a bit more, but pretty much ended up in the same position I started them in with a bit less toe in than what you see in the picture. Unlike my Cornwalls, these speakers completely "disappear" as long as the recording allows for that. You end up swimming in the music. You hear it, you feel it, a full-mind/body experience. Gorgeous sound!
Stopping my listening sessions at a reasonable time to go to bed has become harder. And I find myself nodding my head, tapping along, and thinking "holy shit, this is beautiful" a lot more often.
Driving them with a 10WPC SEPentode amp and there is no shortage in power. On the contrary - volume pot at 10 o'clock provides a solid 85db.
Money very well spent! The Cornwalls are in the boxes and I don't think they'll come back into the listening room any time soon. They look fantastic too to me.

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Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 10/17/21 at 20:35:35

Mine just showed up Friday. Weird experience there. I was supposed to get a tracking number, which I need because I travel often. I never got anything except after a few weeks I got a notice that they were to be picked up by the trucking company, then more silence. No tracking info provided. Finally on Thursday, the trucking company called out of the blue and said we are showing up tomorrow with a set of speakers. Alrighty then.

Anyway, very well crated and on a palette. These things are big! Got them setup, settled into the chair, hit play, and.....nothing. WTF? Check all the connections to make sure I didn't do anything stupid. Nope, everything looks solid. Has to be the speakers. I pull the input connector plates off the back of the speaker and....someone forgot to solder on one of the wires to the hot post. Just great.

Pull the other side binding post and on that one the ground connection was not soldered. Sigh...repeat the procedure. At least the drivers weren't bad.

The cabinet finish on mine was very good. Could have used a bit more polishing for the clear coat in a few spots (had some very slight rough spots - not visible, just to the touch). Fixable with a clay bar kind of thing.

I've gotten used to QC issues with Chifi over the years (including an expensive DAC I just bought, where the assembly tech forgot to attach a snap in connector, which, if I hadn't caught it, would have caused a massive failure), and these speakers were no exception.

That's the bad part of the story.

The good part is that these are amazing speakers. I'm getting solid low 30s in the bass in my room. It's quite different from anything else I've heard in a speaker, as there is NO overhang. A kick drum starts and stops EXACTLY as it should. Reminds me of the best open back headphone bass.

And then there is well recorded piano, which is the instrument I was trained on for years. Just wow. Listening to the decay of the body and strings gives me goosebumps.

They are BEAUTIFUL works of art to look at, that definitely stand out from the crowd of JBODs (just a bunch of drivers) out there.

These are just my opening thoughts on something that needs a LOT of break-in time yet, but I can already tell these will have a permanent home here.

HUGE thanks to Steve for the tip, these are EXACTLY what my system needed.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by Geno on 10/17/21 at 22:54:02

Pictures please!

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 10/18/21 at 17:44:33

Britain (Cambridge streamer/Audio Note amp) shakes hands with China (Musical Paradise dac/Lii Audio Silvers) via an American intermediary (custom Goldpoint stepped attenuator):

I have a separate room with vinyl and vintage equipment.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by DanG on 12/01/21 at 11:14:32

Mine are scheduled for delivery today. 9 weeks. Original delivery estimate was 3-4 weeks by sea and 10 days by truck, so 5 1/2 weeks. Not so bad, considering the port delays.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by DanG on 12/12/21 at 18:41:12

A few notes about the shipping.

The trucking outfit was Roadrunner. The called ahead, very helpful. However, delivery was to the door, not inside. That was a surprise.

Standing the crates up off the pallet was not difficult. I was then able to wheel the crates inside on a hand truck.

Open the crates, unwrap the speakers. They were undamaged, even though one of the feet had busted through the crate. The bottom of that speaker is a little scuffed up.

I was fortunate that they played fine right out of the box, unlike what tiffy experienced.

So I have two large crates, plus the pallet, to store away.

There were no extra fees.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by DanG on 12/12/21 at 19:04:39

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the sound.

The bass is amazing. I have never heard bass like this, so fully integrated into the sound. The description on the website is "perfect harmonics." Yes.

On so many songs I've just never heard the bass. Now it's there.

The speaker cabinet volume comes into play. It's like an instrument, like a double-bass.

I have less than 20 hours on the speakers. I'm also working on room treatments, I know I need improvements. So I know the sound will improve. But I'm already very pleased, and very excited about these speakers!

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by Lin on 12/13/21 at 00:57:07

DanG wrote on 12/12/21 at 19:04:39:
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the sound.

The bass is amazing. I have never heard bass like this, so fully integrated into the sound. The description on the website is "perfect harmonics." Yes.

On so many songs I've just never heard the bass. Now it's there.

The speaker cabinet volume comes into play. It's like an instrument, like a double-bass.

I have less than 20 hours on the speakers. I'm also working on room treatments, I know I need improvements. So I know the sound will improve. But I'm already very pleased, and very excited about these speakers!


Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 12/24/21 at 18:38:53

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the sound.

The bass is amazing. I have never heard bass like this, so fully integrated into the sound. The description on the website is "perfect harmonics." Yes.

On so many songs I've just never heard the bass. Now it's there.

The speaker cabinet volume comes into play. It's like an instrument, like a double-bass."

Exactly my experience. The cabinet tuning on these is the best I've ever heard.

These things need a lot of room to breathe properly. They can very easily overload the room I have them in, so I'm in the same boat, more acoustic treatments needed.

I'm going to work on the internals on mine. The binding posts used look nice on the outside, but they have no real extended tab to connect the wires to internally. The wire connection is literally just held in place by a pool of solder. There is NO connection between wire strands and the metal binding posts due to their design. This is poor practice IMO, solder is meant to help keep the electrical connection secure and complete, not to be a conduit for completing the circuit.

I might replace the internal wiring with silver while I'm at it.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by hdrider on 01/29/22 at 17:42:48

Tiffy - How are the speakers settling in? Did you upgrade the binding posts and internal wiring? I am very interested in these, with a few reservations though about room size and the fact that they are about twice the size of my Omegas. Please chime in if you see this post and happy listening, Chris.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by DanG on 04/17/22 at 18:01:09

I finally made a breakthrough with my room treatment last night. The sound locked into the center. It allowed the S-10 Origins to really shine.

I see the price went up.

Andrew Robinson released a review today:

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by DanG on 04/24/22 at 13:06:57

Andrew Robinson noted how critical placement was. And he toes in the S-10s directly to the listener.  I tried it- it was good, but too loud, so I backed off it. I've been taught to toe in to a point behind me. But I'll try toeing in on the listening position again, and lowering the sound level.

I got sound stage improvements. A better center, and and more cohesion to the overall sound stage. I will continue to work on placement.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 05/04/22 at 02:40:57

Well, after 6 months these things finally broke in. It's funny how these single driver speakers do that transition, it's literally an overnight change, like flipping a switch. There is no gradual settle, no "your ears are getting used to the sound". Just all of a sudden overnight they go buttery smooth. It's not a subtle change.

I did swap out the binding posts, but after I did that, I realized a better solution is to connect my speaker cables directly to the drivers. Haven't done that yet.

My only regret is that I wish I would have gone for the dark finish. I may do that and sell what I have. I keep looking at the photos of that walnut cabinet, and it looks really sexy. I kept all the original packing materials so should be no big deal. Only downside is the reset on the break-in period  :P

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by glrogers8 on 05/06/22 at 20:05:18

Greetings music lovers...
I should be getting my SE84UFO by the end of the year and am trying to get the best speakers for them. I have just about narrowed it down to the Origin S-10s (used). They sound amazing in the Decware listening room. But, I am a hair concerned when I hear that they are very particular to placement. I have a 14' x 17' living room, and with a 3 yr old and a 7 month old I will rarely be in a listening seat. I will appreciate those times when I can sit in the perfect spot, but am hoping these speakers will fill my room with beautiful sound no matter where I am (usually playing on the floor with my kids). Any chance I could maximize my floor space and place these in the corners of my room toed in with any success? Do they really need to be pulled away from a wall that far, or is there some sort of treatment that could allow these to be less intruding into the room? Any other thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the prior info and any future info!

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 05/17/22 at 13:53:07

I'm not finding that these are any more sensitive to room placement than other speakers. Like anything, putting them in the corners will reinforce the bass, and the sound will change on axis and off axis. As others have said, if you get them in the right position, they will just disappear as sources. Mine are only about a foot away from the back wall and they sound great, but I've got a well damped back wall. My only concern would be having these speakers around very young children. Look at any speaker at the typical hifi outlet. The drivers will be beat up by poking fingers. I speak from experience lol But you know your kids better than I do.

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by glrogers8 on 09/22/22 at 03:31:58

Can anyone recommend a speaker grill for the Origin S-10? I'd like a specific product if possible. Do you think it's possible to get a grill that won't damage the speaker "box" and/or round speaker surrounding? I'd like to get one that can pop off and on with relative ease, but keeps the speakers safe from my 3 and 1 year old. With that set aside, has anyone tried to power these with a 1.5 watt Alan Eaton 45 tube amp (or a 45 tube amp in general)? I have heard some good things about the 45s, but didn't know if they would provide enough "umph" for my liking. I listen to all types of music... reggae, piano, hip-hop, jazz, country, etc.. Hope everyone is enjoying there S-10 Origins as much as I am (and I don't even have a Decware amp for them yet)!

Title: Re: Ordered Silver S-10s
Post by tiffy on 06/29/24 at 00:17:52

So I did end up selling my S-10s. In the meantime I found out that ESS is re-making a speaker that really impressed me during my college days, The AMT-1. It uses a folded ribbon that covers most of the spectrum, down into the mid-bass. A 12" woofer covers the lowest frequencies. And now owning a new pair, my memory served me correctly. These things have a clarity and projection as good or better than any horn I've ever heard, and with no horn megaphone sound. Much better imaging than multi-way horns. Just as efficient too.

With that said, I did finally re-order the S-10 in walnut like I wanted, but now they come with a new upgraded driver, the EVO. Can't wait for them to show up. It's been a month and a half since I ordered, and you don't get any sort of tracking, so I have no idea when they will arrive. Will be fun to put them up against the ESS AMT-1s. And my memories of the original Silver drivers. The new drivers are supposed to be a big improvement.

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