AUDIO FORUMS >> General Discussion and Support >> SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods

Message started by Aeroaudio on 02/23/22 at 16:34:51

Title: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Aeroaudio on 02/23/22 at 16:34:51

I have in front of me a spreadsheet I put together of the possible combinations of SE84UFO models to power the custom Altec Model 19 speakers I am building. The speakers have brand new Great Plains Audio drivers and crossovers, with other mods should have 100 db efficiency, or better.  If the weather gets better, the speaker should be done in another month, so seeing what the waiting list is for new Decware amps, I figured I better order my amps now. But which to choose?

Due to my cabinet installation for electronics, the amps will be on a shelf over 4 feet high. This makes access to the meters and switches on the 25th anniversary model somewhat moot, especially for my wife.  So a pair of the mono block SE84UFOs minus the meters and volume controls makes sense. Plus, the model blocks fit better in my cabinet space and are closer to the speakers for shorter cable length.

But here’s my dilemma;
One SE84UFO25 = $3,395
Two SE84UFO3 = $1,295 X 2 = $2,590
Two SE84UFO3 with mods = ($1,295 + $690) X 2 = $3,970

Are the mono blocks with the mods that much better than a single  SE84UFO25?   If the mods were only $290 as on other models, the decision would be easy.  I can afford the extra money, but I don’t want to spend additional money for no reason other than it fits my cabinet better.

Thanks in advance for any information provided.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by CAJames on 02/23/22 at 17:19:32

Posted by: Aeroaudio      Posted on: Today at 16:34:51

...Are the mono blocks with the mods that much better than a single  SE84UFO25?  

I would say the mono blocks with the mods are pretty similar to a single UFO25, with a little extra power. Without the mods they are good, but the UFO25 is better.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by JBzen on 02/23/22 at 18:36:53

I have not heard a SE84UFO25. I have heard 25 hours so far of a SE84 with anniversary mods on a system with treated mains. I can go to that system just about anytime of the day and get 3D imaging with blacken backgrounds. At the 7 pm hour that system can blossom to create an out of body connection with the right recording. That said, the SE84UFO25 is a complete piece cleaning the noisy mains with its power supply scheme while having plenty of reserve power on tap. Of course the rest of the audio chain will be subject to the noisy mains. But an amplifier will amplify it. If it were me with 100db efficent speakers and an average size listening room it would be a no-brainer to pick up the SE84UFO25


Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Lon on 02/23/22 at 20:14:00

I too have not heard the SE84UFO25. I've lived with the SE84UFO3 Monoblocks with the Anniversary Mods for over two years. I do need that little bit of extra power that these Monoblocks deliver, and I just love the sound of these Monoblocks. If you don't need the extra bit of power, the SE84UFO25 makes sense, saves on a power cord, etc.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by busterfree on 02/23/22 at 23:43:44

I think the two SE84UFO3 are the best of both worlds. You can get the amps and decide to do the anniversary mods later down the line.

If your choice is driven by budget constraints, then the SE84UFO3 is the cheapest option. I would not go without the volume control myself, but I understand the appeal.

You have not talked about the quality of your sources, preamp, or power. Are you happy with those?

Are the mono blocks with anniversary mods better than the SU84UFO25? Yes, in my opinion. I prefer the channel separation, beefier power supplies, and extra power.

I downsized from multiple systems, so I use the SE84UFO25 more than anything else partly because of small footprint, meters, and ability to easily change the OD3 tube. I do not need the extra power now in my one system.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by busterfree on 02/24/22 at 00:10:49

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Aeroaudio on 02/24/22 at 03:58:41

Thanks to all for the SE84UFO information and recommendations.  In answer to questions on the rest of my system components, with the exception of a reel to reel, I am starting from scratch.  The reel to reel is also more for tinkering with and visual atmosphere than a music source.  I sold all of my audio equipment 7 years ago, including my Cornwall speakers I had for 3 decades.  There was no room for them when we moved into our current mid century modern home, or so I thought.  After a few years of research, I designed some Altec Mode19s that could be built into an existing wall.

My wife and I have a decent vinyl and CD collection, but we will stream most of the time.  I purchased a used Direct Stream Junior, but the transaction may have fallen through.  If it does I will be looking for another.   I am still researching what turntable to get.  

As soon as I get a second post, I will be able to post a photo of my speaker project.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Aeroaudio on 02/24/22 at 13:56:00

Below are some photos of my speaker project. As you can see once the cloth doors are closed, they’ll be no evidence that there are two 9 ft.³ Altec Model 19 speakers hidden in the media center.

All the electronics including the UFO amp will need to fit in the shelves above the TV.

Which leads me to my next question. Is there any issues with setting a SE84UFO25 on a 40 deg slope surface?  This may facilitate access to the switches and knobs even set on a high shelf.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Lon on 02/24/22 at 14:35:30

Interesting setup! My guess is that there would be no sonic detriment to that slope setting for the amp, or any other issue.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by JBzen on 02/24/22 at 14:39:23

Very nice Aeroaudio! I envisioned doing something like that in younger years.

I don't see any issues with tilting the amp at 40 degrees as long as the space has ventilation with closed doors. I played my Zkit, which is partially enclosed, upside down for many hours without any problems.


Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Aeroaudio on 02/24/22 at 23:04:46

Could I bother someone who owns SE84UFO25 to post some photos of direct front and direct side views of their amp?  It appears tilting the amp so that it is easier to access and see the top may work well. But it would help to know the clearance I would have with the shelf above it. I can scale front and side view photos knowing the base dimensions.

Thanks in advance.  

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by busterfree on 02/25/22 at 18:44:01

The dimensions on the site are accurate. The height to the top of the rectifier tube (Globe 80 with adapter) is 9.5” instead of 8”.

I may have some old pictures of the amp that I can post again, but I do not want to take my amp out of my system for another. Thanks

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by busterfree on 02/25/22 at 18:55:21

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Aeroaudio on 02/25/22 at 19:49:07

Thanks for the photos, but I require head on front and side view photos to scale the different heights of the chassis components.  Since the transformer at the back is so much shorter than the tall rectifier tube, tilting the back of amp up will be shorter than for an 8” high box.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Archie on 02/25/22 at 20:27:45

This may help, or not.  Good pictures though.

Title: Re: SE84UFO25 versus SE84UFO3s with and without mods
Post by Aeroaudio on 02/26/22 at 14:49:28

Thanks to all for the information and assistance.  Scaling the photos I was able to draw a more detailed model of the SE84UFO25.  Looks like a 25 deg sloped platform will let me place it in my cabinet and easily access the controls.  

I have placed my order, and based on what I read on this forum, it should arrive in 11 months. About the same time I plan to retire.  So I just purchased a retirement gift for myself.  

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