SPEAKER FORUMS >> Omega Loudspeakers >> Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV

Message started by gary roman on 06/23/22 at 03:27:47

Title: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by gary roman on 06/23/22 at 03:27:47

Any thoughts/experiences which would be the better choice to pair with a Zen triode UFO2 in a medium size room?

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Dr3wman on 06/30/22 at 16:45:22


Based on all the posts I've read, and research I've done, while both a great speakers, I think the single-driver set-up of the Omega is likely to be a better match. Klipsch also tend to overstate their actual sensitivity.

Omega is very highly thought of, and the owner of the company is very accessible and great to work with, if you call him he can really help you select the best speaker for your room/set-up.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Bilyeaux on 07/11/22 at 22:26:37

I am currently playing Klipsch Hereseys, only speaker ive owned……I have a pair of JR 8 XRS Towers being built, and very excited, hope they are all they seem to be!

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Bilyeaux on 09/01/22 at 12:37:10

Well just got the shipping info for my XRS JRS, very excited to receive and discover the sound differences between the two speakers.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Bilyeaux on 09/08/22 at 12:26:45

Omegas arrived and are gorgeous! Playing lots of music and getting them settled in. First impressions are very good, the Hereseys are in trouble……

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Tony on 09/08/22 at 15:08:05

That is one great-looking system!  If it sounds as good as it looks, you must be in audio heaven!

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Bilyeaux on 09/08/22 at 22:39:44

Thanks Tony I think it does however I have no experience with others systems, except my brothers (his Hereseys). So far the Omegas are awesome, wait for break in period, bout 150 hrs to review😎

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Bilyeaux on 09/08/22 at 22:51:07

Wow checking your system it seems you definitely have an outstanding system would love to hear it but abit too far….🧐

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by CAJames on 09/25/22 at 17:36:11

So, how do the Omegas sound now? Mine sounded horrible out of the box, and weren't really listenable for like 50 hours. I played very low frequency tones (20 - 30Hz, that were hardly audible) overnight to get the drivers loosened up.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Bilyeaux on 09/27/22 at 02:17:19

James I find them awesome, have roughly 150 hrs and I love them. Increased detail, soundstage, instrument and voice seperation, soundstage is 4’ higher and wider than the Klipsch. I am working the position now, then serious listening this week. Next will put Klipsch back and evaluate again. Thxs for asking

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by CAJames on 09/27/22 at 04:05:20

That’s great! I think Decware and Omega is a 21st century classic. I futzed around a lot with placement and ended up pretty much with Louis’s suggestion: toed in so the line of sight crosses just behind my head. I wish I could get them a little further into the room, they are about 2’ from the back wall, 7’ apart and almost 7’ from my chair.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Bilyeaux on 09/27/22 at 12:27:24

I have them pretty much right at my head, 3.5’ from front wall, 4’ from side walls, 6.5 feet apart and 9’ from my ears. Ive tried them with sound crossing or to opposite ears, just wide of ears and now right on. Im going back to just wide of ears again as think it best as well. I have been researching speakers for couple years and am very happy with the Omegas. Will keep the Heresy and swap out occasionally….

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Dr3wman on 10/17/22 at 21:18:50

I'll be pairing them with the MKV.

I have to say - the journey of picking my next speaker has been the most challenging of any component. Every time I think I know what the best course of action is..........second thoughts.

The Super 8 XRS seems to be pretty great. And would hit targets in the looks, sensitivity and budget department.

The much more expensive HR-2 would be ideal - but is likely out of my budget unless I am very patient.

Also considering the CSS Criton 2TD-X MTM speaker kit.

I am restricted in that I can't be out any farther than 24" from the front (back?) wall.  And after hearing Brad discuss his impressions of his Omega XRS Juniors after he replaced them with the HR-2s it does give me pause on the single driver idea.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by bramar on 03/24/23 at 19:12:56

Ultimately I became unhappy with single driver Omega Jr XRS ALNICO’s. The exciting realism of vocals and and/or simple instrumentation was far outweighed by their inability to satisfactorily render more complex music and be rounded out by anything remotely approaching visceral bass. Dynamics were adequate but not too impressive.

This was only exacerbated by mating a fleawatt SEP amp (Taboo MK 4) which didn’t have the juice to punch through.

So in my case the so-called venerated Omega-fleawatt Decware combo fell well short.

Big problem solved big time with a Torii MK 5 and HR-1’s. Mouth curved down has been replaced by mouth curved up.

Never again will I purchase a fleawatt amp or especially single driver speakers. I’m glad I learned this about myself in this journey.


Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Lon on 03/24/23 at 19:30:57

Amp and speaker matching are crucial. I've not had the same problems you had with the Taboo Mk IV using my HR-1, and the best sound I've ever had in my home is the HR-1 with the even lower-powered SE84UFO3 monos. In my case I'll never buy a Torii or similar amp again as I know what that sounds like with the HR-1 from years of use and these SET and SEP sound better, more like music . . . TO ME. And it's that personal liking of a sound that's important and what needs to be explored for. I've never heard Omega or Klipsch speakers and as long as I have two pair of HR-1 I won't need to seek out other speakers.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by bramar on 03/25/23 at 19:57:12

Your post is irrelevant.

What I’m saying is fleawatt amp + smaller diameter single driver speakers means you necessarily give up a few important aspects in listening. You don’t have experience in this so there’s that. So what are you yammering on about?


Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Lon on 03/25/23 at 20:15:17

I don't feel my post was irrelevant, and you are not privy to my full experience--I confessed to having no experience with those two particular speakers. If you do feel my post is irrelevant feel free to ignore it.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by bramar on 03/25/23 at 20:19:34

facts and feelings aren’t intersectional.

The HR1 is not a smaller single driver speaker. It’s a 2 way speaker system with a ribbon tweeter, midrange, upward firing woofer (2018 and onward) and a passive radiator.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Lon on 03/25/23 at 20:22:56

Gee, I'm aware of what the HR-1 is. I have also heard a few other single-drive speakers.

The fact I was wishing to express is that amp and speaker matchup is crucial, and gave an example of two.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by bramar on 03/26/23 at 17:08:02

No Lon, as usual you made it all about you.

Omega is one of the two speakers the OP asked about. not HR-1 and your fleawatt amps. My relevant post warns the OP, Dr3wman and anyone else that an Omega small single driver is not a do-all speaker, it does some things extremely well and others where it falls unacceptably short. Especially with s fleawatt amp. Now if one is committed to listening only to the type of music I mentioned, one will be very happy. If the music expands much beyond that one will pretty likely be disappointed. Especially with a fleawatt amp. IMO.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Lon on 03/26/23 at 17:15:10

And as usual . . . I think you miss the point or just want to pick an argument with me, but oh well, I no longer care to engage with you.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by bramar on 03/26/23 at 17:37:08

Good! Please stay away.

Because you’re not specific and helpful to the OP, Dr3wman, or anyone else on the subject of small single driver Omega speakers.

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by will on 03/26/23 at 20:32:17

A few thoughts:

1) On this page, Bilyeaux and CAJames point to love for their Omegas with the particular low power amps they have...neither Taboos.

2) Dr3wman brought (to me legitimate to this discussion) his thought process of being torn between Omegas and HR-2s for the coming Torii V, seeming to lean toward HR2s but concerns about price.

Probably already part of the deliberations, but I would add the future possibility of wanting a low power amp one day, and assuming all else is conceptually well with the Omega choice, a more efficient speaker offering broader possibilities in different settings. With my upgraded HR-1s, in my relatively large space, and with the tube preferences I have developed with my the Torii IV... The Torii is just a little too close to the distortion edge for my deep listening sessions. Good enough, but irritating to sit down to listen and love it, and then find I was setting the gains just a hair high (no remote here), pushing it over its threshold for some notes on some recordings. This does not happen except in my late night, dark room, immersion listening, and even then, not at theoretically dangerous dB levels. I do prefer the amp with OB3s, and always have over OA3s. I also prefer the sonically complete and dynamic, but less forceful 4 volt AZ-1, AZ-11, and RGN 1064 rectifiers, particularly mesh plates for fine delicacy. And finally, I generally prefer slightly lower key, more textured and less forceful and focussed ECC88 types (usually ECC189 variants) over E88CC types. Together these lower the headroom of the Torii some.

3) Brad commented that (for his particular room and preferences) using a Taboo with Omegas did not work out for a broad range of music. And based on this experience, that having either a "fleawatt" amp or single driver speakers like Omegas would not happen again....   And that the power of the Torii V with updated HR-1s was really good for him.

4) Lon then commented on how good HR-1s are for him with his low watt Taboo (both mentioned in recent posts, including Brad's) and brought up how important matching speaker and amp together was to the final sound qualities.

And relative to my comments earlier, unlike my room and listening, Lon generally can use his low power amps just fine in his settings and for his listening levels with HR-1s. And he prefers lower power Decware amp's sound over earlier Toriis he had, in part no doubt due to how they work with his HR-1s and system/rooms.

Supporting Lon's pointer toward care in speaker matching, the amp is clearly important, and it goes without saying that all the rest, room, power, cables, pres, frontends, whatever... everything participates in how each part works/sounds... right? So no sound experience can be only about speakers... or just about the amp. Everything influences everything, and how everything mixes can create a magical place, or not...

In summary, to me, Brad, in post #13, talking about a less than ideal experiences with his Taboo, the "fleawatt" reference he had with his particular Omegas, and in his room...was real and relevant. I also thought of CAJames and Bilyeaux's love of their particular low power amps and Omegas as totally relevant. In the same post warning about potential issues with low power and smaller single drivers, Brad brought up his HR-1s and Torii being really good for him making him happy! Yet Lon's talk about his Taboo with HR-1s being a different and good experience for him, and pointing to how much synergy matters... this seemed to upset Brad, seemingly because Lon had not heard Omegas. But in context, personally, I felt like Lon's comment was relevant and a natural addition to the way the discussion was going. I am not suggesting that going far "off-topic" is good, but broader info and comparisons within this "thread" will hopefully help us in understanding individual things, and the complexity of mixing things... with luck helping us more easily experience the beauty! And after all, for lots of folks, Omegas and Heresys are often a lot about using lower power amps, so amps play into it, going back to how this thread began.

As usual, it all points to variations based on lots of things, but just combining the Omega line, and the Decware line, this makes for a lot of mixing options, and not just using the more low power Decware amps. As Dr3wman suggests, he might end up matching his Torii with Omegas. Finally, seems to me that within each line there are family resemblances, but also individual qualities, and how they match up is bound to vary, even a fair bit. And this is only looking at speakers and amps, important, but really only partial players in creating a complete musical experience.

Toxic talk introduced into these discussions is really saddening and frustrating for me. I love to talk and read and hear about ways to find the compelling sweetness of a great musical experience, an area of life that is healing for me, not toxic. And making it toxic is not about the beauty of a moving musical experience, it is about something else. For me this defiles some pretty sacred ground... the beauty of natural and complete sound, of sharing ways to get it, and if treated with the respect and care it deserves, making the forum feel friendly, inviting, giving, approachable and usable!

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Bilyeaux on 06/07/23 at 21:38:38

Will, just came back to this thread and your post very well stated, thanks

Title: Re: Omega XRS vs Klipsch Heresy IV
Post by Dr3wman on 07/20/23 at 03:57:24

Will, what an extraordinary treatise, thank you,

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