Audio Forums >> Frequently Asked Questions >> CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE

Message started by maxmaf on 11/19/22 at 15:20:03

Post by maxmaf on 11/19/22 at 15:20:03

Hello everyone
I write from Italy and I have been following the forum since 2020 (covid)

this is my first post and unfortunately i have to use google translate

I have had SE84ufo25 for a year which I listen to with nuprime 10h DAC
The first speakers were ob f15 LII audio but then replaced with Vrel Bequadro (94db open baffle) I will post the photos later

I'm on the waiting list for another SE84ufo25 and ZROCK2

I have a doubt, since I only listen to digital (cd, streaming and files)

1) Purchase a CPS325 to use with the SE84ufo25 I already own (the speakers are 94 db and the power with a single is sufficient - the nuprime DAC has a 2 volts and 4 volts output and the sound changes markedly and therefore I have thought that by adjusting with the decware preamp I would have more control of the sound )

2) or buy the second SE84ufo25 amplifier for biamping and hear what happens

I'd like to hear what Steve has to say about this - I've been searching the forums for months for an answer but haven't found one
Thanks to all who will answer me [smiley=tunes57.gif]

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by Doug on 11/20/22 at 00:08:06

Hi Maxmaf!

My set-up has similarities to yours, and I like the way you are thinking.  The CSP325 would indeed give you a great deal more flexibility in shaping the sound.  Therefore, buying the preamp first just might be the way to go.  You can always add another amp later for bi-amping purposes, and, you might even want go with one of Steve’s more powerful amps to better drive those big woofers.  I have found that process to work extremely well.

Welcome to the Decware Forums!

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by hdrider on 11/20/22 at 15:29:51

Welcome Maxmaf - I would agree with Doug's comments and choose the CSP route. Even with one source you will have much more flexibility in tailoring the sound with the preamp. But I am biased as I did add the preamp to my original purchase and have never looked back. Happy listening, Chris.

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by maxmaf on 11/20/22 at 16:59:42

thanks for the reply ... I'm about 1000 on the waiting list ... I still have some time ... I need to understand the interactions of ROCK2 with CPS325 ... :) :)

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by Burgermeester on 11/22/22 at 08:32:23

I pay close attention to the offhand comments Steve drops here and there. Can't remember where I saw it, but I do remember him mentioning that he uses the UFO25 as his benchmark, but only with a CSP325, which he regarded as essential for what it adds. And I do NOT recall him ever saying he uses monoblocked 25s, personally.

I'm beginning to suspect that UFO25 x 2 is for speakers in the 88-93 dB range only, where you're nervous about having enough power. It's hard to draw a line but from 94 dB on up I'm doubting the cost effectiveness of two 25s, just based on what I've read. It takes a while to distinguish comments like "you may not be happy unless you get this" from "yeah, it'd be cool if you had that, it'd sound great." When you're talking about laying out an extra $4 grand, "sounds great" may not be enough justification, given where else you could spend the money.

Having said that, I have two 25s on order (ha ha)

Oh BTW, try DeepL for your translation. AFAIK it's a good deal better than Google.

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by maxmaf on 11/22/22 at 09:41:16

thank you

With my speakers and a single UFO25  never go above 12 on the volume...

Thoughts are ...

with the bi-amplifier I would have greater control of the speakers being a two-way in bi-wiring (the DSP way)
with the 25 preamplifier I remain in an analog purist dimension (and it tempts me a lot)
I have no experience and will try in this waiting year to study ... then, if I live long enough, I will eventually buy everything

thank you

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by Delta 77 on 01/01/24 at 03:38:12

In my system the Zrock2 is more important than the CSP3.
No matter which of my 3 amps I have in the system.

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by maxmaf on 01/13/24 at 12:39:13

thank you for your reply
I already own Zrock2 and after following your and Steve's advice I decided to get the CPS325 to go with my se84ufo25
i am listed at #623 so i still have to wait
so the final chain will be
daphile or roon rock
dac nuprime 10h
Vrel bequadro2

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by JOMAN on 01/13/24 at 18:27:58

I'm beginning to suspect that UFO25 x 2 is for speakers in the 88-93 dB range only,

I have had a UFO25 and a CSP3 which had full anniversary updates.  After spending a number of years with this set up I sold my CSP3 and ordered a pair of UFO25's.  My speakers are efficient Omega Vintage 8's with an efficiency of 97dB min.

Long story short... I started my digital journey with a Lumin 2 Mini, Chord Qutest and M Scaler.  With that set up I no longer need the ZRock2 and found that I wasn't missing much at all by bypassing the CSP3A.  I still kept it in the chain though.  Next, I acquired a Chord Hugo TT2 and have a Chord M Scaler.  I compared the CSP3 pre with the Chord Hugo TT2 pre through my Beyerdynamic T1.2 headphones.  I preferred the Hugo TT2 pre.  It wasn't necessarily better than the CSP3A but definitely equal if not somewhat better or with a difference that I preferred and far more versatile.

With this set up I can now run a fully balanced arrangement.  I talked with Steve who told me that while I didn't need the additional power, running fully balanced would definitely be an improvement.  Point is that dual mono UFO25's aren't just for additional power.  So the answer really is... it depends on the rest of the system.  

In certain set ups a preamp is definitely necessary and the CSP3 is an excellent choice. The source can make a huge difference and depending on that and the speakers, a pre amp may to be necessary.  Keep in mind that the price tag for my digital front end costs far more that a CSP3 and many good DACs.

I won't know for sure whether or not I'll be running a preamp until I get the pair of UFO25's that are on order and that will take quite some time.  The one thing that I have learned is that some of what I held as absolutes should not have been held as absolutes by me and learning that, at times, was embarrassing.

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by CAJames on 01/13/24 at 19:22:52

Posted by: JOMAN      Posted on: Today at 10:27:58

...With this set up I can now run a fully balanced arrangement.  I talked with Steve who told me that while I didn't need the additional power, running fully balanced would definitely be an improvement.  Point is that dual mono UFO25's aren't just for additional power...

Absolutely agree. I started my Decware journey with a pair of UFOs, configured as balanced monos. With my 94 dB Omega speakers in a smallish room I didn't need the watts, but I (strongly) prefer balanced. They sounded so good I got back on the waiting list for a pair of UFO25s that I received a couple of months ago and I couldn't be happier. So yes, if you want a pair of UFO25s to run in "regular" bridged mono then I agree the overwhelming advantage is more watts. But running them balanced is a whole new ball game. Of course that means your front end needs to be balanced as well, and that is not compatible with the ZRock or CSP3.

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by maxmaf on 01/20/24 at 17:11:47

Thank you for your response JOMAN and C.A.James

Now i find myself even more confused

I agree that the source of the audio chain is very important as is each subsequent element
According to Steve "the "30%" change with the addition of the CPS325 bodes well by buying a preamplifier and certainly the balanced connection cancels out cable noise and distance losses
I think I will have to study further and then make a choice...unfortunately the long lead time and cost do not allow for mistakes
Thanks again  :) :)

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by JOMAN on 01/22/24 at 04:16:41

Now i find myself even more confused

I'm not surprised.  In fact I have found myself in that state when trying to decide on "what do to next".  So a little clarification is in order...

My post was in reference to the concept that mono blocking a pair of UFO25 is primarily to achieve more power not to whether you should or should not get the CSP3 instead of a pair of UFO25's.  More power is one benefit but not the only one.  Running a pair fully balanced is another benefit and depending on what the object is it may be the primary one to consider.

Since you, like me, are primarily dealing with digital there are "all in one" digital front end components that may be worth considering.  At one time I never would have considered an all in one component.  I did think that a DAC/Streamer with Pre section and headphone amp capabilities would be full of compromises.  Then I came across reviews of the DCS Lina, Weiss 501/502, Chord Hugo TT2/M scaler and the Chord Dave.  The Chord components do not include a streamer.  The reviewer of these components remarked that the volume control and the streamer were only bettered by a select few top end dedicated components.  

I was skeptical to say the least.  Until I decided to test those claims, very cautiously.  Long story short.. I ended up with the Chord Hugo TT2/M Scaler.  It does have a pre/volume section that was the equal of my CSP3 with full anniversary mods!  It does have different sound characteristics which I prefer.  I must add that my wife preferred the CSP3-A but not by a wide margin.  It was a very close call, and it drives my Beyerdynamic T1.2 600 ohm headphones without breaking into a sweat.  Additionally it is balanced and it has a hi/low gain setting.  With the UFO25 volume/gain controls I can adjust the gain structure.

So you see, I do have a preamp in play but now I can go fully balanced and that will make a difference.  That's why I ordered a pair of UFO25's.  As CA James said
running them balanced is a whole new ball game

When I added up the money for an all in one component and compared that cost to the cost of separates... it wasn't all that much more for the top end  all in ones.

If you are happy with your front end and don't see yourself changing your front end any time soon then adding the CSP3 is likely the better option especially if you are happy with the way your UFO25 drives your speakers.  BUT (always that "but"), If you have any thoughts of changing your front end in the near future you may want to consider all your options, and, what's the risk in doing that????

More confusion?

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by maxmaf on 01/27/24 at 12:35:43

If you are happy with your front end and don't see yourself changing your front end any time soon then adding the CSP3 is likely the better option especially if you are happy with the way your UFO25 drives your speakers.  .. PERFECT you have helped me a lot in clarifying the path to follow
My next plan for the future is.
1) treat the listening room (wife permitting).
2) put in a DSP that works digitally to refine the room
3)evaluate later how to improve the source (streamer,DAC etc.)

thanks man you have been really helpful to me

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by JOMAN on 01/27/24 at 19:03:22

My next plan for the future is.
1) treat the listening room (wife permitting).


Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by 1stwattlife on 06/10/24 at 23:48:04

MAXMAF! Thank you for posting! FROM ITALY!! So awesome! I hope you keep contributing!

I was just playing with the UFO2.5/CSP3.25 combination the other day. The available control is just staggering. It's so much fun! With a zrock in the mix... I could  only imagine... Or, maybe not. I might check it out this week. It was last week I was listening to the UFO2.5/CSP3.25 combo using the balanced inputs, which I am not so slowly falling in love with.

I struggle with the pre-amp or dual mono question alot myself, but the answer changes every time.... we shall see in time!

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by CAJames on 06/11/24 at 01:05:49

Posted by: 1stwattlife      Posted on: Today at 15:48:04

...I was listening to the UFO2.5/CSP3.25 combo using the balanced inputs, which I am not so slowly falling in love with...

If you think that is good you should hear two UFO25s configured as fully balanced monoblocs.

Title: Re: CPS325  vs  SECOND SE84UFO25 - HELP ME PLEASE
Post by 1stwattlife on 07/10/24 at 20:58:37


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