AUDIO FORUMS >> Reviews >> Sarah 300B Impressions

Message started by Ghostship on 06/29/23 at 19:09:06

Title: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Ghostship on 06/29/23 at 19:09:06

Decware Zen Sarah SEWE300B Amplifier Impressions

Ok, with ~600 hours on the Sarah, ~250 with the economy tubes plus WE300Bs, and ~350 with the full Cryotone Bundle with Cryotone 300Bs, I have some impressions. I know some have been waiting a while for this, I appreciate your patience.


I have over 50 years experience as a musician, and in the digital age with strictly digital front-end systems, I’ve really lost sound quality. The music I was hearing sucked, and it got to the point that I didn’t even listen much anymore…and that makes life sad. I’ve spent years researching tube amps in combination with a quality digital front-end, and knew there was a way I could regain the sound I was missing.

I narrowed my search down from Hybrid Tube/SS amps, to Push Pulls, to SETs, and from high watt to low watt amps with high efficiency speakers. I heard/auditioned many, including: Decware SETs like the SE84UFO25, Feliks Audio Arioso 300B Integrated Amplifier, Luxman MQ-300 Tube Amplifier, Willsenton R300, BoyuuRange Reisong A50, and the Kondo Audio Note Gakuoh II 300B monoblocks.

The Gakuo II 300B monos where the best amps I’ve ever heard…unfortunately, they’re over $125k. My goal was to come as close to that sound as I could, for a lot less. I didn’t want to jump on the audiophile merry-go-round buying then selling amps because of disappointment; my intent was landing on a one-and-done, forever amp. I decided on the Decware Sarah SEWE300B, convinced that a 300B version of the SE84UFO25 would be perfect for me.

Luckily, I had ordered a different Decware amp and was already on the waiting list when Steve began developing the Sarah. I was #777 when I ordered on August 2nd, 2021, so I changed my order and waited patiently.  Six hundred days later I took delivery on March 25th, 2023.

First impressions
The amp was packaged with care and shipped promptly with no issues.

Fit and finish: this amp is top notch. Simply gorgeous.

In preparation for this amp, I took great pains to ensure my system was fleshed out so that it sounded great in my listening room, focusing on tweaking digital source components, cabling, room treatment, modding my preamp, and purchasing speakers designed and modded to uniquely function with SET amps.

I was using a 10W Class A SS amp, and synced all the gain settings for what I felt was “perfect”. Then, I swapped in the Sarah, installed the economy tube set with Chinese 300Bs, powered it on and let it warm up.

The very first time listening with this brand-new amp and brand-new tubes, the initial sound output was lower than I expected. My first thought was “oh no, what did I do?”, thinking I might have screwed up buying an amp with only 7 watts. This was not a concern for very long as both the amp and tubes broke in. I mention this merely because others may experience it too, so, don’t freak out. Volume output increases markedly the more hours on the amp/tubes: my initial fears were long gone after 25 hours, and I was pleased to discover that even at 500 hours the “loudness” continues to increase.

I know Steve claims this amp may have a slight transformer hum with speakers of 100dB and up, but I am happy to report it is dead quiet with my 95dB sensitivity speakers, exhibiting not a bit of hum using the economy tubes with Chinese 300Bs, even with my ears right up against the speakers. When I swapped in the WE300Bs, I did get hum, and this was mitigated by a slight adjustment of the humpot knobs. With the Cryotone tube bundle including their 300Bs, again there was no hum. This tells me with 95dB sensitivity speakers the amp doesn’t hum, but the tubes can.

The moral of the story is: don’t judge this amp until after it, and the tubes, have fully broken in. However, even at 25 hours, this amp is easily better than other amps I’ve heard costing twice as much.

Amps and tubes need hours to break in. I recommend giving these tubes 300 hours, and the Sarah 500 hours, before doing any serious critical listening. Don’t get me wrong, it sounds great right out of the box. However, when you have 500 hours on the amp, you will certainly be in OMG territory, and it will continue to get better from there.

I also recommend feeding it with as much variety as you can, including every type of music, and at all volumes. I didn’t perform an A-B comparison test to confirm this method is better than one with less variety, I can only say I did it and the results are phenomenal.

Although I mentioned above that burn-time increased volume output, break-in also improves every aspect of sound quality…pick your metric, and it will be better after 100 hours, and 250 hours, and 500 hours, and beyond.

One metric that immediately comes to mind is bass response. I mentioned above that I dialed-in my system settings prior to swapping in the amp...this didn’t just include gain settings on the amp and preamp, but the volume, cross-over and phase settings on the subwoofer, too.

Despite the low volume output in the first few hours, by the ~100-hour point with the economy tubes and WE300Bs, I had to adjust the sub settings lower because the bass was clearly more powerful than with the SS amp. Definitely tighter, quicker, and with greater detail, it was also “more”, to the point that I was getting room-boom where I wasn’t before. Although it’s a pain in the @ss having to do the adjustments, it was welcome!

Around 275 hours…I had to adjust the sub lower AGAIN! Then, one more time at around 500 hours. At each point, I could define it as “more better bass”, not simply loudness. As it sits now, my sub’s volume is barely up, and I can honestly say most people wouldn’t need a sub with these speakers, whereas with the SS amp it would be 50/50. Or put another way, the Sarah gives the bass response that most people try to recreate with a sub.

Sound Quality
The basics of soundstage width, depth, height, and extension toward listener are all outstanding. The Sarah produces realistic sound freakishly far beyond the boundaries of the room…many, many times now I have heard things that I thought where being created by people coming from the hallway or alleyway outside (knocking on the door, etc.), but in reality, it was just the amp playing music in mind-blowingly realistic ways.

We’re not just talking about a two-dimensional wall of sound; it is certainly beyond three dimensional. I say “beyond” because, with most good amps two dimensions become three…but then the individual sources within that soundstage are still two dimensional. It’s as if you are hit with a flat plane of sound from within which you can discern flat sounds sources, like looking into a mirror. It’s better than having no separation within the width, depth or height of the stage with lesser amps, but it lacks a level of realism.

Consider a bowl of fruit sitting on a table. It looks real, until you get close, and you realize it’s a picture. So then, you look at an upgraded bowl of fruit sitting on a table, and as you get close it still looks real, until you touch it and you realize it’s plastic and fake. Then finally, you upgrade to a Decware, and when you get close to that bowl of fruit you realize it’s not just real, but perfectly ripe. Meaning, it is a 3D piece of fruit in a 3D bowl of fruit in a 3D room, but it also has the perfect, realistic density and weight. I’m talking about that visceral, bodily sensation when you feel it and say to yourself “I can’t wait to eat this”.

With the Sarah, it's not merely a wall of sound like a 4k TV watching fish under the sea, it’s a wave that lovingly engulfs you like a scuba diver transplanting you under the sea where you’re not only seeing real fish but feeling the current, too. Within this expansive three-dimensional soundstage, each instrument with its musician is a three-dimensional object in three-dimensional space, each with perfect clarity, density, and realism.

Once you arrive at this level of realism, you’re now aware that there is tonality with discernment. By this I mean you don’t just get the sense of listening to a real piano in the room with you, but you distinguish the difference between a Yamaha vs Steinway vs Bosendorfer. I crap you not, I’ve been playing piano since I was 4…the Sarah amazing.

No matter the basic audiophile term, this amplifier excels at it: attack, decay, transients, dynamics, clarity, air, sparkle, analytical, weight, speed, articulation, …you pick the metric, the Sarah will meet and exceed your expectations; it’s the Goldilocks amp.

Most high-quality amps come with trade-offs. For example, they can be extremely analytical, but then with the tendency to be too bright at times and lacking density and color. Here you certainly hear sounds you never heard before, like toe-taps, grunts, lip-smacks and breaths, etc., but unfortunately you can’t help but hear them because the amp draws your attention to these sounds in a distracting way. Even when they are reproduced as a realistic 3d sound source, the amp assigns them the same priority in the soundscape as all the other instruments and vocals, which detracts from the sound quality rather than adds to it. Like listening to a soon-to-be-ex significant other chew.

The Sarah definitely exhibits clarity and analytical sounds, too, but she does so Perfectly – all the 3d and realism, but more importantly, sounds unheard before are put into proper context rather than shouting for your attention. Now, rather than being a distraction, you experience the musicians’ and singers’ true expression of their art, adding the final touch of realism as if they were performing there for you in person.

I’ve heard the argument between those who remark about “hearing what the performer intended” versus “that can’t possibly be recreated”, and I can say this: Study up on classical music terms, then get a Sarah. Here’s a handful to get you started:
•      Allegro (Italian: 'lively'). Meaning the music should be played cheerfully. Upbeat and brisk.
•      Capriccio. (Italian: 'caprice'). A lively piece of music, usually free in its form and short.
•      Coloratura (Italian: 'colouring'). A type of decoration, usually in singing that is ornate and richly ornamented.
•      Diminuendo (Italian: Literally 'diminishing'). A dynamic instruction meaning to gradually play quieter.
•      Espressivo (Italian: 'expressive'). An instruction meaning that a passage should be played with expression, or expressively.
•      Forte (Italian: 'strong'). A dynamic instruction meaning the music should be played loudly. The instruction appears as either: 'f' loud; 'ff' fortissimo, meaning very loud; or 'fff' very loud.
•      Giocoso (Italian: 'playful', 'cheerful'). Meaning the piece should be played in a cheerful or playful way.
•      Glissando. From the French 'glisser', meaning to slide. An instruction to slide between a group of notes. On the piano, for example, the performer runs a finger down or up the keyboard.
•      Humoresque. A piece of music with a humorous feel.
•      Legato (Italian: 'joined'). An instruction indicating that a sequence of notes should be played smoothly, or joined up, as opposed to disconnected.
•      Leggiero (Italian: 'lightly'). An instruction meaning to play lightly and without force.
•      Legno (Italian: 'wood'). An instruction for string players, usually written as 'col legno' (with the wood). This indicates that the string player should use the wooden side of the bow to hit the strings with.
•      Mezzo (Italian: 'half'). The term can be used in a number of contexts. Mezzo-forte / mezzo-piano are dynamic instructions meaning 'half-loud' and 'half-soft' respectively.
•      Poco a poco (Italian: 'little by little'). A term that can preface and instruction meaning to follow it 'little by little'. For example, 'poco a poco crescendo', meaning, getting louder gradually, little by little.
•      Sforzando. Play with sudden and marked emphasis.
•      Tremolo (Italian: 'trembling'). The quick repetition of a single note, usually used in string playing.
•      Vibrato. An expressive technique used on various instruments, created by vibrating the sound.

So you see, musicians and singers most certainly create with “intent” (albeit much of the modern synthesized music may lack these nuances). Thus, our ability to recreate their performance should certainly be able to convey their intent, as well. Unfortunately, many systems cannot. They simply lack the sufficient Dynamics (perceived difference between quiet and loud), Transients, PRaT (pace, rhythm and timing), Articulation, Clarity, Black Background, etc. Adding a Sarah to your system will fix that; you will feel an emotional connection to the performers, guaranteed.

Yet another thing the Sarah excels at is low-volume listening. With many amps, you have to crank up the volume in order for them to sound “right” and, as you turn the volume down, all the air is let out of that balloon and the sound quality loses shape and realism…like walking out of an elevator.

But with the Sarah, every volume level is perfection. Yes, you can crank it, but you don’t have to in order to obtain a SQ sweet spot. As you lower the volume to “night listening” levels, you retain every bit of realism and detail, as if the musicians are still playing in the room but are now just playing quieter…the density and clarity remains.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Ghostship on 06/29/23 at 19:12:46

Part 2

Please remember although we call the Sarah SEWE300B an amplifier, the tubes are the amplifiers. The Sarah is a precision instrument that operates the tubes. It will make bad recordings and sources sound good. And it will make cheap tubes sounds good. However, to get the most out of the Sarah, she needs good quality tubes. I strongly recommend budgeting for them; you will be rewarded.

Not only is the quality of tube important, but the specific types of tubes will also have a very noticeable affect on the voicing of this amp:
•      Driver Tube Compatibility: 6DJ8/ECC88, 6922/E88CC, 6N6P, 6N1P, 6N5P, 6N23P, ECC99, 7308/E188CC/CCa
•      Input Tube Compatibility: 12AU7
•      Output Tube Compatibility: WE300B
•      Voltage Regulator Tube Compatibility: OC2/75C1 (75V), OC3 (75V), OB2 (115V), OA2 (150V)
•      Rectification Tube Compatibility: 5AR4, 5U4, or 274B with varying voltage drops

Tube rollers will be in heaven, for sure. New tube amp owners may find it a little daunting. My suggestion is this: budget for a full set of economy tubes ($600 currently from Decware), a full Wathen Cryotone Bundle ($1867 – 10%), and a matched pair of Western Electric 300Bs ($1500 – 10%). Use the Economy set to break in the amp. Swap in the Cryotone bundle. And finally swap in the WE300Bs.

This will allow you to hear the difference and judge the value of the tubes to you in your system and listening space. If the economy tubes are good enough, sell the others and buy a second set for back-ups. If the Cryotone bundle is for you, keep the economy set as backups. Decide between the Cryotone 300Bs and the Western Electric, sell the losers. Or do as I did and keep them all.

If you want an easy one-and-done, just buy the amp with the Cryotone bundle to start with.

For a little more detail:

The Sarah 300B sounds great with the economy tubes Decware supplies for ~$600. The amp easily sounds better than amps two times the price.
Swapping in the Western Electric 300Bs with the economy tubes, the amp sounds utterly amazing, now in the three to four times the price category.

The Sarah 300B with the full Cryotone compliment sounds perfect, world-class, end game, easily one-and-done - it's the best I have ever heard, comparable to the Kondo Audio Note Gakuoh II 300B monoblocks, which are 20x the price.

Comparing the Western Electric 300Bs with the rest Cryotone, against full Cryotone including their 300Bs: the WE300Bs are perfectly clear, transparent, detailed, etc. In short, everything you would expect, except...when you swap in the Cryotone 300Bs you realize there is more density and clearly more bass response, all the while retaining every other excellent characteristic of the WE300Bs.

It's like looking at a magnificent view thinking it was perfect with the WE300Bs, then with the Cryotones having an immaculately crystal clear window pane removed and now you have the same view but you can feel the breeze on your face, too, like an added level of realism.

On the older solid-state amps I had growing up, there used to be a Loudness button that would give it a boost usually designed for low-volume listening...but I would leave it on all the time because I loved the extra density. That is the best way I can describe the difference between the WE300Bs and the Cryotone's the density button.

Certainly, this will all come down to personal taste and system uniqueness, so your mileage may vary.

I strongly recommend the Cryotone bundle for the Sarah SEWE300B. Yes, they are 3x the price of the economy tubes, and worth every penny. Be aware that these tubes are selected by Wathen to go together may not get the full value swapping in one or the other piecemeal...or you might, I have no clue...I don't have the time or the interest in doing a sq test like that...I am far too busy listening to this glorious sound.

And, I have no real interest in buying additional tubes to roll right now, however, I am spending money on additional sets of Cryotones instead, because I want this sound to last forever.

Please understand that my impressions of the Cryotones and Western Electric are based strictly on my specific system settings. That means DAC voltage out using XLR to the PreAmp pushing up to 12dbs of gain out to the Sarah, with gain-riding the controls between the Sarah and Freya+ at what I feel is the sweet-spot, then swapping in the WE300B for comparison.

This isn’t necessarily a fair comparison. The Cryotone tubes each have specific characteristics (voltage drop, etc) that work perfectly together with their 300Bs…but may not be the perfect match for the WE300Bs. Thus, also swapping in a 5U4G or 274B Rectifier instead of the 5AR4, something other than the ECC88 Input Drivers, and/or something other than the OC2 Voltage Regulators along with adjusting the gain controls may certainly make the WE300Bs sound every bit as good to me as the Cryotone 300Bs.

Switches, Knobs and Settings
There is a Soundstage Switch that allows you to alter the sound for a deeper soundstage. I started listening with it in the more forward setting, and love it. At one point I tried the switch in the other position, and the soundstage collapsed and got very deep, like I was listening to a concert from within a tunnel. That doesn’t mean this is bad, it simply means for my current system and room and music I’m listening to, I don’t need that switch right now. Your mileage may vary.

There is a Hi/Low Impedance Switch for 8 to 16ohm and 4ohm speakers. I recommend starting with the switch matching your speaker’s impedance, then after break-in try the other setting…you may find like I did that the 4ohm setting sounds better despite having 8ohm speakers.

I touched on the Hum Pot dials earlier…they work. Know that the hum you might hear is more than likely coming from your tubes and not the transformer.

Lastly, there are gain (volume) knobs. These will really help you dial in the soundstage, so feel free to set them differently to accommodate your room. Because the Sarah was designed with a gain stage, you can go straight from your DAC (source) to the amp and it will sound awesome.

You can also use a preamp as I have, because I really prefer gain-riding to dial in my sound, and it helps my DAC sound better. I set the gain controls on my Sarah at the 3 o’clock position. I’ve found that this is where the sound really blooms for my specific set-up. This is opposed to 2 o’clock which I’ve found a little lacking, and anything past 3 o’clock adds nothing sonically.

Then, I use the gain control on the Freya+ to increase/decrease volume with no or very little decrease in sound quality. Here a “low listening” level is at 12 o’clock, normal listening at 2 o’clock, and ear-pain level in my space is just above 3 o’clock.

My point is, if using a preamp, definitely experiment with the Sarah’s gain, I am certain you will find a setting that makes it sing for you.


I set out to find an amp that would restore my passion for music, that was as close as I could get to the sound quality of the Kondo Audio Note Gakuoh II 300B monoblocks, without the expense, settling on one forever amp without the temptation from upgrade-itis.

That amp is the Decware Zen Sarah SEWE300B. Hands down. One-and-done. Steve and his team knocked it out of the park. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been moved to tears listening to my music. Not just bringing up memories from the past, but exploring new sounds thanks to Roon.

Steve and team, thank you for a worldclass product, and unbeatable customer support.

I am truly grateful.


It might be helpful to know the details of my system:
  • ASUS Cable Modem (with AudioQuest Vodka Ethernet Cable to Fiber Converter);

    Tp-Link MC200CM Fiber Ethernet Converter x2 (with AudioQuest Vodka Ethernet Cable to Switch);

    Paul Pang Audio OCXO Quad Switch (with AudioQuest Vodka Ethernet Cable to Streamer);

    iFi Zen Stream (with iFi iPower power supply and AudioQuest Diamond USB cable to DAC);

    S.M.S.L. VMV D1se DAC (On DAC setting not PreAmp, with AudioQuest Colorado XLR balanced interconnects to preamp) (XLR Out 5.2Vrms, 207Ω Output impedance, 130 dB Dynamic Range and 130 dB SNR with -121dB THD (0.00009%);

    Schiit Freya+ Preamp upgraded with Vcap ODAM capacitors, Decware DSR3 RCA Silver interconnects to amp, Cryotone 6SN7 tubes, (Input Impedance: 10K ohms, 12dB of Tube Gain, Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz -0.2db, 3Hz-200KHz -3dB, THD: <0.01%, 20Hz-20KHz at 1V RMS, IMD: <0.01%, CCIR, SNR: >115dB, A-weighted referenced to 2V RMS, Output Impedance: 75 ohms Single Ended (will be 600 ohms balanced output when I get a ZBIT);

    Decware Zen Sarah SEWE300B Amplifier with Cryotone Tubes and AudioQuest Dragon High-Current 2m Power Cable to main:
    o      Rectifier (Power supply choke regulated): 5AR4-WC which has a voltage drop of only 17 volts compared to the 5U4 types which have a voltage drop around 70 volts;
    o      Main Input Stage: 12AU7-WCL Long plate;
    o      Input Driver Stage: ECC88-WC (2);
    o      Output Stage: 300B-WC (2);
    o      Voltage Regulators: OC2-WC (3) have a voltage drop of 75 volts;

    GR Research 24-strand Speaker Cables (amp to speakers);

    Tekton 2-10 Perfect SET Speakers with Beryllium Center Tweeter and Upgraded Electronics (Cardas inputs, Mil-Spec wiring, Mundorf Caps, Erse Sledgehammer inductors); 95dB 2.83V@1m sensitivity, 30hz - 30khz frequency response;

    Primacoustic RX17-DF Recoil Stabilizer Speaker Isolators;

    Tekton 2-10 Subwoofer, 20hz - 120hz, crossover set to ~80, volume barely up;

    Emotiva CMX6 Power Distribution System with 10ga OCC power cables throughout;

    Pure Sound Room Treatment Panels;

    Synergistic Research Purple fuses.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by CAJames on 06/29/23 at 19:37:04

Great write up, thank you!

Very interesting that you prefer the Cryotone 300B to the WE.

Here's my thing. I'm between Decware amps at the moment, had a pair of UFOs (configured as balanced monos) and waiting for a pair of UFO25s (just made page one a few weeks ago). In the mean time I've been listening to a (non-Decware) 300B amp. And (to dust off my Italian) the amazing thing about the UFOs is how they did the whole spectrum, from dolce to con brio. The 300B excels at dolce, it is molto dolce. But it is a little lacking with the con brio. It sounds like Steve has worked the same magic he has with the UFO amps but added 300B goodness. Which seems like a pretty sweet combo.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Lon on 06/29/23 at 20:02:00

Michael: an incredible review. So much better than the Guttenberg video! Thanks so much for sharing all these details.

I'm always scratching my head when persons are all gaga over the Wathen tubes as my experience with two tube types was far from that, but I trust ears here and welcome that a tube vendor has assembled a carefully selected set for the amp. I may in the future try their 300B, we'll see, in my own just built SEWE300B. My intent is to roll numerous NOS types and brands I have for all the tube positions except the 300B--I have only one pair of those so far, Sophia Electric Classic 300B.

Thanks again for all the detailed impressions!

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by HockessinKid on 06/29/23 at 20:24:14


Great write up and congratulations on finding your Holy Grail amplifier. I always read review impressions of musicians very carefully as most seem to be gifted with exceptional listening skills and comparative judgement on how instruments sound in a performance setting.

Thanks for taking time to discuss the settling in process on the amps and tube compliments, it is very helpful to me in deciding on the right package. I've been very impressed with a Cryotone tube compliment (5U4G-WC, 2 ECC-88-WC's, and GSN7-WC w/ adapter) in my CSP3+ preamp. There is something very special about a full rack of the Walthen tubes in a piece of Steve's equipment.

I'm probably a year and a half out on my amp so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's impressions. My lightly modified 25th Anniversary ZMA and 25th Anniversary CSP3+ w/ new miflex caps is serving me very well in the interim😊.


Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Junker on 06/29/23 at 20:37:17

Thank you for your impressions Michael!

I noticed that you are using a $9900 2M AQ Dragon power cable. Did you start with that cable or did you notice an improvement when substituting in that cable? Are you in the industry?

Right now as far as tubes are concerned and as indicated in the owners manual, I’ll probably start with selecting a rich sounding 12AU7 and power rectifier tube (274B? Since it has a choke probably allowing a solid plate to be fine in this stereo configuration, but too much current for a mesh plate). I’d love to see WE introduce a 274B too.



Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Sean on 06/29/23 at 20:51:10

Awesome review, thanks! I've been circling the drain with a sinus infection this week, add in the Canadian smoke and I'm basically 100% miserable and not wanting to do a damn thing, I just get stuck in my head in a dark place. The review really picked me up, I'm happy for all you that either got a Sarah or are on the list, very exciting. Can't wait to hear more user reviews, seems Steve hit a home run with this one!

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by CAJames on 06/29/23 at 20:54:26

Posted by: Junker      Posted on: Today at 12:37:17

...I’d love to see WE introduce a 274B too.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Junker on 06/29/23 at 21:21:04

Wow! yeah just like the OG 300B used to be.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by filthnoise on 06/29/23 at 23:05:09

Great review!

As you're one of the only people on this forum who has heard both the SE84UFO25 and the SEWE300B, I'm very curious as to how you might describe the difference between them.

I have an SE84UFO (with no upgrades) and love it, but have never heard a 300B amp. I'm on the waiting list for the SE84UFO25, however, your review has piqued my interest in the Sarah.

Any insights you could provide would be appreicated.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Dominick on 06/30/23 at 07:55:16


I want to thank you for a well composed and thorough review.  Having played the guitar growing up, I can totally relate to your passion for music and trying to replicate the natural and robust sound that you were used to listening to and playing as a musician.  My first amp was an old tube bass amp that housed four 8” woofers.  It was big and heavy,  Once you play music on a tube system, it’s hard to go back.  When I finally switched to my Peavey Stereo Chorus 400 solid state amp, while it was great, didn’t compare to the fleshed out sound that my tube amp had.  

I can remember when I first got my Torii MKIV 25th amp, I sat in my listening chair and started to cry listening to Bocelli’s “The Prayer”. I was even in more amazement when I later got my SE84C+ 25th Anniversay mods.  I hate to admit it, but I feel myself gravitating more towards the SET sound.  I have never heard a 300B amplifier, but your review has really got me curious and wanting to hear the Sarah now more than ever.  

My system has recently evolved to where I now run a pair of SE84C+ as mono’s.  I too would love to hear your impressions and comparisons between the sound of an SE84UFO and the Sarah.  With running 2 Zen SET amps configured as mono’s, I have realized that my 6 watts of power is more than powerful enough to listen to music at loud volume levels for 90% of the time.  There are times that for parties and movies, that my Torii serves me better.   I may go as far as to say that your review would lend me to potentially sell my Torii and replace it with the Sarah.  But before I would do that, I would need to hear the Sarah in person.

Again….thank you for such a thorough review.  It puts the Steve Guttenberg review to shame in every aspect.


Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Matchstikman on 06/30/23 at 14:20:56

Very detailed review.  Nice.

Can you provide a quick list of the music you heard through your system?  I don't think I saw a subwoofer on your list of gear.  I'm a fan of low-end with at least a bit of impact, girth, if you will. Low end on a electric bass is 42hz.  Did you play anything that made you feel it?

Deckert played Tool's Chocolate Chip Trip during the test phase and I asked about that song's percussive qualites and he stated that in order to get the bottom end of the percussion the speakers required the Lii Song F15 driver that are on his open baffle offering.  I wonder how it would sound on your Tektons.

My current setup provides a magnificent spectrum of sound but I've still got that 300b urge that continues to gnaw on my senses.

Once again, kudos on the review.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Kamran on 06/30/23 at 18:30:34

This!!  What a sublime review! This is the one we were waiting for! Agreed that it put’s Steve G’s review to shame, though he is constrained in his particular format.

Also, as someone who likes to pen his reviews, I have a love/hate relationship with what you just did.  Loving the thoroughness, thoughtfulness, organization, tips and tricks, and soul contained in your write-up, yet hating the fact that when my times comes—-I’m going to be hard pressed to present anything better.  You have set the bar extremely high! Argh!

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Rivieraranch on 07/01/23 at 02:12:34

Very complete, detailed review; much better than Steve Guttenberg’s monkeyshines.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by SoCratz on 07/01/23 at 12:19:06

Can someone explain, more scientifically, what the Voicing and Hum Balance switches are doing and how? Do these (just) allow you to tweak the speaker ohms, power tube bias or gain or plate voltage in the preamp section?

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by CAJames on 07/01/23 at 15:42:10

Posted by: SoCratz      Posted on: Today at 04:19:06

Can someone explain, more scientifically, what the Voicing and Hum Balance switches are doing and how?

The voicing switch tweaks the input tube bias. The hum balance is a pot, not a switch, that balances the AC heater current to the power tubes.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Den on 07/02/23 at 16:28:50

great review! would love to get my hands on one of these amps, but do not see any legit popping up on the secondary market anytime soon! happy listening.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by JP on 07/04/23 at 16:05:17

Fantastic review. Once of the best that I have read for audio equipment both from professional reviewers and in forums.  Bravo !
Quick question.  You mentioned the Feliks and Luxmann ( among others ). How do those compare to the Sarah ?

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by ratketyree on 08/11/23 at 03:02:39

awesome analysis! I really want one of these amps, but I haven't seen any legitimate ones showing up on the secondary market. cheers for tuning in!

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Tooppy on 08/16/23 at 22:20:19

I didn't read the review, just started it but asked myself if I was masochist enough to carry on reading. In return, I did follow the built and that was painful enough ! I waited a good year and a half for my UFO, and I guess I have other components to change before the amp which fits my purse and my listening pleasure. (be happy with what you have)
This Sarah is the kind of amp you can buy blindly, sorry guys, but happy for you all owners of that wonderful amp.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by AudioAlchemist on 09/26/23 at 05:44:34

Ghostship – Thank you for the excellent review. I found the tube rolling section very informative. Now, I better save up for the Cryotone package.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Ghostship on 11/21/23 at 20:38:47

My Sarah now has over 1500 hours, and she is simply impeccable. Everything from my report at around 600 hours remains true, only better. Perhaps most notable has been the 3-dimensionality of the amp, which has grown beyond the soundstage in front of me, to fully encompass me, and to regularly come from behind me (depending on the recording). The first time it happened was with a Peter Gabriel live album, and the applause and whistles were all around and behind me, as if I were there…it was awesome.

I apologize for not answering some of the questions asked back then, life has been a bit of a challenge…

I got a screaming deal on the Audio Quest Dragon power cable, but you certainly don’t need something that extravagant to coax out the sound of the Sarah. I have listened to the Sarah with a Deware DHC-3 and she still sounds amazing. Below that level of quality, however (say a fake-OCC $50 internet special), she does lose a little bit of magic, but not much.

As for my impression of the difference between the SE84UFO25 and the Sarah SEWE300B, I believe the Sarah has more headroom (apparent in transients and dynamics), more better bass, and more weight/mass in general, which for me makes the music sound more “real”. I haven’t lived with a SE84UFO25 for a significant period of time or had the chance to perform an A/B comparison though, so I’ll defer to those others here who have.

Yes, I did use a sub (Tekton 2-10) when I had their 2-10 Perfect SET speakers, but now that I’ve got the 2-12 Perfect SETs, I don’t need the sub anymore. And as the amp was breaking in, the need for a sub diminished by the hour, even with the 2-10 SET speakers, the sub gain knob was barely up at all. For bass-heavy tracks that I’ve listened to for testing:
•      Donald Fagen – Morph the Cat (or any of his albums and recent Steely Dan’s);
•      Wynton Marsalis – Snoopy & Woodstock from Joe Cool’s Blues (or any good jazz track);
•      Billy Eilish – Bad Guy (has bass notes below 20Hz);
•      Tool – Chocolate Chip Trip sounds amazing;
•      And so much more…

As for comparison with the Feliks and Luxman amps, without meaning to be insulting, I found them both bloated, slow, and gritty compared to the perfect weighting, speed, and purity of the sound I am getting from the Sarah.

Congrats to all those who have received their Sarahs, and to those on the list. I am fully confident in recommending this amp to be purchased ‘sound unheard’, you will not be disappointed.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by CAJames on 11/22/23 at 04:18:16

Posted by: Ghostship      Posted on: Today at 12:38:47

...As for comparison with the Feliks and Luxman amps, without meaning to be insulting, I found them both bloated, slow, and gritty compared to the perfect weighting, speed, and purity of the sound I am getting from the Sarah...

I always love to hear about comparisons between Decware and "high dollar famous maker" amps. For me, when I originally ordered my UFOs back in 2020 I hoped they would be close to what I was getting from my Pass Labs SEM (single ended MOSFET) amps. I was totally unprepared for the UFOs to blow them away in every category. And now that I have UFO25s it isn't even a fair fight.

It is great to hear that your system sounds so good with Sarah Ghostship, it seems like there is a lot of that going around.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by beaufleuve on 11/28/23 at 03:07:03

great review!

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Neil Jackson on 03/04/24 at 00:17:43

Very professional review, a great read!

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by jjgasp on 05/29/24 at 16:10:52

Any thoughts on what impedance setting to use (Hi/Low) for a speaker with 6 ohm impedance?  Thanks in advance for any feedback. .

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by CAJames on 05/29/24 at 16:31:21

Posted by: jjgasp      Posted on: Today at 08:10:52

Any thoughts on what impedance setting to use (Hi/Low) for a speaker with 6 ohm impedance?  Thanks in advance for any feedback. .

Just try both. There is no technical reason to prefer one impedance over the other.

Title: Re: Sarah 300B Impressions
Post by Lon on 05/29/24 at 17:09:00

I agree with James. My speakers seem to fall in between the two settings and both sound great. . . I have preferred the lower settings with my amps. My guess is that you will prefer one over the other and it's your call.

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