AUDIO FORUMS >> General Discussion and Support >> UFO25 Keeps Blowing Fuses

Message started by HiFi Bri on 11/29/24 at 23:56:45

Title: UFO25 Keeps Blowing Fuses
Post by HiFi Bri on 11/29/24 at 23:56:45

Hi All,

When I tried turning my amp on today, it lit up quickly then shut off. I removed the fuse and noticed it was blown.

Having read the support manual, I removed the rectifier tube, put in a new fuse, and tried powering up again. Same thing: the amp's meters lit up very briefly and then everyting turned off. Again, the new fuse was blown.

I've had this amp plugged into a power strip with no previous issues, and there weren't any power outages or anything like that.

I'll contact Steve after the holiday weekend but until then, does any one have any ideas?


Title: Re: UFO25 Keeps Blowing Fuses
Post by CAJames on 11/30/24 at 00:55:37

Posted by: HiFi Bri      Posted on: Today at 15:56:45

...Having read the support manual, I removed the rectifier tube, put in a new fuse, and tried powering up again. Same thing: the amp's meters lit up very briefly and then everyting turned off. Again, the new fuse was blown.

IMO there are two likely scenarios: one is another of the tubes has shorted, so you can try replacing all the other tubes and power it up again without the rectifier. The other, unfortunately, is something serious and I would wait for Steve in that case.

Title: Re: UFO25 Keeps Blowing Fuses
Post by HiFi Bri on 11/30/24 at 01:08:40

Unfortunately, it may be the more serious thing.

I swapped out all tubes (except for the x2 voltage regulator tubes in the back) and same issue. There's also an audible buzz to the amp when I switch it on right before it all shuts down.


Title: Re: UFO25 Keeps Blowing Fuses
Post by CAJames on 11/30/24 at 01:24:23

Sorry for your loss. Hopefully Steve has better ideas than I do.

Title: Re: UFO25 Keeps Blowing Fuses
Post by CAJames on 12/09/24 at 18:13:06

Curious if you got a diagnosis and/or solution for this?

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