EQUIPMENT FORUMS >> SE84UFO25 >> UFO25 Voltage change

Message started by tcb-38 on 12/11/24 at 08:58:53

Title: UFO25 Voltage change
Post by tcb-38 on 12/11/24 at 08:58:53

Hi there, I'm in the market for a used UFO25 and would like to know if posible to switch voltage from 110V to 230V and how hard it is? I read a while ago the power transformer in UFO25B is a universal power transformer but can't see now any mention about this on product page nor in the manual. A schematic and with some guidance would help a lot. I'm in Europe. Best regards

Title: Re: UFO25 Voltage change
Post by CAJames on 12/11/24 at 15:19:11

I can't help you with rewiring your transformer, but in your situation I would consider an external step-down transformer. I've used them before with good results. My rule of thumb is the transformer ought to be rated at least 10x the power draw so for a UFO25 that would be 1000W. E.g.:

Although I'm pretty sure you can find something similar on your side of the Atlantic.

Title: Re: UFO25 Voltage change
Post by tcb-38 on 12/11/24 at 16:08:04

Thanks but don't want that route. I used them in the past for Japanese amplifier but not anymore.

Title: Re: UFO25 Voltage change
Post by Steve Deckert on 12/11/24 at 19:49:33

We recommend wiring it for 240V to extend tube life.

Title: Re: UFO25 Voltage change
Post by tcb-38 on 12/11/24 at 20:03:18

Thank you Steve. Is it hatd to reach on transformer wires?

Title: Re: UFO25 Voltage change
Post by tcb-38 on 12/18/24 at 09:47:29

Any picture with location where should wired be done,please?
I mean is hard to reach?

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