SPEAKER FORUMS >> Lii Song Drivers >> F15 Break-In.

Message started by BachoMoo on 12/21/24 at 01:14:34

Title: F15 Break-In.
Post by BachoMoo on 12/21/24 at 01:14:34

Good day,
I am burning in my speakers, they have only a few hours on them and as expected have much to desired, yet the OB magic is there.  What has other experienced, time, tone and end result.
Thank you in advance for your time.

Title: Re: F15 Break-In.
Post by Geno on 12/21/24 at 01:18:26

I’ve read over and over, a minimum of 100 hours.

I’m burning in a pair of F-12’s, and think I’m getting pretty close to that mark, and they are sounding really good!

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