Forums AUDIO FORUMS >> General Discussion and Support >> Preaching to the choir Message started by Bottlehead on 01/03/25 at 05:37:45 |
Title: Preaching to the choir Post by Bottlehead on 01/03/25 at 05:37:45 I think that a lot of us who have purchased Decware products over the years have encountered the type of customer service that we wish all companies would offer, but I have to compliment Sarah and Steve for their latest example of grace: I BOZO’d an order to have my older ZStage hot rodded, not knowing that the transformers used before 2019 could not be tube rectified. When Sarah called to tell me that, I decided to just pay them to ship it back, and order a new one down the road. Unfortunately, in the meantime, the tech had already installed the caps and bypass caps. I offered to pay for the upgrades, as the initial screwup was mine, but they couldn’t have been nicer, or more professional, or more generous about it. They basically split the difference with me, which was more than I would have expected. So not only do they offer great products, but they go above and beyond for their customers. (Even when they BOZO). Randy |
Title: Re: Preaching to the choir Post by Tony on 01/03/25 at 15:06:48 +1 with what Bottlehead said about Decware staff and support. I called in on New Year's Eve, thinking I would set up a future meeting with Steve to answer some of my questions with the new amp. There happened to be an open time, and I took. Steve answered all my questions and gave a number of good tips. This family run, business should be one that is studied in business schools - maybe it is. |
Title: Re: Preaching to the choir Post by CAJames on 01/03/25 at 15:33:11 +infinity It is so refreshing to deal with a company that actually cares more about doing a good job and making customers happy than maximizing the dollars that can be extracted. Now, back to dealing with a problem with my insurance company... |
Title: Re: Preaching to the choir Post by Dominick on 01/04/25 at 04:28:44 Yes Steve and the Decware Team are truly great to work with. Steve actually convinced me not to upgrade my ZP3 with the Anniversary mods until I upgraded my turntable first, indicating that I will not fully appreciate the mods. He’s a true gentleman and when you find a company like Decware that puts the best interest of the customer ahead of an up-sale, you will stick with them for the long haul. Dom |
Title: Re: Preaching to the choir Post by Sentry on 01/04/25 at 04:57:30 My wife, who is from Pleasant Hill (about two hours away), would say: “That is just how people from the Midwest (other than Chicago) were raised.” Steve, DeVon, Sarah, Phil, Veronica and the whole Decware Team are really good people. I hope I can meet them in person on our next family visit. |
Title: Re: Preaching to the choir Post by MikeinMontana on 01/06/25 at 19:03:11 All I can say is Decware and the staff are among the finest anywhere. We know from first hand experience too. It's been one year now since our Zen Amp arrived. So awesome! [smiley=icqlite20.png] Mike & Kathy |
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