AUDIO FORUMS >> Classifieds >> 300B sale on Audiogon

Message started by Tony on 02/02/25 at 16:24:08

Title: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by Tony on 02/02/25 at 16:24:08

If you have not seen it yet, there is a good looking Decware 300B on sale at a reasonable price here:

Title: Re: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by JBzen on 02/02/25 at 16:43:17

I find this as a major distraction. If I was to order a Sarah that would be it! I have a plan and going to stick with it, hopefully! Some lucky person is going to grab this fast :)

Title: Re: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by Donnie on 02/02/25 at 17:20:12

Wow, it is being sold by the second owner in 5 months.
I always wonder about people like that.

Title: Re: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by JBzen on 02/02/25 at 18:32:56

Yes Donnie, that little detail caught my attention too. He seems to smooth it off by helping a friend. Also, a walnut base would fit me better making it easier to shrug off. Back to work.

Title: Re: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by Kamran on 02/02/25 at 19:42:22

I also saw the ad earlier before noticing this thread, and the part that got my attention was the fact that there was a subtle dig —Sarah being ‘almost as good’ as his other gear-it made me wonder what his reference is?

Title: Re: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by Kahuna Jack on 02/02/25 at 23:17:15

"Sarah being ‘almost as good’ as his other gear-it made me wonder what his reference is?"

Maybe they prefer  2A3 / 805 / 845 sound? or they have a collection of Shindo gear???  one persons almost as good is another persons holy grail / end game.

Title: Re: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by Estes on 02/03/25 at 00:48:07

I saw that ad as well. Curious that it passed hands so quickly. I almost (almost) reached out. I still have a UFO25 and CSP325 on the build list, but very seriously considering a switch to the Sarah 300B and a ZROCK3

Title: Re: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by kulafu on 02/03/25 at 13:56:16

I am about 900 on the list.....Tempting....At least he has positive reviews.

Title: Re: 300B sale on Audiogon
Post by Kahuna Jack on 02/03/25 at 16:30:58

According to us audio mart it is sold. Sold in October then again marked sold Jan 25th. Same seller.

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