AUDIO FORUMS >> D.I.Y. >> Sonido Boutique Driver Towers

Message started by Hearafter on 02/13/25 at 04:07:03

Title: Sonido Boutique Driver Towers
Post by Hearafter on 02/13/25 at 04:07:03

Finally got off the fence to build my first set of speakers in 30 years.  Was planning on building a Pair of DNA2’s but I wanted to explore what was available in the reasonably priced high end full range drivers.  Took a leap of faith and ordered their top one of the line Field Coil Driver SWR096FC. After four days they sound great but need more break in hours..

Title: Re: Sonido Boutique Driver Towers
Post by Hearafter on 02/13/25 at 04:32:36

 Sonido measurements…

Title: Re: Sonido Boutique Driver Towers
Post by Hearafter on 02/13/25 at 04:34:50

Cab in progress

Title: Re: Sonido Boutique Driver Towers
Post by Hearafter on 02/13/25 at 04:42:37

Title: Re: Sonido Boutique Driver Towers
Post by Hearafter on 02/13/25 at 04:56:07

Finished cab without grills..

Title: Re: Sonido Boutique Driver Towers
Post by Hearafter on 02/13/25 at 04:57:16

Field coil driver power supply…

Title: Re: Sonido Boutique Driver Towers
Post by Hearafter on 02/13/25 at 08:00:58

Field coil driver

Title: Re: Sonido Boutique Driver Towers
Post by Hearafter on 03/13/25 at 06:49:37

Ok after a month of listening I have to say these speaker drivers and these boxes have exceeded my expectations.  Just gobsmacked at the detail, soundstage, clarity with instrument separation, deep clean bass, and the most holographic that I have heard in my system.  It did take 60-80 break-in hours and some tweaking to reduce the mid-hi and hi fatigue.  I was getting some uncomfortable resonance? on Sax, female vocals, piano, harmonica.  Tried changing speaker position, tubes and then speaker cables solved the issue.  Amazing how synergy is so important.  My Goertz mi-3 cables that were the problem just weren’t a good match for these field coil magnet drivers but sounded “by far“ best in my Ohm Walsh 2000’s. Switched to Kimber Kable 12TC and what an improvement.  Just softened it a bit to remove the fatigue.  I am going to build some 10ga Duelund/Coherent tinned copper cables for fun to see how they match.  A lot of good feedback on just how “Real” sounding these cables sound.  We shall see!

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