AUDIO FORUMS >> D.I.Y. >> ZROB Speaker Build

Message started by Banshee880 on 02/28/25 at 19:11:47

Title: ZROB Speaker Build
Post by Banshee880 on 02/28/25 at 19:11:47

New to the Decware Audio family, I'm excited to have ordered an SE34I.6 amplifier and a set of ZF15M&L speaker plans.  In my conversations with Steve while buying the amp we discussed speakers and I determined to build the ZROB speakers using the ZF15 L plans.

I will use the Lil Song Fast 15 Driver and AMT clone Ribbon Tweeter. In my search for a 5 uF capacitor suggested by Steve, I noted that Parts Express has several capacitors in the 5 to 6 uF range. I would welcome the forum's suggestions for a capacitor.

Thank you,

Title: Re: ZROB Speaker Build
Post by Hearafter on 03/01/25 at 22:56:55

Excellent way to save $5-6000 on the ZROB.  Surprised how expensive finished OB speakers have become when drivers cost under $1000.  Enjoy your build!

Title: Re: ZROB Speaker Build
Post by Sam S on 03/02/25 at 21:34:31

I'm not sure if the current ZROB design is the same, but here is a close-up of the capacitor in the original "Impossible Speaker" thread


Title: Re: ZROB Speaker Build
Post by Banshee880 on 03/08/25 at 01:29:05

Thank you! I will purchase the suggested capacitors and give them a try.  

Not knowing anything about this topic, I called the folks at Parts Express and learned the Solen 5.1 uF 400v polypropylene capacitor offers a warm, smooth sound so I ordered it. Do others here have experience with this capacitor?

Thank you!

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