AUDIO FORUMS >> General Discussion and Support >> First Time Decware Owner

Message started by Markfisher702 on 03/01/25 at 22:40:52

Title: First Time Decware Owner
Post by Markfisher702 on 03/01/25 at 22:40:52

After just landing on the bottom the list for a Torii MkV, I found a MkIV from a good guy at a good price and went for it to tide me over. Should be powered up next week. I’m looking forward to forum immersion and learning from those who have adventured before me.

Cheers All,

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by will on 03/01/25 at 23:05:17

Nice Mark. I hope you love your MKIV and it will be great to hear your comparisons of the V, especially after burnin! Fun coming.

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by ScottNC on 03/01/25 at 23:19:29

Am I remembering correctly that Steve felt a fully modified MKIV would sound as good as a MKV or do I have that wrong? Just came to me reading this and thought I’d throw it out there.

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by will on 03/02/25 at 00:33:09

I think there may be a recent thread looking at that comparison briefly, and one poster saying similar. But looking at the design refinements of the MKV as it came along, it looked to me like the MKV fully modified would be better by my standards anyway. But not having heard it, can't say. Sort of relative too, what is as good and better for different folks and systems and rooms. Then, and then, and then....  my MKIV is modified to the gills, each modification having to be an overall improvement before going on, so I strongly imagine it is on another level from both.

Finally, so many things effecting everything, even when starting really good, I find refinements can mean a lot... but then maybe not for others, depending on what we want and need.

I was looking for the MKV development thread for a bit the other day and could not find it... any tips?

Also, not postive, but I am pretty sure Groovysauce has used both.

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by Dominick on 03/03/25 at 02:30:11


Congratulations on acquiring the Torii MKIV.  I hope you enjoy your Torii as much as Will and I do.   I own a Torii MKIV with full Anniversay mods (aka MKIV 25th) with the addition of limited option glass resistors.  My amp was configured with the Miflex capacitors.  Will’s Torii is a one of a kind with mods that go way beyond what you could configure from Decware.  I would love Will’s amp one day…I’m sure it’s nothing short of breathing.  

With the design changes of the Torii MKV…..I’m sure that a fully modified MKV would sound better than a fully modified MKIV like mine…according to Steve.  Please keep us posted on your impressions….and welcome to the Torii family!!

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by ChJKy (Chris) on 03/03/25 at 12:02:53

Welcome Markfisher, I joined Decware right when Steve was designing the MK5 and posting about it as he went along with the new build. It was fascinating. I ended buying one and I love everything about it.

Will, the development thread is located on page 5 of General Discussions and Support.

Markfisher, if you haven't read it, it is so worth it.


Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by will on 03/03/25 at 15:25:31

Thanks Chris for pointing to the MKV development thread. I really enjoyed it while it was happening and wanted to look it over again. So glad you are getting a lot of pleasure from your MKV!

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by Markfisher702 on 03/04/25 at 03:10:38

Thanks for the encouragement, all. Good vibes here 😎. I ordered my MkV with both the standard upgrades (level 2 anniversary mods and XLR inputs).  After I settle into my MkIV (a heavy black pelican case arrived today 😊) I’ll probably roll a lot of tubes to see what’s what. Also considering testing a pre-amp in front of the Torii. I should be fairly well seasoned and a few years wiser when I get my production email from Decware.

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by will on 03/04/25 at 14:38:26

Exciting! I bet you will love how tunable the MKIV is with tubes and settings. Every tube type and position will affect the sound in notable ways. I guess I have used most of them and variations of most of them, and you really can make "multiple amps" with different combinations!

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by 1stwattlife on 03/06/25 at 21:22:36

markfisher702 welcome to the forum! I feel like the community is half the fun... being able to chat with folks in real time AND having decades worth of adventurer's tales to draw from in such a specific niche is an awesome benefit. The mark IV and V are both amazing units, real tanks with the firepower to back them up and precision to do so spectacularly. It is awesome that you have found a stand-in for the wait period.

Are you new to tubes?

What is your signal chain like?'s a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Title: Re: First Time Decware Owner
Post by Markfisher702 on 03/07/25 at 03:09:06

Cheers, 1stWattLife and All. I started this round of hi-fi insanity (lifetime 4th cycle) with Rogue Cronus Magnum III. Spent a year maximizing it with a lot of rolling. Dig it a lot. Then snagged an Ayon Triton Evo (such a beautiful Austrian beast) which I also rolled heavily. Both great amps for me but my curiosity about Decware kept eating away at me until, in a classic moment of weakness and financial irresponsibility, I just caved and went for it. It’ll be very hard to sell but eventually, some gear will have to go. Check my sig for some front end details. I’m elated right now and haven’t even de-pelicaned my MkIV yet 😎.

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