
Message started by Lon on 03/06/25 at 13:59:39

Title: ZBIT2
Post by Lon on 03/06/25 at 13:59:39

A month or so ago I noticed there is a ZBIT2 that has two XLR inputs, switchable and each adjustable.

Percolation began in my brain and I realized that this would be a great item for my system--I could use it to handle the XLR output from both my DAC and my phono preamp . . . I put myself on the accelerated waiting list. I see no one has reported using one yet on the forum. . .

Title: Re: ZBIT2
Post by Bottlehead on 03/08/25 at 05:23:57

Thanks for the heads up, Lon. I didn’t know that there was such a thing on offer. You’re my link with the outside world.


Title: Re: ZBIT2
Post by Lon on 03/08/25 at 11:12:54

Yes, it's a very cool device for someone with more than one component with XLR output!

I love my current ZBIt with dual stepped attenuators and dual RCA output, but this will be very useful allowing to use the XLR output of my phono preamp as well with the ZROCK2.

Title: Re: ZBIT2
Post by Bottlehead on 03/09/25 at 01:51:12

Hey Lon,

I just ordered my ZBIT2. I added dual controls, and silver RCAs. Is that what you got?


Title: Re: ZBIT2
Post by Lon on 03/09/25 at 01:57:31

I added dual stepped attenuators and this time just went with the gold RCAs!

Title: Re: ZBIT2
Post by Bottlehead on 03/10/25 at 03:20:25

I went back and forth on both stepped attenuators, and silver/gold? silver/gold?, but in the end went smooth and silver. Hard to go wrong either way, I think.


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