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A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker (Read 3075 times)
Lonely Raven
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A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
01/11/17 at 19:36:58
So, some of you know I work down in Peoria two days a week; I do the three hour drive about 49 weeks a year, and have for more than three years now. Unfortunately my time down there looks like it's ending - along with my somewhat infrequent but fun afterwork visits to chat with Steve and listen to gear. So, knowing I have only two weeks left, I messaged Steve and asked if I can swing by to drop off my original Zen amp for some UFO treatment, as well as have a little listen to the New Omega Speaker....does it even have an official name yet? I didn't ask.

I'd love to just lay it all out and tell you they are great, fantastic, wonderful, go get em now(!) much I like I did with the ZMA. I have mixed feelings about the speakers, and about the listening we did last night due to some technical difficulties that cropped up in a weird way that detracted from my really delving into these speakers. Plus, as Steve and I usually do we got *way* off topic with our discussions and covered everything from giant wind chimes, to musical conspiracy theories, to how the pyramids were built to monoatomic gold powder. Then circled back to listening some more.

As usual, these are my opinions and aren't the views of Decware, disclaimer bla bla bla.

New Omega Speaker - Super Short Version
(because Palomino keeps pestering me)

Steve was joking about having a nice sword logo with a two sided blade on the front of the speaker - and I completely agree.
These speakers do something I've never heard another speaker do before (more on that later) They are Fast and Detailed, and have great high end extension...to the point that streaming radio was barely listenable. And we had some technical difficulties (no fault of the speakers) that caused the sound to just go to hell fast.  When Steve had vinyl playing, and when I played some of my demo tunes through his DAC, I heard some amazing sound with speed faster than any other cone based driver I've ever heard....not electrostat speed, but somewhere in between. But man are they unforgiving - hence the double edged sword comment.

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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #1 - 01/11/17 at 19:54:47
Thanks for the update!  You may now return to work.
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #2 - 01/11/17 at 20:08:44
I appreciate the honesty in the report; however, that review did not leave me wanting to hear them.
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Lonely Raven
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #3 - 01/11/17 at 21:19:28
Full version - More on the visit

So after I got settled in, and we chatted, I went in and Steve played some streaming radio...same stuff they usually have going all day long. I heard a bit of digital edge that was borderline grating. He had the ZenCD to ZTPRE to ZBIT converting XLR to RCA to the Prototype monoblocks that he's been listening to on and off for a little while...to the new Omega Speakers of course.  If I understand the monoblocks correctly, they are basically a scaled up Zen Monoblock using the Russian vacuum tube used in cold war fighterjets - the 6C33C

It sounded good overall, but unforgiving. I downloaded a few tracks off my NAS from home, dumped them on flash drive and loaded them into the ZenCD front USB port - Steve handed me his phone since he had the remote control app for the CD/DAC and I started the few tracks I grabbed.

Fanfare for the Common Man - that tympany hit at the beginning - it didn't have bass impact, nor did it have the HUGE scale that the Imperial SO did during Decfest - but that's what we expect from a pair of 4" speakers...what it did have though...timbre, accuracy, and speed. The second that big drum hit, I saw a tympany in front of me...I don't mean like holographic imaging, where the sound takes up space in the room, no, it was like it was so very accurate of a representation of that drum, that I instantly pictured it in my head. I could hear the skin, the metal, and even the wobble of the head after the impact.  It did take up some space in the room, it felt dead center and accurately sized, but it wasn't holographic...it was just very accurate.  Steve and I felt that with some tweaking and room treatment, we could also get that holographic imaging on top of timbre accuracy.  Then the horns rolled in and they sounded rich, and you could hear the individual horns. But then I started to hear a little bit of a wobble in the sound (more on this later)

Dup Dup - Project Trio - Beatboxing Flute, Cello, and Double Bass. Well recorded and very dynamic. You could hear the wood, the strings, the bow. And with the Decware setup it was timbre and timing perfect, so much so that the reverb seemed to be an instrument on it's own. But I noticed a little distortion on a couple bass notes (more on this later)

Summertime - Wailin Jennys - I could clearly hear each voice as separate entities, and spaced apart...normally they are kind of on top of each other and kind of a harmony blur. This recording is pretty hot, and their is a hint of distortion and some microphone sibilance in the recording...I'm completely aware of this as I've heard this tune literally hundreds of times at this point. On a detailed system those "esssses" can be a bit sharp, and on a bad system it's grating...a warm /rounded system this kinda gets glazed over to the point it disappears (IMHO a bad thing since if it's glazing over that...what else am I missing?). When Palomino had his streaming software setup all wonky, this was unlistenable to me; when it was right, I get really drawn in and goosebumps.  On typical single driver full range speakers, the sibilance jumps out, even on my Betsy speakers which roll off the top end. With the Omegas, I could hear the sibilance in the recording, but it made me realize there was a different, driver specific sibilance way up higher in the frequency range.  I also felt the Omegas seemed to throw the sound into the room in a big way like my Betsys do, but with much more high frequency information and spacial cues!

Alt-J - Intro - Interlude - Tesselate
These are the tracks that sold me on the ZMA - we've got vocal harmonies, haunting piano, weird distortion cymbal sounding thing, heavy drumbeats, and a giant bass sax. I love this album. It can get intense with all the layering and I've heard some systems start to trip over themselves trying to reproduce everything at once. I heard great vocal and instrument separation, spacial cues, and then it all started going to shit...I thought it was my imagination, but it sounded like the speakers were being overwhelmed by how much was going on. I dialed the sound down and moved on to the last track.

Money (cover) by Secret machines -
This is a simple track with great dynamics, right up to the limit of the recording. slow, rock style drums, keyboard, and vocals with guitar with lots of reverb.

The left channel was blatting with each bass note. I paused the system, backed up a couple songs, lowered the volume, and went through again...sure enough, I heard warble, ,speakers tripping over themselves, and now left channel was making a blatting sound. It sounded like a blown speaker, and getting worse with each bass hit. Steve comes in and I'm like...Oh Crap, I blew up another piece of Steve's gear (remember my late night OTL experience a couple years ago). I'm thinking this is literally my last visit to Decware. LOL

We swapped speaker cables left to right, and the problem followed the speaker cable and the blaty sound moved to the right speaker. Whew...this wasn't my fault! YES!  Long story short, after futzing with each piece of equipment, cable, even swapping left and right channels at the amp, which somehow improved the sound(!?) we kept hearing varying degress of suck. I finally asked Steve to bring in a ZMA, and just go straight out of the ZenCD via balanced to the ZMA, to the Omega speakers...which is how I would have done it, but Steve has his thing going so I didn't ask him to change it till we had problems. We never really found the source, but our guestamate is that it was a failing tube on the ZTPRE, and it got worse by the second near the end.

So, Omega speakers with ZMA direct from the ZenCD.

Yeah, the sound was more "honest" - it was clear that being more direct (fewer cables and hardware in the path) gets me closer to the recording...but it was flat. It lost some of the life and liquidity that had me all excited with the first few tracks till failing tube flushed it all down the toilet.  I was disheartened and really tired at this point. I wanted to explore this setup a bit more, crank the volume, push the Omegas with the ZMA...but I basically bliped each track for about 5 seconds till I got to the end (some tracks were missing from my USB for some reason) and shrugged. I was just too tired and the sound while more honest just lost something great that we had before. It felt like I had discovered the meaning of life in a dream, but woke up and couldn't remember what it was. I was just too exhausted to continue.

Got some cuddle time with the new Decware kitteh.  :)

So - again, I have mixed feelings about these speakers - I think I heard what they were capable of, and it was pretty amazing, though precarious. That speed and detail come at a price. I think that some people who aren't going to take the time to break these in, or will use an edgy source or  strident amplifier will pan these speakers because they just won't really hear what they are capable of. I think with a good amp (thinking Zen or Rachel) and a smoother source (like my DirectStream), and maybe the ZTPre to ride the gain to get that presence I heard....plus some very specific placement and room treatments....I think these could be near holy grail speakers with the timbre and speed and hopefully holographic imaging. Oh yeah, and a subwoofer, because the bass seems to drop like a rock below 55hz. But we expected that, didn't we.   Grin
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
Lonely Raven
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #4 - 01/11/17 at 21:42:53
Also - since we were talking about tube storage in another thread, I saw Steve had this setup and had to take photos. He said he didn't want to sound like he was bragging, so he didn't post it...I'm like, that's OK, I will! LOL

Apparently his "good tubes" were getting left around the shop by the guys when they were testing amps. Steve has Demo Amps, but doesn't really have his own private amps apparently.  So he needed a place to store his good tubes, or alternate sets or whatever. So he put this slick setup together.

Of course, I had to dig in and see what these alternate tubes are for the ZMA. Turns out to be some PSVANE KT-88, part of their T Series Mark II.  Steve said they are expensive, but good.

I used my highly tuned Google-Fu to track down the cabinet he used. He said it was about $80. It's a little bit more on Amazon with "free" Prime Shipping.


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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #5 - 01/11/17 at 23:16:00
OK, I gotsa know something. In the very first photo in this thread, my eyes are drawn to the mallet on top of the DNA and wondering what the hell?
Do the Omega's need to be beat into submission? Is that how Steve keeps control of conversations? Is it some kind of super secret acoustic device?
This old farm boy needs to know!
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #6 - 01/12/17 at 00:48:42
Nice tube collection.
I think that's the best way to store tubes if you are lucky enough to own such a vast collection.

Oh, and what are those monoblocks?  Have I missed something?
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #7 - 01/12/17 at 02:34:23
Here's a foolish name:

Decware Gonzalez'


Corey  :)

P.S.  Tell us about the HDT MKII's in the picture Raven!  That doesn't look like the Silver Flute 8!
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WWW   IP Logged
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #8 - 01/12/17 at 03:27:10
and that don't look like no kitteh either!  you two drinkin'?  

thks for the trip report LR!
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #9 - 01/12/17 at 14:16:40
LR...what a great and honest review!!

The pics you posted on Steve's demo tubes in the drawer is definitely "tube porn"... Totally awesome!!
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #10 - 01/12/17 at 14:53:17

I'm thinking the mallet is a behavior management tool.

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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #11 - 01/12/17 at 15:14:24
Ahhhh, had a heck of Listening session with a bottle of my best Italia Chianti, yesterday (day off)! I would not change a thing...... . Except, for buying more tubes. If I did not have a pair of NOS Plat' Popes/Amperex Bugle Boys coming...and traveling South Texas to party for ten days.....I would get these:

......maybe come May!  
Yes, nice affordable storage for those tubes. Thanks for the report LR, too.

I do have Pill PAC - S, coming for my DVR to output with some of my favorite mid-fi IC's.
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #12 - 01/12/17 at 15:19:00
Roll Eyes Tongue GrinHey, wait a second! KT88's in my ZMA?
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Room Treats-M.Green & mine
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Illuminati D60
Shunyata Z-Alpha DigPcord
Decware ZDSD DAC
Kimber Select KS1030
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Kimber Select KS6063
Acoustic Zen Adagio/Modified
Kimber PK10 Palladian from wall
to PS Audio P3
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Lonely Raven
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #13 - 01/12/17 at 18:01:58
OK, I gotsa know something. In the very first photo in this thread, my eyes are drawn to the mallet on top of the DNA and wondering what the hell?
Do the Omega's need to be beat into submission? Is that how Steve keeps control of conversations? Is it some kind of super secret acoustic device?
This old farm boy needs to know!

Remember how I said Steve and I were chatting about pyramids and conspiracy theories and *Giant Windchimes*. Yeah, I wasn't kidding about the giant wind chimes. Somehow I didn't get a photo of them, but he built from scratch a set of aluminum wind chimes that he tuned to an ancient scale starting at 173hz I think it was...making the largest chime about 4" diameter and 48" long! That hammer had a felt pad added and he uses it as a chime mallet. I had lots of questions and he let me play a bit...I intentionally left that mallet in the photo.  ;)

Basically it was another chat session where Steve expounds on his mad scientist musings and experiments and I sit there with a big damn fool grin asking questions and interjecting when some of my limited knowledge crosses over with what he's learned.

Oh, and what are those monoblocks?  Have I missed something?

Just one of his ongoing projects that started out with a "what if" idea...I think he may have even had a bet with Dave who is a master amp builder.

I absolutely love Steve's one of a kind OTL amp, and if these monoblocks come to fruition, I would have to try and figure out how to own them. He's not really done with them, but from what I heard they sounded damn good. Like a 15 watt Zen amp with the liquidity of those big Russian tubes. They aren't OTl luscious, but there is something special about those tubes.

P.S.  Tell us about the HDT MKII's in the picture Raven!  That doesn't look like the Silver Flute 8!

I'm not super familiar with these speakers, and they never really stole my heart in the past. But Steve said he happened to find a couple of the original Radio shack woofers on eBay, NOS, and I'm not sure where the tweets came from but he said something about them being Bose. He said he wanted to reflect back to how these speakers sounded back when he first designed/built them 20 years ago (he may have said 30?). Basically listening back to where it all started, with today's ears and gear.  Oddly enough, those little Bose tweeters had a speed/sound quite similiar to the new Omega speakers...so it was kind of one of those Zen moments where everything came full circle.  

The pics you posted on Steve's demo tubes in the drawer is definitely "tube porn"... Totally awesome!!

Yeah, I couldn't resist the photos, it was just too sexy to pass up!

and that don't look like no kitteh either!  you two drinkin'?

Steve was - but I don't think he's once offered any to me. Probably for the better, it smelled expensive. LOL  Besides, I had a 3 hour drive home.  I was very tempted to ask him for a dram or three, but as tired as I was, I would have spent the night on the couch with the cat.  LOL
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #14 - 01/12/17 at 22:41:19
What is holographic imaging?  Have I ever heard it?  Not sure!


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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #15 - 01/12/17 at 23:22:55
Thanks for the interesting review.  I've heard the term "honest" mentioned with those speakers many times as well, but I've never heard the RS5 drivers myself.  I imagine low to moderate volumes with the smooth Zen Triode amp + a more romantic/smooth DAC would be a great combo for them.
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Steve Deckert

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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #16 - 01/13/17 at 02:41:54
Hi everyone, and my apologies for not offering LR a drink... I just didn't want him driving under the influence all the way back to Chicago. That said, LR, any time you want to do another evening and just crash on the couch, drinks will be on me - and I'll make the effort to get some good beer.

OK, a few thoughts.

The first thing that comes to mind is that LR is easily rattled when things don't sound good. I am as well, however my ability to recover and soldier on is a little more honed.

There was a reason why the first thing I really played was a good Stockfish LP on my vinyl rig into some warmed up amps. The reason was that you wanted to hear the speakers, and you did. From that point on when we switched to digital, things were good but not as good because the resolution of the speakers magnifies the difference between the two sources (LP and DAC).  

Along the way a tube in the preamp started to act up in the left channel which of course threw everything off.  Anytime a sudden shift from bliss to piss occurs it is an loud page out to father murphy who's name I still refuse to capitalize.

Removing the preamp meant we were using a bone stock $400 Tascam CD player which is a far cry from my vinyl rig. This further confused the situation one problem traded for another. Changing amplifiers from a warmed up pair of triodes to an ice cold ZMA that hasn't been played since Decfest was certain to be another step down and it was.

With the resolution these speakers have you can not go from warmed up triodes and 10K vinyl rig to cold amp directly connected to $400 CD player.

I have since investigated the preamp and found the questionable tube. At the same time I did this, I have left the ZMA in and it has played all day.

I noticed today when re-tubing the preamp that I was able to hear things in the top end performance of the tubes that went unnoticed on the other speakers. After re-tubing it and eliminating the edgy tubes the speakers are sounding wonderful all day on internet streams feeding the ZTPRE feeding the ZMA.  

The exact same sequence of events could have taken place on other speakers and been perhaps only half as noticeable with the exception of the bass issue that resulted from the bad tube.

These speakers are magnifiers. They make good into really BIG GOOD, and they make bad into really BIG BAD, but if you keep you cool, this becomes a valuable tool for keeping your system in top shape as little problems are now easily heard. Moral of the story is that if there are not problems there will be no bad sound.

Having played the drums during the first 10 years of Decware I can say that the snare drum sounds more real on these speakers than should be possible. I would say the same for the bass guitar which is at least tonight digging well below 50Hz.  It's so enjoyable Smiley

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WWW   IP Logged
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #17 - 01/13/17 at 04:46:28
Hey Steve, what is your vinyl rig?
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Lonely Raven
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #18 - 01/13/17 at 17:10:59
What is holographic imaging?  Have I ever heard it?  Not sure!


I would hazard to say that 98% of audiophiles, even those with $100k systems haven't heart truly holographic imaging.  And I'm not even sure that white paper you linked to describes it fully...or maybe my expectations/demands are higher than 99.5% of the listeners...and I blame Steve and his listening room almost 20 years ago for that!

Let me see if I can explain what I feel is holographic, compared to simply just "soundstage"...and I'll throw in spacial cues to round off my thoughts.

Soundstage I'm sure we've all heard. That's where the two speakers project the sound and our brain perceives *location* of the instruments. The sound isn't glued to the speakers, it appears to throw an image into the room...drummer sound back-center, piano taking up space outside and to the left of the speaker, Sax just inside the speaker. Double bass sounding big and upfront off the right speaker, and the vocalist voice emanating between the speakers, hopefully even at an appropriate height.  We *perceive* location because of microphone position and how the clever sound engineer positions (pans) the sound left to right - and our brain hears that difference in volume and translates that to location.

Spacial Cues - when things are right in our system and room, we can hear *into* the recording better. Lower noise floor, good (even) frequency at the listening position, and timing (or more specifically  lack of time smearing) give us more detail. When we have that micro-detail we hear more than just the instruments and their place in the soundstage; we start hearing reverberations that give added information about the space the instruments were recorded in, their location *in* that space, and their size. Your room disappears, and that recording overlays in it's place.

Holographic Imaging - When the frequency, timing, timbre, and spacial cues all come together, your clever ears/brain have all this information to process; more (accurate!) information allows the clever brain to perceive a more fully rendered image of what you're listening to...the instruments don't just have a location in the room (e.g Soundstage with width, depth, and height), they start actually taking up space in the room.  I've actually heard sound so *there* in the room, that I felt I could go up and walk around it! And to me, that is holographic. It's like watching regular standard definition TV then seeing properly done 4K TV - it's just more lifelike as if it's there with you.

One odd example of this, going back to my listening session as Steve's old place with all the diffusers in the room; I put on Van Halen's Fair Warning album. Just a $200 Denon CD, Zen amp, and Steve's completely inert two way towers in a room full of diffusers with one chair.  I had so much spacial information, that I could hear the distance of the microphone from Eddie's guitar cabinet...each instrument and voice took up a physical space in the room, completely separate from one another without any overlapping - almost like each track on the tape took up a column of air claimed as its own. And the final kicker, when the chorus came on, I could literally and distinctly hear the four of them crowded around a single microphone, lean in, belt out the chorus, then lean back!

I've never heard holographic imaging to that level since - and it's why I prosthelytize diffusers so much. A good diffuser like a QRD diffuser helps with frequency response at the listening position, as well as causes a slight time delay in the reflected sound which allows our clever brain to hear the source soundwave better over the reflected sound. When we have  all these direct reflections bashing into the source soundwave and other reflections, we get a smearing of the timing and direction of the source, plus a bunch of slices missing (or boosted) in the frequency spectrum.

Palomino's room is close. We've heard into the recordings, we've heard the rooms the recordings were in, and sound starting to take up space in the room. It gets to the point where you close your eyes, and in your minds eye you go look closer at the sound in the room...what I think Steve refers to as "out of body" listening. I totally get it.
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
Lonely Raven
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #19 - 01/13/17 at 17:20:36
Hi everyone, and my apologies for not offering LR a drink... I just didn't want him driving under the influence all the way back to Chicago. That said, LR, any time you want to do another evening and just crash on the couch, drinks will be on me - and I'll make the effort to get some good beer.

No worries boss, I was just teasing. I'm not much of a beer drinker, and you like IPAs.  :P

The first thing that comes to mind is that LR is easily rattled when things don't sound good. I am as well, however my ability to recover and soldier on is a little more honed.

Agreed, especially when it started out so good(!) and I was pretty exhausted. I really wanted more time to explore, but I felt my focus ebbing. When my focus is gone, I'm a crap listener. Just ask my ex. LOL

Removing the preamp meant we were using a bone stock $400 Tascam CD player which is a far cry from my vinyl rig. This further confused the situation one problem traded for another. Changing amplifiers from a warmed up pair of triodes to an ice cold ZMA that hasn't been played since Decfest was certain to be another step down and it was.

With the resolution these speakers have you can not go from warmed up triodes and 10K vinyl rig to cold amp directly connected to $400 CD player.

I have since investigated the preamp and found the questionable tube. At the same time I did this, I have left the ZMA in and it has played all day.

I noticed today when re-tubing the preamp that I was able to hear things in the top end performance of the tubes that went unnoticed on the other speakers. After re-tubing it and eliminating the edgy tubes the speakers are sounding wonderful all day on internet streams feeding the ZTPRE feeding the ZMA.  

The exact same sequence of events could have taken place on other speakers and been perhaps only half as noticeable with the exception of the bass issue that resulted from the bad tube.

I absolutely agree - sorry if I made it seem like you needed to come in for damage control - I tried to make it clear that with the technical difficulties I didn't feel I could give these a resounding YES!

The fact is I'm still thinking about the sound I heard. I've never heard a cone speaker do what those did. I've been daydreaming about what I could do with them in Tom's room, either with his Rachel or my ZMA. It's the sound I was hoping my Blue Zu Audio speakers were going to produce - and I'm thinking maybe it's time I move them on and try out some Omega...
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #20 - 01/14/17 at 13:27:04
Sounds like a SOTA speaker to me, saving up for this one. Smiley
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Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #21 - 01/17/17 at 14:22:50

We should probably take this to another thread but I agree with Raven.  I am close in my room and continue to work on it.  This weekend I added diffusers to the ceiling, turned some diffusers to a horizontal position and stacked diffusers on top of diffusers.  It increased the size of my soundstage and moved the central image higher (like a vocal).  This helps with special cues.

There is a Chesky disk that has a track I think is called general resolution and *something* test (I forget) which is just several people whooping and doing some percussion that gives you an example of it in  a well tuned room.

They start out in the back of a large room, come towards you and one of them walks around you.  Then they go back and exit out a door on your right (door slams) You get positioning front to back, side to side and the spatial cues Raven talks about.

If that recording simply goes right to left without depth and cues as to the size of the room, you don't have holographic imaging.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 2491
Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #22 - 01/17/17 at 14:24:15
P.S. to tie it back into the thread, that's what interests me about these speakers.  Their ability to contribute to holographic imaging.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
sucks why continue?

Posts: 6317
Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #23 - 01/18/17 at 05:13:08
Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #17 - 01/12/17 at 10:46pm Modify Split this thread starting with this message as the first one of a new topic thread Remove Hey Steve, what is your vinyl rig?

It is a Teres table with a Fidelity Research silver wired arm and cartridge into a ZMC1 feeding a ZP3 feeding a ZSTAGE directly feeding whatever amp I set there.

You can do a search on "teres turntables" on Google Images and see all of their wonderful tables.

Here is a a description of it on the web site:  https://www.decware.com/myroom/myroom.htm

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
sucks why continue?

Posts: 6317
Re: A Visit To Decware - Jan 2017 - New Omega Speaker
Reply #24 - 01/22/17 at 18:31:22
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