I’m just in awe of the final tweaking and how things have just fell into place. My lord the sound is just jaw dropping intoxication.
Room: 20x24x8 GIK, ASC, and RPG treated
Preamp: James Burgess 6SL7 based
Schiit Loki Max
Amplifiers: These are my top three reference amplifiers
James Burgess 45 with custom MQ iron
Paul Birkeland 2a3/300b 2.5v monoblocks with custom MQ iron
Steve Deckert "Sarah" 300b
Digital: Eversolo DMP-a6 streamer, Z8 DAC, to a Decware Zbit
40 terabytes of Hi-Rez files (no mp3) including over 4,800 DSD albums
Analog: Modified Audio Technica DD TT, and arm
Softone model 4 phono pre
Teac 3340s, Crown CX 700 and 800 series, Otari MTR-10 with direct output from heads to a Decware tape head preamp
Tascam 122 mkIII cassette machine
Speakers: Decware HDTv2 speakers with Lii Audio Silver 8 drivers....... No crossover full range... 7 feet from the front wall
SVS SB-1000 PRO subs