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Advice Recording LPs/other on to Reel to Reel (Read 2578 times)
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Advice Recording LPs/other on to Reel to Reel
12/15/19 at 16:49:21
So I am a R2R beginner and a tube amp virgin. Currently record LPs on to R2R via vintage Pioneer SX-1050 receiver.  Very straight forward and no problem. I am now awaiting my Rachael and ZP3 with tape option installed to be delivered and wondering about proper set up and function. Seems like playback is straightforward, I unplug the TT input cables from the ZP3 and replace them with the R2R input cables AND also change switch settings on the ZP3 from LP to Tape. Hopefully I am right about that?  

Now for recording LPs and other media using the Rachael and ZP3 unto the R2R this is where it gets fuzzy. I admit, if I actually had both the Rachael and ZP3 in my possession I could try different configurations but I am posing this question to make sure I am ready to go when my Rachael and ZP3 arrive (also making sure I didn’t screw up my understanding of the use of the equipment).

My assumption is that unlike my Pioneer receiver, the Rachael will not have any switches to create a Tape Loop for recording and then switch to playback without plugging/unplugging cables. That being said, I imagine that to record LPs I will leave the TT input cables plugged into the ZP3, BUT then the output cables from the ZP3 will then be plugged directly into the R2R AND then from the R2R I then run output cables directly to the Rachael.  Is that right? I think this creates the Tape Loop to record LPs and also listen to the playback via the Racheal (either headphones or speakers).

If the above is correct, then I assume that to record other media unto R2R, I simply put the R2R so that it receives the output cables from that media (e.g. CD player) and then the output cables from R2R goes the Rachael?  

More info on my R2R, my unit is a Technics RS-1506 modified with RCA jacks wired directly to the playback head.  

Hopefully, I am thinking about this correctly. Any advice would be very much appreciated.  Thx.
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Re: Advice Recording LPs/other on to Reel to Reel
Reply #1 - 12/16/19 at 03:00:56
Get a component switch box. I don’t have the mod done to my R2R, but I use one of the switch box outs as an input to the R2R, and then out from the R2R to one of my amp inputs. The other switch box out goes to the other amp input using the source selection switch on the switch box.

I use the Bereford TC-7240, but Decware makes one too.

Hope this helps,

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Re: Advice Recording LPs/other on to Reel to Reel
Reply #2 - 12/24/19 at 07:39:51
Thank you Geno, I will give that a try. Happy holidays to you. I really appreciate your reply.
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Re: Advice Recording LPs/other on to Reel to Reel
Reply #3 - 02/28/25 at 03:42:15
Hi Joe,
I'm working on a similar set up. Did this work for you? I'm new to all this and I'm slowly learning.
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