Stuff happens over time, and here is the story of my DNA2 cabinets and speakers. The cabinets were a challenge to build but worth the time. In short, I have tried at least 3 different drivers in them, and all had their strong points. In fact, one of the last drivers that I used was an Audio Nirvana 8" that I have for sale. Point is this. I was not thinking about changing drivers for a very long time. I really liked the AN drivers. Thing is, a customer of mine had me make some speakers for him using Scan Speak drivers that are a new reality to me for audio, it seems. When I broke them in and he came to get them, it was hard to forget what they sounded like. Turns out, he pays me with two new 7" Scan Speakers drivers sent to my door! He expected me to build two more cabinets, but you know where this going. I had to hear them in the DNA2 cabinets. Truth is, I thought had too much bass emphasis in the other cabinets. Don't worry, these somehow make incredible music like I have never heard before from bottom to, well almost top. Dam, yes, they need a tweeter to finish the job. Fortunately for me, my hearing doesn't require the very best money can buy, and so I chose an inexpensive Scan Speak horn loaded tweeter. The upside here is that the diameter of this tweeter is pretty common, so I can 'upgrade' to a seriously (expensive) tweeter if I want. I did the same thing with the L/R 2 way crossover. No way is it the last statement for crossovers, but it too, can be changed out as I get richer.
So the mounting of this tweeter wasn't so hard or anything, but when I do something, it seems that I always have extra steps involved, making a little project take days in the making.
Here is a shot of the tweeter mounted, awaiting the crossover to be made and applied. BTW, this cabinet is my favorite by far for bass, even though I sometimes use a sub for some music. is the farthest that I can get with images. Can someone please make this 'thing' into a picture for me?