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Crossover capacitors (Read 12409 times)
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Crossover capacitors
02/11/20 at 03:59:18
Does anybody have any experience combining a lower quality capacitor with a higher quality capacitor to get the sonic qualities of the higher quality capacitor. The crossover needs a 33uF cap. I was thinking of using a 30uF lower quality with a 3.3uF high quality cap.
I've searched the Internet forums and there doesn't seem to be a consensus. I would like to try the Duelund RS 3.3uF. But don't want to wast the money if its a placebo effect.
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #1 - 02/11/20 at 08:13:01
I have experimented with caps over the last 6-7 years relatively regularly, with my HR1s tweeters with caps, bypass caps, and resistors 1st. Then I got into methodically modifying my Torii and CSP3. After about 3.5 years, having more-or-less finished the amps, I started back on my HR1 speakers after updating them to Bob's latest version. I came up with a way to make my crossover plate removable from the outside, and Bob agreed to set it up for me. So now I have been playing with my HR mid-bass driver crossover and internal wires too, while refining the tweeter caps, and doing some final refinements in my amps, mostly resistors and wires.

The difference from your situation is that none of these caps are very high value, and I can use a lot of the same caps on speakers or amps. My mixes on the speakers, and in one important amp position, start with a 3.3 uF caps. Being able to use them on my tweeter, mid driver, and input section power supply of the Torii, I have been able to try a number of caps in multiple positions. And the same with bypass caps...I use them about everywhere I can... so lots of them!

Before getting into the Torii and CSP3, I was playing for years with variations on my speaker tweeters, getting a good feel for different decent caps, several 3.3s mixed with many small value caps for bypasses. On the tweeter I like a 3.8 -3.9 uF value, so I could buy pretty nice base caps, and nicer bypasses without even approaching Duelund costs. Having gotten quite a few nice mid-grade caps for tweeter bypass experiments, I was ready to see how they did when I started bypassing my electrolytic caps in my amps.

I guess you have seen the humble homemade hifi evaluations? I agree more-or-less with much of what he found. http://www.humblehomemadehifi.com/Cap.html

Finally, I have had a lot of luck mixing caps in parallel to make a better larger value cap. Some mix better than others, but the cool thing is, with complimentary combinations, this has always worked for me, the combo cap better than the original would have been in a higher value. I have not tried it, but I suspect even a (good quality) 3.3, and 0.33, and a 0.1 of the same cap wired in parallel would sound quite a bit better than a 3.7 of the same cap...giving more fine detail, space, and associated textures and spacial information. There is something to splitting up the work by taking advantage of refinements from decreasing frequency ranges each smaller cap supports...working on less of the range, so doing it better. In my experience, a decent 0.1 cap will reveal the limited range it works on better than a higher value cap of the same make can. So what some folks call "controversial" or psychoacoustic opinion relative to bypassing, does not match my experience....not even close. For me careful bypassing, no matter where, has been a huge support for ultimate realism and beauty.  

Especially in my amps, but also quite useful on my tweeters, I went further, using many 0.047 - 0.0047. Lots of those were 0.01s and 0.022s bypassing 0.1 up to 0.33 bypasses, making notable refinements in complex detail, higher frequencies and space.

Which leads to your question....I think your track makes good sense. Bypassing a lesser high value cap with one, or better in many cases, a sequence of low value caps of a higher quality, can really work.

In fact, to me, when it works, a combo cap with a decent base cap, and better quality bypasses, can be way better in a given position than either of the mix, and I suspect as good or better than many single very high grade caps. I can't say for sure though, as I have not tried Duelund caps, Jupiter Coppers the highest cost caps I have tried.

The great thing about mixing is you can do it to taste. Each good sounding cap having particular good areas of revelation, you can really get refined by carefully mixing ones that excel in some areas, with others that excel in other areas. Trial and error can result in combinations with really nice balance and complexity. And having lots of places to explore bypasses and coupling caps in my amps, it has been interesting how cap's sonic qualities conveyed between amp and speakers pretty well. Not exactly, but pretty well.

Right now for my tweeters I have a Jupiter VT 3.3, bypassed with a 0.22 Miflex copper oil (these are "realer" sounding to me than Jupiter coppers), Jantzen Superior 0.33, and a 0.022 Miflex poly film/copper. Four caps is crazy maybe, but having messed around as much as I have with caps, I have a lot around, and this was a way to get the value I wanted while mixing known cap sounds, and with a nice sequence of values. I got lucky, and it created a beautiful smooth, revealing and complex balance with my ribbon tweeters.

Which reminds me. In my setup, and with this tweeter, the VTs and Miflex Copper Oils sound more open and revealing, less thick, with the cap ground line going to the positive speaker post...just a heads that testing directions can help.

On my mid driver crossover, after several experiments with other caps, I followed the coil from the hot wire with a Jantzen Superior 3.3, and a Clarity MR 1.5 parallel. The combo is 4.8, pretty close to the original 4.7 cap between the coil and negative post. I wanted a little more liveliness from the mid driver, so Bob suggested putting a low value resistor after the cap. Having tried several types and values, I ended up with a Duelund 10 watt, 3 ohm silver resistor between cap and negative post, reducing the intensity of the cap effect, and opening up the mid driver enough to create a balance with the other drivers that I prefer. I have a few more caps and resistors to try in this position, but am so happy with what I am getting, I have not changed anything for a few months.

All that said, I am ignorant about big film caps that are affordable and mix well. Do you know Jeff and soniccraft? If not, he would likely be a good one to ask for a quality base cap that won't break the bank, and good bypasses. He handles Miflex too!

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Jeff of Arabica
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #2 - 02/11/20 at 08:35:47
Do you know Jeff and soniccraft? If not, he would likely be a good one to ask for a quality base cap that won't break the bank, and good bypasses. He handles Miflex too!

I have purchased a ton of stuff from Jeff at Sonic Craft, including several Miflex copper foil & oil caps that I recently used in my Tannoy Westminster cross over network rebuilds.  These Miflex caps are divine.  I also prefer their sound to the Jupiter Copper & Foil, and they are slightly cheaper.
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Jadis JA-30 MKII//ZMA//Zen Ultra//Waversa DAC3//ModWright Oppo UDP-205//EMM Labs DS-EQ1//DS Audio DS-003//FFYX T1803 TT//SonoruS Reel-to-Reel & tube playback preamp//Pipedreams Reference 21 Speakers
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #3 - 02/11/20 at 16:09:50
Pricing in interesting on the Miflex. The lower value Miflex Copper/Oils, ones I use for bypassing and coupling caps, are way cheaper than Jupiter Coppers, and they begin to get closer as they get bigger.
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Verified Member

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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #4 - 02/11/20 at 18:26:52
Thanks Will
Thats a great response, I have been reading the Humble thread. I found another article yesterday ( can't remember where) on designing crossovers where the author said that building caps from smaller values to reach the desired value resulted in a lower ERS and better sonics! Currently reading the Audiocircle thread on "My capacitor comparison" Lots of good feedback.
Jeff The Miflex KPCU get great reviews. The price gets expensive on the larger uF.  10uF is 356 CDN.
" Jeffs Place" article on updating his Tannoy Westminster with Deuland caps is interesting. They sound like beautiful speakers.
I think I will build the cap from 3 10 uF "base" caps and add the 3.3uF premium cap.
Still not sure which ones but the Audience Auricap XO is recommended by Humble as a favourite. Copper foil and very reasonably priced. 10 uF is 51 CDN
The other alternative is the new Duelund metalized Mylar. Very reasonable. Cant find a review on them though. But I don't think Duelund would sell a lousy cap. Duelund Mylar 15 uF is 90 CDN. The 10 is slightly less.
Regardless it adds up fast.
Thanks for the help Will, your experience has convinced me to try this path.

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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #5 - 02/12/20 at 00:48:18
You are welcome Keith. Having tried plain Auricaps, and not loving them, I have been temped by the XOs but not tried them. The Humble HiFi review makes the XO sound like it solves issues I had with the original ones, if I am remembering correctly, finding them too dense in the mids, with a veiled pseudo "warmth" that was contributed to by detail and space being dense also....not complex enough for me. The combination I found defeating for a natural and complete sound. The XO explanation sounds good to me also though!

Burnin is a killer for me anymore, so I finally got a FryBaby2. Not quite as good as music, but having used it on loads of caps, resistors, and cables, I find it gets me most of the way there, solving the painful parts of burnin for me. With caps, I try and leave them on it for 3 weeks or more. Then after a day or two with music they sound quite good, and as things refine with music, it is fun!

I hope you will let us know what you end up with and how you like it.
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Senior Member

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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #6 - 02/12/20 at 02:06:09
+1 for Miflex
I did all anniversary mods for the Z1kit amp Steve posted online using Miflex copper caps. You can try to get them direct from Miflex certified dealer... audiomiflex.pl

Would need to send email direct that way you could save some money on Gst... sale outside EU wave gst. 10uf - 266 cad that way...
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #7 - 02/12/20 at 04:11:12
Will I'll Let you know where I settle, it looks like 2 Duelund 15uF Metalized Mylar and a 3.3 uF Duelund RS per side. It seems to be the most budget friendly combination. Haven't hit the buy button yet. Still seems like a lot of money.

Radarek, Thanks for the link, I will send them a note. Thats a good price. They are over 400 CDN at Hificollective.

The Miflex web site has a picture of the Decware Ultra.!!!!!!!  

As to the burn in, I kinda of enjoy it. Now!  When I got the MK IV it sounded horrible. Steve talked to me and explained the burn in. Ran it all day when I had the chance and was working in a back room. every now and then it would bloom for a few minutes and then go back to rough. It was fascinating listening to it change.

But I have to admit the caps that were originally in these speakers were pretty harsh.  Female vocals were piercing.  

The speakers are the PAP Trio Horn 15's. Changed the cap to a Mundorf Supreme Silver Oil, which took the edge off the vocals. Most dramatic change Ive heard from changing a cap. Opened everything up. The drivers and cross took about 200 hrs to settle in. I am hearing things Ive never heard on well known recordings. the bass is tight, fast, detailed with great tone, which changes with the recording. definitely not 1 tone drivers. And in a fairly small space they don't overload the room.

It's the first time Ive really heard the Church in the original Trinity Sessions.

The best part is the quality of the music between 60 and 70 db. full rich music !! Really taken with these. Beautiful decay.

Any way, the clarity has me wanting to see how good it can get with different caps.  Hear what the horn is really capable of.

I would love a full Complement of the Jupiters, Miflex or Duelunds, but that is about 2.3k per side. Always something more to spend money on in this hobby LOL

They have let the ZMA shine.   [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Would love to hear these on a couple of UFO 25's strapped to mono. But that is not in the budget.

Cheers, all the best, and thanks for the help.
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Jeff of Arabica
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #8 - 02/12/20 at 06:00:53
Jeff The Miflex KPCU get great reviews. The price gets expensive on the larger uF.  10uF is 356 CDN.

As you may know being familiar with Jeff Day's Tannoy crossover upgrades, I purchased (2) of those MiFlex 10uF capacitor for the low frequency crossovers.  What is more astonishing than the price, is the size!  

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Jadis JA-30 MKII//ZMA//Zen Ultra//Waversa DAC3//ModWright Oppo UDP-205//EMM Labs DS-EQ1//DS Audio DS-003//FFYX T1803 TT//SonoruS Reel-to-Reel & tube playback preamp//Pipedreams Reference 21 Speakers
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #9 - 02/12/20 at 07:00:58
Jeff those are Huge. I had no idea they were that big. Thanks for posting that. Makes the price seem reasonable.
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #10 - 02/12/20 at 07:02:35
Can you post more pics of the build?
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #11 - 02/12/20 at 14:12:33
Keith, Sounds like a nice setup and that you are getting great sound now!

10 uF Miflex...Wow! Thanks for putting up that pic Jeff.
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Jeff of Arabica
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #12 - 02/12/20 at 15:15:07
Sure thing Keith....

Here is the schematic for the LF crossover:

Old LF crossover

New LF Crossover

Here is the HF crossover schematic:

Old HF crossover

New HF crossover (with the Miflex 3.9uF crossovers installed in the background as they were too big for the board)

The reason for all of the resistors in the HF crossover network is because of these switchable treble controls.  So, of the bank of (5) resistors on each side of the board, only (1) on each side is engaged at any given time based on the two adjustment controls.  

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Jadis JA-30 MKII//ZMA//Zen Ultra//Waversa DAC3//ModWright Oppo UDP-205//EMM Labs DS-EQ1//DS Audio DS-003//FFYX T1803 TT//SonoruS Reel-to-Reel & tube playback preamp//Pipedreams Reference 21 Speakers
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #13 - 02/12/20 at 18:43:03

How you like the sound now? How much of the difference?

Worth the upgrade?

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Jeff of Arabica
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #14 - 02/12/20 at 22:51:19
I spent about $2300 in parts for both speakers for the capacitors, inductors, resistors, wiring, etc.  If I spent $5000 on those same parts I would say it was still a screaming deal.  Don't get me wrong, these Westminsters sounded divine prior to the upgrade.  The sound signature is still there as I did not change the topology and stayed with the factory values, but the sound quality was a major improvement particularly in the mids and highs.  

To put it in perspective, my Westminsters are the "TW" model.  Normally these speaker retail for $50K.  Tannoy came out with the "TW" model which incorporated some cost saving decisions.  The first being the cabinet material.  My TW's are made of MDF, not baltic birch.  To me this is a "flavor" difference as opposed to a "good" vs "better" difference in SQ.  But, MDF is cheaper.  Secondly, the crossover parts were not at the same quality level as the Royal SE's.  Lastly, my 15" dual concentric drivers utilize the Tulip Waveguide as opposed to the Pepper Pot Waveguide.  I would say the Pepper Pot has a slight SQ advantage over the Tulip but it is by no means an OMG difference.  My good buddy has the latest version of the Westminsters, the Royal GR, and even before my crossover upgrades, they held their own, but advantage to my buddies GR's.   While I haven't done enough listening sessions after the upgrade to my crossovers,  I would not be surprised if mine now reign supreme.
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Jadis JA-30 MKII//ZMA//Zen Ultra//Waversa DAC3//ModWright Oppo UDP-205//EMM Labs DS-EQ1//DS Audio DS-003//FFYX T1803 TT//SonoruS Reel-to-Reel & tube playback preamp//Pipedreams Reference 21 Speakers
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #15 - 02/12/20 at 23:55:24
Thanks for the photos. I went back and read the Jeff's Place article on the Xover.  Spent most of the time studying the wiring diagram. Interesting circuit.
That price for all the upgrades seems  pretty reasonable.
What did you use for the 200uF?

I took the plunge and ordered 4 15uF Duelund Mylar caps and splurged on 2 3.3uF tinned copper cast. Hope its worth it!

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Jeff of Arabica
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #16 - 02/13/20 at 00:11:32
I felt the price was reasonable for all that I ended up purchasing.  

the 200uF crossovers I bought were JBX brand.  They were designed for audio so that was good, but there really are scarce options for that price point, at least in film caps.  There are plenty of electrolytic options, but not going to use those in a speaker crossover.  

I don't think you will regret purchasing those copper cast capacitors one bit!
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Jadis JA-30 MKII//ZMA//Zen Ultra//Waversa DAC3//ModWright Oppo UDP-205//EMM Labs DS-EQ1//DS Audio DS-003//FFYX T1803 TT//SonoruS Reel-to-Reel & tube playback preamp//Pipedreams Reference 21 Speakers
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Jeff of Arabica
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #17 - 02/13/20 at 03:13:58
The most shocking aspect of this crossover upgrade was the replacement of this (circled in red)...

for this....
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Jadis JA-30 MKII//ZMA//Zen Ultra//Waversa DAC3//ModWright Oppo UDP-205//EMM Labs DS-EQ1//DS Audio DS-003//FFYX T1803 TT//SonoruS Reel-to-Reel & tube playback preamp//Pipedreams Reference 21 Speakers
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #18 - 02/13/20 at 04:22:39
LOL. No doubt.  I was shocked to see the size of those. I'm sure they sound great but I'm glad I didn't get them. Don't know where I would put them.
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Jeff of Arabica
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #19 - 02/13/20 at 04:36:46
You have no idea the pit in my stomach when they arrived and I opened the box.  I had no idea of their actual size (and weight) until they arrived.  The fact that I was able to fairly easily mount them to the BACKSIDE of the board that the LF crossover network resided, was nothing more than pure luck!  But, I'll take it...
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Jadis JA-30 MKII//ZMA//Zen Ultra//Waversa DAC3//ModWright Oppo UDP-205//EMM Labs DS-EQ1//DS Audio DS-003//FFYX T1803 TT//SonoruS Reel-to-Reel & tube playback preamp//Pipedreams Reference 21 Speakers
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Lonely Raven
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #20 - 02/13/20 at 19:55:09

Wow! I laughed out loud at the size of those caps. It inspired me to look up those speakers...damn they are big! I'm pretty sure I've seen those at Axpona at some point. Beautiful speakers Jeff!
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Jeff of Arabica
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Re: Crossover capacitors
Reply #21 - 02/13/20 at 21:49:50
Ha!  Yeah, its pretty much impossible not to think, WTF, when you first lay your eye on them!  

The speakers sound even better than they look, especially with the new crossovers.  Though I will say, the classic look, and size of these speakers is not everyone's cup of tea.  I get mixed opinions about their aesthetics.  The wood and build quality is superb, nonetheless.
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Jadis JA-30 MKII//ZMA//Zen Ultra//Waversa DAC3//ModWright Oppo UDP-205//EMM Labs DS-EQ1//DS Audio DS-003//FFYX T1803 TT//SonoruS Reel-to-Reel & tube playback preamp//Pipedreams Reference 21 Speakers
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