Sounds really good Steve. It will be good to hear how they sound after 100 or 200 hours.
With just the right other tubes, I was able to get pretty good sound from Winged Cs and Tungsol EL34s, but I was never a big fan of either.
I guess my Winged Cs, having come with my Torii MKIII, were probably new production though. I am thinking that was 10 or so years ago...and this was in a Torii III, which tends to have comparatively big bass compared to Steve's SE34 amps, and with the wrong combination of things it can go thick

.... But luckily you can usually tune around that.
As I recall, the bass of the Winged Cs was pretty deep, but here it was softer and thicker than I like mid-bass down even with careful tube choices and amp adjustments. In contrast, the upper mids and low highs were clean and relatively fast with pretty good detail complexity and textures. Combining the slower bass (that also leaked into and dulled the mid-mids) with the well detailed/faster upper range, they sounded off-balance here without careful tube work and adjustments.
Also a long time ago, as I recall the Tungsols, the bass was less deep and tighter than the Winged Cs, and higher up, they were less complex and extended, giving them more sense of balance bottom to top. But more rigid sounding through the mids and highs, they tended to sound a little technical and cool to me, requiring some pretty carefully selected finely detailed tubes as compliments to help make the Tungsols more musical for me. But even then, it was like they squeezed too much of their potential micro detail into macro detail, making them harder, while also not allowing enough finer detail and spaciousness for the music to feel as live as I like.
Having tried a number of other EL34s, including remakes of Mullards, Groove tubes, a few China made variants, JJ 6CA7s and NOS Brimar labelled RFTs with short black bases (and probably more I can't recall just now), I moved to KT77s, KT66s, and 6L6 types....807 and 6L6 variants my favorites for a number of years now.
These Psvane EL34s have always seemed costly enough to be high risk to me. But from reports, including your initial impressions, they sound like they have all the right sounds in a really nice balance. Thanks for posting about them.
From your research, what kind of lifespan are people getting from the Grant selected ones?