My SDFB is in! Ordered with a 3.15 SB setting. Intention was to run a ZP3, CSP2, and SE84 simultaneously. Thanks to Sean's posts it gave me incentive to spent the time necessary to make a breakout box and install all acquired items purchased in the last couple of months.
The parts that needed some prep before assembly.
Ready for some custom work.
Time to button up.
View of duplex receptical cut in.
All good!
I had a listening session last night. The system has not been played for many months and sounded thin but started to wake up after about 2 hours. CD player needed the internal connectors reseated before it recognizing a disk. A sub amp was humming. Just took it out, so no sub. The night did not go well but showed promise.
Listening to Los Lobos "Kinko" this morning...wowweee!