Hey Alex,
My listening room is approximately 13'x18'x8'. Currently there are two pairs of rather large open baffle speakers in this space. The PAP Quintets with eight 15" woofers sound fantastic. I've never once thought that the bass is overwhelming, lacking, or not right. They have been my main system speakers for nearly seven years now. The bass is really good.
I also have a pair of ZF15L speakers in the room. The same can be said of these great speakers. The bass response is fantastic.
Prior to the Quintets I had Zu Audio Definitions which now sell for $25,000 a pair. Being a box speaker, the bass was horrible--very boomy and unpredictable from one recording to the next. Prior to that I had the original Azzolina Audio Gran Sferas, that used a modified La Scala bass cabinet that combined a folded horn design with bass reflex. The bass response was far better than the Definitions, but still boomy and simply too much for the room. Our family room speakers, old Soliloquy 5.3s with 6" woofers in bass reflex cabs, have also spent some time in the listening room. Talk about boomy out of control bass!
So, in my room, whether using two 15" OB woofers, or eight 15" OB woofers, bass response is great. I'm one of those guys that will never go back to box speakers. OB bass is so natural and real sounding.....even in a small room.