Had a poker night with some of my old high school buddies on Saturday. As is usual we spend an hour or so more horse trading stuff. I got rid of stuff I'd never use and got a massive butcher block, 21x27x3. It weighs a bunch. Needs some work. The goal is to use this under the turntable.
One buddy has a huge property and a friend with a portable sawmill. They cut this maple slab about five years ago and he never used it. The goal here is to make isolation platforms for the UFO, CSP and ZP3 with plenty of leftover.
Didn't bring this home Saturday, I started messing this up last week. Too much coffee or in a rush, I cut it the original board into usable thirds. I should have flattened the damn board before cutting it. Either way, this is cherry and the plan is to make matching bases for the UFO, CSP, and ZP3.
Likely going to take a month of Sundays to get it all done.
I love seeing what people have created so if you have any projects started, finished, or otherwise feel free to add them!