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ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns (Read 1640 times)
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ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
03/04/24 at 02:08:12
I recently received the ZROCK3.  I already use a ZROCK2 and I love what that does to the music.  I have a 2nd source so I originally purchased a ZROCK2 but was updated at the last minute to a ZROCK3.

I am trying to get a hang of the Output Level Control.  It is that knob at the back that I wish was at the front.  So far, I can't get the ZROCK3 to sound as good as the ZROCK2.  Maybe the ZROCK3 needs to burn in a bit longer.

I mess with the Output Level Control and sometimes it seems to thin out the sound.  I don't know why.  That's my perception.  

So, I turn up the OLC and turn down the amp's volume, or I turn down the OLC and turn up the amp's volume.  As it is, I still don't know the OLC purpose or how I would ever use it.

My question is: how do I set the Output Level Control to match what the ZROCK2 did which didn't have an Output Level Control?  Do I just turn it up all the way and be done with it?  What are the concerns with turning the OLC all the way, if any?

Any input would be appreciated.
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #1 - 03/04/24 at 17:30:56
I used mine to limit the output to my 100wpc solid state amp so that I would never accidentally blast my neighbors out at 2:00am while fiddling with the system when I should be sleeping. However the ability to subtly change the 'tone' of the input seems like a nice addition if you are set up for primarily acoustic music, but occasionally listen to electronic music that might just need the slightest adjustment to hit the sweet spot just right on something with a very different presentation. I assume this is kind of like what I here referred to as gain riding. Dunno, might be way off base there.

Without that knob my phono section will absolutely scream at the first notch of the volume controls on my ZSB. Padding the top end down allows me use the Zrock to control shaping and volume.

This is just my unique situation though. Maybe just max it out, set it and forget it?
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #2 - 03/04/24 at 20:59:33
Reading over the Sales description and manual, to me, neither make the output knob simple to fully understand. So this is going to be guess work, only having experience with a ZR2.

For figuring out how to make the ZR3 match the ZR2 though, the following might be a good pointer from the Manual talking about the front knob: "From the 50% mark, which is unity gain, the ZROCK3 begins to make gain. Into a 100K impedance you can expect around 6dB through the mid band frequencies."

The Sales page talking about the output knob: "It allows you to adjust the ZROCK3 from below unity gain to 6dB above unity to work with any upstream component." Then the question becomes, does this output knob add more gain, or is a passive adjuster for the ±6dB from the front gain setting? I am guessing the latter, in part since both are talking about 6 dB of potential, but definitely a guess.

If this is right, the front ZR2 knob unity setting working like the ZR3 front knob, I am imagining your ZR2 output might be equal to the ZR3 output knob wide open...

You could test this by starting with your ZR2 set to sound best to you, and the system set for a pleasing volume...and get a good feel for the volume on a familiar track. Then put the ZR3 in where you had the ZR2, all else the same, the EQ switch set the same, and ideally using the same ZR2 tube, as well as the front ZR3 pot as close visually as possible to how the ZR2 was set. Then adjust the output level on the ZR3 so it sounds about like the ZR2 did... guessing the output will be wide open ....maybe....but I suppose straight up being unity could have logic to it if the output knob is active rather than passive.

From the Sales page: "The output level control on the ZROCK3 is basically like an input gain control for your amplifier
or preamp. It makes it possible to run a ZROCK3 directly into a power amp that has no gain control and get the output from the ZROCK3 adjusted to your liking."

Staying with the same idea of the back pot being passive, then the output control would be for reducing the output voltage from the ZR3 if you are getting too much voltage/volume with it turned all the way up into a given amp or pre. And different sources would effect this also, so the adjustability to match source to amp seems to be an objective. If the optimal range with the front knob adjusted for favored EQ/sound gives too much volume, you could balance that by turning the output down as needed so that the front knob volume-wise feels right while in your fav range for sound.

Or, as I imagine it in my experience, when I put several pre-stages between the source and amp, the ways they add up with voltage hit and the power of transients, can lead to earlier distortions than with less gain stages in sequence. So I am imagining the output level adjusted down a touch, might help mitigate this, while reducing signal noise if present, and still having roughly the same EQ/tube settings on the front.

But I also suspect like 1stwatt, that this output setting would adjust sonic qualities more than just volume when adjusting voltage going into something else... also changing lucidity, dynamics, weight, etc.

Finally, seems the Toroidal transformer and whatever else was needed to get it to work well, and possibly other modifications with the ZR3, will have effects on the sound too, beyond burnin probably contributing to confusion..... Still, like most Decware settings, it is probably finally a matter of tastes and system matching within reason. But if your ZR2 was all good, and you match the ZR3 to be the same more-or-less on the front, and the output to put out about the same volume, seems like a good start for burnin.

Sorry for all the speculation... but not many coming forward on this one, so thought I would try to puzzle it out enough to help going forward, hopefully...

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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #3 - 03/05/24 at 04:09:38
Hello, Matchstikman.  While I am hesitant to weigh in where Will has spoken in his usual thoughtful way, you did say that "any input would be appreciated," so I am offering my input, which largely matches Will's theory of the most likely case.  Specifically, it looks to me like the "output" control on the back is probably a passive control, and having the output control "wide open" would seem most similar to the ZROCK2.

I think that for two reasons.

First, the discussion (on page 4 of the owner's manual) of operation of the "adjustment knob" on the front of the unit looks the same as for the ZROCK2, which to me implies that control still defines both the amount of gain and the amount of tone adjustment that the unit provides (just like the ZROCK2).  Because no mention is made of the "output" control on the back, I think that means that the output control does NOT control either the tone adjustment or the gain.

Second, the discussion (on page 3 of the manual) of the "EQ Slopes" only talks about the "adjustment knob" on the front, again implying to me that the output knob on the back does not adjust either gain or tone.

= = = = =

I thought the point of the "output knob" was to essentially to allow you to reduce the ZROCK output, if you wanted to adjust the bass without increasing the gain to the amplifier, without needing an additional "box" to do that.  

Again, not adding much to Will's analysis, but I thought I would share this perspective. Good luck getting this integrated into your system!
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #4 - 03/05/24 at 15:45:24
Hey Tone-Deaf.

It will be good to hear people's perceptions when more folks have these ZR3s in hand, but kind of a fun mind puzzle in the meantime.

Assuming we are right that the output is passive, and wide open would pass on the front settings with max signal power, then basically the output knob is an output reduction tool. It does seem the primary reasons for it are for integrating the ZR3 signal power (volume) with the stage before and after it, while also minimizing noise potential.

Then thinking about what is being reduced by turning down the output, I was figuring voltage... reducing the signal power.

Which takes me to my love of "gain tuning." With the Decware pre-stages I have used between source and tube amps, voltage increases or decreases change that signal's intensity before the next thing along with volume...And more voltage gives the signal an increase in density, dynamics, lucidity, weight... and less voltage, the opposite.... So along with the sonic characters whatever stage brings, higher voltage increases volume and the sonic characters that come with more signal power.

An example closest to this might be a ZBIT which is passive... where the voltage wide open is the balanced out DAC voltage, and turning the ZBIT down reduces the voltage. Somewhere in there, optimal sound is usually found by reducing the signal intensity from max to the best sounding point. So I guess this is not technically a gain stage except that the DAC's balanced out is higher voltage than single ended out, and the ZBIT allows us to start with the higher voltage... Then by reducing that voltage to a point, you still have greater voltage net than running the DAC without the ZBIT. And the ZBIT does do all the voltage related sound things... more "gain" being more dense, dynamic, clear, powerful... makes me imagine the ZR3 output could be considered for sound shaping as well as "volume" tuning.

So the front settings do seem to be more-or-less like those on the ZR2, the switch defining the EQ curve, and the gain knob adjusting the intensity of that curve and signal voltage/volume. Then, if using the output knob for decreasing the volume of that sonic balance, I am thinking it will reduce the voltage/signal power too with associated sound shifts from toning down signal intensity... . It is a mind bender for me, but guessing this is the case.
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #5 - 03/05/24 at 16:57:41
You guys seem to be pretty much on the right track. Judging from what I have picked up from chat around the office. This knob is there to be able to reduce the voltage output to match an amp better, in turn reducing the hum sometimes heard with a zrock while pushing out up to about a 6V signal. 6V is just too hot sometimes. Here is a solution for that. If there is no problem running full out, then there is no need to change it... so I hear.
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #6 - 03/05/24 at 17:07:37
Jay, I think that your ZROCK3 may need more time to "season" to sound as good as the ZROCK2 that you have had in use. Do you have the same caps installed in each? I had a similar experience between two ZROCK2s that I had in play, when I got the second identically set-up one in the system while the original was back at the mother ship,  it took about a month before I stopped thinking about its own sound.

I'm glad 1stwatt has weighed in as I think he and Jay are the only two on the board that can speak with authority from experience with the ZROCK3. I think that 1stwatt and Will have analyzed this well. I think I will have fun with the ZROCK3 when mine arrives--since I no longer have and need a preamp in the system, another way to add to gain-riding will be another fine-tuning tool to have fun with.
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Steve Deckert

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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #7 - 03/05/24 at 17:50:10

My question is: how do I set the Output Level Control to match what the ZROCK2 did which didn't have an Output Level Control?  Do I just turn it up all the way and be done with it?  What are the concerns with turning the OLC all the way, if any?

Yes, having the output level control all the way up is exactly the same as a ZROCK2.
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #8 - 03/11/24 at 02:49:44
Hello, Will.  

In the spirit of a "mind puzzle," your comment reminded me of another observation from the ZROCK3 manual that I wanted to share, and I think may be related to "gain tuning."

My recollection of the ZROCK2 manual was that it suggested that the front know might best be adjusted to about 1:00 to 3:00, while the ZROCK3 manual seems to suggest adjustments from 1:00 to about 5:00 (i.e., "wide open") can be made.  

With my Zrock2, I find myself sometimes going past 3:00 to get a bigger bass boost, but then using another component to dial back the total voltage (right now, I am listening with the front knob at about 4:00, but with a low output from a ZSTAGE that is in front of the ZROCK2).  I think that may be similar to one way that the "output" knob might be used on the ZROCK3.
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #9 - 03/11/24 at 16:34:37
Seems like a good track to me Tone-Deaf.

Being able to crank the ZR3 while turning down the output so it is not jacking up the signal too much would seem to be a powerful tool... that is if it were not too much bass in the balance with associated compromises, the bass overwhelming the rest...

Looking at the other angle, the way you are using the ZStage to lower gain before the ZR2 in order to push the ZR2 harder presents another pretty useful tool for gain riding. The Zstage having a different sonic signature from the ZR2, and also adjustable with its tube and gain, offers a lot of sound shaping potential, two signatures balanced together with tube choices and voltage settings potentially optimizing the signal power while adding a nice complexity.

I am guessing you may be using the ZStage and ZR2 for volume since you lower the ZStage as you raise the ZR2? But if your amp has a gain, then with three gains you can explore lots of variations for tuning the voltages of each "pre-stage" to be best on its own, and for the three together to be most beautiful. In this case, I like using the amp as the primary volume, its sound changes with more or less gain being pretty neutral. Whereas, adjusting the voltage of the signal going into the amp can make pretty powerful sonic shifts, so I use the stages as signal adjustors before the amp by sound, regardless of their "volume," and use the amp gain more for chosen listening volume. Once I get this combination pretty right for a broad range of recordings, then I might make minor volume adjustments with the pre stages if raising or lowering their voltage helps a given recording... But mostly the amp is my volume.
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #10 - 03/11/24 at 19:52:37
Hi, Will.  Thanks for your comments!

The Zstage is a relatively new addition.  I tend to like a "leaner" presentation, and recently I have generally run my amp (Decware SE34I.5) at a relatively high level (maybe 70 to 80 percent of "full volume), adjust the ZROCK2 to get the bass level I like, and then use the Zstage to adjust the volume.  A "typical" ZROCK2 setting for me is at about 1:30 to 2:30, but I do go higher on the ZROCK2 if the bass seems too soft to me.

I am still getting my head around having three gain sources (hence all my interest in how the ZROCK3 works).  From my reading on this site (and particularly posts by you and Lon), I can see intellectually how the three gain sources might be used, but it is going to take me some time to figure out how to use them together more effectively in actual practice!  
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Re: ZROCK3 Output Level Control conerns
Reply #11 - 03/11/24 at 20:55:52
Hey Tone-Deaf. Sounds like you are using the method I prefer for the ZR2... setting it for tone and voltage hit by sound, volume a sideline, coming along for the ride.

To try the method more completely, you would use the ZStage the same way, by sound using it to adjust the characters of the signal by changing the voltage, not for volume.

With the ZR2 set at your best average for sound across recordings, sounds like about 2 o'clock there, if you then tune your Zstage so that the signal going into the amp sounds best, then both pre-stages become signal adjusters rather than volumes...

The ZR2 start point set, adjusting the Zstage for the best sound is way easier if you keep the volume the same during Zstage gain adjustments by turning up or down the SE34 to counter the volume changes that come with turning the ZStage up or down. I think this is where "gain riding" came from.... one hand on the Zstage knob, and the other on the SE34 knob, turning one up, while turning the other down to hold the same volume. The objective is adjusting the signal quality with the Zstage knob and hearing what this does clearly since your volume remains roughly the same. Gain riding is nice at first especially, making it is easier to hear sonic shifts as the voltage from the Zstage goes up or down.

Then, once it feels pretty right, if you use the SE34 for volume mostly, while playing around now and then with little adjustments on the Zstage and ZR2 for more signal refinement, I bet you will find a more consistantly lovable sound...

The main thing to think about for helping this method soak in, is that the pre-stages are pretty much all about signal tuning.... tuning the signal from your source to sound best with your amp and room.

The way you are doing it now sounds like a good setup too, a more typical preamp approach, and can clearly sound good. But you might be like me and find my method more consistantly beautiful. Worth a try anyway.
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