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"Life without is inconceivable" A.Einsteln
Posts: 722
A Christmas Story.
On December 24, UPS delivered my Decware 300B—what perfect timing for the holidays! I decided to set it up downstairs first to have more control over the hours played and rested. I figured I would go with five hours on followed by five off, at least for a few days. I got a chance to listen to it right away, of course, in the downstairs setup, and "right out of the box," the sound was......I'll return to that as this post is not about that event. This story is more like the Grinch, who almost stole Christmas!
On Christmas Day, at 6:00 a.m., I turned on the 300B downstairs to cook for 5 hours and returned to the Decware UFO25 upstairs, where the STR has been playing perfectly with it for several weeks. I had been rolling tubes in the STR to determine which I liked best. I had recently purchased a "used pair" of 872A tubes and decided to put them in. I powered up the STR, and the tubes lit as expected. Then, I waited. After the usual wait time, I turned on the UFO25, but nothing happened; it was dead silent. No tubes lit at all. That was the first time UFO25 had never powered up, and I immediately thought about the fuse. I checked it, and it had blown. I replaced the fuse and began again. First, the STR on, wait, then the UFO25, and poof, nothing. I had blown a second fuse.
I stopped at this point and needed to collect myself, as I was starting to panic. I made coffee and emailed a message to AL at Space-Tech Labs. I didn't expect a response, as it was Christmas day, but writing helped me remember and document what had happened. Within an hour on Christmas Day, AL sent his first response. Over the next four hours, we exchanged a half-dozen emails in hopes of making an assessment. In the end, AL said to return it, which I did.
I wanted to return it to Space-Tech in Canada as soon as possible, and I found I could send it via UPS Next-Day delivery for about $500.00. OK, that's a problem.
In 2024, I discovered Pirate Ship, a low-cost shipping intermediate that uses UPS, USPS, and, I think, FedEx. Using Pirate Ship, I could send the STR to AL via the same "UPS Next Day" service for about $100. I had used Pirate Ship a few times successfully in 2024, so it was a calculated risk. I sent it out on December 26; AL received it on December 27, and he fixed it by December 28. This story, however, is not quite finished, as the Grinch is about to reappear.
AL told me there was no Pirate Ship service in Canada. He would use the Canadian Post to the US, and the USPS would then take it over, which would take a week. So that was the plan. I followed the shipping process as it unfolded online. The Canadian Post delivered it to the USPS in LA, and there, it just stopped. The fires in the LA area changed how USPS operated. OMG, what next?
The USPS online service showed me where the package was last tracked in LA. The USPS message online said they would do nothing until the package was unaccounted for 14 days; then, I could begin an investigation, but not before. Last Friday was day 14; I logged in to USPS, hoping to start the investigation that might take forever. Instead, USPS announced they had found the package and expected delivery to me that afternoon!
I was suspicious, but the STR arrived at 2:45 p.m. that afternoon. I set it up to work with the new 300B amp, and it worked perfectly.
So, what happened on Christmas Day when it blew up in the first place? It's still a bit of a mystery. AL thought it was related to tubes, "I will say the chance that the newly introduced, used 872A tubes were the problem is higher than 90%. The other 10% include insufficient burn-in time before engaging the tube or not locking tubes in place." It was not a user error, so it must have been that tube. I took those tubes to the local recycling center, and that is it for them.
Morale of the story, be careful with some of the old tubes. They might not be worth trying in the STR.
And what about the 300B and how it sounded "right out of the box"? I'll come back to that; it's another story.