Tonight I got out a worthy reference, the most dynamic and layered LP I probably own, a 45RPM pressing of Flim & the BB's Tricycle.

This DECCA London Reference (2024) cartridge balanced the experience in a new way and as a result I heard the most amazing depth I have ever heard, and certainly had no idea it was on this record. Yes, knew it was good, reference good, but... now I am again stunned at the level of detail and sound stage insanity, the depth, the depth, the decay, the depth....
Holy crap batman, this cartridge may have low output but -- you can see how the pyramids were built while you listen to music. It's just insane.
This arm and this cartridge are beginning to come across as the master of balance, in every dimension. A transducer that focuses energy directly into the mind which expands it/ multiplies its perception abilities to where you are hearing so deep that it starts to transcend the human experience.
Not a near death experience, an out of body experience. Where you become the music. This is the perfect ZEN cartridge/arm combo so far... it is Yin and Yang that results in a very un-indoctrinated and unbiased presentation of whatever is actually there. It is a bridge to higher consciousness and higher perception.
Honestly, this is the absolute reference cartridge and tonearm ever to come from Decca, think about that... and frankly for the 6 figure price I was completely ready to rip it to shreds, being a point of diminishing returns kinda guy, but damn... I honestly think it is worth selling the boat for. I really do. Way more ROI with this. WAY MORE.

You can think of it like a microscope showing you the macro detail of the music and more importantly the room and the space it was created in, as they all become intertwined.

This (above) is what I heard before...
This (below) is what I hear now...

No wait a minute... my mind didn't have the neurons to process it... give it a minute... there. That's it. This is what I am hearing now...

See, you can clearly and without fantasy see the shape of the diamond. It is effortless. Before it was impossible. Now in fairness, this is not possible without DECWARE caliber gear. I know it cheapens the post but, seriously it is true. You would never NEVER hear the last image with any lessor gear... I can promise you that. It's not ego, it's physics. It's old school. If you think a 72 monte carlo is old school, the pyramids are old school. They did shit that modern humans can't even imagine which is why they are still a mystery and will remain so for quite some time.
It is about how deep can you hear into the recording. It really is all about that. With the complete absence of artifacts like grain and dryness it is possible to listen for many hours in a trance like state and morph yourself into a state of bliss that can only happen in the human experience on this and nearly identical planets. It is frikin special. It is NOT experienced through a plastic boom box unless your mind can transcend the limitation and find a memory of the hires experience to draw upon.
Sorry to get so deep but this shit IS deep. It is powerful. It goes against all the things that are negative in this world. Music is GOD and I don't want to experience it with a veil, smear, distortion, or separation from the truth. It is a reflection of ourselves in the human experience that is universally priceless and believe it or not by some miracle it is able to be stored and released across time in the form of 'recording and playback'.
You know when it triggers a philosophical diatribe like this it must sound pretty f'in good.