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My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage. (Read 12156 times)
red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #100 - 06/26/24 at 19:03:13
So today is a no go for roofing. The rain has been relentless and is expected to continue through tonight.  So I shall post some more images here now while I have the time.

We left off with the window modifications. I shall pick up with that now.

Here is the backside of a window cover showing the airtight seal which goes against the full frame. Because of the size and weight of these panels, I had to do this in two sections to make them manageable.

That pretty much "covers" up the side window. As you can see, it is very easy and quick to remove these covers. Whether it be just needing some fresh air, or an emergency egress, this system allows for both when needed. If ever reverted back to a normal window frame, just remove the threaded posts and install regular window curtains. This window however, is far better sealed and airtight than it was before.  A great deal of external sound came through these original window frames. Now, only the loudest of sounds can be heard, but at such a reduced level, it is easy to ignore. I don't get that much noise around here anyway, so not really a problem. At night, it is really quiet around here.  Just after midnight when the Amazon fleet of 767's fly overhead to unload cargo at the airport does that noise level pick up. Even that is low enough that even normal listening levels are not hampered.

I will go over the modification detail with the front window facing the street next.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #101 - 06/26/24 at 21:36:16
Looking at the front window frame being installed, it is obvious how much thicker the walls are now, as the additional layer of drywall extends beyond the original window sill plate seen as an indentation along the bottom of the window. This gets covered up with the outside framing.

The blue painter's tape is used to locate the exact centers of the wall studs.

All gaps and cracks are filled with acoustic sealant. Sealant is always applied to joining framework and the wall and again at all joints after installation.

The noise floor for this room is very black now with these window covers installed. There is an extreme calmness to this room which can be a bit erie after sitting in complete silence for a good amount of time. Something has to be really loud with low frequency rumble such as a trash truck before you actually hear anything from outside. Of course, a low flying jet or thunder are expected to be heard, but not nearly as loud as before. These are the exceptions that rarely cause any concern. I don't hear kids screaming, or annoying lawnmowers and leaf blowers constantly running.



The best way to check these windows for air leaks is simple. If light penetrates anywhere around or through this window mod, then it is not airtight. That would mean a very limited degree of sound suppression as compared to being air tight.  To check, make sure the sun is bright against the window, the sun rises to this side of the house. Mid-mornings are ideal for this light source. Turn out all of the interior room lights. The room should be pitch black with the full sun shining against the window. Any stray segments of light are indications of failure.

It is time for installing the flooring now. Soon it will be time to focus upon the acoustic control devices now that the room itself is a good enough platform for which to treat properly.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #102 - 06/27/24 at 03:48:00
The floor is carefully examined for any remaining staples after the carpet and padding was removed.  All nails must be flush before the underlayment is laid down.  The seams are sealed, and covered with heavy duty tape.

The laminate flooring is very thick at 12 mm. Along with the Quiet Walk under-layment, this flooring provides a nice sound barrier while providing a hard reflective surface which is ideal for this room. The goal is to not over-saturate the room with carpet which is more detrimental to the sound of the room than having a reflective surface.  Carpet only destroys higher frequencies which we absolutely want to preserve. If you want to maintain a live vibrant space, this is the way to do it. The focus needs to be on the ceiling and all four walls to combat against reflections, and standing waves.

We know that standing waves are created by the buildup of nodes and anti nodes dispersed around the room. Destructive interference creates nodes, while Constructive interference is responsible for the buildup of anti-nodes. When two waves traveling in opposite directions collide, the result is anti-phase cancellation.  This is why low frequency absorption is so critical to bring this problem under control. The lower the frequency, the more difficult to control. As the frequency gets lower, so does the length of the sound wave.  These problematic waves require bass absorbers that are either extremely deep and large in size, or by means of mechanical function such as diaphragmatic units which reduce these waves with heat and dissipation.

So you see, that thin carpet is going to have absolutely zero effect upon the lower frequencies that need to be controlled. Let the massive bass absorbers do that job. Even the most massive units are limited in how much they reduce standing waves.  It should be clear by now as to why it is not a good idea to have carpet and padding on the floor.  The large reflective surface maintained by the flooring provides you with the ability to fine tune the rooms balance between the low end, and the high end of the frequency spectrum. If you lose that control, the room will simply be dead, and far from what you desire in an audio room.

This practice of balance is extremely delicate to deal with.  This is why binary diffusion/absorption principles work so very well within a room this size. It is really a 50/50 balancing act that keeps things in perspective. Unless you have at least ten feet between you and a quadratic diffuser, this type of diffusion is not a good choice compared to the binary and ternary alternatives. They work with distances as short as three feet from the listening position. Now you see why they are the ultimate choice for a small room. Once you listen in a room treated this way, you will quickly understand once it is experienced.

There needs to be huge amounts of absorption within the room to counter and balance this effect. The trick is to provide this degree of absorption without creating a dead environment. There already exists the possibility of using so much absorption that the end result creates a dead room which is as bad as an overly reverberate room. There has to be a certain degree of reflective surface to keep things in check. Unless the absorptive material has the ability to slow down low frequencies, it is best left out of the room.

Perhaps it's use for random spot treatment might be desirable, but then again, maybe not at all necessary. Use the floor to walk on, and take care of everything else with corrective measures. What you do to the ceiling and walls are what matters the most.

I'm telling you from firsthand experience. I can assure you that this is a good rule to go by, one that won't disappoint you. The end results I am getting with this room are far better than what anyone would imagine for a room this size. Your ears are very good detectors of this fact. I am extremely satisfied with the acoustic signature of this room, leaving nothing in question.  This of course is the same room that before any modifications were done, was a space that was unbearable to use as a music room.  This room was horrible before I transformed it. Everything sounded bad and I could not listen to music in here. Now, that is completely the opposite situation.

This is a floating floor which has no mechanical fasteners what so ever. This is why this type of flooring requires a minimal space around the perimeter to compensate for movement.

This is the modified air return intake for the room. This leads through a hush box hidden between the dual leaf walls and sealed to the floor where the original intake was located.

It is time to start building the acoustic control devices for this room. I shall start with the ceiling.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #103 - 06/28/24 at 10:41:54
I like your solution for sound window treatments. The only window in the charoit is small and made up with glass block which provides a very good sound barrier.
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AMC CD8b>XO3>Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>braided silver/occ> Zrock2>CSP2+>SE84 milflex copper 25th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10 in Huijgen cabinets. Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3. Isolation. AC filtering. Room treatment.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #104 - 07/05/24 at 04:07:08
Hey JB,

Thanks. Yes, this system does work very effectively, and it is simple to create at a very low cost factor. The really good thing about it is that it is completely reversible for regular window dressings if desired.

Most common noise is during the daytime anyway. After 8:00 PM, it is very quiet in this area. Just the occasional freight train in the distance and Amazon flying overhead between midnight and 2:00 AM. After these Boeing 767 freighters pass over my house, they are on approach to the runway just 8 miles away from here.  I hear them flyover, but the level of noise is acceptable when they do, roughly a third of what the noise level would be without the window covers. I find that to be very good for my needs.  Actually, I think about half of what I do hear is coming through the roof above the room.

Now for studio purposes, that would still be a problem. I for one usually am going to bed by this time, so no problem at all for me.

Even so, when I am sending a good flow of juice from my ToriMK3 to my speakers, I can assure you, I am totally oblivious to any of this while listening to music anyway.

All is good.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #105 - 07/05/24 at 06:31:42
Now that I have a little time, I shall continue where I left off with the beginning stages of acoustic treatment for this room. I am going to start with the ceiling and get that out of the way first. What I am presenting to you with the next series of images is the build and installation of my large scale hanging binary diffuser/absorber panels. I will also use one of these panels on the back wall behind my listening position. That unit gets mounted on top of the huge ternary diffuser/absorber which sits on the floor. I shall cover that design later on.

These binary panels are inherent to partial absorption while providing total dispersion of reflective sound which does not get absorbed.This binary system utilizes a complex order of absorptive and reflective areas, resulting in pressure reflection coefficients within a nominal 0 and 1, therefore  creating a variable impedance surface.  

The end result is a balance of sound absorption across the Noise Reduction Coefficient frequency bandwidth. *(The basic definition of this NRC bandwidth refers to the absorption average within the four areas of 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz : The average effect of sound energy as it is absorbed within a surface area is implied).

This design provides an excellent degree of sound absorption, while maintaining the critical embodiment of sustained spatial ambience by means of high frequency diffusion. The real advantage of having this type of system in a small room is the very short distance it takes to complete a full cycle of effective diffusion as compared to the quadratic principles of diffusion.

Again, the use of quadratic diffusers are of little use for a room this size. Unless the ceiling height is at least 12 ft, I would not expect them to be effective for my situation concerning ceiling treatment. I can expect much greater effectiveness using the binary panel design when implemented properly. Don't get me wrong, quadratic diffusers are great at what they are designed to do within rooms which have the required space for these to work properly.  I have built many large scale quadratic diffusion systems in the past. I have a good deal of experience experimenting with them and I can confirm that they work very well in a large space.

Here is some of the data provided to show the performance of the EXPO panel for which my panels are cloned from. This should give good insight as to how effective my panels actually are in my situation.

As shown, this shows the results for using 2 inch depth of 6lb/ft3 fiberglass as the absorbent layer.

What I am using is a total of four layers x 1.8 inches thick of Ultra Touch Denim absorbent material for a total of 7.2 inches depth within my binary panels. So by comparison, when you see the huge effectiveness at 3 inches, and then improved with 5 inches depth, you can determine the overall performance of my units using over 7 inches of this material.  I think this data is all that one needs to know in order to prove that these designs work very well.

  This just provides some insight as to the dramatic difference in which the choice of absorbent materials, the density, along with the total depth can make in the end result.  Of course, do not forget the importance of airspace between these units and the ceiling or wall surface.  This factor makes a huge difference in absorption efficiency.  As I showed you the comparison previously between ROXUL and fiberglass, you saw the importance of airflow resistivity as it is factored within the design parameters of these sound absorbers. There are many choices. There is the right choice for the right application. You have to determine which choice is best suited for your application.

Now that you are informed with the facts of how these designs work, and why they are best suited for my application, you can better understand my reasoning for choosing this design as my primary diffusion principal for a room this size. I am extremely satisfied with the results. What these have done to transform my audio space is simply remarkable!

With that said, it is time to proceed with the build. I shall return shortly.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #106 - 07/05/24 at 18:03:19

Schroeder presented a folding technique referred to as the Chinese Remainder Theorem. This technique was applied to phase grating diffusers based on poly-phase sequences.

This same technique became the basis for a binary hybrid diffuser.  A 1d sequence is folded into a 2D array in order to provide a hemispherical dimension with the ability to preserve critical auto-covariance properties within the design.

This is a base one dimensional sequence for a binary diffuser. This sequence is then converted into a more complex two dimensional array for which my panels are based on.

This became the final result of that folding sequence which expanded the simple one dimensional model into the complex 2d model. The pattern shown is one full 2d sequence in this hybrid binary design.

According to the patent information, the following graph shows the performance curves for comparing the binary, ternary, & quadra-phase diffusers utilizing a BEM model to obtain the predicted absorption coefficients for each type of diffusive surface. These are prediction estimates.

The actual absorption material used for these diffuser models regulates the effect of absorption gained within the low frequency response for each.

The high frequency absorption coefficient is a factor determined by the open area of essentially 0.5.  This design follows the characteristics of a perforated resonant absorber. The peak absorption rate falls within the mid frequency bands.

There is similarity of the scattering produced between the unipolar binary and ternary diffusers based at even multiples. However, at odd multiples, the ternary diffuser provides improved scattering with a greater reduction of specular lobing.

Showing this three dimensional grid view of the finished layout, this provides a very good perception of how this complex code looks visually. You can see the developing pattern over the broad spectrum. The individual squares are the culmination of repetitive inversion and rotation tactics with the base sequence.      

Another view of this from a different perspective.


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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #107 - 07/05/24 at 20:49:27
To get started drilling up these panels if d.i.y., stack the amount of 1/2 inch panels ( MDF or plywood ) together and secure with pilot holes through each of the four corners. Then drill up to the size of retaining bolts used to keep these panels securely together for the entire time they are being drilled. These must also be secured around the perimeter with clamps to keep the layers from expanding with the pressure of the drill bit as it passes through the stack. Once that happens, debris works its way between the rise in the sheets causing miss-drilled alignment and blow out between the holes. Once that happens, you need to start over again with new material. You certainly don't want to drill each of these panels independently, or you just may take five years doing it.  The best solution here is to have a local CNC shop do this for you if possible. The results will be quick and perfect, and you won't have to do this by hand. I think four to five 1/2 inch panels are going to be the limit for what you can drill by hand simultaneously.

Just remember this, the bottom sheet is going to be sacrificial due to excessive blow out caused by the drill bit plunging through without something flat against it.  I did not want my table full of holes, so the bottom sheet was placed on riser blocks for an airspace underneath the stack. Simply means that your bottom sheet is not usable and will be discarded.  If done on a machine, this would be avoided. When these panels are drilled out, the end result will be fifty percent of the panel area removed due to the material drilled out. These panels are based upon a 50/50 absorption/diffusion rule. The holes of course represent the absorption factor, which by the inherit design of this hybrid model, also works to create the balance of diffusion by doing so.

As seen, this stack of panels is well advanced through the drilling stage. Just showing you the stack set up from the side perspective using clamps to keep the panels from rising under pressure. This is extremely critical that you monitor this process. A mistake here would be devastating. I guarantee you this will ruin your day, and then some!

I have three words to describe whether or not you will be successful in completing this task without failure: (DISCIPLINE + PATIENCE + ACCURACY)

This process of drilling is done in several steps.  To try and skip these steps would be foolish and unprofessional.

First, the accuracy of the layout must be as perfect as possible. Whatever mistake happens with the top sheet continues through the entire stack. These holes are very close together. In order not to have conjoined holes or a weakened structure due to lack of webbing between the holes, the centering of these initial pilot holes must be the proper distance from each other.  Just as importantly, these holes must be maintained perfectly straight from the top to the bottom. There can be no deviation and there is very little room for error.

This of course requires the use of a drilling platform which can be repetitively used with perfect accuracy each and every time you drill a hole.  Another good reason for using a CNC machine.  The option I took was to create my own drilling platform which is completely mobile, accurate, and easy to place in any position.  I built a drilling rig out of spare parts from a torn down microwave and some other odds and ends I had laying around. The end result was a fabrication which no tool on the market can compare with, especially when this rig cost me nothing extra to assemble.  Just make sure that a heavy duty high quality drill is used along with very high quality bits such as titanium coated that will last without dulling easily.

Second, after the layout is completed and checked for accuracy, it is time to indent each and every drill location for the drill bit to catch and remain stable without drifting from center.

Third, each and every drill location must be drilled with a pilot hole much smaller than the actual diameter of the finished hole. This allows the final drilling process to execute flawlessly without fear of being off center. The bit will find its way every time without fail. The end result will be far less tear out and drift.  Your holes will be much cleaner and visually pleasing.  This process takes a great deal of time to complete by hand.  If time is an issue, then you better get a shop to do it for you.

Fourth, step up to the final drill bit size and slowly bore the holes being careful not to over stress the MDF which will lead to lifting between the material and imminent failure.

There will be a huge amount of debris from the drilling. It is advisable to have a shop vac with a dust collection system to keep the MDF dust to a minimum. Half of this material will end up as waste. After drilling so many holes, stop and vacuum up the debris from the holes and area in general. You will also need an orbital sander to keep the surface flat and smooth for the drilling rig base to glide over. If you place the bottom of the base over a drilled area that has not been sanded smooth, you guessed it, this will cause the drill bit path to wander off center and destroy your panels. That amount which is off in the first panel goes up exponentially by the time the drill bit passes through the last panel. Ends up being quite a bit of deviation. This is simply not acceptable.


In my case, I had to drill 11,625 holes with the drilling rig.  For three sheets of material, or three binary panels, that would be a grand total of 34,875 holes!

DO I NEED TO STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS ANY FURTHER?  I think the point is obvious and clear.

BTW, I only had to replace the titanium drill bit once, and that was after 80 percent completion. The replacement bit is still in use and very sharp. It pays to use high quality tools.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #108 - 07/05/24 at 21:35:48

View of shop VAC routed through a dust collection system.

Don't forget the orbital sander.

View looking down over my custom d.i.y. drilling rig made from spare parts and material.

A rear view of the drilling rig.

This platform is extremely stable and solid. The drilling accuracy is dead on every time. The spring loaded glide rail system works very smoothly and with great ease.

The design of this platform which I created is very easy to use repetitively. It takes very little effort to operate this drilling rig as you don't have the weight of the drill causing fatigue in your hand. You will always drill straight perfect holes without worry.

It is paramount that you set up the accuracy of your drill very carefully. It is a good idea to occasional spot check the position of the bit and never assume anything.

You are set to get started.    HAPPY DRILLING!


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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #109 - 07/05/24 at 22:48:28
How's that drilling coming along?


The day that you finally make it to the last hole to drill, you can separate the panels and rejoice at what you have.  Just sand everything smooth and vacuum up the mess.  Now was that so hard?


This panel can be made as one 2d grid as shown here in base form. It may be easier for you to construct these as single panels. This would give you more flexibility in where and how to install them. Of course, these can be rotated and inverted anyway you like to achieve the resulting pattern you desire. The main objective is to do this in a sensible approach in which to keep repetitive lobing at a minimum.  For tighter areas that need spot treatment, this is ideal.  Of course these can be expanded as large as you desire as time allows you to construct more. I required full scale panels, so yes, I had to do it the hard way.  Like I said before, nothing is worthwhile without the effort and determination. You get exactly what you put into it. If you build what I have shown you here, you will be rewarded immensely beyond your expectations.

The audio room is located just above this shop.

The grid array encompasses a 35 x 34 2d layout pattern. The requirements for this design call out for 1/2 inch squares which populate the grid with the 1's and 0's in binary fashion.  The drill bit must be smaller than a 1/2 inch for obvious reasons. But you want the hole as large as it can reasonably be, yet not weaken the webbing around the holes. If you don't maintain structural stability, you will end up with a useless panel.

It is time to move on now to the next stage, building the framework and suspension system for hanging these units from the ceiling.
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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #110 - 07/06/24 at 02:27:05

A look at the required mounting hardware for suspending this full scale absorber/diffuser module from the ceiling.

There will be six attachment points with a load rating of 100 pounds for each connection point. That is a total of 600 pounds holding power. This unit when stuffed with four layers of Ultra Touch Denim insulation will weigh in at around 85 to 90 pounds. So you see, the strength of the suspension system is far greater than the actual load. The hooks are tightly embedded into the ceiling joists which go into the attic above the audio room. They are threaded deeply within hardwood. There is absolutely zero chance they will break loose or have any undue stress at all.  To top that off for extra measure, each and every connection point has a fail safe design where there is a primary and a secondary steel connector holding it very securely. Even if any did fail, there are 5 more with 5 more back-up points to keep things safe.  These have been suspended in my room now for several years.  They have not fallen on my head yet!


You see the clearance that I maintained under the cross support bar which is bolted directly to the binary panel to prevent bowing under weight. This allows for several layers of the denim insulation to fit snugly underneath the bar.  Once the unit is hung, there will be another layer of absorbent material placed across the top.

The chain links fit nicely around the mounting screw. They will not slip off, but they do have enough slack to swivel easily. These screws are heavy duty and they penetrate completely through the center bar.

Here you can see the mounting configuration which details the double hook safety backup. These attach points are connected to two critical anchor points and act as a backup to each other in case one fails for some very unlikely reason. The integrity of this setup is way overbuilt to withstand much higher levels of force. This will never be a safety issue.

Now that the hardware is all installed and this unit is ready to be hung in place, the last thing to do is layer the denim insulation within the bed.

Before that is done, this unit needs sanding and paint.

Next I will show the installation of the absorbent material.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #111 - 07/06/24 at 04:16:44
Just opened a box of Ultra Touch Denim insulation which is 1.8 inches thick once it relaxes and fully expands. This one box of six rolls is only enough to install the first layer of absorbent within the bed. Each of these binary hybrid absorber/diffuser modules will require a total of four boxes of this material. That is 24 rolls.

I am showing you for demonstration purposes only how this looks fully stuffed. I have not got around to painting these units yet. I will get them painted and take these upstairs before I refill them. This makes the transport of these upstairs much easier. Much of this stuffing can be done after the units are securely hung from the ceiling.

The ceiling units are all finished and hung.

Just another example of a good binary configuration of these base arrays. This displays a six panel example with a nice uniform pattern.

So now it is time to create some acoustic devices for the back of the room. Perhaps I will begin with the major build of the large full scale ternary absorber/diffuser unit. This unit is so large and heavy, that it must be built in place within the audio room. I prefabbed the parts, and test fitted these in the garage first. Then all parts were transported upstairs for final assembly.

That project is coming up next.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #112 - 07/10/24 at 21:05:56
Bad weather again!  Let's examine the next step of this acoustic device building process. This time it is all about Ternary diffuser models. This is the exact model which I built my large ternary absorber/diffuser for the back of the room. That model will be shown in detail as it was built.

The Ternary design takes things up a few notches in performance over the Binary versions. This also comes at a cost of more complexity, but still easy enough to build.

Where the Ternary design excels beyond that of the Binary counterpart, is that now we incorporate a third function of the diffusion factor. That third factor involves using a QUARTER WAVELENGTH well with a slanted face.  That well becomes a (-1). So now, the build is based upon three factors, Zero Depth, Full Absorption, and a Quarter Wavelength slanted well.

So, you can use the Binary design for your absorption/diffusion needs,........

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #113 - 07/11/24 at 00:15:18

The purpose of these room diffusers is that of exploiting interference. This is accomplished by reflecting waves out of phase with the specular energy. The end result is that of reduced specular energy.

When a single sequence of diffusion is used, but with reversed order of the sequence between two diffusers, this is known as "single asymmetric" modulation. An example of this would be (110100-1) + (-1001011). For even multiples of the design frequency, reflection coefficients revert to zero and one, however, the structure is less periodic.

Taking a look at Schroeder based diffusers such as Quadratic Residue types, one method used is to modulate a diffuser with its inverse. This is accomplished with two sequences producing the same degree of scattering, except that these are in opposite phase with each other. With Ternary diffusers, (110100-1) would then convert to (-1-10-1001). From this implementation, a pseudo random sequence can be determined for the proper order of these placed upon a wall. If done accordingly, periodicity is greatly reduced.

The idea is to exploit interference by the reflection of waves "out of phase" with the specular lobe. By combining the attributes of amplitude grating with that of reflection phase grating, this promotes a strong new class of hybrid diffusers. Elements of reflective and absorptive patches in regards to amplitude grating, are combined with the addition of extra reflective patches (wells), which are based upon a "quarter wavelength" in depth of the design frequency.

This method constructively interferes with the zero depth reflective wells. A ternary diffuser promotes good characteristics regarding this by using surface reflection coefficients of 0, 1, and -1.  The negative one wells have a pressure reflection coefficient which correlates at a depth of one quarter of a wavelength for the design frequency, and at odd multiples of this frequency. This results in out of phase waves in conjunction with waves produced by the specular lobe energy, which in this case, are the wells with a pressure coefficient of +1. The result of this design is to further reduce specular reflection.

The resulting design is a hybrid absorber/diffuser concept which is a combination of absorptive wells (zero), with reflective wells (+1), and the addition of (quarter wavelength wells = -1) based upon the design frequency plus the odd multiples of this frequency.

With the addition of the quarter wavelength well (-1), the ternary design outperforms the binary amplitude diffuser with far better reduction of the specular lobe by comparison.

Ternary diffusers are an extension of the binary amplitude diffuser, with superior scattering performance per same degree of absorption as the (B.A.D.) panel design.

Boundary Element Modeling shows that a longer N31 ternary based sequence as mine are modeled after, offer better performance with practical acoustic solutions. Modulation is a defining characteristic here. Even further improvement is gained by modifying the negative one wells which are based upon quarter wavelength, by altering the shape of the well with ramping or folding techniques. By modifying these well surfaces into a slanted form, this introduces additional quarter wave depths, in which create a poly-phase absorber/diffuser hybrid, thus adding further interference at additional frequencies, and odd multiples thereafter.

If we were to imagine how something like this would look visually as opposed to just hearing the difference, perhaps it would display a visual effect such as what the following images portray. At least in some regard, this is in respect to what they actually do once impending sound waves strike the face of the wells.

Just my take on things, but you get the drift.


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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #114 - 07/11/24 at 02:27:53
Alright, so now that you understand the basis for this design, and why its concept is a good choice for my application, let's begin by actually building a very large scale of one designed for lower frequency absorption and diffusion performance. This design can be purpose built to cover whatever frequency range you desire for your room. Anything lower than this designated frequency range is handled solely by absorption principles.

The higher the frequency bandwidth, the less depth required. The higher frequencies call for progressively narrower wells respectively. So obviously, if you desire a ternary diffuser with a range strictly in the mid to upper mid-range, then the overall size becomes much more manageable and easier to build.

Remember, low bass frequencies require very large, very deep absorbers to have any effect upon them. The most troublesome frequencies concerning the root cause of standing waves are typically at 300 Hz and under. The function of a bass absorber is paramount below that range.

The set of all possible standing waves are in direct relation to the harmonics of a system. The simplest form of harmonics are know as the fundamental/first harmonic. This evolves into the second, third, fourth, etc. Harmonics above the fundamental can be referred to as overtones.

The following chart provides data in which to predict the frequency band performance of a chosen quadratic residue diffuser design proposed by Schroeder.

An overview depicting the nature of standing waves.

Next, I will take you to my shop and show the ternary absorber/diffuser build in process.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #115 - 07/11/24 at 04:25:55
The beginning stage. This is the bottom of the cabinet base showing the floor pedestals with felt to protect the flooring.

The next few images are in the shop prefabbing the parts and dry fitting them for accuracy. I will be taking the parts up to the audio room to assemble this unit there.

It is time to assemble this unit within the audio room. All parts are pre-cut and checked for proper fit.

I will continue this build when I get the time to do so.. I hope you all have found something valuable out of this progress. The end result was certainly worth all of the time and effort that went into this project.  There is much more detail to be covered with this ternary unit.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #116 - 07/12/24 at 16:45:03
Certainly a wealth of information here. A lot to digest.

Great insight into what it takes to go from 'good' sound in a room to 'as good as it can get' in a room.
Very dependent on the room and the exact needs of that room. Figuring that out is half the battle I would assume. Takes a very thorough understanding to get it right.

I can see why people (me included) buy pre-fab units to try to treat the room. It helps, but it only scratches the surface if you don't know what targets you're aiming for.

Thanks for sharing!
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #117 - 07/16/24 at 03:07:10
Great insight into what it takes to go from 'good' sound in a room to 'as good as it can get' in a room.
Very dependent on the room and the exact needs of that room. Figuring that out is half the battle I would assume. Takes a very thorough understanding to get it right.

That is my goal here, to help advance the understanding which just may motivate those who want the best experience possible in their audio rooms.

When you factor in that an audio room is responsible for at least half of what you hear in your music, it should be a top priority when obviously people are concerned about how good their equipment sounds to them. That will either be a positive influence reinforced by the room itself, or a very bad influence which will falsely lead one to believe that the equipment is subpar. Nothing else could be further from the truth concerning the latter in most cases.

It all comes down to one very simple and honest conclusion. If you understand that a bad acoustic environment is going to make your system sound just as bad, then why would one continue to listen in that environment, ignoring the reality of the core problem, and just keep looking for more expensive upgrades to the equipment instead? There is an extreme lack of rationale there, completely void of logic.

I believe that what it takes, is to lead by example, and prove just how critical the room's influence is, and why it is so very important to make room acoustics top priority if one truly wants to experience what a good system can actually reveal.

There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that if I allowed some of these individuals who ignore acoustics as something to consider, to listen in my room now ( and that includes using their own equipment if they like), this would be the very thing that would motivate a change in their own direction concerning acoustics. It would truly become a revelation within their understanding. We all know that experience makes everything crystal clear and absolute.

What I would expect to hear from them would be comments such as: "I just can't believe what I am not only hearing, but actually feeling in this room"....and perhaps," I had no idea that my system could sound this great! I am hearing vast amounts of detail , clarity, and separation within the music that I never knew existed". Or perhaps another likely comment would be, " The room itself just seems to be so much larger, that it is as if the room didn't even exist. The spatial qualities are at a level which goes way beyond the imagination.  And finally, one may comment in a final conclusion that with this new experience, it would become very difficult to go back and listen to the system in a poor acoustic environment as before.

And of course, I like to see someone take a look around the room, as if searching for phantom sources of sound projection, not only wide to the sides, but extended way beyond from behind the listening position. That is what real holographic imagery is all about.  You will never experience the reality of this openness with bad room acoustics, that is the cold hard fact!  You might think that you are, but just one listen in a well balanced audio room, and you will quickly understand the difference. Once that you have, it is very doubtful that you would want to return to a substandard alternative when it can be avoided.

Oh, and did I mention the quality and magnitude of low frequency information which suddenly just reveals itself at levels of pure amazement?  No, but you would marvel at what transpires in this regard once the room acoustics are within balance.

The effect of room modes absolutely destroys the quality of music perception! The degree of well defined accurate bass response is one thing that you will gain in a very significant manner. If you lack bass in your music, then perhaps you might want to do something about it. If you are swimming in a space full of frequency cancellations and bloating due to peaks and nulls, (and I can almost guarantee this is your situation in a smaller room), there is only one thing that can correct this.  I am showing how this is done. Either believe in the paramount foundation of acoustic control in which will grant you the very thing you are searching for, or just flat out ignore it. You are the one to benefit from this, not me.

Now it is understood that some people simply can't modify their listening room due to certain circumstances.  It is also understood that people do not want to accept that room acoustics could possibly make enough difference to make it worth their time. Really doesn't matter what the case is, acoustics matter more than anything else. If you are going to keep investing thousands in upgrades to the system in hope that somehow this will fix everything, well, that is going to be a very long and disappointing journey.

Words simply can not justify how critical this is, and no matter what I say here, it will never have the impact as a game changer that a live listening experience will most definitely convey.

Just because someone thinks they have treated a room good enough, one has to ask, was it the right choice to correct what actually needed attention, or perhaps, could this have actually had a negative impact on acoustics rather than doing what was expected? One of the biggest mistakes people make out of ignorance to the science of acoustics, is to overuse absorption tactics without the strict compliance of keeping the room ambience alive with the proper degree of reflection, and the correct use of diffusion techniques.

Yes, you are very correct, it does take a great deal of experience and knowledge to make acoustics work well in the audio room. The end result is a direct reflection of what these acoustic measures actually are. Just because someone throws thousands of dollars into various acoustic devices, then haphazardly places them around the room, does that guarantee a perfect outcome?  I doubt it, not unless these devices were well planned and created precisely to counter the problems at hand. No two rooms are the same. Each and every listening room have their own particular unique problems. What works well in one particular situation does not necessarily become the thing to do in another situation.

Large listening spaces require completely different measures than what small audio rooms must undergo to be worthwhile.  It is far more difficult to make a smaller room sound as good as a larger room, especially when that larger space is built with ideal dimensions which conform to the golden ratio aspect.  There is a proper tool for every job. You don't use a screwdriver to remove a bolt!  Every situation requires a targeted approach in order to identify the actual problem, and what it actually takes to correct that problem.  I make this very clear concerning diffusion techniques. Prime number quadratic residue diffusers are the first choice in a large space.  They are a poor choice in a small room.  The design of binary diffusion tactics was developed as an improved alternative to use in smaller rooms. If you truly understand the science behind these designs, then there will be absolutely no doubt as to the reality of this proof.

If you can afford to invest that much money in acoustic products which are completely overpriced for what they actually are, then great, that is the easy route. At least you are doing something about a very bad situation. But for those on a budget who just can't spend endless amounts of cash on toys, but simply want a cost effective way to solve their acoustic problems, then the d.i.y approach makes perfect sense.

Sure, not everyone has a shop or the tools to get this done, but most people have friends that will help them do this at a reasonable cost.  And of course, there are those that simply do not want to build these devices.  Sure, there are many reasons to buy from a commercial outlet, but that comes at a huge price! You may not be able to get that premium device which would be perfect for your situation, but you can still compromise and come up with a lesser form of rectification which fits your means respectively. For the actual investment, if you are armed with the proper degree of knowledge, and posses the ability to create these designs yourself, then you are going to get a much greater return on your investment when you compare how much more you can get for a fraction of the price.  If that is not a factor of concern, then by all means, go retail.  Just make sure you actually know what you are buying and that this is the proper choice for your needs.

If you buy the wrong devices, you are in for a very expensive lesson in failure. Just remember, a snake oil salesman will sell you anything that will be the "cure all" for your needs according to his sales pitch.  He has something to gain from convincing you to part with your money.  Someone who gives advice from a logical approach, yet has zero expectation of profit, is most likely the direction which will guide you to success. This source of advice usually stems from honesty and experience.

It is very difficult to get things exactly as they should be. So naturally, it is expected that mistakes will be made, and changes will be required. When you have very little investment in a failure, it is easy to overcome. It is hard to rationalize failure when the cost factor becomes a devastating reminder of how true this really is.

That is something to strongly consider.

Your comments here reinforce exactly what I just covered. I just expanded upon the very things that you indicated.

Whatever choice you make concerning acoustics, just do your homework and get an A on the final exam!

And of course, there is plenty more to come here.


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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #118 - 07/16/24 at 04:59:55
Here are more images showing the build detail that went into this ternary diffuser.

Now that the front structure is in place, I made use of some old acoustic foam and used this as grill covers to conceal the absorptive material placed behind this foam.

Next, I will show you the rear interior assembly and the process of filling the unit with fiberglass as the absorbent.

You see the frame section mounted to the top of the ternary absorber/diffuser. This is the mount for supporting the binary panel in the upcoming stages.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #119 - 07/24/24 at 03:53:03

Now it is time to start stuffing the Ternary section with R13 fiberglass.

This unit is designed to handle very low frequencies. Bass absorption is handled extremely well at the rear of the room where standing waves tend to be at their worst. This design incorporates both a diffusive element as well as excellent bass absorption properties.

These are the final layers of R13 with the paper at the rear to provide protection against airborne contamination which is very bad for one's health. And just know this in case you are wondering about the paper creating a negative influence here, bass frequencies don't even see this paper at all, as if it simply does not exist. There is absolutely zero effect that the paper backing has on the bass absorption performance. That includes the addition of the cardboard rear cover which conceals all of this.

As you can see in this image, the top binary section was actually completed at this stage as I did this part last.  I will be going over the build of the top section next. Then you will see the stages that went into it's completion.

Now you can see why this unit had to be built in place due to its size and weight!

So next, it is time to focus upon the top section that you saw already completed in the above images. This involves the assembly of the binary panel within the framework.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #120 - 07/24/24 at 05:41:59
With the ternary absorber/diffuser built, you will now see the beginning stages of how the top mounted binary counterpart is assembled.

Now that the binary panel is securely mounted to the base unit, it is time to start filling it with sound absorption material. This is done with two layers of different material. The first layer is of the denim 1.8 inch thick material. This gets followed up with a layer of R13 fiberglass with paper backing. I wanted the denim layer to be behind the face of the panel for protection against any hazardous fiberglass particles that could potentially become airborne.

The blue denim material just being started.

As you can see in the image, the inner frame of the binary panel fits snugly within the outer frame of the base unit. Just a few screws around the perimeter and it is very strong and secure.

The first layer of fiberglass material is in place over the denim material. Now you see the second layer of fiberglass being installed for a total of three layers of sound absorbing material behind the binary panel.

The next step is to seal the edges together with tape before installing the rear panel grid.

The final step is to install the rear grid to keep things in place.

And there you have it. A fully complete rear wall acoustic correction device that works exceptionally well in this room.


Next, I will begin showing the design and build of the metal diaphragmatic poly-cylindrical corner bass absorbers.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #121 - 07/24/24 at 11:44:13
Thanks for sharing all this. I enjoy the journey of learning about what you have done. I woke up this morning thinking about this thread and was pleased to see some new information.

Could you explain more about how the holes were laid out in posts 107 - 111. What did you use to generate the random sequence and how did you transfer that sequence onto the sheets?

Also, did you consider using contact film or masking tape on the bottom sheet in your stack when drilling holes to prevent blow-out? Usually when I work with a critical cut and am concerned about chipping a simple strip of masking tape will prevent the cut/hole from splitting.
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #122 - 07/28/24 at 07:34:22
Thanks for sharing all this. I enjoy the journey of learning about what you have done. I woke up this morning thinking about this thread and was pleased to see some new information.

Hello GILF, glad to hear this has been something of interest for you.


Well, let me try to explain some of this and make it a bit more clear for you and anyone else wondering about this. I realize that I never went into full detail about this process. However, since you asked, I will go a bit deeper into it.

Oh, and BTW, keep checking in as this thread has a long way to go for those interested. This is going to expand into a new transformation which currently brings me to a level of audio nirvana which I am so completely satisfied to be enjoying now.

And there will be new things introduced later this year after I take care of important house repairs. I am deep into a roofing project now. When I finish with the roof, I shall have more time to get back to this audio project.  This coming week is calling for heavy rain every day for seven days straight.  I am going to get done what I can between rain periods, but it sounds like I will have more time indoors to get back to this for now.

Soon I will be going into stage two of this audio room development. I am thinking there will be a stage three sometime after that.  I have been on a buying spree trying to purchase every HQ remastered CD that I can find which many are 1:1 direct transfers from the master tapes onto the HDCD & K2 high definition transfers. What these reveal with my current system has become a huge enlightenment for which I know now how superior these really sound. It really is beyond words what these bring to the realism and dynamics of quality music. This last couple of weeks have been by far the best audio experience for me EVER!

I feel blessed to have discovered just how great my Q-force speakers and ToriMK3 together really are.

Smiley WHOOPS! I wasn't supposed to reveal that factor yet...oh well, just consider that bit of info a teaser for stage two.

This has been an absolute revelation for me. I never thought digital could sound this superb.  This makes me want to trash all of the standard consumer CD's that were mainstream productions. When I hear these, I realize just how much I was missing all of these years, and the system is totally irrelevant as to how these were ever going to sound.

Those limitations are clear and absolute when compared to a correctly mastered version in a HQ format.  This truly was the missing link for me. One simply can't know how good a system really is until the critical factor of the source recording itself is of the utmost perfection. For me, this is as clear as comparing a Beta-max tape to a blue ray disc. It really is that dramatic of a difference in my system. This of course is proof that my audio room acoustics are properly engineered. I just can't imagine how much better it could ever be. It really doesn't matter at this level, as I am extremely pleased with what I am experiencing now.

As I stated earlier, I do plan on a few more acoustics devices which I have in development as the final addition to this room. These are intended for the front of the room to enhance the sound-stage around the speakers even wider than the current form.  That is going to be a huge gain considering what I already hear now. You can call that fine tuning, the last minute adjustment.

In phase three of this thread, I will be going into those reviews by comparing the HQ versions to the standard consumer versions. I may have to start that thread over in the music section to be appropriate.

As you are a professional studio technician who understands what I am talking about here, I think you would really appreciate a day listening to these HQ transfers in this room. Words are one thing, but complete understanding only comes from real time experience.

OK, sorry for going on with that, but it really is something special.

Could you explain more about how the holes were laid out in posts 107 - 111. What did you use to generate the random sequence and how did you transfer that sequence onto the sheets?

Sure, I will reiterate concerning this process and try to make it more clear.

This design is patented by Dr. Peter D'Antonio who led the company RPG for many years from its inception. This design derives from very complex number computations which took very sophisticated computers to arrange.  So in essence, what I am showing you here as the primary number sequence array is an exact clone of what RPG developed and licensed for retail.  I can assure you that the commercial versions of these EXPO panels are very expensive.

If you research the patent information concerning the EXPO panels, it goes into extensive and complex detail concerning the development and theory behind the technology.

If you examine any of the single array patterns which I displayed in the six panel grid, you are then seeing the exact base sequence which is used to make your own panels. These can be arranged in alternative configurations without hurting the performance of the sequencing itself.

What I did to come up with one very large panel while maintaining an acceptable full scale sequence was to use (INVERSE) + ( ROTATION) tactics, as long as uniformity was maintained.  Think of each transition as a mirror image of each consecutive expansion of the base sequence.

The requirements for this base grid are to use 1/2 inch holes within a very solid and dense material. The depth of the face plate will determine the actual frequency range affected as will the size of the hole. In my case, the material is 1/2 inch deep, which makes these array 1's and 0's close to a half inch cube. Since the webbing needs to be strong enough between the holes, the actual hole diameter was selected as a drill bit just smaller than that to maintain strength and avoid cross drilling. That is hard to do by hand. A CNC machine is much more accurate for this type of thing.

You see the pattern I displayed for the actual layout of this panel. Using this grid as a master template is all that you need to complete the full scale panel layout. That layout depends upon how you choose to structure it.

Take the fact that each segment for the 1's and 0's are half inch square. Then count out the grid sequence horizontally and vertically. Center the holes for the sections that require drilling (white sections). The blue segments are left solid. I made my template out of heavy paper.

Then draw out your intersect lines on the full scale panel which this gets transferred to. That way your alignment remains consistent. You must leave at least a couple of inches solid material around the entire outer perimeter of the panel for strength.

Start the template in the normal position in a corner of the grid lines. Then flip the template downward revealing the backside. This creates an inverse sequence. Then flip it back to normal where you started from. Next you can either flip the template over to the right of the corner grid for another inverse, or begin the rotation factor here and then again flip that sequence downward as an inverse. You are free to lay this out as you like. The performance will not be hampered. This process simply continues until you reach the maximum of your panel size. If you examine the full layout carefully, you can see the formation of the uniform sequence. If it is not uniform, then something must have gone wrong.

You start by marking each hole location with a machinist spring loaded punch which sets the starter indentation for drilling accurate holes without drifting. Then each starter indentation must be pre-drilled with a much smaller drill bit than the final size. The last step is to actually drill the holes with the bit used to make the full size hole. Just remember that a half inch bit is going to be too large and will not work. If you desire to maintain an exact half inch hole, then your grid spacing must be enlarged as well to accommodate an actual half inch hole.

Just note this, these can be made individually into single grids. Then the individual grids can be placed on the wall or ceiling in any fashion that you see fit. I wanted full scale large panels. That is why my application called for this particular layout onto on large panel.

Just make sure that you get the base sequence right. This is critical and must be adhered to correctly.

Also, did you consider using contact film or masking tape on the bottom sheet in your stack when drilling holes to prevent blow-out? Usually when I work with a critical cut and am concerned about chipping a simple strip of masking tape will prevent the cut/hole from splitting.

I got the MDF sheets at a very cheap price so I was not worried about making the bottom one into a sacrificial sheet.  With the price of MDF today, sure, absolutely I would have protected that bottom sheet from blowout to keep its integrity in check.

I think I would go with plywood if I were to do this again. Much better material and the blowout would be minimal.  I will tell you this, I am NOT about to go through that drilling process again.  I would hire a CNC shop to do it for me.

I hope this made some kind of sense to you. It is easier to show you in action.  I had that on my YouTube channel, but nobody seemed to take interest in that so I pulled the plug on it. They wanted the information, but failed to support my channel. I am not about to work for free. Too bad these people can't understand that. People today think that everything is free, and they could care less about the creator.  I gave away a lot of hard extensive work which I made into HQ 4K videos with nothing in return. I'm sure you know what kind of investment that requires. Goes without saying, it is simply the sign of the times.

This design does not belong to me anyway, so it will be shown here as public domain.

I am however very pleased to share it with someone who will make use of it and appreciate its value.

If you have any more questions about this, feel free to ask.


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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #123 - 07/30/24 at 17:22:55

Now it is time to examine the process of building my metal diaphragmatic corner bass absorbers.

First, let's define in simple terms what a "diaphragmatic" bass absorber is, and how it functions.

A diaphragmatic bass absorber works on the principle of using a sheet of material which is damped by use of another material behind it. This is built within an open back cabinet which allows air to pass through to the rear. This also works actively by maintaining an open space from the walls behind it to allow far better absorption performance. It is important to leave at least a couple of inches airspace, and not placing these units directly against the walls. This decreases its effectiveness when that becomes the case.

With this open back design, the unit will have a much wider range of effectiveness across the frequency bands. The material used as the face plate (sheet material), is critical for determining just how effective the unit will be, along with the type and depth of the absorbent material used in conjunction with the face plate.

The face plate MUST be able to vibrate in order to function properly. It is critical that in order for this to happen, there MUST be adequate airspace between the back of the face plate, and the absorbent material. In my case, I maintained approximately an inch of airspace in my design for this area.

 The only place the face plate should have any degree of contact with the cabinet is where it fits within the channel to hold it in place.  In my design, I used a loose fitting channel which allows the face plate some flexible freedom without being clenched too tightly. The metal face plate is installed within the channel by using flexible acoustic sealant to help give it the best degree of detachment without losing integrity of the structure itself. It is important that this face plate is sealed airtight within the channel.

The impending vibration from the face plate has the ability to absorb huge amounts of energy through the function of heat dissipation.

The resulting energy dissipation stems from the conversion of mechanical energy into heat.

A wave form is the propagating dynamic disturbance of one or many quantities.

When a wave is reduced in amplitude, the resulting factor becomes dissipation.

This factor of "dissipation" is a process of transforming energy from a base form into a "final" form. This is a process of thermal dynamics where the final form is weaker than the base form as an end result. What started out as concentrated energy, now becomes a dissipate state through heat as the transfer of energy spreads out to a reduced rate of travel and concentration.  Over time, the waves/oscillations will lose energy from the vibrating face panel as a form of friction. Therefore the thermal dynamic reaction of heat creates a loss of amplitude.

That is pretty easy to understand, right?


Next, I will begin showing you how this design is built.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #124 - 07/30/24 at 21:09:10
Thanks for that explanation RPS.  

I created a grid using excel and a simple random number generator that gives each cell a value of 0 or 1, then assigned conditional formatting to color any cells with a value of 1.  Seems like a simple method to achieve the same result.  

The builder can print it out and tape the template to the sheet(s) to drill the colored cells, resulting in the intended pattern.  You can make the sheet any size you desire by dragging the formula to any configuration of cells and adjust your print size to your liking.  If anyone is interested PM me and I'll send you a copy of the file.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #125 - 07/31/24 at 04:51:29
I created a grid using excel and a simple random number generator that gives each cell a value of 0 or 1, then assigned conditional formatting to color any cells with a value of 1.  Seems like a simple method to achieve the same result.

Are you sure about that?


If you examine the complex mathematical equations used to create the optimum number sequence for the EXPO panel and the BAD panel array, you will learn that these number sequences are anything BUT simple random 1's and 0's.

I doubt that 'Antonio just simply used a basic random number generator to come up with such a complex design. There are many factors which MUST be determined when these numbers are folded to take in consideration important factors such as "Auto-Correlation", Modulation, and that of a very bad thing called "lobing" which must be reduced to a minimum!

You have the valuable and proven array shown to you here which is very easy to duplicate.

If I may, I would like to  suggest a very comprehensive source of information for educating someone interested in acoustic science.

Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers

Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers
Theory, design and application
Trevor J. Cox
University of Salford, UK
Peter D’Antonio
RPG Diffusor Systems Inc., USA

Preface xiv
Acknowledgements xviii
Glossary of frequently used symbols xix
Introduction 1
1 Applications and basic principles of absorbers 6
1.1 Reverberation control 6
1.1.1 A statistical model of reverberation 7
1.2 Noise control in factories and large rooms with
diffuse fields 11
1.3 Modal control in critical listening spaces 12
1.4 Echo control in auditoria and lecture theatres – basic
sound propagation models 13
1.4.1 Sound propagation – a wave approach 15
1.4.2 Impedance, admittance, reflection factor and
absorption 16
1.5 Absorption in sound insulation – transfer matrix
modelling 18
1.5.1 Transfer matrix modelling 19
1.6 Absorption for pipes and ducts – porous absorber
characteristics 20
1.6.1 Characterizing porous absorbers 21
1.7 Summary 22
1.8 References 22
2 Applications and basic principles of diffusers 23
2.1 Echo control in auditoria 23
2.1.1 Example applications 23
2.1.2 Wavefronts and diffuse reflections 26
2.1.3 Coherence and terminology 30
2.2 Reducing colouration in small rooms 32
2.2.1 Sound reproduction 32
2.2.2 Music practice rooms 39
2.3 Controlling modes in reverberation chambers 43
2.4 Improving speech intelligibility in underground
or subway stations 44
2.5 Promoting spaciousness in auditoria 44
2.6 Reducing effects of early arriving reflections
in large spaces 45
2.7 Diffusers for uniform coverage with overhead
stage canopies 46
2.8 Diffusers for rear and side of stage enclosures 48
2.9 Diffusers to reduce focussing effects of concave surfaces 52
2.10 Diffusion and road side barriers 53
2.11 Diffusion and street canyons 55
2.12 Conclusions 55
2.13 References 56
3 Measurementof absorber properties 58
3.1 Impedance tube or standing wave tube measurement 58
3.1.1 Standing wave method 61
3.1.2 Transfer function method 62
3.2 Two microphone free field measurement64
3.3 Multi-microphone techniques for non-isotropic,
non-planar surfaces 65
3.3.1 Multi-microphone free field measurement
for periodic surfaces 66
3.4 Reverberation chamber method 68
3.4.1 Measurement of seating absorption 71
3.5 In situ measurement of absorptive properties 74
3.6 Internal properties of absorbents 78
3.6.1 Measurement of flow resistivity 78
3.6.2 Measurementof flow impedance 81
3.6.3 Directmeasurementof wavenumber 82
3.6.4 Indirectmeasurementof wavenumber and
characteristic impedance 82
3.6.5 Measurementof porosity 83
3.7 Summary 85
3.8 References 85
4 Measurement and characterization of diffuse reflections
or scattering 87
4.1 Measurement of scattered polar responses 88
4.1.1 Near and far fields 95
viii Contents
4.1.2 Sample considerations 102
4.1.3 The total field and comb filtering 103
4.2 Diffusion and scattering coefficients, a general discussion 104
4.3 The need for coefficients 105
4.3.1 Diffuser manufacturer and application 105
4.3.2 Geometric room acoustic models 106
4.4 The diffusion coefficient107
4.4.1 Principle 107
4.4.2 Obtaining polar responses 109
4.4.3 Discussion 110
4.4.4 Diffusion coefficienttable 111
4.5 The scattering coefficient 112
4.5.1 Principle 112
4.5.2 Rationale and procedure 113
4.5.3 Sample considerations 116
4.5.4 Anisotropic surfaces 116
4.5.5 Predicting the scattering coefficient 118
4.6 From polar responses to scattering coefficients,
the correlation scattering coefficient 120
4.6.1 Scattering coefficient table 123
4.7 Contrasting diffusion and scattering coefficient:
a summary 124
4.8 Other methods for characterizing diffuse reflections 124
4.8.1 Measuring scattering coefficients by solving
the inverse problem 124
4.8.2 Room diffuseness 125
4.9 Summary 126
4.10 References 127
5 Porous absorption 129
5.1 Absorption mechanisms and characteristics 129
5.1.1 Covers 131
5.2 Material types 132
5.2.1 Mineral wool and foam 132
5.2.2 Recycled materials 133
5.2.3 Curtains (drapes) 134
5.2.4 Carpets 135
5.2.5 Absorbentplaster 135
5.2.6 Coustone or quietstone 137
5.3 Basic material properties 137
5.3.1 Flow resistivity 138
5.3.2 Porosity 140
5.4 Modelling propagation within porous absorbents 141
5.4.1 Macroscopic empirical models such as
Delany and Bazley 141
Contents ix
5.4.2 Further material properties 144
5.4.3 Theoretical models 145
5.5 Predicting the impedance and absorption
of porous absorbers 148
5.5.1 Single layer porous absorber with
rigid backing 149
5.6 Local and extended reaction 150
5.7 Oblique incidence 151
5.8 Biot theory for elastic-framed materials 153
5.9 Summary 155
5.10 References 155
6 Resonantabsorbers 157
6.1 Mechanisms 158
6.2 Example constructions 159
6.2.1 Bass trap membrane absorber 159
6.2.2 Helmholtz absorption 160
6.2.3 Absorption and diffusion 162
6.2.4 Clear absorption 163
6.2.5 Masonry devices 164
6.3 Design equations: resonant frequency 166
6.3.1 Helmholtz resonator 166
6.3.2 Losses 172
6.4 Example calculations 178
6.4.1 Slotted Helmholtz absorber 178
6.4.2 Porous absorbent filling the cavity 179
6.5 More complicated constructions 180
6.5.1 Double resonators 180
6.5.2 Microperforation 180
6.5.3 Lateral orifices 183
6.6 Summary 184
6.7 References 184
7 Miscellaneous absorbers 186
7.1 Seating and audience 186
7.2 Absorbers from Schroeder diffusers 188
7.2.1 Energy flow mechanism 189
7.2.2 Boundary layer absorption 191
7.2.3 Absorption or diffusion 191
7.2.4 Depth sequence 193
7.2.5 Use of mass elements 194
7.2.6 Number of wells 196
7.2.7 Theoretical model 196
x Contents
7.3 Summary 200
7.4 References 200
8 Prediction of scattering 202
8.1 Boundary elementmethods 202
8.1.1 The Helmholtz–Kirchhoff integral equation 204
8.1.2 General solution method 205
8.1.3 Thin panel solution 209
8.1.4 Periodic formulation 212
8.1.5 Accuracy of BEM modelling: thin rigid
reflectors 215
8.1.6 Accuracy of BEM modelling: Schroeder
diffusers 216
8.2 Kirchhoff 219
8.3 Fresnel 224
8.4 Fraunhofer or Fourier solution 225
8.4.1 Near and far field 226
8.4.2 Fraunhofer theory accuracy 227
8.5 Other methods 228
8.5.1 Transientmodel 228
8.5.2 FEA 229
8.5.3 Edge diffraction models 229
8.5.4 Wave decomposition and mode-matching
approaches 230
8.5.5 Random roughness 230
8.5.6 Boss models 231
8.6 Summary 231
8.7 References 231
9 Schroeder diffusers 233
9.1 Basic principles 233
9.2 Design equations 234
9.3 Some limitations and other considerations 236
9.4 Sequences 239
9.4.1 Maximum length sequence diffuser 239
9.4.2 Quadratic residue sequence 242
9.4.3 Primitive root sequence 242
9.4.4 Index sequences 245
9.4.5 Huffman and beyond 245
9.5 The curse of periodicity 248
9.6 Improving base response 257
9.7 Multi-dimensional devices 260
9.8 Absorption 263
Contents xi
9.9 But. . . 266
9.10 Optimization 268
9.10.1 Process 268
9.10.2 Results 271
9.11 Summary 273
9.12 References 274
10 Geometric reflectors and diffusers 276
10.1 Plane surfaces 276
10.1.1 Single panel response 276
10.1.2 Panel array response: far field arc 281
10.1.3 Panel array response: near field 282
10.2 Triangles and pyramids 284
10.2.1 Arrays of triangles 287
10.3 Concave arcs 288
10.4 Convex arcs 290
10.4.1 Geometric scattering theory and cut-off
frequencies 291
10.4.2 Performance of simple curved diffusers 293
10.5 Optimized curved surfaces 297
10.5.1 Example application 297
10.5.2 Design process 298
10.5.3 Performance for unbaffled single
optimized diffusers 301
10.5.4 Periodicity and modulation 303
10.5.5 Stage canopies 305
10.6 Fractals 307
10.6.1 Fourier synthesis 308
10.6.2 Step function addition 309
10.7 Summary 311
10.8 References 311
11 Hybrid surfaces 313
11.1 Planar hybrid surface 313
11.2 Curved hybrid surface 314
11.3 Simple theory 316
11.4 Number sequences 318
11.4.1 One-dimensional sequences 318
11.4.2 Two-dimensional sequences 324
11.5 Designing curved hybrid surfaces 324
11.6 Absorption 324
11.7 Accuracy of simple theories 327
11.8 Diffuse reflections 330
xii Contents
11.9 Boundary element modelling 332
11.10 Summary 333
11.11 References 334
12 Absorbers and diffusers in rooms and geometric models 335
12.1 Absorption coefficients: from free field to random
incidence 335
12.2 From the reverberation chamber absorption
coefficients to room predictions 338
12.3 Absorption in geometric room acoustic models 339
12.4 Diffuse reflections in geometric room acoustic
models 343
12.4.1 Ray re-direction 345
12.4.2 Transition order using particle tracing 345
12.4.3 Diffuse energy decays with the reverberation
time of the hall 346
12.4.4 Radiosity and radiant exchange 346
12.4.5 Early sound field wave model 346
12.4.6 Distributing the diffuse energy 346
12.4.7 Scattering coefficients 349
12.5 Summary 352
12.6 References 352
13 Active absorption and diffusion 355
13.1 Some principles of active control 356
13.2 An example active impedance system and
a general overview 359
13.3 Active absorption in ducts 361
13.4 Active absorption in three dimensions 362
13.4.1 Low frequency modal control – example
results 364
13.4.2 Low frequency modal control – alternative
control regime 365
13.5 Hybrid active–passive absorption 368
13.6 Active diffusers 371

Here is one excerpt from this book.

8 Prediction of scattering

To enable the design and characterization of a diffusing surface, it is necessary to be
able to predict the reflected pressure from the surface.
Currently, this is usually done
by considering the scattering from the surface in isolation of other objects and
boundaries. The prediction techniques could also be used as part of a whole space
prediction algorithm, where all surfaces in a room are simultaneously modelled. At
the moment, however, long computation times and storage limitations mean that
whole space prediction algorithms are forced to use relatively crude representations of
the actual scattering processes. Consequently, when predicting the responses in rooms
and semi-enclosed spaces such as street canyons or pavilions, it is more common to
use geometric models. The issue of modelling scattering in geometric models is
discussed in Chapter 12.

Therefore, the issue for this chapter is predicting the scattering from isolated
surfaces. There is a range of choices of models, from the numerically exact but
computationally slow, to the approximate but fast models. The prediction methods
can also be differentiated as either time or frequency domain models. In diffuser
design, frequency domain methods have dominated the development of the modern
diffuser. For this reason, this chapter will concentrate on these methods. Table 8.1
summarizes the prediction models which will be considered in this chapter, along with
their key characteristics.

The next section will start with the most accurate model, a boundary element
method (BEM) based on the Helmholtz–Kirchhoff integral equation.
It will then be
demonstrated how the more approximate models can be derived from this integral
equation, and the relative merits and limitations of the techniques will be discussed.
To round off the chapter, an overview of less commonly used techniques will be given.

8.1 Boundary element methods

When BEMs are applied to diffusers, remarkable accuracy is achieved. The accuracy
is much better than most acousticians are used to achieving from an acoustics theory.

Acousticians are used to using empirical fixes to make measurement match predic-
tion, but that is not often needed when BEMs are used to predict diffuser scattering.
The only real disadvantages of BEMs are that the method is prone to human error in
meshing the surface, and most importantly, it is slow for high frequencies and large
surfaces. Some have attempted to apply the prediction methods to whole rooms for
low frequencies, but this is very computationally intense, requiring super computing
or a considerable amount of patience while waiting for results.

Here is another excerpt from this book.

11.1 Planar hybrid surface

The binary amplitude diffsorber, also known as a BAD panel, is a flat hybrid
surface having both absorbing and diffusing abilities. The panel simultaneously provides
sound diffusion at high and mid-band frequencies, and crosses over to absorption below
some cut-off frequency.

Figure 11.1 shows a typical construction. Mineral wool is faced
with a complex perforated mask, and the panel is fabric wrapped for appearance. The
white patches on the mask are holes, and the black patches hard reflecting surfaces.
Figure 11.2 shows the random incidence absorption coefficient for a hybrid surface
compared to the mineral wool alone, the effect of changing the backing depth is also

The additional vibrating mass within the holes of the mask causes the absorption
curve to shift down in frequency generating additional low to mid-frequency absorp-

At high frequency, the hard parts of the mask reflect some of the sound, preventing
absorption happening in some parts of the mineral wool, and so causing the absorption
coefficient to reduce. It is at these high frequencies, where the absorption is reduced, that
the surface should start to generate significant amounts of diffuse reflections.

To accomplish mid- to high frequency dispersion, a 31 by 33 2D array of absorptive and reflective areas is used.

The reflective areas map to the 1 bit and the absorptive areas map to the 0 bit in a binary pseudorandom number sequence.

The distribution of these binary elements is based on an optimal binary sequence with a flat power spectrum as this maximizes dispersion.

For example, this could be based on an maximum length sequences.

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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #126 - 07/31/24 at 05:16:50

Another excerpt from the book above:

11.3 Simplest theory

In this section, a discussion of the design of hybrid surfaces using the simplest Fourier
theory will be given. As with Schroeder diffusers, much can be learned by considering the
simplest construct, but ultimately, more exact theories will be necessary to match
the experiment. Consider a simple Fourier theory as discussed in Chapter 8, and for simplicity consider a 2D world so that predictions in one plane only are considered. The
pressure amplitude, |ps |, reflected from a planar, variable impedance surface is given by:

where and y are the angles of incidence and reflection, R(x) the surface reflection
factor a distance x along the surface, k the wave number, A a constant, and s the
diffuser surface.

This is an approximate far field theory, which forms the basis of the hybrid surface
design. This simple prediction theory and the subsequent design process are only
applicable at mid- to high frequencies. At low frequencies, the mutual interactions
across the surface make the prediction model inaccurate, as shall be discussed later.
Equation 11.1 is a Fourier transform in kx and transforms the reflection factors into
[sin(y) þ sin( )] space. To a first approximation, the absorptive parts of the hybrid
surface will have a reflection factor of R(x) ¼ 0 and the reflective parts have R(x) ¼ 1.

A pseudorandom number sequence with good autocorrelation properties is used
to determine the spatial distribution of the hard and soft patches.

For example, the
number sequence mightbe {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, and
where there is a 1 in the sequence a patch of absorption is used, where this is a 0 in the
sequence the surface is reflective.

Figure 11.6 illustrates a surface where the impe-dance variation is in one plane only, and the strips of absorption or reflection are
extruded in one direction. Surfaces which scatter hemispherically, such as those shown
in Figure 11.1, are formed from number sequence arrays. The number sequence
arrays are formed by applying a folding technique to a 1D sequence. Schroeder named
the folding technique the Chinese remainder theorem [3] after a famous mathematical
problem involving modular arithmetic. This is discussed in Section 11.4.2.

A number sequence with good autocorrelation properties will have a flat power
with respect to kx. This means the pressure amplitude scattered is constant
with respect to the transform variable [sin(y) þ sin( )], which means good dispersion
is generated in a polar response. If the surface is periodic, this will relate to grating
lobes all having the same level except for the zeroth order lobe, in many ways similar
to the theories behind Schroeder diffusers and discussed in Chapter 9.

Consequently, the choice of number sequence is crucial to obtaining diffuse reflections.

The initial development of this diffuser was carried out by Angus [4] who began by
looking at MLS. Maximum length sequences are a good starting point as they have
desirable Fourier properties.
There are many other bipolar sequences which have flat
Fourier transforms, but MLS are the best documented and known. The issue of sequences
is discussed in more detail in the next section.

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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #127 - 08/17/24 at 04:57:11

The beginning stages for building the corner bass absorbers starts here with the basic shell.

Shown here is the center brace which also acts as a separation divider for maintaining proper distance of the absorbent from the metal panel.

Note that a finger width of spacing is allowed for behind the metal.  It is critical to insure nothing touches the metal face.

All seams front and back must be sealed airtight in order for the spring action of the face plate to work properly. The sealant should be a flexible non hardening type.

Cardboard strips are stapled across the internal bracing for which to cradle the absorbent with proper distance from the front metal face. Ideally, there should be at least an inch of airspace maintained between the front face and the absorbent.

I needed one of my lower bass absorber units to be mobile for easy movement around the entry door. This unit is the only one needing wheels. All others just have rubber feet attached.

The R13 fiberglass is loosely rolled up inside the chamber from bottom to top.  The backing paper is used to seal up the rear opening so that dangerous fiberglass particles do not become an airborne safety issue. The seams should be sealed with tape once the paper is secured to the unit.

This rear opening can be concealed with cloth if desired. This section goes into the room corners anyway, so it is not normally visible.

The units are ready to stack in the corners once they have a finish applied.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #128 - 08/18/24 at 18:21:35
Thanks for continuing this thread and allowing us to come along for the ride.

Great and valuable information embedded within. Really shows the DIY considerations and process steps.

Really glad the results are what you had hoped for. Not really a surprise though, with all the research and homework done to make it come to fruition. (not to mention the sweat equity!)

Anyway, hope the roofing project is coming along nicely and looking forward to the next installments.
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SE84UFO25 - CSP3 (A-mods)
ZROCK2 (A-mods) - ZBIT
Cambridge Audio CXN V2 (ModWright)
Cambridge Audio CXC
Zu Audio Soul Supremes
VIABLUE IC's & Spkr cables ; DSR3 IC's
Audio-Technica TT
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #129 - 08/19/24 at 00:05:14
Hey mrchipster, no problem at all. I have been very busy, but I do find time to post here when I can. I have another down day today due to rain. So I will be adding content today. Next week is supposed to be good outdoors, so the work progress will continue starting monday morning.

I have half of this roof section completed and rain tested...no leaks!  I also had to take on the task of upgrading the wall sections with new vinyl siding where this roof joins the wall of the two story house section which I completed last year.  So this added considerably more work to my plans, but the upgrade and visual beauty makes it worth it. Brand new white siding with fresh insulation board behind it. It really makes a huge visual impact from the street view.

I have to replace the entire roof except for the rafters, so this is a major job.  I wish that all I had to do was re-shingle, as I would have had this entire job done by now.  Then the trigger valve on my nailing gun blew a seal while trying to install some new OSB paneling on the roof, so that cost me a delay, but the weather turned bad the next day anyway. I got the seal kit in one day on Amazon. That took me about 45 minutes to rebuild and test. The gun is like brand new again and ready for action.

I also have the task of installing all new insulation while access is available with the roof panels removed. I am installing R30 under this roof section to bring it up to code and help reduce utility costs.  Playing with rolls of fiberglass in an oven is really fun when the temps outside are in the mid nineties.

I am working on the section which extends over the kitchen area now, so there are vent pipes and things like that to work around when installing new OSB panels.  I will be very happy when this project is completed. I will also be content knowing that I have a new high quality roof which is built to last at least three decades as long as mother nature doesn't lay a tornado upon the house.  Like I said before, the reward for doing this myself allows me a huge amount of cash to buy fun things like audio equipment and music to enjoy, instead of paying someone else that I fail to trust for repairs that I can do myself, and know that it is done right.

It is pouring down heavy rain right now as I type this.  But I am not worried.

For future information posted here, this will be continued for a long time. I have many ideas, and new projects to create concerning audio.

I have recently purchased many HQ recordings which are mastered directly from the master tapes into the HDCD format.  These have made such a huge difference, taking my system to far greater levels of musical dynamics and clarity to such a high degree, that it is now difficult to play a normal mediocre version of a recording created for the general masses. It is so obvious what these studios were doing to these poorly made mastering jobs, even the one's that they hype up as "remastered", as they destroy them with the use of limiters/compression. Those offerings are like having a heavy blanket draped over the speakers compared to what is revealed by the well made recordings offered by these HDCD versions which do NOT degrade the dynamic range and purity of the master tapes as heard in the studio.  I will go into these comparisons on a very wide scale in the future.

I am extremely pleased at what I am getting from my system and room now by using properly recorded CD's which reveal music the way it was intended to be heard. The dynamics are explosive! I have low frequency content now that feels like I have a subsonic transducer under my couch. (I don't). The power of the kick drums and bass is so deep and clear that it really seems like I am sitting front row in a small club with live players.

The percussion is so realistic and powerful that when you close your eyes, you can easily imagine yourself in that type of setting.  I now know just how special my amp and my Q-force speakers really are together as one, now that I have superb quality recordings to play through this equipment.

It is so good, that I doubt another amp would make enough difference to justify the cost.  I won't need the Zrock3 for these recordings, and I would not recommend doing so.  As for standard recordings which are mass produced, then that is where this device will be needed. I seriously doubt that even the Zrock3 can make the standard grade recordings sound anywhere even near what a master recording reveals on a great system.

I will eventually have that device in my system to help those recordings sound better. I will then know what that answer will be by direct comparison and experience.

I have never heard anything this good, not even close to what I have now. This after hearing a great deal of expensive high end systems within much larger audio rooms acoustically treated to sound good.  After 50 years of following the HI-FI dream, I do have a bit of experience to know the difference. Too bad it took me most of my life to finally get to this point.

But you know what, it means nothing for me to say that. You HAVE to be part of this actual experience to really appreciate and understand where I am coming from at this point in time. All I can say is that talk is cheap, but proof is what makes everything completely lucid. I have that proof.

If you ever decide to pass through my area mrchipster, you are invited to spend a day listening in my audio room.  I think you just may be re-evaluating what is possible in the audio realm.  I do hope you can handle some intense decibels (CLEAN) along with having the feeling of kick drums beat at your chest, and the deep rhythm of bass notes penetrating your body for some long duration periods.


(This system information will be revealed and discussed in part two of this audio journey. I will be going there very soon.)

My speakers are coupled with a custom sub for low frequency extension of the main system for very low frequency response. The Q-force speakers have very efficient ratings, so they do not require a huge amplifier to get the performance levels of huge solid state amps with less efficient speakers.

The only time I ever heard this level of visceral response from the low end was with huge class A mono block solid state amps which got as hot as an oven and still were not as impressive as what I have now.  The ToriMK3 is set to a volume level of approximately 40 percent to reach this level!  That is really impressive when you consider the fact that not only the main speakers are being driven by this amp, but also the subwoofer unit as well!  That unit uses twin push-pull 12 inch woofers.  The main speakers are 90 dB efficient at 40 Hz! They are stable at 93 dB across the response curve with the exception of 1 kHZ, where there is a 3 dB dip to subdue the harsh factor for which the nasal sounding 1 kHz frequency produces. Music sounds much smoother when this is done. They extend down to 27 Hz with considerable efficiency to 30 Hz. Of course, the auxiliary bass extension boosts that level to compensate for an overall well balanced flat frequency spectrum. Everything sounds equally balanced in sound level.

When I designed these speakers, extreme care went into the quality factor for which to match the performance of the Tori amp and it's power rating. I have no doubt that I was successful at doing so.

One of my design requirements were that of high efficiency and flat response, so that all instruments were revealed at the same level of perception. I wanted to insure that the shimmer of cymbals, and the most intricate details which are revealed within the layers of music are heard clearly, and equally as pronounced as the powerful realism of a kick drum. The frequency response of my speakers maintain a close tolerance of  3 dB deviation from 40 Hz to beyond 20 kHz. That is as close to perfection as one can hope to get. This is why these speakers sound so incredibly good.

This accomplishment was not by luck. It took a huge amount of effort and engineering to accomplish this goal.  It is after hearing these master recordings that I now know just how great these speaker designs really are. The same goes for understanding just how great the quality of the ToriMK3 really is when all things are factored in with the utmost of quality perfection instilled.  I will tell you this, it all starts with the quality of the recording and goes from there. Everything else is limited to that restraint. Just as you can't revive the dead, nothing will ever make a bad recording sound good like a master recording. Only then will you know just how good your system really is.

If the Zrock3 does not improve these mediocre standard recordings to anywhere close to what I get from a properly mastered HDCD or K2 mastered version, then I might as well just throw those recordings in the trash, because they do nothing for me but get me upset at the mastering engineer, and the record companies who mass produced such garbage!  I hope this device improves the lesser grade recordings to a point where I can enjoy them to at least a reasonable degree compared to the HQ offerings.  Those mainstream overly compressed, limited CD's sound so dull and uninteresting now.  This really has been an enlightenment in music quality variance.

The best way I can explain this to form a relative idea as to what is missing is this example. Take a scale with ten points. Each represents the musical scale from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The original master was recorded most likely outside of that range into the extension beyond human hearing. So the information exists on the original studio master.

 Now, slice off the bottom 30 percent, and also the top 20 percent (perhaps even more), and that is what you have left on most standard mediocre CD's that are on the market. Not to mention the subpar recording quality that went into that pathetic offering. The dynamics are very limited, the mid-range has no body, the depth of detail is missing, and the overall perception likens to FM radio versus a very expensive vinyl system. What you have left is okay for the masses who really don't care about bass extension or fine detail within the music, for which their systems most likely aren't capable of producing anyway.  When you play these on a HQ system, the difference is huge and very obvious.

I guess this would be like going from a regular car to driving an expensive luxury class offering, then trying to enjoy the ride in that old basic car again.   It will ruin you once you become aware of the difference.

I wasn't going to get into that yet, but with the recent experiences in this audio room, I felt compelled to express it as it has made a huge impact on my perception of what is possible in audio. Too bad I can only share this experience with words. It does no justice at all to the reality of this complexity, as to what an actual listening experience would convey.

I just revealed an insight to the future of this thread and where it is going. So you get an idea of the change that's about to come in part two. Let's just pretend that I didn't mention any of this yet and continue with the track I was on. I will take you through the first phase of this audio experiment and give you my impressions of that outcome.  Then I will move on to part two and touch upon this with far greater extent. This whole process is about discovery. I took things to the extreme so I would not look back and wonder ...what if?

And now I have found what I was searching for, and life is on the right track!

So for now, I will continue the direction I was going and see where this goes.

Hope your audio experience is as good for you as mine has been for me!


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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #130 - 08/19/24 at 01:30:59

So here are the finished diaphragmatic corner bass absorbers shown in place around the room. You will notice that I provided an airspace behind the units at each sector of the wall. If you fail to do this, the performance of the unit will suffer.

That concludes the poly cylindrical diaphragmatic corner bass absorbers. It is time now to move on to the next part of this audio room build.

I will be showing you the build detail of the sidewall binary diffuser/absorber units which are a comprised  quad array of B.A.D. panels arranged in a standard/inverted group within a curved structure for improved field scattering response and improved lobing reduction from the array. These are EXACT replicas of the RPG B.A.D. panels. (Binary Amplitude Diffuser)

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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #131 - 08/19/24 at 01:49:58

A quad array of these sequences arranged with inverted implementation is what you will see with my finished product. The performance factor of these units goes up by a large degree with the arrangement built into a curved setting.

The next images show these units from raw form to the finished product.

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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #132 - 08/19/24 at 03:19:16

This is a completed quad array within it's curved frame. I built these using .5 inch square ceiling grids which are perfect for this use. I built a jig to cut precise half inch cubes made from MDF to place into each square as required by the number sequence. These are glued in place to prevent falling out.

These units required legs to stand on which would be stable and solid. The units need to be placed a few inches from the walls, and the leg supports must accommodate that. These are well balanced to prevent tip-over.

You see the rear of the units after layering with ROXUL rock-wool insulation as the absorbent. It is absolutely necessary for an airspace to be provided between the back of these units and the wall for maximum performance.

This unit is complete with a full wrap of cotton muslin material for aesthetics. Normally, the grid is not this transparent in normal light. The image has been enhanced to see it more clearly behind the covering.

These can be positioned anywhere within the room as needed. A bit of experimentation with placement will yield best results along the side wall. These are very good for correcting first order reflections. They make a noticeable difference depending upon where you place them. Diffuse reflections, that is the focal point. These units are purpose designed to increase the perceived sound-stage of the room. This is a major factor for which to make the space around you seem to be much larger than what it really is. The room just seems to disappear as a result.

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Professional Studio Grade Acoustic Transformation.
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #133 - 08/19/24 at 04:52:33
I will make a quick focus upon the device I designed and built to reduce the HVAC noise coming from the return register on the floor. If you want room air conditioning and complete silence, then this is what you need to get that job done. This has internal airflow guides which reduce the turbulence of the incoming airflow. This acts like a muffler, reducing the noise to a minimum while allowing the airflow to pass through into the room.

The bottom has a seal around the opening. Simply place this unit against the wall directly over the register on the floor.

And there you have it. A quick and easy solution to reducing HVAC noise.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #134 - 08/20/24 at 11:27:44

Damn it! You got me thinking of moving my equipment back up to the family room just to implement some of your treatment and bring in natural light leaving the Charoit as a home theater experence.

My 40 year shingles are 26 years old. Is there a parallelism here?

Very interesting indeed.

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AMC CD8b>XO3>Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>braided silver/occ> Zrock2>CSP2+>SE84 milflex copper 25th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10 in Huijgen cabinets. Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3. Isolation. AC filtering. Room treatment.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #135 - 08/27/24 at 21:32:27
Hey JB,

What can I say? I just don't want to be responsible for having your family upset at you for moving them out of that family room!


You know what, life is too short to hold back. Do what motivates you and the rest will work itself out. We have to shoot for the best possible experiences we can get. That is what makes the difference in the quality of living which we enjoy.

The funny thing about "parallelisms" is that the human race seems to share so many of them, just perhaps in a shade or two of difference which makes every experience unique.

 All I can say concerning your shingles is that I hope yours last for many more years without any problems.  It costs a fortune to re-shingle a house these days.  And of course, it is so much fun to do this job yourself...really is something you don't want to deal with.

For me, I had the original plywood sheathing panels which were installed when the house was built in 1969.  From what I can gather, the last re-shingle job was around 1994.  These panels should have been replaced back then, but the homeowner was cheap and bypassed this. Now I have to deal with it.

Good thing the cost of these OSB panels have come back down to reasonable prices again.  I remember when for years they were around $8.00 per sheet. Then the corona virus struck, and the price rose on these to levels which exceeded $65.00 per sheet!  I was not about to pay that price and held out for the cost to return back to sanity.  At that price, just these panels alone would have cost me over $4,800.00!  Add at least three times that cost for labor if I paid a contractor to install them, and you can see just how stupid expensive things have become. This is why home values have skyrocketed in direct relation to building cost.  I was lucky enough pay as low as $13.00 per sheet, so that allowed me to pay cash and keep the cost limited to reasonable levels.

I also have the assurance that the job is done correctly to my standards as well as construction code requirements.  The standard method is to use four nails per shingle. I use the max recommendation of six nails to increase wind resistance factors and longevity. Of course using premium under-layment, and high quality architectural shingles makes all the difference as well.  I will be at least 95 years old by the time this roof needs redone again.  At that point, who the hell cares!  I know that I won't.

Quick question, unless this is misspelled, what exactly is the "charoit" that you mentioned?  From what I gather, the spelling of this reference would be "charoite" which refers to a "energetically protective stone, helping shield us from negative or disruptive forces". This is supposed to act as the third eye, awakening latent knowledge for which to enhance our predictive ability.

So unless you actually meant "chariot", then I have to wonder as to how you came up with this reference for your room? Or perhaps, there actually is another term spelled as "charoit".  I am just trying to clarify what we are actually referring to here.  Maybe an image of this could be conveyed to show this.

Maybe I am just being ignorant...LOL

I hope I have not lost my mental cognitive abilities yet...way too early for that stage!


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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #136 - 08/27/24 at 23:50:10
Alright, it is time to resume this audio room transformation. We are getting very close to the end of this initial build for phase one of this project.

It is now time to start populating the holes in the wall with some drivers. It is just about time to fire up the amplifier for the first time since this project began.

I remember having all of these thoughts race through my mind as to what I may expect from my first listening session in this new environment. I rationalized that no matter what, the experience had to be at a much higher level than what I had before in this room. Of course the possibility of disappointment was a very probable situation, and I had to be prepared to accept that. I really wanted to go beyond that, and just experience something that simply takes me way above and beyond any expectations that I may have had about the end results.

So let's finish up here and see where it all led to when the truth revealed itself to me.

Starting with the bass section, there are four Visaton 10 inch drivers which are wired in series/parallel to increase efficiency while maintaining an 8 ohm load. I would have used only two of these drivers but the efficiency rating was not high enough without stepping up to a four driver configuration.  With only two drivers, the ohm rating would have dropped to 4 ohms. That would have created a higher stress level on the amplifier, so I wanted to keep things at 8 ohms anyway. I knew that bass cancellation was of primary concern here due to the proximity of null zones within the room. Again, this is all part of the discovery process and anything can be expected.

And now a view of the top section showing the Tang Band mid-range driver and the Swan high frequency driver. Everything is mounted as flush as possible to avoid diffraction artifacts.

A view from the backside of the wall inside of the sealed closet space.

So at this point, the system is all hooked up and ready for the first listening test.

Before I cover that, I will reveal the equipment used at this time.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #137 - 08/28/24 at 01:53:05
And now I will take the time to show you the details of my audio system used for this project.

Amplification duties provided by the fabulous performance of the ToriiMK3 driving a quad set of Mullard reissue El34 output power tubes.

I shall return next with a continuation of the equipment profile.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #138 - 08/28/24 at 02:51:36
No use worrying about a Torii 3 having a hard time playing 4 ohm speakers.

I've been playing 4 ohm speakers for well over 10 years without a hiccup.

In fact, I believe I might have been playing some 2 ohm speakers for quite a while sometime in the past!

I do have one question, I gather that this project has already taken place in the past, that it isn't happening now in 2024?
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #139 - 08/28/24 at 15:28:52
Chariot is a pet nane given under the current circumstances when my listening room was conceived. Long story that was touched on in Flick's Charoit thread.

Believe it or not but my roof is sheeted with 1 1/2 " tongue and grove pine. Over kill for sure!

Check you PM that I sent in this forum. We should get together sometime!
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AMC CD8b>XO3>Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>braided silver/occ> Zrock2>CSP2+>SE84 milflex copper 25th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10 in Huijgen cabinets. Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3. Isolation. AC filtering. Room treatment.
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #140 - 08/29/24 at 04:55:55
Chariot is a pet nane given under the current circumstances when my listening room was conceived. Long story that was touched on in Flick's Charoit thread.

I understand now.  

Believe it or not but my roof is sheeted with 1 1/2 " tongue and grove pine. Over kill for sure!

Man, that roof will never need replacement!


Check you PM that I sent in this forum. We should get together sometime!

I replied to your PM. You are invited!  Perhaps you could share your experience here with the others when you return home if you ever do decide to make that trip.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #141 - 08/29/24 at 05:23:22

Hey Donnie,

Yes, you are actually correct in the fact that this all started over four years ago. If I recall, I think that I actually began this room around 2018, so this goes back  even more than four years. I have been enjoying this audio room for some time now.

I did mention this on page two of this thread. You just didn't see it.

However, the way I look at it is this, this project in one way or another will always continue.  I will be going into the second phase of this project very soon. You will see some major changes after I discuss what the outcome of this initial stage ended up being.

I am just doing some story telling to show you what I did to get where I am at today.

And as for the load rating on the amp, yeah, no sweat, I never had any concern about that. Steve built these amps like military tanks. They will just about drive a dead short if pushed hard enough and still keep going without harm. Even the tubes are driven light duty by these designs, so it would take a great deal of punishment to ever "overdrive" my ToriiMK3 amp.

If you paid attention to what I wrote, I noted that this amp is driving both, my main speakers PLUS the subwoofer driving twin push-pull 12 inch woofers. The ToriiMK3 doesn't flinch for a split second. I am driving these speakers hard into some very intense decibel levels without ever exceeding the 40 percent mark on the volume. This amp drives bass like it was a huge solid state amp with plenty of reserve power! Anyone who thinks they need more power than what this brute can give out all day, needs to rethink their speaker choice.

Hey, I thought you were paying attention.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #142 - 08/29/24 at 05:45:55
So I did something a bit different today that turned out quite interesting.  I was going through my tube stash and it dawned upon me that I had a perfect set of expensive Phillips rectifiers which have been boxed up for over ten years in the closet.  I had purchased these for use in this amplifier and then decided to preserve them and use something else for everyday use.  These are highly sought after, and now carry a high price tag.

I decided to put these in the amp today and see how they perform in the ToriiMK3 with the current tube configuration.  I ended up having a very intense listening session which left me very satisfied to say the least!

I took photos of these rectifiers installed. I will be showing these images next.  I had actually almost forgotten that I had them.  It is too early to tell any improvement or difference over what the other rectifiers provided, as they are very hard to beat.  I do know that the low frequency response that I had tonight was simply remarkable!

This will lead to another comparison test which will be very extensive before I have any final conclusion about the outcome.  For now, I am leaving the Phillips rectifiers in.
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #143 - 08/29/24 at 06:18:21

Here are the Philips rectifiers that I took out of my closet after ten years being boxed up.

I think that I found a good home for them.

Not a bad discovery for the day!  I think they bring the "cool" factor of the amp up a few notches.


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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #144 - 08/29/24 at 21:33:42
Red Pill,

Thank you for the generous offer and invitation to hear your room/system. If my travels ever take me near your area, I'll be sure to ring you up. I mean, how could I pass up a great experience like that!

As far as your Zrock3 that you have on order, I think it will make a difference on lesser recording but not sure how much, since your system is already at a high level. The Zrock3 has a new toroidal transformer and de-couples the gain from the EQ circuit so should be improved over the Zrock2. I expect it to do a good job but only you'll know when you insert it into your chain. Please keep us posted on your results.

The Torii looks very cool with the Philips rectifiers. I'm using some early 1960's RCA rectifiers in my CSP3 and UFO25. I like them a lot but of course the hunt continues. I'd also like to try some Mullards in my various components. For now, I'm using some nice Amperex 6DJ8's (circa 1969) and like them as well but would also like to hear the difference a Mullard would make. It's kind of daunting with so many tubes in the chain of events! That's part of the journey though, right?

I may have missed it but what front end are you using? (TT, digital, tape). Is a pre-amp in the mix?
Anyway, when you get around to it, it would be cool to see/hear about the full compliment.

Thanks for keeping us posted.
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SE84UFO25 - CSP3 (A-mods)
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red pill sanctuary
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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #145 - 08/31/24 at 04:04:50

Yes, that would be a welcome idea. The distance between our locations is a bit far to consider normally. That definitely makes this difficult to happen. You do know though that if you ever do pass this way, then yes, make sure that you contact me and let me know. I will most certainly make sure that you get a good audition of this room.

As for the Zrock3 on order, yes, I assumed as such about the limitations of what to expect.  With properly mastered CD's, this unit is not necessary. The main reason I ordered it is to help improve the less than stellar mastering jobs that exist in mainstream recordings. For me, that accounts for at least 30 to 40 percent of my library. I have many of these CD's that I really like, but unfortunately, there are no improved versions of these that one can get.  So I can only hope that the Zrock3 will make these sound well enough to actually enjoy listening to these substandard discs.

I realize that no matter what, there is no magic here, as there are obviously limitations to the improvement. I certainly don't expect these to ever be on the level of a properly engineered HDCD.  So as long as I don't set my expectations too high, then I should be pleased with the results.

I ordered my unit with all upgrade options which will make a difference in sound quality. So at least I know that I am giving this the best chance possible.

I will most definitely be reviewing the Zrock3 with a great deal of comparison testing.  It is a bit difficult to convey differences in music, but I will do my best.  You know, very easy to "hear" the difference, very difficult to relate that experience in words.

This will be a future part of my story here. My perception of various recordings and what I notice as a result of my audio room acoustics compared to before I ever built this room.

When it comes to tube swapping/rolling, once I feel satisfied with my current configuration, I stick with it until I need to buy replacement tubes. Only then do I consider trying another tube set.  I know that once my power tubes need replaced, I am considering a set from Decware on the EL34's.  After talking with Steve about these, they sound very interesting.

I was very pleased with the rectifiers that were already in place. But you know, when you find something special like the Philips, it is too hard to resist trying them out for awhile. It is not like I am trying to find an improvement with tubes. I really like the way this amp performs with what I have now. As the saying goes, "never try to fix what isn't broken".

I will tell you this, if you can manage to get your hands on a set of these Mullard reissue power tubes, then by all means, you simply have to try them.

As you know, Mullard was originally a British product. They are now produced in Russia by New Sensor.

I am glad to see that Upscale Audio has these back in stock now. They were out for a long time. These are around $56.00 each. My amp requires a quad matched set.

My opinion of the Mullard reissue tubes is very positive!  I never heard the original British versions, so I can't compare the difference between the two.

I can tell you this, there is nothing lacking that would even remotely warrant trying something else.  I am curious about the EL34's that Decware sells, but I am so satisfied with the sound quality that these Mullards produce with this amp, that I may just reorder a set of them if they are still available.

I highly recommend them to anyone.  I am very sure that you won't be disappointed. What I hear is absolute clarity, very deep layered detail with a nice full bodied mid-range, and a very strong bottom end, and I mean tight and controlled. The highs are very revealing. Instrument separation and imaging are superb.  I simply can't find anything wrong with them.  I would have to say that these are without question, the finest set of tubes that I have used to date. For the price, you certainly can't go wrong with them.

I had used many old stock RCA rectifiers with my old ToriiMK2 amp. I also used old stock Philips and Sylvania as well. I tended to favor the ST style versions.  That amp used either KT77's or KT88's which I tried many different tube sets in that amp. I liked the sound of the KT77's, but always favored the KT88's in that amp. I remember buying two antique tube testers from the 50's so that I could check the quality factors of the tubes that I would get on Ebay.  Since then, I have steered away from tube rolling as it can be very expensive and a real pain to get involved with. Once I am satisfied, that is it.

That very much sums up the way I feel about dealing with high end vinyl as well.  I am very content with just a digital format now.  I spent so much money on reliving the vinyl era, that I feel stupid for wasting what I spent chasing that format. I enjoyed it very much, but I don't feel the hassle and cost factor justified dealing with it. And that is why we have choice.

I would love to get a set of those old stock Amperex signal tubes.  I think they would be worthwhile trying in this amp. I am currently using Electro Harmonix ES 6922 signal tubes. As a matter of fact, they are the only original tubes still in service which came with this amp from Decware 12 years ago.

You know, we all say one thing in the present, but this journey always continues, and with the continuum of time, everything is subject to change.  So in the future, we shall have to just wait and see how things unfold.

Now, since you brought it up, I just happen to be revealing the front end now. It may be modest, but I am extremely pleased with what I am using. I am not one to believe that something has to cost a fortune to be worthy, as that is merely snob appeal which I don't buy into. Superiority is not justified merely by the price tag. The right combination with the proper degree of synergy is what determines quality sound and satisfaction. As long as I am satisfied with what I have, It doesn't matter how others may judge it.  I used to think like that to some degree, and I have learned a great deal since those years have passed.

So nothing special compared to what many audiophiles will compare it with. But I can tell you this, listen without knowing what you are listening to, and you will be shocked to find out that what you are hearing is not one of those uber expensive units with gold lining.

The best approach is to concentrate on a high quality transport, and couple that to a well designed DAC stage. That is if digital is the format of choice.  That is the configuration that I have found to work very well for me.  The real difference is in the stability of the transport, the quality of the clock, and finally, the DAC chips in the output stage.  What I have has all of those things which are of high regard.  And I did not have to spend a fortune obtaining a front end which does justice to my system.  I do wish that I still had my Arcam Ring DAC, but that is in the past, time goes on.

And as for the tape option, oh how I miss my AKAI 747 reel to reel!  Just a shadow of the past once again.

As for a pre-amp, I have no need for one.  I keep my chain as short and simple as possible.  I used to have a Decware pre-amp years ago, but once again, lost in the shadows of time.

Sometimes you would be very surprised as to some of the hidden gems that are very inexpensive. If you like it, then it should not matter how much it cost.

Just my take on things. Your mileage may vary!

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #146 - 08/31/24 at 05:52:00

Just a few more images showing the tube sets that I am using now and what I have used in the past for this amplifier.

This is the current set of Electro-Harmonix 5U4GBEH rectifiers that I have been using in the ToriiMK3.

This is an old set of power tubes that I used before replacing them with the Mullard reissue EL34's.

You can see the extensive degree of isolation decoupling that went into the platforms for the amplifier and the source unit. I will be showing the source unit in the following post. There are multiple layers of isolation to control structure born resonance from entering the equipment to an absolute minimum.  There are two types of detrimental vibration which degrade the sound quality of the equipment in the room. Those are airborne, and structural. The airborne type will have to be dealt with in another manner. But my focus here is to control the physical disturbance of structural infiltration. It starts with custom feet which are constructed of cork and rubber. The next layer is that of the enclosure of the base. this phase works by using a formation of pressurized tennis balls with a MDF shelf which loosely floats on top of them. This shelf does not touch the base platform in any way. The next degree of isolation comes from the oversize silicone feet between the amp and the shelf it rests on. That makes three independent stages of vibration controlling isolation on the path from the floor to the amplifier for maximum protection.

People underestimate just how degrading the influence of vibration is to the sound quality of the audio system. When it comes to high quality ultra revealing audio equipment such as the ToriiMK3, then this most definitely makes a difference and is quite audible. If you don't believe me, just look up the testing that Steve did on this website concerning this phenomena.  He provides all of the proof needed to make a believer out of you. It is actually shocking to see just how bad this influence really is. It should NOT be overlooked!

It is clearly proven that this affects not only the sensitive vacuum tubes, but the transformers as well. And it doesn't stop there, but those are two areas that you don't want tainted by vibration. You should really go check out his lab results to show you what this really does to the equipment.

I took this isolation procedure to an even higher level of control with the digital source unit.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #147 - 09/01/24 at 01:56:29
Moving on, the next images cover the digital front end and the vibration isolation platform which I built for it.

The Tascam CD-200BT uses the high end TEAC CD-5020A transport which is used widely in many high end players costing thousands of dollars. This alone is what makes the Tascam unit a great starting point for a top notch digital front end. The precision clock used in this player is another reason for choosing this unit. Since this player has a direct optical out for an outboard DAC, this makes the perfect setup when your choice is to use a higher end DAC than what is inside of the Tascam.

 In my opinion, this Tascam player sounds very pleasing without the external DAC, but this is where an external DAC will take things up a few notches when the performance gain per dollar spent ratio really matters.  My main interest is just that, using this player as a solid transport system, while bypassing it's internal circuitry in favor of upgrading to a higher quality DAC by means of the optical out. The choice of Opamps used will actually voice the sound signature of this system.   The DAC unit I chose uses the highly favored Burr-Brown OPA627 output stage chips. This DAC has the option of swapping out Opamp chips like you would do with tube rolling.

My focus is to get the quality of a high end player without paying the high end price.  By focusing on the key points which make a great sounding player, this is very possible to accomplish.  I have no desire to go beyond this setup because I am completely satisfied with the resulting performance. Beyond this, the point of diminishing returns on investment would really become pointless as far as I am concerned.

I built the platform out of African Padauk wood with thick acrylic shelves. Decoupling spikes are used to restrict the transfer of vibration from one layer to the next. There are actually four stages of decoupling and isolation used in this platform. First are the feet constructed out of cork and rubber. The second stage is that of the pressurized tennis balls inside of the structure. The bottom section of the platform starts with 1/2 inch MDF. There are dimples machined into the bottom section just large enough to keep the tennis balls from moving. The acrylic shelves do NOT touch the platform structure at ALL.  They simply float on top of the balls which remain stable with the dimples.

The double layer acrylic shelves have the metal decoupling spikes between them, and then finally, there are silicon feet between the CD player and the top shelf. All of this greatly reduces the transfer of structural vibration from the floor up into the sensitive transport.

This image shows just the lower shelf in place before placing the top shelf above it with the isolation decoupling spikes.

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #148 - 09/01/24 at 03:26:56

Here are the stock specifications for the Tascam CD-200BT player.

The DAC I chose to use is actually a well known unit among the audio forums. The original version of this DAC was popular many years ago but that unit had certain fail points which were common. The headphone section was not as good as it should have been, but I don't use that anyway. The latter version is called the 09 Version.  There were many upgrades done to this unit in the 09 Version as well.

This is the ZERO DAC, 24 bit 192 kHz dual D/A converter equipped with Burr-Brown OPA627 chips.

ZERO 24/192kHz DAC headphone amplifier USB_OPA627

*Independent circuit for D/A converter.

*Enlarged heat sinks by 30 percent over original model.

* Upgraded power supply designed to eliminate static disturbance.

*Supports maximum of 24 bit/192 kHz input.

*Independent digital optical fiber input.

*Opamps are designed to be easily interchangeable.

*Delayed turn on/off function.

*Double faced (cuprum on one side and foil on the other) circuit board
which has been upgraded to a thicker higher quality version.

*Receiving chip: CS8416

*Decoding chip: AD1852

* Opamp chip: OPA627

*S/N ratio: 105 dB

*Distortion: 0.0005 percent

*Dynamic range:117 dB

*Frequency response: 20 Hz-30kHz

*Output frequency: 2V

*Input: optical / coaxial

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Re: My Audio Journey Evolution, The Final Stage.
Reply #149 - 09/06/24 at 03:48:55

Listening  Evaluation of Stage one: The Inwall Speaker Baffle Array.

All right, the moment has come to find out if all of this work is going to be worthwhile.

As I stated before, I expect that there may be an issue with bass cancellation due to the placement of the bass drivers.

A positive gain which I expect to hear due to the flush mounting within the wall baffle is better imaging, and clarity of  instrument detail due to the reduction of  Speaker Boundary Interference Response, and first order reflections.

This after all was the main objective for creating this huge baffle wall array. The speakers are placed in a fashion in which my seated position is exactly between them, with the direct focal point of the midrange and high frequency driver to be aiming straight past my head just a few inches from each ear.

Of course, one critical factor within the seating position is that there will always be nodes and anti nodes within the room. If you sit in one of these hot spots which either cancel bass almost completely, or act to over accentuate the bass (peaks and nulls), you are being influenced by the affect of standing waves. No matter how well a room is treated, especially a small room, there is always going to be this condition to some degree.  Ultimately, your goal is to avoid one of these hot spots, and find something more neutral which actually supports quality  bass response.

There is something referred to as the " 38 percent rule". The purpose of this is to theoretically place you in the best spot possible within the room for optimal music perception.  This was developed by a well known studio designer by the name of  Wes Lachot.  This is designed for rectangular rooms based upon the assumption that the room has proper acoustical treatment, and that the speakers are flush mounted or mounted within a soffit.

The way this works is to calculate the room length. Then place a mark exactly 38 percent aft of the front wall. It is important that you are centered between the side walls. This will be the first location that you should try listening at. Remember, you have to experiment, and try different positions to find the ideal spot within your room.

Theoretically, this should be the best spot within the room for optimal listening. The alternative is to apply this calculation from the rear wall, which places you farther back from the speakers. By doing so, you do place yourself within a zone which has stronger reflections, which in turn, the back of the room presents a higher degree of peaks and nulls which you want to avoid.

The worst possible points within your room would be sitting at either 25 percent, or 50 percent of the rooms length.  Your bass response would simply be void, and the music will be dull. There are very heavy cancellations going on at these two points due to first and second order axial room modes. Stay away from the rear wall, as sitting close to it will have highly exaggerated bloated bass. This area should be avoided. The 38 percent calculation should give you the flattest low frequency response possible in your room.

One thing to consider as to whether you should choose sitting at the 38 percent position from the front wall versus the back wall is the following.  If you are going to use quadratic diffusers at the back of the room, you need to factor in that these require a minimum of ten feet for them to be effective at your listening position.  With binary diffusion systems, this is reduced to only three feet!  This again makes binary diffusion more practical and effective in a small room. In any case, the 38 percent position from the back wall will be the second most optimal position in theory.  This is where experimentation comes into play, and you must decide which way works best for you. Sometimes compromise is necessary, so there has to be a focus upon balance within the room in order to get satisfactory results no matter which position is chosen.

Now, back to the layout of the full size speaker baffle wall with speakers placed in close proximity.

The goal is to attempt a similar result as what binaural sound systems offer using methods which capture sound the way it is really heard in real life.  The objective is to remove or displace the interference that speakers produce which tarnish reproduced sound in common stereo.  The only way to truly remove this phenomenon from stereo listening is to use binaural recordings with the speakers set up in a special manner of close proximity and direct focus upon the listeners ears.  This is usually accomplished with special equipment designed to counter ( binaural cross-talk ) which causes this ear-brain confusion in stereo playback.  This anomaly does not exist in real time as you would hear in nature.

This confusion causes your perception of sound focus around you to be reduced and compressed as if it were placed in a box displayed before your eyes.  Gone would be the natural sound-stage which normally expands freely around you in a 360 degree fashion. The three dimensional focus that you perceive in nature is no longer there, just a narrow field which now simply becomes two directional, and unnatural.

Let me ask you this fact. When you stand outside and just listen to the sounds being created all around you, what do you hear?

 Better yet, just how do you PERCEIVE the sounds which you hear?

Unless you have something wrong with your hearing, everything should naturally be well focused in a non restrictive three dimensional manner. Without question or restraint, this natural perception of reality is absolutely effortless to perceive correctly, just exactly as it is presented.  If there is a train five miles away coming from the southwest, then your ear-brain system should naturally perceive it that way. At the same moment in time, you hear several birds high within the trees above you off to the right thirty feet away. You have no problem perceiving that information, just like the moving cars which are passing down the street from one direction to another. Perhaps you have detected a high flying jet streaking across the sky behind you, knowing that it is far away, yet moving at a high rate of speed. And with all of that going on, you still manage to focus clearly upon a conversation which is taking place by two people standing on a balcony three stories above  your location.

This is the way we clearly perceive natural sounds around us everyday.

Now, let's examine this same type of perception if we were to record all of this natural sound the way we heard it in real time,and then try to reproduce it in your room with a pair of stereo speakers. What do you suppose the result will be?  You guessed it, a total collapse of the natural effect which you perceived within natural elements. Everything that you heard clearly  with a 360 degree soundfield is now reduced to a narrow compressed version which seems to be coming from one general area, that being your speakers.

As I said, this phenomenon only exists through the playback of speakers within a room. This happens due to cross contamination of signals from one speaker to the other  known as "cross-talk". Remove this "cross-talk", and suddenly the natural perception of this recording should be perceived as if you were standing outside again when it was recorded.

Everything has returned to normal, and everything sounds real!

Again, let me ask you this. Do you suppose the exact same result just may be possible with recorded music?  Logic should tell you that the answer to this is highly probable. This scenario should help you to understand the reality of this problem, and what the effect of it is doing to your perception of music within your room.

This is even worse when the speakers are angled as a triangle, Having each speaker cross behind your head and reflecting off to the rear, opposite of the side where the direct sound came from.  Without proper acoustical treatment used in order to keep this under control, a plain room with bare walls is going to be a total disaster for good quality sound perception to be agreeable within your hearing.  There are already unwanted stray phantom signals working to confuse your perception of music the way it should really be perceived.  Spreading the speakers apart even farther, and at too much of an angled direction, will only act to make this condition even worse.

I have known this for decades. Yet my search goes on in order to correct this situation for which overcoming this seems to be a virtual impossibility! It is my main focus of discovery, and where I am at today is yet another attempt to overcome the horrible negative impact which interaural crosstalk does to quality music listening.

I am not interested in the special equipment used to combat this problem. I believe there are alternative methods which are of course never going to be just as effective in eliminating this problem as the devices are at doing so. Yet, as a compromise, my focus is to use the equipment that I have, and find a midway point where even though I may not completely eliminate the crosstalk, I still will find a solution which controls it to an acceptable manner. With that, I will be satisfied.

I will tell you this, and many who have set up their rooms professionally with proper acoustic treatment know this as a rule, the very first thing that should be done to help expand the soundstage in order to make the room disappear, is to control first order reflections from your side walls. That alone makes a huge difference within your perception of time and space.

And of course, it just gets more complex from there.

But you know what, each time that you take another step with acoustical correction, you are getting that much closer to the reality of what unravels within the multitude of layers recorded in your music.  BTW, have you discovered those layers yet? You may look through dirty glass, clean glass, or NO glass at all. You know which choice is the best.

So, with that said, let's examine my results.

I have a disclaimer which I now know had affected the outcome of this original inwall baffle system test. That being at the time of testing, I had a problem with the amplifier which was causing distortion and drifting within the music at different times in an erratic manner.  I could not figure out what was causing this. The amp would produce loud pops and crackling noise when the volume control was used.

I had swapped sets of tubes, made sure all connections were good, and whatever else that I could possibly rule out as the culprit. This situation had already been a factor since before I made any changes to the room.  Most of the time, it would seem fine, but I knew something wasn't right with this amplifier.  No, I was not about to send it back to Decware as long as it remained playable. I did not want to be without the amp for an extensive period of time, and the cost of shipping it back and forth would have been very costly.

I remember being upset at this amp, thinking I made a big mistake buying it.  I was very dissatisfied concerning this situation to say the least.

So I am sure that the condition which tainted the sound quality of this amp had a major effect upon the outcome. Too bad I had not yet corrected the problem until after I decided a change in speaker format was warranted. I believe now that the outcome would have been better had this problem never existed. Come to find out, that problem was creating distortion within the music and this amp was not performing the way it should have been.  I was convinced that a bad tube was the problem, but after more than one change, that was quickly ruled out.

Again, this corrective procedure did not take place until a few months ago, long after I made a change into phase two of this project. The test results for phase one were tainted, but it is too late now to do that evaluation again.  I really think my perception of that outcome would have been much better had the amp performed then, like it does now.  Life can throw us a curve ball at the worst time.

The amp has a decade of use on it, but not so old that corrosion or contamination should be a factor, at least I did not believe it was.

Well, long story short, and another lesson on not overlooking the obvious to a simple problem.

I recently ordered a can of DEOXIT 5 fader control cleaner, and a can of DEOXIT gold lubricant.

All tubes were removed and I opened up the amp to expose the volume pot. Even though you can't see any visual form of contamination, it is there.

I will continue this in a moment.
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