I have found power to be really important too, feeding the gear, and power supplies. It started pretty good for clarity here, but I had variable voltage from ±119-123 over periods, and that was influential enough with my Decware tube sound that adjusting the system became like chasing a ghost. Higher voltage, a more dense, dark and full sound, and lower, leaner, more open, more complex. That is why I finally got a used PSAudio P5, good at regulating voltage and so many liking "it's sound." I was not one of the latter, a stickler, but finding it veiled, slowish, and colored, finally having to make a special fast and clean power cord, upgrade receptacles, and find the just so feet for the beast, some dulling the sound and some tightening and opening it more. It was finally a break through in my system development to be able to have stable voltage adjustment to tune the system sound, but also phase, the incremental phase adjustment in the P5 a pretty useful tuner for balancing spaciousness versus density to tastes. It is still a touch veiled to me, but relatively fast and transparent, and the advantages outweigh.
Some of my first adjustments inside electronic gear were when I started bypassing the power supplies of my CSP3 and MKIV Torii. It was shocking how much the cap sound effect on the whole was so similar with power supply bypasses compared to the same cap type in the signal path. It took years, but after a while it got sort of normal, basically not differentiating the power supply from the signal path when doing modifications. Makes sense having so much ability to change things up with rectifiers and transformers, but it is the same with wires, resistors, and caps... Which is signal and which is power? Seems they are one finally! Anyway, it is clear from my experience how important the wall power and power supply are to the sound, influencing for better or worse, everything beyond.
I have thought similarly about foot material as you illustrate with metal colors, feet tending to sound like what they are made of, and design making the materials used better or worse for music. Relative to wires, I do hear notable differences from various metals, weight/gauges and plating, and I like to use most all of them in gear, cables, and receptacles. On plated AC ends and receptacles, I work to find ones with pretty pure copper base metal and pure plating, and for ICs, I think most all I use have different flavors of pure silver for the connections except a few with rhodium plate on good copper. Hearing pretty big differences early on with better quality, higher purity wires, I have not explored lesser wires much, those mostly showing up from replacing wires in gear with more resolving and faster ones.
For raw copper and silver wires, I found soft annealed 999 can really be quite good, and UPOCC better, to me, the most resolving, liquid and sweet. Within this, I have tried a bunch of silver wires, all high purity, some harder annealed, some soft, some Ohno cast continuous... and even different UPOCC silvers made to different standards sound different, not to mention dielectric, shield proximity, and gauge, all I think having a pretty notable influences. I think I get the negative silver bias, some of these wires, like Jupiter, being on the hardish side for me, and some plated silver wires I have heard hard sounding, but with nicer materials and processes for sound, I would call the silver I use clarifying and fast, and not sharp or edgy.
I like blends though ultimately. I do use Milspec silver on copper, blending smaller gauges to make up the end gauge for some power cables I make, and with good design, they can be really good, but suspect those wires could be too rigid sounding for ICs and probably speaker cables too. The ICs and speaker cables I make are all blends of un-plated wires. The speaker cables have NOS WE tinned copper, and pure soft annealed silver and copper in air. And in ICs I usually mix UPOCC silver/gold with a thinner silver wire to liven it up on the signal side, a little UPOCC copper mixed with UPOCC silver on the return side ... all by sound.
I have played a fair bit with caps, resistors, wires and tubes, but with the great mysteries of how electrons work with the many things that make up power, components, cables, speakers... As things get more resolved and well balanced especially, I am perpetually amazed at how literally every thing effects all else, presenting the subtleties of energetic interactions with so many materials and designs... each part and wire its own design and materials, it gets vast fast. Beyond ever developing perception and discernment skills, to me this helps explain the great challenges of refining all the many balances together... Daily I am shown how much more there is to learn. So I do not feel like a cap master at all, more an early explorer.
Still in the learning stages of this DAC, I don't want to imply I have gotten "there," or sorted it out enough to feel fully confident in recommending it.... But I am always reticent about recommendations, so many variables in all systems. And I am going for pretty demanding sound characteristics here, needing the system to make most everything beautiful and resolved and fast across recordings, so until I have explored most aspects of a new piece of gear, I am slow to settle into "knowing" it enough to talk articulately about it.
With this DAC I could always get compelling sound, even new, but to pull really good sound from most recordings was less easy until the DAC got more fully burnt in, lack of burnin reflected strongly in the quite notable influences from adjusting tubes and caps, and making finding preferences with so many tube and cap possibilities trickier. So finally approaching a sound I am after across most recordings is a relief. I have not AB'd my longtime reference DAC yet, but as this one continues to refine, and I continue to adjust it, and to it, it is getting really good in this setting... likely new territory that I am already getting used to having been playing it so much as I learn it over a few months. More to come in finding the deeper balances, but it seems I am getting closer and closer to not having things stick out at me as a little off balanced or slow, while the potential tube and cap richness from the output stage wakes up with more refinement of fine detail complexity and speed... creating a nice harmonic sweetening that sounds like music, subtly euphonic, but not overly affected in euphonic qualities, rich complexity that is still lively... pretty real sounding to me.
Complicating the analysis though, these are things I have been working to bring out of all my gear, so it is not all the DAC. But the process does imply that this DAC is coming up to the rest and adding its own beauty. Right now, four tuning tools between my DAC and amp, all are modified toward pretty much the same resolution of very fine detail, and speed, spectral and dynamic balances: the DAC out, to a ZRock2+, to a ZStage+, to a box that adjusts baffle step for speakers and introduces some pretty nice harmonics as a choice, in my case, if used, barely on but a pretty nice touch, to a CSP3+, then the amp. And before that, on the digital side my older Mac Mini with a super trimmed OS for music, Amarra player software, an external drive on the firewire buss, so separate from the USB, feeding a Singxer SU1+ USB bridge, then 12S into the DAC, and all HDMI type cables I have tried sound different. So lots supporting the DAC.
This morning, I was getting a really quiet fuzzy sound, trouble shooting illustrating how much trouble this many stages can be. It turned out to be the rectifier in the CSP3, the first I have had fail in many years, and a bummer, an old Telefunken RGN 1064. But, 1st check in the process, the DAC new, I ran it straight to the amp, and all good. Crosschecking DAC/amp only sound without pre stages was something I had done when I was doing lots of mods regularly in my gear. I was getting ready to do this with this new DAC to check that I was staying on track in sound balances as I adjust the DAC, and this forced it.
The DAC is good on its own, but also made me realize just how influential my pre stages have become for my sound needs. I knew I was dependent on quality gain tuning, each pre stage tuned similarly for resolution, speeds and musicality I need, but also, each with their own special influences, making the whole more complex and rich. For me, this once again blows old-school "purist" theory. There is some sense of purity without, but another sense of purity with all this tuned up gear. Funny, testing this morning, I went to adjust the R/L pots on the CSP3+, but no CSP3 in the blend, I could not compensate for minor tube differences like I often do.
For me, setting optimal gain levels for each component's best sound, the gain on the ZRock is usually just above unity, but the CSP and Zstage have been on the higher voltage side, and each adding a bit to the next, I have a pretty strong signal going into the amp, when not over or under done, enhancing spacious resolution, dynamics, density, lucidity, and weight. Taking them all out of the blend, as I am listening now, it is a great sound, similar everything, but it took turning up the amp a fair bit. It is a relief, that the DAC tuning is on track, this no-pre stage sound close on various recordings styles. But the signal shows less voltage and tubes, so all things are more relaxed and a little less dynamic and smooth, but still fast, resolved, and musical with good harmonics. Tempting with this DAC having what can be a pretty transparent tube output, but on the whole, I still prefer it with all those stages, set just so, the whole bigger, deeper, smoother, more lucid and dynamic, while being more tunable in all things, including soundstage... But again, I have done a fair bit to optimize power, wires, caps, resistors, connectors, etc for each pre stage, as well as all the cables, tube combinations..... with cleaner parts and wires we can get these days, and careful tuning, I find a relatively "pure" sound is possible with a lot of components working together to get it.
That said, I was a little worried about adding yet another tube stage with this DAC, but having listened to it alone, I think it is getting good in resolving and musical ways, and the output stage is clearly a big part of its thoughtful design and sound. Once fully tuned, I think I could probably love both ways, with pre stages, without, or perhaps with less of them... we'll see.
I love it how a new piece, especially one this tunable, and therefore potentially challenging for me, can make me look at and adjust the others, bringing up the balances of the whole.