So I am thinking that, especially if you continue to love this tube, narrowing down what it actually was before being labelled Amperex, could be good for future reference, and who knows you may love different makes and vintages of the same type in your DAC.Will, I could not be more pleased with another tube. This tube is so incredibly involving with the ability to draw you into the music with absolute finesse and artistic appeal. The sound quality of this tube reminds me of the more laid back presentation which a 6dj8 would provide, yet holding a great reserve in dynamics like a 6922 tube would provide, when demanded from power hungry transient responses.
I compare this firm degree of control to that of a well designed Class A amplifier with an abundance of power on tap, just quietly sitting at the ready for that huge power demand to show what it is capable of, while idling by on the relaxed side of things during the rest of the musical passage.
When this tube delivers, it does so with authority, yet with subtle caress as it portrays the musical passage. What is so revealing is the inner fine detail, those intricate complexities which seem to float openly within compiled layers of texture within the harmonic overtones. It is difficult with lesser grade systems to hear such pure effortless depth and transparency within musical overtones, as clearly and pronounced as what I am hearing now with these tubes. And this was only by changing the tubes. (although this is not as evident as what's to come) It gets much better.
I will have to reflect back upon the quality of my acoustical environment, and state that this really sets the platform for which this degree of musical quality can easily be revealed. I doubt that the results would be the same in a normal untreated room. My listening space is fully equipped with professional grade components, extremely effective in their design and purpose. The music confirms this to a very high degree of acceptance.
Finally, I have a listening space that doesn't get into the way of the music! Making changes to the sound signature are revealed in stark naked reality, noticeable at any rate of influence.
The stock sub-standard Solen caps are still in place during this time. To think that I am hearing this level of detail with less than stellar capacitors in place, and with very limited break-in time, I can only imagine what is to be revealed with high quality capacitors balanced correctly, leading this DAC into major high end territory.
I consider this tube design to be one of the best kept secrets in audio. It truly is a gem of extreme value. I don't recall ever being taken back to this degree of surprise from a simple tube change before. The only other tubes that made this much of a difference to me was that of the re-tooled Mullard EL34 power tubes made in Russia by New Sensor, as the owner of the British Mullard tube rights.
I never heard the original British Mullard designs, but I will tell you this, as magical and smooth as these are, I find it hard to imagine something better. I have used Svetlana, Electro-Harmonix, and other well respected Russian tubes, but they did not compare with these in my system on the same level. But we all know how these things can surprise us. I absolutely love the sound of the re-tooled Russian versions of the Mullard EL34. I find no reason to look elsewhere. The same goes for the signature I get with the Electro-Harmonix 5U4GBEH rectifiers. You know when something sounds "just right" with every type of musical genre, then you are satisfied.
This combination I find the most musically convincing of any other combination I have tried in the past with the Torii designs. Again, I find this sound so near perfect that I simply don't need to look elsewhere. This is like having a beautiful young wife with a PHD in physics, and wondering what another similar woman might be like having a PHD in chemistry. I guess it depends upon personal taste and desire. That seems to always be the factor in audio.
At any rate, the current combination of tube synergy within my system, provides the perfect balance that I desire.
This new DAC tube stage completely sets the bar for something that will blow the lid off anything I had in the past, at least from a digital perspective. This set of "unknown" mystery tubes are the core "reactor" as the driving force.
I will get into the sound of these tubes more when I begin evaluating this DAC with high quality music formats.
(I already have, just not ready to disclose the results at this time due to expanded trials of capacitors) I think you get the drift as to where the focus of this sound quality is going. Now with proper tubes in place, I can accurately find the right balance within my capacitor testing. It is pointless otherwise.
I thought my ZERO DAC sounded pretty good. It does for using a dual OPA627 opamp stage, but this is no comparison for what I am hearing now. These two DACS are like two different worlds. I am comparing apples to oranges here, but you see my point. I am not going to return to the solid state output stage after hearing the magic which this tube stage provides. So much closer to the audio truth. Analog reference being that truth.
I will be going over my latest changes and results shortly in a upcoming post. I am rapidly making strong advances with my current configuration. During the initial burn in process, this new DAC architecture is reacting like an out of control roller coaster ride. But things are much better now. Little "Goddess-Zilla" has been an unruly little B***h! I will break her under my control. I am hearing stability now.
This is the frustration I imagine as one tries to break a new wild mustang in the corral while trying to avoid getting trampled to death in the process.

I am feeling very confident going forward with what I have now, plus the proposed future addition of the Vcap ODAM in conjunction with the copper foil in oil cap design. The addition of the Miflex bypass will come later, but soon. I am looking at this combo with logical perspective which provides flexibility along with overall satisfaction to meeting my "sonic" goal. Of course, there will be fine tuning required, but within this mix to a minor degree. As the saying goes, everything is subject to change.
After considerable thought, I am thinking that I should go with a 2.2uf V-cap, combined with the well reviewed Chinese copper foil/oil caps filling out the range @ 1uf. This being a factor of 3.2uf as a base, I have plenty of room for flexibility using various "tone" caps to get the balance just the way I want it. I have heard the Russian PIO caps and I am really impressed by what these have done to the overall sound so far. This way, I can take the base cap down to the 2.2uf rating and expand from there.
I had an overly bright and sharp high frequency response after I replaced the Solen caps with the ERSE pulse caps in conjunction with the Sprague 0.10uf Vitamin Q paper in oil tone cap. It was like blowing the roof off and exposing the sky above. Just too bright and way too sharp. The detailed presence of the upper registers became much more revealing, leaving nothing unexposed. This became a tell all for recordings which were recorded too hot in the high range.
As a result, this DAC sound signature became very subjective as to music genre limitations. No longer was this sound "universal" for all music genres. Anything like an electric guitar playing high notes as in high energy rock was not tolerable. It was not distorted or unresolved, the high pitch was simply too hard on my hearing. I have better hearing potential than I thought. This new DAC has exposed my actual auditory perception. I have lost nothing in pitch changes. The only thing I lost was what failed to be revealed in the recording. That is a thing of the past.
For an example, the second Boston album was based upon high energy guitar sound along with real cathedral type organ pipes. That sound energy is intense, an intensity which can get out of control with the wrong system. With a system and acoustical space such as what I am working with can be very brutal when something is amiss. Everything gets revealed, good or bad. This reminded me of the sonic torture I endured working around the shrill F-15 engine intakes back in the 1980's during launch and recovery. Very loud and taxing on the ears to say the least.
But, on the flip side, here is the positive side of this new sonic signature. What I have now is the ultimate platform for Classical music. Especially the realistic sound of a grand piano playing solo. What is exposed within the overtones of each key is mind boggling to say the least. The exposure to this depth of detail and intricacy which is quite noticeable within the key elements of the piano are something to be admired with complete awe if you are unaware of it. I have extreme upper extension now. Great for piano (absolutely stunning!), but bad for most other music.
Okay, so I have adjustments to make. I need to bring this high level energy into balance. This going into the next stage of upgrade mods.
*On a side note: the funny thing is this before I made the first cap change, with the Solen caps still in place using the new tubes, the sound had a nice even balance along the frequency range (although it was not as revealing of transparency as what should be heard). A full powerful low energy presence, a full and smooth mid-range, and a decent high frequency limit that did not get out of control.
What was missing however, was the intricate detail from the higher registers as well as a loss in high frequency openness. I would say that throughout the entire range, there was a good deal of masking and coloration going on. The sound was good, but not great. I was surprised by the sonic strength that I heard. It did well in that regard.
Overall, the sound was acceptable for the most part, but obviously masking much of what should be heard with inner detail. I noticed some questionable results coming from the bass strings, as the bass notes were a bit smeared and out of focus. The mid-range was acceptable, and overall, the music was pleasing, regardless of what I listened to. That was about to incur a drastic change.
Obviously, those substandard caps have to go. They were getting the soundscape dirty.
So, the trial and error begins. Let's throw our hat into the ring and see where this goes. The first test performed with the ERSE main caps, bypassed with the Vitamin Q 0.10 tone caps. The four 0.22uf WIMA caps are still untouched at this point.
So I told you what the result of that change was. There is still much work to do, but we have major change in
play. Extreme detail and presence is heard throughout the entire range, but the music is on steroids and it needs to be tamed down in the upper regions. It is as if someone turned the treble control to maximum and cranked the amp to ten on the dial. If all I ever listened to was piano, acoustic guitar, and wind instruments, then I would love the way it is now. But I can't be that restricted in my music selections.
The next phase which will attempt to correct for this issue of unbalanced, over emphasized treble comes into play.
I only had the new Russian K40Y-9 0.033uf paper in oil bypass caps handy at this time. I still have not received the smaller values as of yet. So, I thought, why not. I went ahead and soldered these in place along all six capacitor locations as bypass caps.
So now, I have the ERSE pulse cap as the base, with the same Sprague Vitamin Q 0.10uf PIO bypass cap. But now, I added a Russian K40Y-9 0.033uf paper in oil bypass cap along that combination. I didn't stop there.
I decided to solder one of these Russian bypass caps along each of the four 0.22uf WIMA caps on the bottom of the board. The WIMA's are still in place. Now I have 0.25uf along each of these WIMA capacitors with a slight increase in value.
Not sure if this was going to be that noticeable, but it was the only option I had available. I had a feeling that the stock WIMA caps might be a part of the high treble I was getting. The only way to find out is to see if this mod makes any audible change, hopefully for the better.
Now I do want to make clear that by this time, I have about fourty+ hours of playing time on the new DAC configuration (minus the additional Russian bypass caps). This could have very well been enough burn in time to stabilize the other caps and tubes to something more subdued. Perhaps, but I doubt enough to make things really better this soon. I would say that it did help some.
Images of these mods will be posted shortly.
So off I go to the audio room to evaluate this DAC again. I am thinking, this sucks, most likely won't be much better. Now I have to wait until I get better caps to enjoy music again. It is always good not to expect too much from such a small change. When something good happens, the result seems far more significant.
With that in mind, I let the system play for a couple of hours and came back to listen. I can't tolerate any more of that high frequency torture.
So I want to take it easy and play something mild. I know that if this doesn't secure my acceptance, then going on will be most likely pointless until better caps can be used.
I played the ultra high end audiophile LPCD 45II M2 Master recording of Moussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition, which includes the Ravel version as well. This came from the Mercury Living Presence label which was recorded back in 1959 (Russia) through 1961(USA). There are many variations of this theme on the disc. The main edition is that of Byron Janis playing solo piano of this title. Just piano, nothing else. This is a direct from master tape 1:1 transfer void of any external contamination, noise shaping, filtering, compression, or limiting by any degree. Straight and raw recording without manipulation, just as perfect as possible next to the master tape. What you hear is stunning by way of realistic sound quality. These are very special recordings to say the least.
It depends upon the quality of your audio system as to how much of this is really perceived. I love it when guys with mediocre systems, and no acoustical treatment try something out like this, then pass it off as a joke because they could not tell the difference. Seems pretty typical in the world of audio. I have read posts where guys state that these are no better than any other recording. The only problem is that they have a bad system which can't express it within the music. And if it did, the bad room acoustics put the final nail in the coffin. It just isn't going to happen.
continued next post....