Seasoned Member

Why does it hurt when I pee?
Posts: 2323
I'm going to pick back up on this thread after 6 or 7 months.
Well I didn't buy myself a new expensive DAC, I decided to stay with my old reliable Denafrips Ares II for a while longer. I kinda blew my money buying a new solid state amp (and yes, it was well worth it).
Anyway, I have grown tired of the Wadia DAC/amp that is powering my desktop stereo. It is just silly little things that drive me crazy about it. The on/off switch is on the back side and about once every 64 days I knock my large ice tea all over my desk when I turn it on. Also, after I clean up the mess, I have to turn the volume up (to 36, the ideal volume level) because it resets to zero when I shut it off. Yes I could just leave it on, but my father spent the first 18 years of my life beating into me to turn everything off if I wasn't using it. He hated the power company with a hate that still burns brightly 33 years after his death!
Sorry I got a little sideways there, back to the matter at hand.
So to remedy this problem I have decided to move my ZKIT60 (Dan the Redheaded Amp) over into desk duty. Well that posed another problem, no DAC to convert computer aughts and naughts into amplifier sine and square waves.
Well I broke down and ordered the cheapest R2R DAC, the Fiio K11 R2R. It priced out at a earthshaking $160 on the Jungle website.
So now it is speeding my way on the wings of sparrows, stopping only for water and worm breaks, soon to arrive sometime between 3/21 and 4/12, hopefully in 2025.
So is a $160 R2R DAC any good, well we shall see, won't we?