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Speaker Cables (Read 6326 times)
S of T
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Speaker Cables
08/16/24 at 17:15:55
What are you using? Besides looking at members signatures.

My staple digital cable is Kimber Illuminations D-60 and staple RCA IC Kimber KS1030. Great transparent neutrality with musicality.

I've also owned digital from Snake River Audio Boomslang coax and Cotton Mouth IC. The magnetic High Fidelity digital coax too. Kimber KCAG/now in my other Rig for many years.

Speaker Cables over time:

Kimber 8TC
Kimber KS3033
Kimber KS3035
Zen Styx
Kimber KS6063
Fidelium Cables / Silversmith Audio
UP-OCCCopper DIY with 6N Silver (see signature - hybrid of Kimber KS6063/KS6065 solid core)

Combination of 24awg solid core and 19awg stranded per Kimber's formula; something more real musically about these gauges. My ZDSD and ZMA get to really show what they can do (D-60, KS1030 & current DIY).

Now, contemplating AUDIENCE FRONT ROW Speaker Cables. I see in the multiple reviews another layer of the onion gone.........especially when I'm a timbral stickler.
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #1 - 08/16/24 at 20:39:19
I've been kicking around either getting or making some new speaker cables.

But right now I am using some Mapleshade Clearview Golden Helix. I've had them for years and have no complaint at all about them.

Typical speaker wire "magic" on them, special winding, super thin insulation, special power pulses have been shot through them. Blah, blah, blah. They sounded different than what I was using before, maybe better, maybe.
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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #2 - 08/16/24 at 20:50:38
Donnie, I love you man. Whatever that spat when you were curator for a spell>? People are nuts, right?

Anyway, Neil Gadar and such/as Neil  .......it's there ...glad I can hear it.
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #3 - 08/16/24 at 21:54:57
I had tried quite a few well liked value cables. Some that did not stick long were Zu Mission, an early version of Reality cables, some earlier Anti-cables, and a few more I can't recall... And ones that stayed in a while, a DIY design using ethernet wires, Decware Styx, and Morrow's second to the top model. Then I fell into a really nice price on some used Synergistic Research Copper Elements with their special ground tech and sound tuning "bullets." The bullets were pretty powerful, each one giving the wires different feels, from more open and clear to more warm/bassy. They were the most revealing cables I had tried in frequencies and speed, with the cleanest bullets, very good at fine information and space. But not quite right for me, I could not liven up the bass, being a little soft and lean for my setup.

About then, I stumbled into the NOS WE tinned copper wire trend, and liked things I heard with one 16 gauge wire... lively, textured and fun in the mids, while not being so flavored as to sound too fake to me. Trouble was, that little wire could not give me the bass I needed. So I tried two together, and then three. Three 16s brought the bass into the mix pretty well, but 2 and 3 wires together made the mids progressively hard, making the initial mid magic from a single wire too concentrated and dense.

So liking one WE, I took a cue from the SR Elements, and decided to mix wires with the sonic character of each in mind, trying for a really good sonic blend I thought the mix might give. For size, like finding the WE wires too small/lean, I had found big wires like Decware Styx and some others too big, making the mids a little too dense and hard, and the bass too big and dominant. The happy medium here, between the 8 gauge wires and 16, that was quite a spread... I decided to start with 13-12 gauge...1 - WE 16, 1 - "polished" 20 gauge soft annealed pure silver wire in over-sized teflon tube, and I think an 18 gauge (maybe 16?) soft annealed pure copper in oversized teflon, also smoothed and polished with fine steel wool.

As luck would have it, this was quite good here, so I started playing with the number of wire crossings to tighten/clean up the sound by sound....not really twists, as my fav, if I am recalling correctly, had wire crosses something like every 10-12". Once I found the geometry I liked best, I tried some odd wires in teflon tube, and I ended up with a subtle improvement in the finest stuff...I am thinking it might be a 28 gauge titanium plated copper wire...

In the system at the time these cables were overall notably better than the SR Research, quite close in fine detail and space revelation, and with good spectral and speed balances from bass to highs. Sorry I am vague about the exact wire and geometry, but from looking at emails, this was about 9 years ago, bringing memory into question, and the orders are so old, the links to exactly what they were are not working...

Interestingly to me... though I have had UPOCC silver and copper wires, and some Duelund interpretations of WE wire for years, these are so good here, I have never felt compelled to take the time to make an upgraded version.
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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #4 - 08/16/24 at 22:14:08
Thanks for proving my argument Will. Audience Front Row....less silver/ ... .
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #5 - 08/17/24 at 01:55:39
I started making cables because I could not get what I wanted easily buying them without going sort of stratospheric price wise (to me like these Audience cables). And getting really good results that I could tune to my preferences with good materials, designs, and iterations, I never looked back. To me, my cables beat the few high dollar references I had tried, but the main reference for me, has been, do they make it sound like real music across recordings without noticing the cables? Then my bud who has heard most of the greats, testing my ICs in his reference systems, said my ICs are near as good as they get. I trust his perception and discernment more than anyone else I know, so this was encouraging to me, that my way of evaluating was working.

As to more or less of anything, something I think I have learned is that everything matters lots at this level, wire sizes, metal types, draws, purities, dielectric, stranded or solid, geometry, ends, damping, cryo or not, magic sauces, solder....... So I can't really say if all OCC copper is "better," especially since I tend to like some silver in my power, USB, speaker, and ICs, especially UPOCC in the latter. And the silver used way matters. For example, my ICs at this point use careful blends of UPOCC gold/silver, silver, and copper, and if I trade VHAudio UPOCC silver in cotton, for Neotech UPOCC silver in loose teflon, that changes the whole cable sound... or change the gauge a little of any of these wires with the same wire... notable change in sound. Loving these cables, still I can't say this is the "best" route, since the cable sound is the sum of so many influences and how they work with one another.

Supporting this idea, I don't doubt these Audience cables sound as amazing as folks say. I just can't imagine paying that much for a cable when what I have is so satisfying that I can't hear flaws. But as importantly, what led me here, I got tired of sending higher dollar things back because they did not quite suit me, again, the balance of things in good cables as important as anything, and that complex of balances effecting how they fit in a given system and room. But that is me!
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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #6 - 08/17/24 at 04:56:33
Well said Will. Before writing this post I searched -speaker cables  - and read your recent posts. Always informative. For almost three years now I've had my current DIY speaker cables. I could happily live with.

However, I'm curious about these Front Row's. I'll have them in next month from the Cableco. If I decide to buy/I'll order a just short of 6ft pair drop shipped direct. 11.5% discount......yes still expensive. But I don't miss the 6K I have with upgrades in my ZMA. I won't miss these funds if they are what I want/hear too.
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #7 - 08/17/24 at 13:49:08
Hey Stone, I get it.

If something works really well to improve and enhance all the best qualities of all else...That can be sort of priceless. Good luck in the quest, and I hope more come in on this thread!
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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #8 - 08/17/24 at 17:11:08
Will you bet.
I'm 12awg to each speaker post with 9awg aggregate to each speaker with solid core and stranded.
According to my trusty Wirebarn combination calculator:

24awg 6N silver solid core x 2 ConneX (Parts Connexion) PTFE
24awg UP-OCCC solid core x 3 Neotech (Sonic Craft)
19awg Kimber Wire TCSS Hyper-Pure Copper, VariStrand, *PTFE Dielectric x 3 (Parts Connexion)

.............very pleased....love what I created and I might miss the silver in it with the Front Rows....but I had all copper in my Kimber KS6063's.

I tried all solid core....did not fly....larger aggregates and smaller adding more 24awg Neotech UP-OCCC soild core... (with the silver in and out) however, settled on the above magic.

And yes this is the one variable I want to work with further (speaker cables). Very pleased with the rest of my Systems simplicity and musicality reaching the ZMA for RedBook.
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #9 - 08/17/24 at 18:01:45
Hey Stone,

Sounds like nice wire choices to me... Guessing the added C on UP-OCCC for the neotech means it is copper? I guess I think of yours as 12 gauge cables since it is 12 between individual posts. It always confuses me trying to figure out Chinese made cable's functional gauge when they call those Kimber-like weaves that are split in two in effect whatever gauge they are combined. BTW, some years ago I got a pair of these cables made entirely of UPOCC copper with teflon that I think I recall as about 10 or 11 gauge to each post. They sounded compelling, that good copper (with various sized strands making up the stranded wire in each of the individual dielectric coatings), and heavy crossing geometry with the air core...Once more burned in, they seemed worth exploring. But they were too big and full sounding to me, a little thick and slow for my tastes especially low mids down. My plan was to disconnect one or two wires from each group to each + and -, but have not gotten around to it... They may be a really good cable to me then, especially with faster ends. Though these are made of pure copper with gold plate, and sounded pretty good, they are little heavy, and from sound impressions I thought some nice silver connectors might help the whole.

Anyway, I think I have so far pretty consistantly found a conglomerate gauge to each post in the 13-12 range more balanced spectrally and in speed here. Also so far I have always found various wires and gauges making up the conglomerate better than single wires. Easier to tune to sound based on metals and gauges used and their varying sound characters, and to fine tune with geometry, while to me, reducing smearing.

That is the same combined wire calculator I have used, very useful to me too!
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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #10 - 08/17/24 at 19:50:31
Yes, UP-OCC Copper.  .....the Wirebarn combination calculator - cool Smiley

Slow yes, when I tried running 9awg to each speaker post. 12awg is perfect... total PRAT ....I hear you.
A true Kimber KS6065 runs 4 Silver 24awg solid core and 8 copper stranded 19awg = 12 runs to each post. Not right for my Speakers and ears.

The alchemy happened for me and the ZMA with as listed above and below once again, with a total of 8 runs to each post:

24awg 6N silver solid core x 2 ConneX (Parts Connexion) PTFE
24awg UP-OCCC solid core x 3 Neotech (Sonic Craft)
19awg Kimber Wire TCSS Hyper-Pure Copper, VariStrand, *PTFE Dielectric x 3 (Parts Connexion)

YOU can imagine the different combinations I tried as I know you have more extensively done to arrive at the best.
Extended treble ..... articulate bass....midrange bliss with detail.
Timbre Timbre Timbre....Tone Tone Tone

So why have the Front Row in? Why not? I need to compare my hard work to the best .....I believe to bring in here ...to work with my System.
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #11 - 08/17/24 at 20:44:05
Cool. I look forward to your comparisons. From your explanations of what you explored and heard, I can imagine with those wires, sonically arrived at geometry, and transparent ends that are not too heavy, that your cables might be hard to beat.... at least for what I like!
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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #12 - 08/17/24 at 20:56:18
Oh yeah, we are on the same page, Will.

I think it might be hard to beat as you stated.

NO ends are the best ends. At 12awg per post/evenly/easy to twist and put in binding posts of ZMA and my Adagios. Oxidation down the road can be cleaned or I cut and strip again fresh.
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Illuminations D60
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KimberPK10Palladian from wall
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #13 - 08/17/24 at 21:35:44
I have not tried that connex 6N silver in teflon, not having gotten around to asking if it is dead-soft annealed yet. Not having tested enough wire to absolutely verify, overall, my impression is that very soft annealed wire made more difference toward smooth yet resolving silver sound similar to UPOCC than the number of Ns.

That said, I have used some 6N Jupiter wire in interior IC-like cables that I thought sounded less than optimal compared to equal proportions to UPOCC... tending sharp and rigid as I recall. But with just a little of it in the right blends, it can be a nice touch to me. And different sounding, I think softened by the oiled cotton cover of Duelund silver, to me the metal sounds a little hard.

I wonder if you happened to check that out with the connex, and/or, though a small proportion of your overall gauge, did you hear any hardness with the 6N connex in your experiments?
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S of T
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Posts: 107
Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #14 - 08/18/24 at 02:47:25
I am glad I kept as a small portion of my overall gauge (the 6N solid core silver 24awg/which is not soft annealed but malleable yet strong like the Neotech solid core). I figured if needed more I would order some more.

I was happy with......
24awg UP-OCC Copper solid core x 5 Neotech (Sonic Craft)
19awg Kimber Wire TCSS Hyper-Pure Copper, VariStrand, *PTFE Dielectric x 3 (Parts Connexion).

However, I wanted more up top in highs....and read where voodoo cable makes Speaker Cables to put more to very good ribbon tweeters and ceramic drivers. Well, I have both. Ceramic coated.

Adding the 8 six foot runs did what I hoped up top. No hardness just beauty of the SAX for instance.

24awg 6N silver solid core x 2 ConneX (Parts Connexion) PTFE
24awg UP-OCCC solid core x 3 Neotech (Sonic Craft)
19awg Kimber Wire TCSS Hyper-Pure Copper, VariStrand, *PTFE Dielectric x 3 (Parts Connexion)
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #15 - 08/18/24 at 02:55:03
Thanks. Me too, seems consistent that I am dependent on some good silver to pull the finest stuff, ribbon tweeters or not, though I seem to be dependent on those too with the right wires and caps.
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S of T
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Posts: 107
Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #16 - 08/18/24 at 14:04:38
Yes Will, the solid core silver in my D-60 and 1030 IC are a must. The KS3035/silver SC's I owned ..... not good for me.

Reading your posts again in this thread....I forgot I have the Duelund 12awg oil impregnated tin on copper. Was not for me either/as you stated.

Back to AWG's. I owned and appreciated for six years....my KS6063 speaker cables. Superb midrange....but never quite right in bass and at times could sound sluggish on some recordings. Well, to my modified Adagio's the 10awg to post was to much/wrong. 12awg to post with the right combination will blow your sox off now. Just go down the list and check the boxes.

I purposely went down to (larger) 7awg to post and 10 again to confirm/not good to my speakers.  
I stuck with what is found in the KS6063 as my baseline .....6 solid core/24awg & 6/19awg Varistrand to post.  Then, worked from there to arrive at what I'm running. Obviously, I liked mostly what the KS6063 could do to MY Speakers......so this was my path.
You know and I read you here 11-13awg range to post is magic...... .
(I continue to use awg to post....because as you stated earlier people do get confused ....aggregate to speaker vs. to each speaker post).


Schroll down slightly to the BOM of KS6063. I obfuscated the core and yarn, etc.....
created my hybrid as stated.....with the touch of silver.

Really? Do I need to have the Front Row in with no touch of silver.

Oh, and I created better to my Adagio's less the core and yarn, etc... .
Stating the obvious....just reiterating the above.

Discalimer: I'm not saying I have the same metallurgy as Kimber going on here and the core and winding.
(But, I oughta be damn close with UP-OCC Copper solid core and my Silver touch...I have the Kimber stranded in/very necessary/all solid core does not work...as aforementioned/I tried).

What I am saying .....my creation custom trial and error to MY Speakers is yeah, wow.

.....and to your point in a previous above thread too. More LIVE is what you and I are after ...the above Cabling in my first post mentioned are gone/sold or in tote (or in my Mid-FI/Hi-FI Rig) in my closet.....BECAUSE ....they were great HI-FI.....but not real that my ZMA and my modest front end with current cabling can do.
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #17 - 08/18/24 at 18:00:30
Sounds good! I can imagine the extra wires in your own version of the round weave could increase damping compared to not adding those new wires, while allowing more moderate damping than the core and yarn, which might be easy to overdo if not careful. Not that I don't think damping can be important, but I try to do it with geometry and relatively innocuous cotton... I don't think I have added anything to the inside or outside of a cable I cannot hear, including shields, even with oversized shields separated from the wires as much as I can. So if needed, I am really careful.

I find many commercial cables can be over-damped and shielded....even when sounding really good, making them tend a little toward slow/dull/colored... seemingly from electrical/frequency balance draws/effects caused by different materials around the signal energy... And I get that a lot of cables can be nice with all the wires, damping, shields packed close together, but compared to not doing that, my tests using decent parts with more attention to not having dielectric effects, give the cable comparatively better immediacy and ultimate clarity. And cotton, easily available and having relatively lower dielectric effect than many, I prefer it for damping.

As I often try to say.... I think part of the rationale for not paying fuller attention to these things is in part the long cultured habit of smoothing/warming (masking) detail many folks are afraid of, and perhaps rightfully so...For decades so many developers, by not fully addressing the finest detail and space needs, including timing and revelation aside from the DA conversions... from not making detail more musically complex and spacious I think we are actually continuing to create hard detail out of habit.

In this vein, seems the "smoothness" and "warmth" we can get from closer cable construction, off materials, over damping, etc, can help hide hard detail, "good" in many settings where hard detail is an inherent issue... But having solved a lot of that syndrome here with a really good front end conglomerate that, in its pretty seriously modded state, can help reveal complexity that can resolve hardness into textures and harmonics, and all the other gear and speaker modifications, room, cables, feet, etc designed, modified, and intended for musical revelation and speed... from this baseline, a lot shows for better or worse. 

Here, cables with closer construction can tend to subtly mask fine information and immediacy... even artful warmth and smoothness with relatively good speed and detail complexity and completeness, can feel ultimately a little affected rather than fully natural. Some power cables I made from raw cable by really good designers who actually listen, and really good materials (Furutech and Neotech), though really good, to me they sound a little off... a bit held back if looking at all aspects of the sound. So even though I like and use these with the right ends, the subtle issues I have inform my exploration, and they will likely be replaced one day.

So my old rag... I find improving the qualities of timing, revelation, and complexity of detail a much better way to solve hard detail... But to really start to get that, it takes a conglomerate of power, gear, cables, speakers, room ... that is capable enough to be without notable weak links anywhere.... And for me so far, with how I approach what I will pay for this or that, and really not liking the buying roller coaster, this has required modifications with good parts, wires, tubes!

And again, in the fundamental picture, the really good fine stuff will never be there if a front end signal is not pulled without damage and truncation of the delicate finer elements of a pure musical signal.... From the quality of the stream, compressed, "lossless," to error corrected uncompressed... to the drive and wires uses, the computer, OS and software that process it (whether these are all in one like some streamers or separates).... how the stream is made, transported, processed, and output.... all cables... there are way too many ways to screw that up before ever getting to the pre or amp.

Still, part of the same historical progression of development that started running from hard detail with the advent of very clear digital... streamers, streams, DACs have gotten quite good at making it appear complete when it may be more hifi, and not fully musically extracted and presented. To me this has contributing in making it hard to find and recognize the need for the very fine and spacious nature of an undamaged signal. Until I started to hear a front end that does not mess the fine stuff up much.....I did not know how powerful that could be to the musical experience. And the other side, improving the signal can reveal how the rest of the system may not be designed and tuned to utilize a really good signal, which can make hearing a better signal more difficult. A circular pattern that keeps things slower I think....

Yeah, sorry... this is just where my journey has taken me, and most issues I have had always come back to what I perceive is this same basic issue of working from conditioning more than outright creative solution orientation, not based on the past so much as using our now amazing tech, parts, materials, knowledge and perception to refine our musical experience based on what we have right now!

Taking it all back to getting the best we can from cables, so they help now, and will reveal improvements elsewhere as they come.
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S of T
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Posts: 107
Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #18 - 08/18/24 at 19:25:53
Yes, I still love Steve's modified output stage ZDSD.
.....designed by the horse's mouth (Steve) made to speak to his horses (his Amps). @ 192kHz.
Purchased new in February of 2015.

I have had others in and they lost.
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Illuminations D60
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Snake River Audio Takshaka IC
Acoustic Zen Adagio/Modified
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #19 - 08/18/24 at 22:19:58
Wow, I had forgotten about that DAC. Turns out it was Feb of 2016 I tried one. Sorry about the sidetrack, but this got me to remembering a lot of cool stuff that I hope is useful.

My reference then was a tuned up NOS Tranquility DAC, with a nice USB cable designed with the DAC to help it do its best, along with a Mac Mini computer with a really good audio software player.... an inherently quiet computer, the OS also tuned to bring out all they could from this DAC... I was excited, having found agreement in the importance of all balances and complete revelation with one of the designers like no other, in talking anyway. Also, that he and the engineer (and more) blind tested part by part to get where they did. Then I got an open box version with VHAudio copper/teflon caps.... and it was good, but not as good as I expected or wanted. So after some talks I sent it back, and Eric tested it and agreed, the caps the customer before me had special ordered were not nearly as good as one would expect from that famous cap in this setting anyway, and the relatively cheap stock ones were notably better in all ways.

Back in my system with their latest favs, it had become what I expected and wanted... really good at all things in terms of harmonics... decays, textures, overtones... with really nice spaciousness and balances... all the challenging stuff that makes it sound real. The bass could have been a little tighter and more powerful, but it was good, and I loved it for years, and still do really enjoy that DAC with upgrades I made to IEC, power supply and signal caps.

For some reference, with a similar front end at RMAF using 44.1/16 uncompressed error corrected files their room won:

- Best sound for the money, RMAF 3 years in a row 2012, 2013, 2014
- Best digital for the money, RMAF 2012, 2013
- Best Digital against all including cost no object 2014

I think 2014 was the last RMAF DbAudioLabs (Tranquility makers) did, so don't know how that would have progressed, but a good pointer to how the DAC could be tuned to be really good with all these things that make the front end considered together.

But back to the ZDSD, I was using my Torii MKIV with I think my CSP3 and HR-1s. I was making pretty nice cables by then, but not a lot of modifications yet... guessing in the Torii only having changed the stock aluminum HT Jupiters to Coppers for coupling caps..... My CSP3 had Jupiter HT caps too, and I had done a fair bit of experimenting with caps and plinth tuning on the HR-1s, but mostly stock then. I think it was later that year and early the next I started working on power supply bypassing, exploring lots of caps, connectors, wires etc. So I was not hearing near all I do now.

Anyway, I was deep in on "mastering" the system/room by trying to tune things to sound great across recordings, and with the help of gain tuning between the CSP3 and Torii per each recording when needed, that was quite good with the Tranquility. But with the ZDSD, not so easy, and I tried lots of stuff to make it work. Talking with Steve about it some, I think he might have let me keep it for an extra test period to see if I could make it work, and I was working hard, especially finding that adjustable "ZBIT" like output quite seductive.

The DAC sounded really good on a lot of better recordings to me. But I just could not get the right sound on too many others... as I recall there were a number of recordings that were really revealing that allowed me to hear parts of the Tascam circuits I was not able to get past... maybe a little too made, not born to me... in this particular setup anyway. Too long ago to be clear, and glad it works so well there, but it went back for me. After working so hard with it, putting the "old familiar" Tranquility back in was a relief, very resolving while being more natural and complete sounding to me. Not as impressive as the ZDSD with that ZBIT transformer, but it sounded more like no DAC while bringing out the beauty on more stuff here. Also, not the same, but I was able to make up a lot of that ZBIT clarity and hit with the CSP3 tubes and settings.

Now, the Mini with its OS modified for music, modified Singxer USB Bridge, modified Gustard DAC, and fine tuned cables, make up my overall fav front end, and have for quite a few years ... And I do have a tuned up ZBIT after it now! Long time ago, but I recall some comments about the Gustard being better stock than the Yiggi and Auralic Vega, pretty hot DACs at the time that were 2 to 3 times more expensive. Though I was modifying it to my tastes, I was using ideas from experienced people who had a really cool creative flow going for making the DAC special...  I am not good at percentages on this stuff, and it is the whole front end, not just the DAC, but mine felt like a different DAC, to me way more revealing of refined, complex, fast and musical information. I can hear a little ringing now and then from the digital filter, but overall, it seems pretty close to flawless to me.

Now everything here is pretty seriously tuned/modified and the front end is holding up really well, getting better and better as the system does. So though mine is a dinosaur in DAC time (2017), I still question whether it is worth it to bring in another DAC to try... though the Laiv Harmony resistor ladder DAC has caught my attention, a first real temptation.

And as far as I can tell, my speaker cables keep getter better too!

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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #20 - 08/19/24 at 00:35:57
With writing/reading and contemplation with you about SC's. I am content with my speaker cable process/creation.

DAC's are never far from mind though. I keep up on my reading. On my mind is the new AERO DAC from LTA.


I am reading about the Laiv Dac right now.
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #21 - 08/19/24 at 01:42:37
Yes, the LTA has caught my attention too! They seem to be doing a lot right with it, and tubes of course are interesting.
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All Modified: PSA-P5>DIY Strip/Shunyata Defender>RevolutionMacMini/Amarra-KTE Singxer/Gustardx20pro/ZBIT/ZR2/CSP3>LaoChen 300B/845>Omega SAHOMs/AudioSmile Tweeters,SVS Micro3000>Pi PCs and DIY PCs, ICs, USB, I2S, Speaker>SR and aluminum w ball bearing feet +
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #22 - 08/19/24 at 03:45:19
Ever since purchasing my first Sorcer, I've slowly become kind of obsessed with graphene in electronics. Now that all my components are outfitted with more-or-less burned-in Graphene Sluggos, I'm even more impressed with the material. Of course, there are people out there that will call anything snake oil, but I'm starting to think that graphene is the conductor of the future. It's kind of exciting to think about how that technology might progress in large, and small, applications over the years.

So, this weekend I ordered some Mad Scientist graphene oil contact enhancer, as well as enough Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme V2.0 interconnects to get from my turntable to SUT to ZP3 to CSP3 to ZMA...If the results are what I hope for, I'll probably go for some Cerious Technologies graphene speaker cables as well. But, you know, one thing at a time... kinda.

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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #23 - 08/19/24 at 04:02:53
I think I was following this dude quite a while ago (like years ago) when he first started using graphene in cables. Seemed compelling and I almost bought some to try but got really sick and then forgot about it. I look forward to hearing how you like those ICs, and speaker cables if the ICs pan out for you. I bet you will like Madscientist oil... using it lightly as he recommends works well here.
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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #24 - 08/19/24 at 04:06:21
Yes, I have been following CERIOUS for awhile .....thread and reviews at AudioGon Cable Forum.

Reminds me BL ....I need to order my graphene sluggo. Currently, I have the SDFB out of the System.

Do let us know about the Mad Scientist graphene oil. And the IC's too/for sure.
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #25 - 08/19/24 at 04:49:06
I will absolutely report back!
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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #26 - 08/20/24 at 02:28:16
I use Belden 9497 one twisted pair per post, so about 11 awg runs. My runs are long, about 17' and 12'. Not ideal, but what I'm stuck with in my room. Buying long runs can get real pricey so I haven't experimented much. We are planning to be in a new house within a year, hopefully the new room allows for a better setup with shorter speaker cable runs. If I had short runs, I'd play around with some silver mixed in. For now, I'm ok with the Belden.

I recently got some Mad Scientist graphene oil. I pulled the ZP3, CSP2+ and UFO25 off the rack and cleaned them up real good. I applied the oil to all the interconnect jacks, speaker posts, fuse holders, and copper sluggos. I didn't add any to the power cords yet. Applying it can be challenging, I often struggle with 'just thin enough to be there, don't apply too much' type directions. If I can't see it, how do I know it's there??? I overdid it on the speaker spades on the speaker side, that definitely sound good, the very long end was good, but just above that got edgy. Cleaning them up resolved it. Initial impressions after the cleanup and applying is positive. A very slight sense of more loud at the same volume beforehand with some added detail/resolution perhaps due to quieter background.
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Technics 1210G, Phasemation PP-500, Cinemag 1254 SUT, ZP3, CSP2+, UFO25, Tekton Pendragon

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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #27 - 08/20/24 at 02:46:48
I "brush" the MadScientist oil on quite thinly, and then dab it with a tissue like the old instructions said. After that it is barely perceptible, but I think does fill the pits and valleys, and is clearer and more resolving right away, but not excessively. I have been using it since it first came out, and do recall the overdone sound you mention using too much at first, but the above has worked well for me.
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S of T
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #28 - 08/21/24 at 17:51:26

I have used XLO-TPC going back 20+ years. It is excellent. I think I have a packet, still.

High Fidelity Cables made one I got for free too.

Yes, to much and you either have to wait it out or clean it off. To true.
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Illuminations D60
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #29 - 08/22/24 at 15:16:49
I thought my hearing was good! I am obviously wrong.......................

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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #30 - 08/23/24 at 00:14:59
My Mad Scientist oil came in the mail today. I just brushed a very light coating on the connections between my turntable and SUT. That's it. And immediately, there it is, that now-familiar graphene bloat!

I don't know why I'm surprised. The amount of graphene I just added to my system, as far as contact area, probably approximates or exceeds the active amount in a Graphene Sluggo (maybe?). So, for now, I'm going to take the bloat as a good sign that I'm doing it approximately right, given that the other graphene already in my system has had that same effect before it gradually settles in.

I was hoping to maybe just do a few contacts at a time, but I can see immediately that it would be wiser to just do them all tonight if possible, so they all season in together. Luckily, they gf has other plans tonight, so I don't have to worry about being observed and judged as I squint and curse at things all night.

I am definitely getting tired of the wait when it comes to graphene, but... It's all worth it in the end.

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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #31 - 08/23/24 at 00:30:40
Makes me wonder if you used a little too much... May be a little different formula now, but literally, a very light brushing, and dabbing it with a tissue enough to leave no apparent black here, just a bit of shine, and I have never heard bloat in this system from it, even doing lots of connections at once.

I have not tried the graphene sluggos, so can't comment there...but all the solids can sound good, but lean my system toward excess bass in the balances for my ultimate preferences. Why I prefer hollows. In this line of thought, I wonder also, am I remembering correctly thinking you got some of Steve's latest power cables and at first they tended a little dark and bloating in your setup? I have not tried them either, but in the past some large gauge cables like Steve's earlier ones, would lean my system toward bass and bloat, especially on some recordings leaning that way. Not sure what gauge these new ones are, but wonder if it is potentially a combination effect... the cables once burned in being OK, and perhaps not bloating, but possibly close to excess bass in your particular setup, and the Graphene initially accenting that???

Not even sure my memory is right here, but if so, a thought.
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #32 - 08/23/24 at 01:08:39
Will --

You may be right about my using too much, but I really did barely brush a light layer on. Definitely so little that I wondered if maybe it was too little...

I'm just going to let it all season for a couple of days. For whatever reason, graphene added to my system always sounds bloated initially, and then opens up over several days/weeks. Because that is typical of my experience with the material, I'm going to trust in the process and see what happens.

I have not specifically found that Decware cables bring or enhance bloat in my system. I think what you're remembering is that I swapped a Super-Piggy in for a much-more-expensive power cord on my STR and preferred the Super-Piggy, which came as a surprise to me at the time. The cable I swapped out was not Decware, although it was very similar in all aspects to a DHC1, maybe.

I know that I am running the risk of overdoing it with the graphene generally, but I have this odd faith that if I'm patient enough, it will all settle in and be worth the hassle. With the graphene oil, at least, I don't have a lot to lose; I can always just wipe it off later if it's not coming together.
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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #33 - 08/23/24 at 01:10:12
I don't remember any real bloat with my Graphene Sluggo, but I have another scheduled to arrive on Saturday which I'll put in the DAC (the first is in the regenerator, ). Will see if I experience any bloat. (The other Sluggo in my system is a Super Duper in my SEWE300B, currently I have a High Purity Copper in the DAC).
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #34 - 08/23/24 at 01:11:27
I didn’t notice anything negative why I applied it to the RCAs. Right away it had a positive effect. The spades were overdone, I went back over them with a clean applicator, tiny white ball, and the bass went back to normal.

I pull the brush out and dab it with one of the applicators, apply, wait a few mins and go back and clean them up. I used the tiny white brush on the spades and I won’t use that brush again, just put too much on and brushed it around.
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Technics 1210G, Phasemation PP-500, Cinemag 1254 SUT, ZP3, CSP2+, UFO25, Tekton Pendragon

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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #35 - 08/23/24 at 01:11:55
Lon --

That surprises me to hear. Mark S agrees with me that bloat/darkness is a common initial attribute of the Graphene Sluggos. I thought everyone was hearing it!

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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #36 - 08/23/24 at 01:13:29
OK, everyone. I'm noticing a common thread with your comments. Before I've overdone everything, I'll go back and dab at everything and see how that affects things... Not a bad idea.
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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #37 - 08/23/24 at 02:35:52
BL--I didn't particularly notice it--it may not have been as evident in the P15 regenerator.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #38 - 08/23/24 at 03:15:11
I wonder if this graphene is the same as what the computer guys use?

If so it is a lot cheaper on Amazon.


Just trying to help make things a little more inexpensive for you all.
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #39 - 08/23/24 at 08:35:19
I eventually did most of the other points of contact in my sytem.

The 872A merc vap tubes REALLY liked it, glowed noticeably brighter, then settled down after about ten seconds.

The bloat is settling in too. I am hearing some narrowing of soundstage. I am confident that will relax shortly.

This is fun.
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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #40 - 08/23/24 at 08:37:19
Highs are definitely accentuated at the moment.
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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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Re: Speaker Cables
Reply #41 - 08/23/24 at 08:48:32
Damn. Highs are high but not harsh, stage is wide again, deeps are appropriately deep.

I know I have over-posted tonight, so I will try to take a break and report back in a day or two.

But things are sounding good. The 872A flare-up I think was a nice, material sign that conductivity is improved. If I'd known they'd do that, I would have taken a video but, of course, I did not know that would happen.
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Thorens TD 125 Mk II w/Reed 3P arm & Benz Micro Ebony cart; Transcriptors Skeleton w/Vestigal Arm & ZYX Ultimate Exceed Airy cart or Grado TLZ; ZP3; CSP3; ZMA; ZSB; Lightspeed Attenuator; Space Tech Labs STR 1004 & 104; Sorcer X4+; SDFBs; Graphene Sluggos in all
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