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Posts: 2321
Here are my initial impressions of my Angela-Gilbert Yeung i807 integrated amplifier.
First, it has a remote control! It is the size of a car key fob and only controls volume up and down. I'm good with that, plus it is RF so you don't need to point it at the amp. Little things like that are nice.
It has 80 WPC and I have a feeling that is a very low number compared to what it is really putting out. So it has plenty of oomph to control my speakers.
I have ran 3 different speakers with it, one 83 db, another 90 ish db and one pair that are 97 db. It pushes them all well and is black hole quiet even with the 97 db pair.
The quietness probably comes from the absolute insane amount of capacitance in the power supply. Angela had said that there was something extra in my "Red Edition" version of this amp. I got the information today of what the extra was. My amp has 1,220,000 uf capacitance on the input stage and 880,000 uf on the output stage. A touch more than stock!
If you unplug my amp it continues to play for over a minute just from the the capacitor's charge, crazy!
So yes it is quiet. I really notice how quiet between tracks, in that second between songs things go dark, really dark. It is noticeable.
So how does it sound? Well no complaints yet. The imaging is phenomenal, width, depth all there. Bass control is better than I've ever heard in my room. I've lost the bit of boominess that I have had since I turned my room around. I guess that comes from controlling the woofers better?
I guess I should say what I am using equipment wise with the amp. Dell laptop playing JRiver/ Wyred 4 Sound USB cable/ Denafrips Ares II DAC/ Blue Jeans Cable LC1 RCA/ Angela-Gilbert i807/ Blue Jeans Cable Canare 4S11 speaker wires/ Troels Gravesen SBA-761 speakers
Now you want the downsides of this amp.
Well it sure isn't cheap. All in is almost $10K . I kind of look at it this way, I raced motorcycles at a fairly high level for 30 years. 10K ain't squat racing. You spend that kind of money in just transportation getting to the races.
The amp isn't as fat sounding as my Torii, we shall see if I like that kind of voicing, and perhaps things will change as burn in continues.
So there you go, that is what I think after 1 full day of listening to my Angela-Gilbert i807.
Will it replace my Decware Torii, hell no. It will be used to compare and contrast.