Seasoned Member

Posts: 1665
Moving, every so often, now that is something that I can identify with. In a lot of cases, the new room was less than good to start with. I have had L shaped rooms, vaulted rooms, Square rooms, and now a rectangular room. As much as it seems an unlikely winner, the vaulted room was by far, the best. I couldn't begin to tell you why except that this room incorporated much more than just 2 story vaulted ceiling. There was a staircase and adjoining rooms involved. No other room in that house would have sounded as good. For room treatments, I stuck with using drapes and sometimes hinged acoustic panels. I have never been a room since that didn't need so little help. Since then there has been nothing but resonances to deal with along with sidewalls and all of the other crap that 'speaks' to you. If you don't have the right road for your car, how do you intend to enjoy the ride?