Quote:Posted by: LiquidBlue Posted on: Today at 00:12:00
Did a little digging to get info on the PSvane 274B-Z to give it a try. The concern I have is that the tube looks to be spec’ed for max filter capacitor rating of 4uf, which is fine for the Sarah, but the UFO25 uses a 47uf cap...
Here's my thing, which is totally JMO/FWIW/YMMV and all that. The rectifier can't know and can't tell the size of the first power supply cap. What it sees and actually cares about is the "inrush current" when you turn on the amp and charge the power supply filter capacitors. In theory you can derive the inrush current from the cap size and some assumptions, but at best that is a very rough approximation of real life. Most rectifiers have two different but (IMO) related specs: the max capacitor and the max current. According to the data sheet I found the PSVane 274B-Z says the filter capacitor should be 4 uF, which is really small. But the peak anode current is 750 mA (i.e. 3/4 of an amp) which is a lot of current in the context of a Decware amp, esp. a preamp or a UFO amp.
So if it were me, I would focus on the 750 mA spec and be confident the rectifier is safe in my low power amp or pre. But, if it were really me, I'm pretty allergic to current production tubes because in my experience the quality control seems to be lacking. At least compared to the tubes made during the "golden age of tube tech" which was generally the 40s into the 60s. So I stick with NOS. Again, JMO and all that.