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Tube Rolling for the ToriiMK5 (Read 178 times)
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Posts: 41
Tube Rolling for the ToriiMK5
12/29/24 at 14:13:50

I received my new ToriiMK5 this past June. I really like the sound and the amp has been getting better as I keep using it. However, I think that I am ready now to do some tube rolling. I have seen a couple of videos from Thomas and Stereo and Harley Lovegrove and they suggest a couple of tube  options; El34 Sophia Electric and KT66 from an unspecified brand. I would like to know if there are any suggestions regarding tube rolling that would have an impact in sound. Thomas indicated in his video that the Sophia Electric El34 tubes made the ToriiMK5 sound more like an SET amp (e.g., UFO 2.1). Harley indicated that he did not like the Sophia Electric El34 as much and preferred the KT66 instead.

I am new to tube amps and I understand that I need to find the kind of sound that I like through experimentation. However, I would like to take advantage of the collective wisdom of more experienced tube rollers that are members of the Decware forums. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Happy New Year!!
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Re: Tube Rolling for the ToriiMK5
Reply #1 - 02/24/25 at 19:06:02
Hi Coqui, I have the MK5 and have tried both the Sophia Electric EL34s and a pair of NOS 5881 tubes (6L6WGB). I have also played with a hand full of other EL34s (e.g. JJs and NOS Wingged C Svetlana tubes). Are you looking for a more detailed and dynamic sound or a more laid back sound? Do you feel the highs are a bit too sharp and forward or are you looking for something even more crisp than what came stock? Also, what power tubes did the all ship with?
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Posts: 41
Re: Tube Rolling for the ToriiMK5
Reply #2 - 02/25/25 at 14:26:21
Hello Silver78, I am brand new to the tube world and I want to experiment a bit with different sounds. I am intrigued by the Sophia Electric EL34 because of what Thomas & Stereo said in his video. He said the Torii sounded more like the UF0 2.1 and was sweeter (maybe softer) with the Sophia tubes. I am curious to know what did you notice when you installed the Sophia El34. My ToriiMK5  came with the standard Decware EL34 tubes.

Thanks for your reply!

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