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03/10/25 at 08:44:59 

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New product for MM cartridges (Read 1672 times)
Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
New product for MM cartridges
12/30/24 at 01:33:59

I am in my happy place - designing something new.  I have several MM cartridges with relatively low to modest output when compared to say a 2M Black at 5 mV.

You see, in the world of solid state phono stages you probably wouldn't notice because the gain of the stages are usually adjustable, but in my world where a tube phono stage has 43dB of gain, and able to handle nearly 20mV of input, I find that cartridges with higher output have more density and slam not to mention blacker backgrounds because you don't have to turn the preamp or amp up as loud, so any noise that is there, is basically unheard.

Even with solid state... just because you have enough or even more than enough gain... doesn't mean you have the ideal gain structure.  Let's say we compare a 5mv cartridge against a 3 mv cartridge.  The 3 mv cartridge is quieter.  We turn up the volume to make the music as loud as it was with the 5 mv cartridge and it sounds more like it.  That is until you realize the noise is 3 to 6 dB louder than it was, which basically means the dynamics are reduced by that same amount.  The sound is consequently less dense and not as engaging.

So what happens when we select a higher gain on the solid state phono stage?  Noise problem solved.  Dynamics are improved and everything sounds relatively great.  This is where most people quit.

But what would happen if we set the gain on the phono stage back to the lower setting and instead added another gain stage between the cartridge and the phono stage?


Firstly, unlike the phono stage, this gain stage is linear.  It has no EQ.  Dynamics are the same from top to bottom.

Secondly by increasing the gain from the cartridge we also add an additional interconnect.  This would normally be a deal breaker.  The cable used between the cartridge and phono stage is a very real part of the sound because it has a given capacitance and the cartridge responds to if not depends on it to have the correct frequency balance. But, the game changes when the cable is used to store energy as pressure (voltage) and then release it through an orifice. (input voltage divider staged in front of a given impedance.)

Yes, that's going to need some explaining.  So we take a 3mV cartridge and we increase to to 12mv.  This travels through the cable to the input of the phono stage that in turn embellishes it like nourishment to the body and now highly energized and full of life it leaves the phono stage at a reference of 5 volts instead of 1 or 2 volts.  This in turn causes you to turn down the input control on the amplifier or preamp which then raises the pressure in the cable between the phono stage and the amp or preamp.  This tension is reflected back through the entire phono stage, the interconnect, the gain stage driving that, and the tonearm cable and cartridge.  That is the reality of it.  The result is a profound change in how the cartridge sounds.

Having the linear gain stage between the cartridge and phonostage gives more opportunity to voice things as well as dial it into the matrix.  The prototype I am presently using has an adjustable output level which basically means I can adjust the output of a 3mv cartridge anywhere from 0mv. to 12mv or more while I listen to find that magic balance of transparency and power that can only be found this way.  It is reserved for the the brave few who are still reading this.

This is the most critical part  -- the gain structure that you create for yourself starts here.  

The current prototype is battery driven solid state but I am in the process of building a zero feedback design using battery driven tubes, one per channel.  This should be so good it makes me wet myself.  We will see.

The batteries in both of these designs have a direct effect on the sound signature of the cartridge.  Alkaline do not sound the same a Lithium which do not sound the same a carbon.  You can voice your cartridge by rolling batteries.  Carbon is where it's at if you like vintage tone.

This is taking the performance of the London Decca to a new place.  Prior to this experiment, I used a step up cartridge for it that gave me 6dB of gain and it sounds great.  That is what I have been using to evaluate that cartridge for the majority of the time I've listened to it.  That said, I have not been able to get it as high as I would like to achieve the ideal gain structure and have never gotten it completely black as far as hum goes.  Listening to the cartridge by itself without the transformer into a ZP3 is a hum problem because the cartridge is only 3 poles instead of 4.  By the time I get the gain on the amp or preamp high enough to start smiling, the hum ruins it.  But just before I pull the plug hearing the cartridge with no transformer makes it even faster and accurate.

This is why a gain stage for the Decca and the other MM carts I use makes sense because it can be more neutral or less neutral than a transformer and ultimately have more drive and slam with less noise.  

The output level and slam we're trying to achieve is similar at the least to a FR7f with it's 30 to 1 transformer that has some serious slam and a bold presence that makes you look at records like some kind of magic pancake from heaven.

Hope to have something done by spring.  The solid state unit I did is so good, I have doubts that it can be topped.  But I also realize I might laugh at that statement once I hear the NFB triode model. That would be fun!

What gets me excited is knowing that many people with MM cartridges will feel like they have never heard them once they add this head amp.  It will be like taking a $500 cartridge or a $300 cartridge and making it sound like a $1500 cartridge, as well it will be like taking a $5000 cartridge and making it sound like a 15,000 cartridge.

This is all based on the battery driven solid state model I have developed to sound like tubes.  As far as I am concerned it can go into production now.  However I have to pit it against a worthy contender the NFB battery driven triodes to find out which is actually going to be liked by those who would purchase it.

Hope you're having a great holiday and happy listening!  

Steve : )

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #1 - 12/30/24 at 01:48:01
This sounds awesome Steve. I look forward to its further development.

Do you have a ball park yet on price? This will be a must have, so I just wonder what it will cost me Smiley


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(2)SE84UFO(Balanced Monoblocs) OR Sansui AU222
Cambrge Audio CXN(ModWright)
Crown XLS-1002
SL1210MK5(KAB Mods) Soundsm Aida MKll cart • Darlingt.Labs MP8b
Otari MX5050-Bll2 R2R
ZLC Power Cond
Lii Audio PT-10 OR F-12 OR Betsy Alnico 8"/ W-15 in Open Baffle
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #2 - 12/30/24 at 17:28:43
Too soon to know anything.  But I can let you in on a secret -- the battery operated solid state unit is a Zen Head (ZH-1) repackaged in a larger chassis with RCA jacks.  It could be used as is with simple 3.5mm stereo to RCA adapters.


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Steve Deckert

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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #3 - 01/20/25 at 03:57:47

Hard to believe it's been 19 days already... kinda got lost in the music.  Once I introduced the battery operated tube stage it was over.  I really can't stop listening and it's not to any one particular cartridge.  This device has become the great leveler in so much as the output level / dynamics of all three cartridges can be matched, making it a more fair fight.  Anyway, testing is always the funnest part except when it's not.  So far the listening part of the testing has been eye opening.  

As an example is was able to take the Nagaoka cartridge up to a level so high it is competitive with the Fidelity Research which is a moving coil and in todays money ten times the price.

At one point tonight I was evaluating all three cartridges at the same time in direct ABC testing with each playing the same track 5 seconds apart.  I was mainly comparing two London Decca cartridges but threw in the Nagaoka just for fun.  It was surprising how well it faired.  During this test I was able to actually hear how a standard cantilever sticking through a rubber grommet softens the sound when compared to both Decca cartridges.  The Decca's have the crisp response and immediacy of master tape while the other cartridges, even the Fidelity Research are more like listening to a really good record ; )

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #4 - 01/20/25 at 04:18:08

London Decca 101 Jubilee Cartridge  

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #5 - 01/20/25 at 16:08:36
 You had me at battery. I have done DHT designs (not by me but Bottle Head) using the 3S4 tube. It shouldn't have sounded so good and probably had an impact on the sale of their more expensive products. It sure got the interest of the DIY builder!
So yes, this gain problem has been a problem for quite some time, at least in phono. Ah heck, in many designs. FWIW, there is usually too much gain and it becomes it's own problem. And THEN we get to phono and not enough gain, comparatively speaking. And sure enough, getting the volume to the desired level means maxing out the preamp. And round we go. The inexpensive AT 95SE cartridge that I use just has too much bass, and I suspect that this is part of the reason. Sure, let's get a MC cart and have the opposite problem! I am eager to see what this has to offer for my system.
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Decware 34I.3 integrated amp/Forte' 3 bass amp/Velodyne SMS-1 bass mngmnt system/Decware ZOB speakers/Audio Nirvana 8" bass drivers/Xiang Seng DAC/ LR Audio Computer/Rega Apollo R CDP/Emotiva ERC3 CDP/BPT 3.0 power cond.
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #6 - 01/20/25 at 16:45:23

It's tricky.  So far I have been using ultra low draw 1L4 tubes wired in triode.  A single D cell will power the heater for around 140 hours.  The 9 volt batteries take care of the high voltage (36-45vdc) and could last for 1000's of hours.  I don't frankly care if it only lasts 10 hours if I get something I'm happy with.  But why not start out with big plans : ).  

I'll post some prototype pics next time I have stuff apart.

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Steve Deckert

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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #7 - 01/20/25 at 16:50:28

One thing I have noticed so far with this testing is that the losses from the tonearm cable are completely restored by the gain stage which then drives the phono stage.  This is also helpful, because the tonearm cable has a large effect on the sound.  I tried at least 3 different tonearm cables with every cartridge to find the 'one'.  Using this device has made it difficult to pic the 'one' because the differences are minimized.

Listening to it just brings dynamics delicacy and transparency to the picture that not as prevalent without it. Even when you adjust the gain to unity it still sounds better than without it.  But even the higher output carts that really don't need additional gain sound better with additional gain.  

When comparing two cartridges with different output levels, it is hard to choose the one with lower output.  It just won't have as much slam.  This was the case where prior to adding the stage, I was comparing two carts and had an overwhelmingly strong favorite.  I was shocked in fact, because I didn't think it would be that good.  Then I was bummed because I thought the other cart was better.  Then I added the stage and adjusted the gain on the lower output cart to match the higher output one and found out it was actually the better of the two carts!  Holy crap, I could have sold it!
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #8 - 01/20/25 at 17:15:19

An arm for everything...

The Fidelity Research is a medium mass arm, but can run different head shells. The Audio Craft and the Moarch arms both have different mass arm tubes that you can put on ranging from low to high mass. In the case of the Audio Craft, some arm tubes have fixed head shells and some have removable head shells. On the bottom side, I have a collection of step up transformers for moving magnet, moving coil, solid state head amps, and battery head amps, and a collection of tonearm cables each with a different capacitance. This is what it takes to accurately test a product that will be used for vinyl. You can't Spice model your way to fame on something like this, you have to put in the hours and listen.  You have to see how it responds to different cartridge and tonearm combinations or you're just guessing. : )

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #9 - 01/22/25 at 00:24:45
Hello, Steve.
In the interest of educating a dummy, would you tell me what it is you are listening for when you audition new parts such as these tone arms?
Is it tone balance or clarity or soundstage, or what is it?

Thanks, Brian
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #10 - 01/22/25 at 12:24:39
Steve…this is a very interesting thread and concept with adding a gain stage between the tonearm and the phono stage.  I have to admit that my ZRock2 is invaluable with vinyl playback.  It allows me to add some gain before my CSP2+, so I don’t have to push the CSP too high…essentially balancing out the gain.   Yes the ZROCK adds EQ..but I normally only run the ZRock2 at like 1 o’clock.   I know the new ZRock3 eliminated the front cut switch, but I find it useful too see the before and after with vinyl records.  There are some records where the increased gain is absolutely needed for that record and very noticeable, and there are others where the increased gain is not as big of a deal.  

I run an Amperex Holland Pinched waist D Getter 7062 tube in the ZROCK2 which puts out more gain than the 12 AU7.  When playing vinyl….the added gain of the 7062 tube is a welcome.  When playing digital through my system…..I dial back my ZBIT to 80% for the sweet spot when I run the SE84C+ Zen Monos.
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Rasp. Pi 4 [Roon], Schiit Bifrost True Multibit DAC, ZBIT, ZROCK2, My Audio Cables Ultra Silver+, ZSB, CSP2+ 25th, DAG Cables, DHC1, Torii MKIV 25th /2 White Zen SE84C+ 25th mono’s, Rega P2 Turntable, White top ZP3, Velodyne Dual Firing Sub, ERR’s [Bubbinga Wood]
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Steve Deckert

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Steve's Design Notes MM cartridge amplifier
Reply #11 - 02/08/25 at 03:33:25

Getting back to the design process - I have been happily listening to the first working and fully voiced prototype of the tube version for several weeks now and the sound is very compelling.    

It is using the 1L4 directly heated pentode, one per channel.  This is an interesting 7 pin tube in that it works with a heater voltage of 1.4 volts and a plate voltage of 24 to 90 volts.  It is wired in Triode with no feedback.

Having no way to mount the tubes I used a piece of wood and soldered a bunch of batteries together.  The 9 volts batteries in this version may last for 13,000 hours, while the D-CELL would go around 240 hours.

The negatives so far are that these tubes are prone to microphonics and the prototype is pretty sensitive.  If you touch it you can hear it.  We just don't touch it.   The only other negative is the tubes themselves are hard to find, and harder to match.  I had to purchase at least 10 tubes to come up with a matched pair, and the gain of the tubes varries a lot.

That said, the sound of this thing set the bar pretty damn high.

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Steve Deckert

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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #12 - 02/08/25 at 03:41:32

To find a way to accommodate these 7 pin tubes, I made a circuit board that mounts on the center conductor of the RCA jacks.  As I was building it I  realized that the only way it was going to work is if I mounted the tube sockets to the wrong side of the board so I had to scrap it.  Sadly I didn't figure this out until it was done and wouldn't pass a signal.

So now we wait for a new board full of improvements so that I feel good about screwing up the first one.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #13 - 02/08/25 at 03:47:59

It will look like this:

This would go into our existing switch box chassis and it is designed so that it can be made with or without a variable output level control and with a single set of inputs or up to three.  That way you can handle the tonearm switching and gain in a single box.

While waiting for this board(s) to arrive, I have gotten to work approach number #2...

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Steve Deckert

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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #14 - 02/08/25 at 04:22:27

Approach #2 would be to find a friendlier tube that is less microphonic, and ideally a dual triode to simplify the circuit not to mention make finding tubes twice as easy.

This would turn out to be an ECC86 / 6GM8 tube.  This tube has a 6.3v heater like any of the signal tubes we use, but other than that it is designed for low voltages and will work with as low as 6 volts on the plate and as high as 12 volts.  

Since it is a 9 pin tube, we could probably use our ZBOX/ZSTAGE chassis, so I have been working on that prototype the past couple days.  This one just dropped together like it was blessed, worked perfectly the first time, and took very little voicing to get right.  ZERO microphonics.

The simplicity of this and the performance make it seem like a giant step up.  The sound is so close I would have to A/B.  Suffice it to say it is extremely good and literally stone quiet.

Things are getting interesting : )

So far all three units that I have tried have the commonality of being the great leveler.  I am rotating between 7K, 5K, 700.00 cartridges at the moment, and enjoying them all equally.  Prior to this gain stage, that wasn't the case.  The $700 one was pleasant and ideal for casual listening to take some of the wear and tear off the more expensive units. The $7K one was not enjoyed as much as the 5K unit because it had 2mV less output so it didn't slam as hard or have as much presence.

Now I like the $7K better but just barely.  The $700.00 unit is dreamy good now, so it is getting more than double time compared to before the gain stage.

The fact that slam and density is now adjustable for all three cartridges in my opinion doubles or triples their enjoyment.  I notice, I have the gain set different every night which is another unexpected discovery.

That means I am adjusting the cartridge to change its sound, nightly.  All of them.  The only way you could normally accomplish that would be to have many different cartridges for each tonearm.

It's a value multiplier -- which is why I am so excited about designing this.

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #15 - 02/08/25 at 11:23:25
Great to see this progressing forward into a fall-in-place fashion. When that happens one knows that it is right, I find. Love the battery approach....hate batteries. I do understand the value of pure DC power.
I know it is still early in development, but do you think this might be also offered as a kit?
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LoopA[AMC CD8b>XO3>Stokes DAC>Carver C-9]LoopB[Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3]LoopC[Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>Zrock2]}CSP2+>SE8425th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10" Huijgen Cabinets. Isolation. AC filtering. Room Treatment.
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Posts: 540
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #16 - 02/08/25 at 15:45:23
I've been reticent to jump into MC carts and step up transformers, this might be my answer. Looking forward to seeing what comes of this.
Great work Steve.

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #17 - 02/08/25 at 17:40:04
Posted by: Steve Deckert      Posted on: Yesterday at 20:22:27

Approach #2 would be to find a friendlier tube that is less microphonic, and ideally a dual triode to simplify the circuit not to mention make finding tubes twice as easy...this would turn out to be an ECC86 / 6GM8 tube.

I picture you on a vacuum tube dating site: swipe left, swipe left... wow the 6GM8 looks good, swipe right.
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #18 - 02/09/25 at 19:31:52
In a sense this reminds me of working with the 3S4 tube used in a simple preamp circuit. Despite the fact that it is microphonic, almost every facet of the sound improved with this simple design. So that is what reminds me of this approach to phono pre-pre stage. The fact that looks to be adjustable is the answer here. Each cartridge is going to change the setting. The tube phono pre that I built sounds wonderful, but just as you stated, the gain is somewhere in the 40 Db range. So then for a preamp that had too much gain for other sources, it became almost the opposite problem with phono. Ugh.
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Decware 34I.3 integrated amp/Forte' 3 bass amp/Velodyne SMS-1 bass mngmnt system/Decware ZOB speakers/Audio Nirvana 8" bass drivers/Xiang Seng DAC/ LR Audio Computer/Rega Apollo R CDP/Emotiva ERC3 CDP/BPT 3.0 power cond.
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #19 - 02/10/25 at 01:43:46

Note to self,; on the 6GM8 unit I got 4 good hours out of the AA battery and 1 poor hour.  

Will have to work on that : ).  

Low battery light that comes on at the exact point the sound is not 100%.

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #20 - 02/10/25 at 12:45:25
Have you thought about a rechargeable scheme? It could be set up to run on battery power only when being used, then when idle charge with a linear supply.

The DJ system was set up with auto amps that were powered with 4 jell cells that had enough amp hours to run for an hour or so. It sounded clean for that hour. Then the regulated power supplies would be switched on for the remainder of the session. Still sounded very good as long as it was switched on before the voltage dropped to low from the batteries. The batteries would act as capacitors and charge at that point. Got a lot of good comments with that system...especially when outdoors.
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LoopA[AMC CD8b>XO3>Stokes DAC>Carver C-9]LoopB[Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3]LoopC[Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>Zrock2]}CSP2+>SE8425th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10" Huijgen Cabinets. Isolation. AC filtering. Room Treatment.
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Posts: 1665
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #21 - 02/10/25 at 20:33:38
A rechargeable scheme with more ah to run on.
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Decware 34I.3 integrated amp/Forte' 3 bass amp/Velodyne SMS-1 bass mngmnt system/Decware ZOB speakers/Audio Nirvana 8" bass drivers/Xiang Seng DAC/ LR Audio Computer/Rega Apollo R CDP/Emotiva ERC3 CDP/BPT 3.0 power cond.
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #22 - 02/12/25 at 01:44:02
I am A) increasing to C cells and probably D cells.  That will make a huge difference.  Also, I am looking at an analog volt meter that goes from 0 to 2 volts.  I don't want to get gooned in the middle of a session by seeing the dreaded LED come on.  I need an analog dial that is big and easy to see so I know where I'm actually at.

Rechargeable batteries are always an option.  They sound different than Carbon and Lithium and Alkaline.  


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Kahuna Jack
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #23 - 02/12/25 at 04:37:18
"Rechargeable batteries are always an option.  They sound different than Carbon and Lithium and Alkaline"

The process of listening to various batteries is a grueling task ..... There was a short lived power supply in early 90's for guitarists called the 'Batt-Man' by ADA/Rocket Electronics . It allowed you to simulate decaying old carbon type and alkaline batteries both. It had pots to dial in various points of 'battery life' .
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #24 - 02/13/25 at 17:27:52
Going to dispatch the new ZenHead build as a preamp booster for the Cambridge in loop C feeding the whole house and tech shop systems while waiting to see how this thread plays out.
Listened to the systems yesterday and the ZenHead really made very good improvements in sound. The volume was reduced on the JVC amp feeding the eight transformer coupled pots which took a strain from it creating better results all the way around.
Going to stick with an alkaline 9v battery hooked in series with relay contacts energized from switched outlets on the back of the of the JVC amp. Don't want to even attempt using a power supply like one of those that can be had on Amazon billed as battery replacements. Energized by what was heard yesterday I do not want to fool with it. I may use rechargeable batteries giving easy access to it. Whole house amp can be turned on/off remotely with Harmony app and the Cambridge with its app. Cell phones have become indispensable these days!    
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LoopA[AMC CD8b>XO3>Stokes DAC>Carver C-9]LoopB[Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3]LoopC[Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>Zrock2]}CSP2+>SE8425th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10" Huijgen Cabinets. Isolation. AC filtering. Room Treatment.
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #25 - 02/14/25 at 14:09:40
Such an Interesting  thread.   Steve ….what about piggiebacking a few CR123a batteries.  They have a higher discharge rate than AA batteries,  so maybe that could be an option to explore.
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Rasp. Pi 4 [Roon], Schiit Bifrost True Multibit DAC, ZBIT, ZROCK2, My Audio Cables Ultra Silver+, ZSB, CSP2+ 25th, DAG Cables, DHC1, Torii MKIV 25th /2 White Zen SE84C+ 25th mono’s, Rega P2 Turntable, White top ZP3, Velodyne Dual Firing Sub, ERR’s [Bubbinga Wood]
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #26 - 02/15/25 at 11:35:53
A ZenHead hanging out in the shop. After building this little amp, I am really stoked on the possibilities with the tube model.
Hope all is proceeding well.
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LoopA[AMC CD8b>XO3>Stokes DAC>Carver C-9]LoopB[Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3]LoopC[Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>Zrock2]}CSP2+>SE8425th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10" Huijgen Cabinets. Isolation. AC filtering. Room Treatment.
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #27 - 02/28/25 at 00:02:24
I have found over the years that things that hang like that usually sound better.
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #28 - 02/28/25 at 00:04:41
As far as more exotic batteries, I decided to keep it simple where even a quick trip to the dollar store can get you back online. It also offers many more variations/brands to try, and while most won't go there a few people will listen to every battery they can find.  

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #29 - 02/28/25 at 01:37:30
UPDATE 2/27/25

The negatives so far are that these tubes are prone to microphonics and the prototype is pretty sensitive.  If you touch it you can hear it.  We just don't touch it.   The only other negative is the tubes themselves are hard to find, and harder to match.  I had to purchase at least 10 tubes to come up with a matched pair, and the gain of the tubes varies a lot.

Been doing a lot of listening to the original tube design using the new circuit board and due to the low battery draw of the 1L4 and the sound, I have decided that it will be the top model if I can improve the micro-phonics and tube matching.  Both of these issues have been largely solved with the new design.  So while the tubes are still a little microphonic they are well below an acceptable amount, meaning un-hearable unless you tap on the chassis with the output level all the way up, which is 12dB.

Apparently the tube matching problem with the quick prototype I made on the wood board had some osculations going on making it look like the tubes don't match.  I have gone back through the large pile of tubes that didn't match and in this new version they all match.  So I think both negatives have been solved.

Using a Zen Switch Box with all of these prototypes to accommodate three tonearms, I have been anxious to build a final model with all three inputs installed so I can eliminate the switch box and one pair of interconnects.

So this week I am focusing on that, a fully pimped out version that I will use in my own rig.

Like the switchbox, all internal wiring will be silver plated copper stranded with Teflon insulation. This would be on par with the best tonearm wires so no worries about degradation.

Here is what one looks like.

This board has a lot of improvements over the first one, and it works which is a nice bonus.  Provisions are there for a variable input impedance switch but after testing it on every cartridge I own, going between 32K and 47K there was never a time when 47K didn't sound better so I removed it.  Also I added some small capacitors to the input to load the cartridge.  This could be changed to any value, but it presently is set at 100pf which when combined with the capacitance of the tonearm cable should get you a total around 220pf.

Using this I have been able to complete the assembly on a probably final pre-production prototype of the this design.

A pre-production prototype is one where the chassis is hand cut but indistinguishable from a production model.

This takes awhile because hand cutting patterns in a finished chassis without scratching it is time consuming.  I got it perfect though and then realized that I had put the largest holes in the wrong location -- rendering it useless.

This morning before work, I made a new chassis and proceeded with the build...

The hardest things so far have been... battery holders.  I have tried several different types and in different locations listening to people grown about difficulty in my mind, and then trying to make it easier etc.,

Also the low battery light, would be easy to add the circuit to the circuit board using a diode and transistor to switch on an LED, but it's more stuff, it's an LED - not my favorite thing, and it will once on drain the battery at a more rapid pace.

This unit has a wide tolerance for voltage, so some people may want to listen when the battery is a touch low, and it may not matter because the only thing that happens is that the gain drops.  Most will only use half the gain it has anyway, so we definitely need something better than an LED.

We have to have an analog meter.  A custom one that only goes up to 1.5 volts so that you can easily see where you stand.  In other words, the entire scale needs to be useful.

I found some in China that could be made for $2.00 ea.  Then I did what any self-respecting audiophile would do and spent over $200 on a real Simpson meter made here in the United States.  I'm running some expensive arms and cartridges and I'm not going to insult them with a $2.00 meter.  This unit has to have the best of everything, cost no object to pair with high dollar cartridges.

Some can image how this device would make a modestly priced cartridge sound a lot better, but this has to also be true with cartridges of ANY price.  Should an eccentric millionaire die and will me his $80K cartridge I want the piece of mind in knowing nothing has to be changed or upgraded.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #30 - 02/28/25 at 01:41:56

Here are some pics of the final result.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #31 - 02/28/25 at 01:45:52

Notice that the silver input jacks and the gold output jacks are soldered to the circuit board using a straight piece of twisted copper wire.  It is the shortest signal path possible and it floats the circuit board so that it does not touch the steel chassis.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #32 - 02/28/25 at 01:49:15

This is an upside down shot of the rear.  The silver jacks are the inputs for 3 tonearms, the gold jacks are the outputs that go to the phono stage.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #33 - 02/28/25 at 01:51:37

Here is the bottom cover put back on.  We will be using thumb screws to attach the cover since you will have to get it off every now and then to replace the D-Cell battery.

I put two different color knobs on it until I get used to which one is which.  The black is the tonearm selector and the cream colored knob is the output level.
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Steve Deckert

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #34 - 02/28/25 at 01:54:27

Here is a picture of the top showing the battery meter and the 9 volt battery holders.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #35 - 02/28/25 at 01:56:29

Front view.  The center switch is the ON/OFF for the unit.
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #36 - 02/28/25 at 01:59:32

This is what it looks like when it is turned ON and with a fresh D-Cell battery.  The heater is looking for 1.4 volts and it works well down to 1.2 volts and probably becomes unusable by the time it hits .6 volts.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #37 - 02/28/25 at 02:01:21

When the unit is turned OFF, it will read zero volts.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
sucks why continue?

Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #38 - 02/28/25 at 02:08:09

After trying many different internal battery holders for the 4 - 9 volt batteries, I spent $50 on a pair of these dual 9 volt battery holders.  Despite the possibility that you may never have to change the 9 volt batteries, depending on how much you listen, no one is going to enjoy removing the bottom cover every time they want to roll batteries to see how they sound.  

So long as it is 1.5 volts, the D-Cell doesn't seem to make any difference to the sound, but the 36 volts from the 9 volt batteries will change the sound from battery type to battery type so it needs to be easy and these are easy.  I find them actually worth the money.

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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
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Posts: 6383
Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #39 - 02/28/25 at 02:28:25

So we went from this prototype

To this prototype

And now it's time to log the hours and see if it continues to impress over time.  As I listen to it, I will revisit the other models.

For this model fully pimped out for three tonearms -- should I decide to put it in production -- I think we can sell it for around $1795 or less depending on how long it takes my guys to actually build and test it without making any mistakes.  It is a pretty big step up from a step up transformer with unity gain being just past half way up.  That means just as you can add gain 'on the fly' to  your MM cartridge while you listen, you can also reduce it.  Basically you can take any MM cartridge and regardless of its output level you can make it any output level you want and with breathtaking transparency.  Even set at unity gain, I like the sound of the cartridges (all of them) better going through this than directly into the phono stage.  It makes the cartridges sound way more expensive, as it should.

I plan to see what I can do with the other tube model while I listen to this and will be developing an OpAmp model that can run from a single 9 volt battery.  It would have socketed 8 pin din set up so that those who want to roll different Opamps can try it.

Steve : )

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #40 - 02/28/25 at 13:04:52
Nice assembly. I like the convenience of battery change and analog gauge.

I found in the ZenHead that sound degradation starts to occur just under 6v. Also when setting idle it does not drain the battery as much as when being fed with a signal. Found that out when forgetting to turn it off! So....

I did find an isolated 110v ac to 9 volt dc card that fits nicely in the the space provided for a battery in my build. Works well in my use of the ZenHead. I could not see ripple in the oscilloscope trace from the output of the card.

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LoopA[AMC CD8b>XO3>Stokes DAC>Carver C-9]LoopB[Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3]LoopC[Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>Zrock2]}CSP2+>SE8425th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10" Huijgen Cabinets. Isolation. AC filtering. Room Treatment.
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Seasoned Member

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Re: New product for MM cartridges
Reply #41 - 03/01/25 at 14:30:14
Steve….love the new design and the direction you have taken with adding the meter and the quick access to the battery compartment.  Looks like you have nailed down all of the internal components….exciting!
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