Seasoned Member

"I've run every red light on memory lane."
Posts: 2345
Hi Herb,
Here are a couple of my thoughts. I have a pair of UFO25s configured as balanced monos and they are absolutely positively amazing. So, on the one hand I want to give you an unqualified, unhesitating recommendation to go for it. And if the only difference between your two UFOs is the stepped attenuator vs. standard volume pot I don't necessarily think that is a problem. But more on that below.
But, your situation raises some questions for me, starting with why do you want two? If you want to run them balanced then I totally understand, and see above for unqualified, unhesitating recommendation. But I'm guessing if that were your plan you would have mentioned it. Do you just want a couple more watts? Klipsch isn't my thing but I'm pretty sure the La Scalas are crazy sensitive, yes? So sensitive that a single UFO25 ought to be plenty of watts to give you all the sound you want. And if they don't, another UFO25 (or swapping the '25 for Sarah) is only going to get you 3 dB. Is that really the difference you're looking for?
And the other question is do you know that the volume pot is the only difference between the two amps? i.e. do they have the same caps and resistors? Also, while the sonic difference between the stepped attenuator and pot is probably pretty small, the issue would be if you use volume control on the amp for your main volume control. I think the steps on the stepped attenuator are probably too big to be useful for you main system volume control. I have stepped attenuators on mine, but use my preamp for volume control. You can always send one or both back to Decware and get them matched (and the warranty transferred) but that is another layer of cost and complexity to consider. And of course 2 amps means you'll need twice as many tubes going forward as well.
Hope this helps.