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03/13/25 at 20:21:03 

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HRv2 Initial Impression (Read 406 times)
The other Lon
Seasoned Member

Posts: 111
HRv2 Initial Impression
02/11/25 at 17:47:44
I received my pair of HRv2 on February 1. A little too early for a full review, however I will share some initial thoughts after 38 hours of play.

Packaging is superb. The outer boxes had dents, cuts, and water damage and none of this made it through to the inner box or multiple layers of foam board.

Finish is also superb. I went with the Cherry finish, and while lighter than I would prefer, it is well done. Ziggy even took the time to book-match the front of each speaker down to the knots on each being perfectly mirrored.

I have placed these in my primary listening room connected to a Torii MKV, replacing a pair of 1981 Klipsch Heresy’s. BASS, I did not even know I have been missing bass. The HR’s deliver more bass than their appearance would indicate, and it is extremely articulate/tight. The sound of an upright bass has never sounded this good.

The overall cohesion of the music is just as appealing. The crossover seems perfectly dialed in as no one part of the music stands out from the next. Everything is just seamless. I am having a lot of fun playing music and just getting lost in some new detail making itself known. Looking forward to how the sound changes over the next few months.
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 465
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #1 - 02/11/25 at 18:34:10
I speak for myself but betting others too when I say we would love to see photos of them  8-)
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VPI Classic Signature | Urushi Black | Sky 20 | ZP3 | SDFB
DirectStream DAC (APS nickel transformers, Vocm mod)
Omega Super 3 HO XRS | Deep 8
Zenwave D4 | PCR-11 | PI Audio Uberbuss
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"Love without
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Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25446
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #2 - 02/11/25 at 18:42:02
Congrats Lon! These speakers (I have two pair of the original HR-1) will continue to sound better and your enjoyment will deepen.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Seasoned Member

"I've run every
red light on memory

Posts: 2343
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #3 - 02/11/25 at 19:13:37
Very nice. No way, no how do I need different speakers but if (knock on wood) something ever happened to my Omegas these would be on the very short list of replacements. In addition to pics I'm curious how big your room is?
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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The other Lon
Seasoned Member

Posts: 111
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #4 - 02/11/25 at 23:36:24
The room is 14’ x 16’ with 360 degrees of glass. Everywhere you see curtain is floor to ceiling glass. The ceiling is cathedral, going from 7.5 to 11.5 at peak with a skylight on both sides.

Floor is tile, with radiant heat so carpet is not possible. All of this would say harsh environment. Anything but. The curtains which go completely around the room bring the sound from 34 decibels down to 26 when closed. It is a remarkable difference.

I could not be happier right now.

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“In Tubes We Trust”

Posts: 217
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #5 - 02/12/25 at 00:26:03
Wow!  Beautiful listening space and companion. Speakers look great as well.  Enjoy the good life. Cheers 🥂
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Aric Super 300B SET Amp
Supratek Cabernet Pre
Mojo Mystique EVO B4B 21 DAC
Bricasti M5 Network Streamer
Sonido SWR096FC Towers
Vanguard Caldera Sub
SDFB-Graphene Slugs
Audio Envy Cables
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 465
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #6 - 02/12/25 at 05:32:57
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VPI Classic Signature | Urushi Black | Sky 20 | ZP3 | SDFB
DirectStream DAC (APS nickel transformers, Vocm mod)
Omega Super 3 HO XRS | Deep 8
Zenwave D4 | PCR-11 | PI Audio Uberbuss
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Verified Member

Posts: 6
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #7 - 02/12/25 at 13:54:41
Don't fret, that cherry will darken to a deeper color over the next year.  You've got quite the room to give them a nice sun tan!
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Roon Rock, Holo Spring 3 KTE, ZBit, SEWE300B, ZF15M Clone
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Without music, life
would be a mistake.

Posts: 2205
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #8 - 02/12/25 at 15:52:54
Very nice! Speakers as well as room!!!
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(2)SE84UFO(Balanced Monoblocs) OR Sansui AU222
Cambrge Audio CXN(ModWright)
Crown XLS-1002
SL1210MK5(KAB Mods) Soundsm Aida MKll cart • Darlingt.Labs MP8b
Otari MX5050-Bll2 R2R
ZLC Power Cond
Lii Audio PT-10 OR F-12 OR Betsy Alnico 8"/ W-15 in Open Baffle
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Seasoned Member

"I've run every
red light on memory

Posts: 2343
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #9 - 02/12/25 at 16:25:23
You've got a sweet setup, well done.
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Seasoned Member


Posts: 1162
Re: HRv2 Initial Impression
Reply #10 - 03/05/25 at 16:22:15
Drop dead gorgeous— congrats Lon!
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Innuos Pulse Streaming Transport and Phoenix Net Switch-Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC-Ic0n4 Autoformer Passive Pre-Sarah 300B SET Amp-ZBIT-GIK Room Treatment—Walnut Pure Audio Project Duet 15 w Voxative PiFe-P.I. Audio MajikBuss & Puritan PSM 156 Conditioners
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