This stuff gets realer and more urgent for me having lost 4 of the most important women in my life in the last several years, and a brother. And though cultured denial around death and dying is becoming clearer, it is still so easy for me to forget that it could happen on the next drive to town or something. My wife and I, having amassed nice stuff over decades, and not having kids, had been pretty careful with "estate planning." But since she died a few years ago, the need to refine that and leave less work for those who handle my stuff is up for me!
She and I lived and worked together, and had been picking up mostly folk art that was "food" for our creative learning during our decades as potters. And being a musician and lover of great sound, music, gear and instruments were part of that. Unbeknownst to us it gradually became a nice "collection."
Then, I got so damaged in a car wreck I couldn't keep potting and playing. I moved into healthcare work and building on my fascination with home music beauty while my wife focussed on printmaking, painting, writing, bookarts, making lots of really nice things to add to our "collection," while continuing to pick up art that fed our ever-evolving love of the mysteries of beauty and expression.
We had been trying to arrange for a selection to go to a museum, but as I pick that back up, our cultural fascination with the vast virtual and screen time, seems real anything is losing interested people, and funding for non-profits is dwindling. Fingers crossed though, little natural art left, I am pretty sure it is important in the human legacy... which makes me feel responsible.
The remainder, including enough tubes and nice tuned up gear for several systems, is set up to go to close friends and family via an arranged party at our house sponsored by us (our estate), where our students/family/loved ones can gather and choose things. Luckily most are into music and art, many of them makers, and our closest students are musicians and potters. Also luckily for me, they are interested in trying to solidify a nice selection of our things for posterity in case I slip off before setting it up.
So I hope the beautiful sounding audio stuff will find good homes along with the art I have around. But man... who knows as cultivated fight-or-flight reactivity is made "normal" and amplifies culturally embedded time stress, solidifying a chronic sense of "no time" for much self thought or reflection on what is really important as human beings.
I have been playing with a new Musical Paradise DAC lately. With a sort of essentially simple modular design, a nice power supply, and highly adjustable tube/cap output stage, it is wild how clearly it shows changes with tubes, caps, settings, and mods. As usual with compelling new things that shake the sound up, exploring "finding" the DAC sound I need has caused me to refine some of my other gear on the way. This morning adding a few more power supply bypasses to the DAC, immediacy/speed, clarity, and rich complexity went up a few notches, perhaps finally "finding" the deeper beauty of the DAC, and helping the whole with what feels on 1st impressions like a new level of natural beauty... . I hope someone will be able to enjoy this as I have when I am no longer here!