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Future planning (Read 677 times)
Seasoned Member

Why does it hurt
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Posts: 2318
Future planning
02/13/25 at 20:38:49
I know that this is going to sound somewhat morose, but have you all thought about what happens with all of your equipment and music after you die?

I know that some of you have huge collections of music and a lot of money invested in equipment.

In my own situation I don't have kids or anyone to really pass my stuff on to, so I guess that my stuff will be just thrown away. Kinda of a sad thought isn't it?

No, I'm not dying right now any faster than I was yesterday, but I just wondered what dumpster my stuff will end up in.

Does anyone have plans for where their stuff is going?
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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The other Lon
Seasoned Member

Posts: 111
Re: Future planning
Reply #1 - 02/13/25 at 20:59:11
I think about this, other items in the house, and my business. While I have plans in place for most, one item I have to grapple with is an upcoming vacation where my family and those in the planning line are all together. I have not thought through who or what comes after everyone in the plan in case we all exit together.

One item I have in place for the music equipment and music are written instructions for my wife on who gets what if they are around, and who to PM on this message board for help selling items if the person(s) are no longer around.

For other items and my business I have written plans along with some video instructions which will most likely be difficult to watch, however better to have a plan than to have failed to plan.
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Seasoned Member

"I've run every
red light on memory

Posts: 2339
Re: Future planning
Reply #2 - 02/13/25 at 21:09:39
Posted by: Donnie      Posted on: Today at 12:38:49

...I know that some of you have huge collections of music and a lot of money invested in equipment.

In my own situation I don't have kids or anyone to really pass my stuff on to, so I guess that my stuff will be just thrown away. Kinda of a sad thought isn't it?

My wife and I are in the same situation. We recently "put our affairs in order" and the music and books go to the local friends of the library, for which Mrs. CA is on the board. The rest of the stuff, presumably including stereo gear, is all going to be sold off and all the proceeds go to charities. FWIW.
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25429
Re: Future planning
Reply #3 - 02/13/25 at 21:24:06
Both of my brothers are lawyers, and the older of the two (I'm the oldest of four children) handled my Dad's estate with me, and he has agreed to handle mine with the help of my best friend who is a jazz trumpeter and musical fanatic like me. (In cooperation with my wife who really doesn't want my stuff). So I feel I'm covered, and in the meantime hopefully before an unfortunate event happens to me I plan on reducing my musical recordings and musical instruments holdings considerably. That process continues at a faster pace soon.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Verified Member

Posts: 26
Re: Future planning
Reply #4 - 02/13/25 at 21:52:52
My kids are just now coming to realize that music sounds better through my system than through their ear buds from YouTube. I hope they come to appreciate it and then enjoy it when I'm gone. Haven't thought beyond that to be honest, but worth thinking about. That's a lot of records to deal with  ;D
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 1232
Re: Future planning
Reply #5 - 02/13/25 at 23:18:52
My wife has threatened to PAY someone to come and take all my stereo stuff away when I'm dead. Well she has tolerated a lot of system upgrades and purchases over the years😊.

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Nottingham Interspace TT > Modwright PH 9.0XT phono preamp OR MWI modded Cambridge CNX V2 > CSP3-25th Ann. preamp > STL STR-1002 Super > ZMA-25th Ann. amp > PI Audio UberBUSS > Caintuck Audio Lii15 Magnum speakers > SDFB's > SA AUVA's > SRA & ZenWave cables
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Kahuna Jack
Seasoned Member

Posts: 167
Re: Future planning
Reply #6 - 02/14/25 at 01:01:47
I had an old friend pass way during covid. He was a power collector ( hoarder) of many things. Vintage hi fi being one. I knew everything in his collection.
His ex wife hired an estate sale company to get rid of EVERYTHING . I saw ( did not attend) pics of it all on the estate sale companies website and was able to zoom in on some price tags.
I also had mutual friends attend on 3rd ( final ) day and most of the hi fi stuff was still there unsold. They had it all priced so insanely high no body bought any of it and didnt seem like offers were being accepted.
It was top shelf stuff too.... monster receivers , jbl 100's , Pioneer hpm's of all models etc..... I have no idea what happend to any of it in the end, whether she sat on it? sold it to estate company??
It was a shame and started me thinking like this.
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Seasoned Member

Why does it hurt
when I pee?

Posts: 2318
Re: Future planning
Reply #7 - 02/14/25 at 02:57:20
Kahuna Jack just brought up another point that has been mulling around my brain.

I'm wondering if a lot of our collections will "time out".
The stuff that we like will drop off of the collective interests of younger generations.
Kind of like how Model T's aren't being collected by people my age, let alone anyone under 30.

I'm reminded of my father's collection of steam engines. He owned dozens of them. He bought them at auctions all over the midwest. Usually a widow sold off her husband's collection. But after a few years there were fewer and fewer buyers as all of the old guys died off.
When my dad died in the early 1990's you couldn't give the stuff away, no one was interested in steam anymore. We more or less sold his collection off as scrap metal.

So I figure that the collections of vinyl and CD's that we are all sitting on will be eventually thrown away.
Yes it is a waste, but it is inevitable that the music that we enjoy will be looked at as the stuff that their great grandparents listened to.

Time marches on.

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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Senior Member

Posts: 82
Re: Future planning
Reply #8 - 02/14/25 at 04:43:31
The good news is I doubt most (or any) of us bought our gear as an investment or thinking about where it may end up when we're gone.....Would I love to "see" my son become a 2-channel afficionado? Sure.  Will he?  Unlikely.  That's OK, its our hobby and passion, not necessarily our family's.  My only desire is they get fair value for the gear if they choose not to keep it.  How much that may be, who cares?


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CXC, CXN (MWI), ZROCK2, Aric Audio Unlimited, Rachael, Omega CAMs
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Posts: 1499
Re: Future planning
Reply #9 - 02/14/25 at 13:02:43
I try not to think about that future. It is something that will need attention soon.
Two of the three of my son-in-laws have shown interest in my hobbies. One likes the physical media while the other reproduction equipment. Both of those two definitely would like inheritance rights of the wood working tools. I'll let them deal with it when I pass.
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LoopA[AMC CD8b>XO3>Stokes DAC>Carver C-9]LoopB[Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3]LoopC[Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>Zrock2]}CSP2+>SE8425th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10" Huijgen Cabinets. Isolation. AC filtering. Room Treatment.
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Seasoned Member

"Life without
..music is

Posts: 723
Re: Future planning
Reply #10 - 02/14/25 at 15:37:38
The rest of the stuff, presumably including stereo gear, is all going to be sold off and all the proceeds go to charities. FWIW.

I, too, think about this. As my closest family members are in TX now, can anyone suggest how one arranges for an audio system to be sold with the proceeds going to charities when no spouse or other person is willing and able to do the job? Does one ask a friend or a relative to manage the selling and shipping? Are there businesses that do that?

When I get to who is going to manage that particular process, I put off the investigation until later. Are there businesses that offer that service?
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SEWE300B | STR-1002 | ZBIT | Sonore opticalRendu| Denafrips Terminator DAC | Denafrips Gaia DDC | SDFB-Graphene Slugs | Decware I/Cs | Decware Pwr Cbls | ZWIRE Speaker Cbls | Omega SAHOM & KEF KC62 | Furman Cond l GIK Room Trmt
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Seasoned Member

"I've run every
red light on memory

Posts: 2339
Re: Future planning
Reply #11 - 02/14/25 at 15:41:07

When we setup our will/trust we chose a local fiduciary to handle the estate. If you talk to an estate lawyer she/he will certainly be able to help you.

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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Kahuna Jack
Seasoned Member

Posts: 167
Re: Future planning
Reply #12 - 02/14/25 at 20:57:39
Donnie says" I'm wondering if a lot of our collections will "time out"

I think our age group is in a better position for that .... most of our "junk" im assuming is pretty cool "junk" .......  not like we're leaving our kids/family collections of Avon bottles, Hummels , Cherished Teddies and Star Trek collector plates from Bradford Exchange .

They have those apps on smartphones too where you just snap a pic and it pulls up all the info kids need to determine approximate value's.

I worry more about the little things in boxes or catch all drawers like tubes, phono stylus/headshells , Bret Favre rookie card , expensive rca plugs , silver solder etc . Things that scream "grab and toss"
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 3083
Re: Future planning
Reply #13 - 02/16/25 at 16:49:21
This stuff gets realer and more urgent for me having lost 4 of the most important women in my life in the last several years, and a brother. And though cultured denial around death and dying is becoming clearer, it is still so easy for me to forget that it could happen on the next drive to town or something. My wife and I, having amassed nice stuff over decades, and not having kids, had been pretty careful with "estate planning." But since she died a few years ago, the need to refine that and leave less work for those who handle my stuff is up for me!

She and I lived and worked together, and had been picking up mostly folk art that was "food" for our creative learning during our decades as potters. And being a musician and lover of great sound, music, gear and instruments were part of that. Unbeknownst to us it gradually became a nice "collection."

Then, I got so damaged in a car wreck I couldn't keep potting and playing. I moved into healthcare work and building on my fascination with home music beauty while my wife focussed on printmaking, painting, writing, bookarts, making lots of really nice things to add to our "collection," while continuing to pick up art that fed our ever-evolving love of the mysteries of beauty and expression.

We had been trying to arrange for a selection to go to a museum, but as I pick that back up, our cultural fascination with the vast virtual and screen time, seems real anything is losing interested people, and funding for non-profits is dwindling. Fingers crossed though, little natural art left, I am pretty sure it is important in the human legacy... which makes me feel responsible.

The remainder, including enough tubes and nice tuned up gear for several systems, is set up to go to close friends and family via an arranged party at our house sponsored by us (our estate), where our students/family/loved ones can gather and choose things. Luckily most are into music and art, many of them makers, and our closest students are musicians and potters. Also luckily for me, they are interested in trying to solidify a nice selection of our things for posterity in case I slip off before setting it up.

So I hope the beautiful sounding audio stuff will find good homes along with the art I have around. But man... who knows as cultivated fight-or-flight reactivity is made "normal" and amplifies culturally embedded time stress, solidifying a chronic sense of "no time" for much self thought or reflection on what is really important as human beings.

I have been playing with a new Musical Paradise DAC lately. With a sort of essentially simple modular design, a nice power supply, and highly adjustable tube/cap output stage, it is wild how clearly it shows changes with tubes, caps, settings, and mods. As usual with compelling new things that shake the sound up, exploring "finding" the DAC sound I need has caused me to refine some of my other gear on the way. This morning adding a few more power supply bypasses to the DAC, immediacy/speed, clarity, and rich complexity went up a few notches, perhaps finally "finding" the deeper beauty of the DAC, and helping the whole with what feels on 1st impressions like a new level of natural beauty... . I hope someone will be able to enjoy this as I have when I am no longer here!
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All Modified: PSA-P5>DIY Strip/Shunyata Defender>RevolutionMacMini/Amarra-KTE Singxer/Gustardx20pro/ZBIT/ZR2/CSP3>LaoChen 300B/845>Omega SAHOMs/AudioSmile Tweeters,SVS Micro3000>Pi PCs and DIY PCs, ICs, USB, I2S, Speaker>SR and aluminum w ball bearing feet +
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Senior Member

Posts: 97
Re: Future planning
Reply #14 - 02/16/25 at 17:27:21
Thanks for sharing your story Will. So sorry to hear about your recent losses.

We don’t have kids, and I’ve been giving this stuff some thought especially after my mother passed away about a year and a half ago. Her passing followed by my wife’s parents being ill, got me thinking even more.
There is no way my wife would be able to handle the sale of all my music equipment, and tubes. And I have a significant enough investment in all that to where I’d like her to get some money for it all (especially if she outlasts me).

I started by inventorying all my tubes in a spreadsheet, and plan to add all the remainder of my equipment purchases along with the prices of what I paid for each tube/component. Knowing what we paid for this stuff is an important part of the process. And it provides clarity to those who will be left with this stuff.

I then plan to reach out to some of my close friends that I think would be savvy enough to help her sell it and not get taken for a grand ol’ ride.

From a survivorship perspective, after my wife, or after the both of us, I only have nieces and nephews. I’m trying to groom at least one of them to value this stuff (my success here is TBD).

Anyways, a discussion like this makes me truly value this Decware community. Steve and Decware have clearly built something that’s well beyond just a high end audio company.
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Zu Soul Supreme V, Torii MKV 25th Anniversary Mods, Rogue Audio RP7, Aurender N100H, Denafrips Ares II, Nottingham Space 294 w. Shelter Harmony MC, AllNic H-1202 Phono
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 232
Re: Future planning
Reply #15 - 02/17/25 at 15:34:10
One of my mentors as a young man taught me two important lessons. First to be humble, and second, going along with that, to search deeply for my motivation behind an action.
I love music and fall easily into the magic of making improvements in my system. I have to correct myself sometimes and decide if my motivation is to improve my listening experience or to conquer the Fear of Missing Out syndrome.
When my daughter came along 25 years ago it really made an impact on my realization about what my actions did to improve or not improve the world I was leaving behind for her and future generations. I am by no means a lover of new tech, but at that time I decided to stop buying CDs and vinyl, and started to go down the road of digital music. The stacks of plastic discs that I have acquired, listened to once, and put on a shelf is unacceptable to me. I love that when I see music posted here I can generally go to Qobuz, listen once, and move on. Often we find that someone has a moving experience with an album that is personal, and it does nothing for someone else.
Along these same lines, I keep my system extremely simple. Streamer to amp to full range drivers. No loops of magic boxes, buffering, and conditioning. For me it’s enough, and if you need more, that’s none of my business. When I make a new purchase something old has to go. I think some of the added value here is that I’ve been able to focus on room treatments this way, keeping a comfortable simple living space, and spend more time listening and less time obsessing over what I don’t have.
When I pass on I have a few items that will probably not be convenient for my heirs nor will they have interest in them. That’s ok. Someone may find them at a thrift store and discover music in a way they never imagined- or maybe not. It’s not my place in this world to fuss about things out of my control.
Something else I learned working in the recording industry is that trying to get all the latest gadgetry- I guarantee you someone else has more and something that sounds better. I have experienced a lot of braggadocios people over the years that like to flaunt what they have, and it’s almost laughable how desperate they are to tell others. Meanwhile, there are numerous folks that work with gear on a totally different level every day, and it’s just normal. I would encourage anyone to search for the deep motivation of why you listen and focus on the joy it brings you personally.
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 304
Re: Future planning
Reply #16 - 02/17/25 at 19:00:46
With three children, and their spouses, along with twelve grandchildren, all of whom love music, and most of whom are musicians, my equipment, recordings, and musical instruments are already in high demand.  In fact, they jokingly bicker over and make claims to specific items in my very presence.  That's a little sick, isn't it?  If my wife survives me, which is likely, and though she is a serious music lover, she will most certainly begin distributing my stuff to the kids and grandkids, where it will be thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated.
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Jay’s CD2T-Mk3
Denafrips Pontus II
ZROCK2 25th Mods
CSP3 25th & Custom Mods
Lii Song ZF15L
PAP Quintet w/Vox 1.6 or Horn1
LFD NCSE, First Watt J2, Cary 300SEI

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Seasoned Member

“In Tubes We Trust”

Posts: 215
Re: Future planning
Reply #17 - 02/18/25 at 01:01:42
Nice thread to think about estate planning as we become more mature…I have 3 children in there 20’s and  they think I am wacko with my stereo obsession.  They want nothing more than their iPhone, airpods or headphones.  We are  currently updating our 20 year old trust and my daughter will be our executor and will handle selling any of our unwanted assets.  We are committed to make it easier on them than when we had to handle our parents and my single brother’s estates. Our plan is to sell/ donate anything not used or unwanted beginning now.  Set up and maintain a spreadsheet with all my stereo gear with prices paid and instructions on how to sell.  Usaudiomart, Ebay, The Musicroom and estate sale companies to handle everything else.  I have begun thinning out my audio accumulation such as all CD’s, CD gear, Records, Vinyl gear, accessories sold or donated and I do have a component hard rule “For every purchase in their must be a sale out” . Our mortality is not something we want to think about or face but our efforts will hopefully be appreciated.
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Aric Super 300B SET Amp
Supratek Cabernet Pre
Mojo Mystique EVO B4B 21 DAC
Bricasti M5 Network Streamer
Sonido SWR096FC Towers
Vanguard Caldera Sub
SDFB-Graphene Slugs
Audio Envy Cables
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 162
Re: Future planning
Reply #18 - 02/18/25 at 06:00:09
I think it says something about my age, that I find this to be an interesting topic with lots of thoughtful discussion!

I had not given much consideration about my audio equipment in particular, but this thread makes me think that the "pieces" I have might be worth more together than if they were just sold haphazardly (worth more both monetarily to my estate, and in being something that the right person could get a lot of pleasure from).  I don't think my system is all that incredible for a real audiophile, but it is better than anything I had expected to have, and all the Decware components I have work together really well.  I'm glad I wandered into this part of the internet and found Decware (and the community on this forum) by chance, and my system is (I think) better than average because of that.  

As far as the media goes, I think my "collection" is pretty idiosyncratic, and has a wide range of stuff that I like, but I don't think it would be that special to most people.  So I have a hard time imagining the particular music I like will be valued in the way I value it.  And that is fine - those that follow us have their own interests and preferences about what they like, which they should follow.
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