I have a love/hate relationship with this disease that I have. Let me explain:
I have wanted to upgrade my dac for some time now. I’ve researched several, and my top pick was the Holo Audio May for all the positive reviews, including Steve’s. They don’t come up often on the used market, and when they do, they don’t last long. One came up last week in excellent condition for $4K, so I grabbed it. In talking to the seller, he suggested that I might want to look at the Holo Audio Serene preamp, which was designed to work with the May, and which he was also selling. I need another preamp like I need another leg, but like a fool, I dug into it, and long story short, the May and the Serene are currently singing their hearts out in the other room. I can already tell, without listening critically, that the sound is a lot fuller, and makes much better use of my Omega Alnico High Output speakers. I have loved the musicality of my Border Patrol SE dac for years, but I can already say that the May/Serene combo is just as musical, if not moreso, and much more detailed. So I can’t say that I’m sorry that I abused my credit card so cruelly (once again), but I also can’t say that I wouldn’t take a cure for my audio nervosa if one became available.