For cleaning, I do have a lot of silver connectors as well as some gold and rhodium, but the silver wanting attention more. I started to use 90+% isopropyl alcohol because it worked so well without notable residue going inside of RCA jacks with a thinned down q-tip, both on components and cable ends. I go in first pretty wet, then use a dry end or two to get the rest of the black off.
For conditioning, I used Deoxit gold for a long time, and it was good, but tricky for me, having to wipe/polish it fast in order for it not to build up too much and dull the sound. I tried some silver greases with similar issues, finally finding Cardas conditioner to work really easily and well for minor cleaning as well and nice transparent conditioning. Then when MadScientist came on the scene with his graphene oil, having tested some of his early stuff, he sent me a few samples of the oil. Though little bitty bottles, I am still using the second one lots of years later. Like James said, it works best with very little of it. As I recall Bob told me to put it on really thin, and then dab it with a tissue to where you can't quite see it... at least that is how I do it, and it is a really good sounding conditioner to me.