I had a similar issue when I received my Zrock2 last year. The buzz in my case affected both channels equally. I have no idea why. Like your case, it happens when the Zrock2 is put between the CSP3 (A mods) and the UFO25. I tried that first since I wanted both sources (TT and streamer/DAC) to be able to use the Zrock2 through the CSP3. (thus, utilizing both inputs easily). The buzz was audible at the listening position, so not acceptable. Not sure why in an all Decware system it would have an issue but like you, I also like what it brings to the table. The solution for me was to put it between the source (streamer) and CSP3 like you did. But then, you would need to switch connections into the Zrock2 between the 2 sources instead. Since I mostly listen to the streamer/DAC and my Zrock2 is easily accessible, I have no problem doing that. Unfortunately, some people won't find it as easy. I still need to have the gain just right throughout the system for the buzz to be minor to the point where I can only hear it if I get within 12-18" from the speaker. (I have fairly sensitive speakers @ 101db). Using it this way is still worth it for me as I really like the enhanced sound I can get from it.
It's interesting you only get a buzz in one channel though. Hopefully you can find a solution but if not, hopefully you can live with swapping the sources around and enjoy the sound the Zrock2 brings.