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03/14/25 at 22:52:34 

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Holostages- (Read 350 times)
Senior Member

Posts: 67
03/05/25 at 05:40:32
I hope everyone is having a great evening.
A couple of months ago, I came across an audio thread about a product called Holostages, which is a passive room correction device. At the time, there was one user whom touted the devices as revolutionary. This user stated that he has products from LessLoss, SR among other and the Holstages easily outperformed them all at a fraction of the price. The initial response fell well short of acceptance. Honestly- I felt the same way. Seemed to good to be true. How could four little plastic boxes parked around your room with no wires to connect anything to be so effective? As time went on, more users started to respond, all with the same results. OK- my curiosity is now sparked. I am a user of the some of the products the OP mentioned, and found them to have merit. Heart Sound is the company that makes these devises and according to their website the company offers a pretty generous 60 day money back guarantee- so I thought what the heck. I placed an order last week, got a package a few days later with four little black plastic boxes. I followed what others have reported for placement. I put two in the corners of the front wall about 5' high and two on the side walls half way between my seat and the speakers, same height. After about 4 hours, the sound stage expanded in size, but became less defined, kinda muffled with a loss in detailed. I then moved the two on the side walls to slightly behind my seat, still on the side walls. This really didn't improve much, if anything, things sounded a little bright. My amp has external output transformers. So I moved them there, on top of each. OK- this is working. The soundstage grew yet again, and everything became more defined. More density, dynamics, space, realism and oh so smooth. I left them there for a day. Liking what I was hearing, but I figured I would play around with them some more and earlier today, I moved them on top of my speakers. This is truly the sweet spot. It only took about 2 hours for the room to adjust and the sound is far better than anything I've heard in this seat. I have put a lot into my system over the last couple of years. I've run a dedicated power line, which was a huge improvement. I've added a grounding device, room treatments along with upgraded power and IC's. Installed Baach4Mac (intro), Lessloss and SR products. I would agree with the OP of the thread I was reading, these things work as advertised. They are staying put and I'm glad I stumbled onto that thread. Best bang for the buck I have spent on my system. Krissy is the proprietor and has been great to work with.
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Re: Holostages-
Reply #1 - 03/05/25 at 17:07:29
Interesting! Can you please post a few pics of cubes and placement?
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(2)SE84UFO(Balanced Monoblocs) OR Sansui AU222
Cambrge Audio CXN(ModWright)
Crown XLS-1002
SL1210MK5(KAB Mods) Soundsm Aida MKll cart • Darlingt.Labs MP8b
Otari MX5050-Bll2 R2R
ZLC Power Cond
Lii Audio PT-10 OR F-12 OR Betsy Alnico 8"/ W-15 in Open Baffle
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Re: Holostages-
Reply #2 - 03/05/25 at 18:16:39
So what are they?
I went to their website and looked at them and they don't even give a description of what it is or how it works.

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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Holostages-
Reply #3 - 03/05/25 at 19:59:07

I read up on these. From the information I could find, it looks like there are magic crystals inside. And a sprinkle of pixie dust.
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(2)SE84UFO(Balanced Monoblocs) OR Sansui AU222
Cambrge Audio CXN(ModWright)
Crown XLS-1002
SL1210MK5(KAB Mods) Soundsm Aida MKll cart • Darlingt.Labs MP8b
Otari MX5050-Bll2 R2R
ZLC Power Cond
Lii Audio PT-10 OR F-12 OR Betsy Alnico 8"/ W-15 in Open Baffle
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Seasoned Member

Why does it hurt
when I pee?

Posts: 2323
Re: Holostages-
Reply #4 - 03/05/25 at 20:23:39
For a grand I would at least expect a good story using words like "Quantum" or "Nanoparticles" or even "AI" !

All I'm seeing that a great review by "Mikey the Cop NYC"

At least tell me what it is!
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Holostages-
Reply #5 - 03/05/25 at 20:32:03
I don't know if this helps or not. . . but some gobbledeegook here:

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Kahuna Jack
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Posts: 167
Re: Holostages-
Reply #6 - 03/05/25 at 20:42:43
I see 4 screws on top. Couldnt find any cracked open views on the internet for whatever reason.

If I didn't have more urgent plans for a thousand bucks I'd get them and send them to Danny at GR and see if he could upgrade them for me.
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Why does it hurt
when I pee?

Posts: 2323
Re: Holostages-
Reply #7 - 03/05/25 at 20:58:50
I've been digging a little on Google.

Seems like it has "Nanotubes" and "Graphene" in some of the descriptions.

I also see that the more that you buy the better it sounds.

Sounds legit to me.

Plus any recommendation from Mikey the cop NYC pushes it over the top with me.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Posts: 1163
Re: Holostages-
Reply #8 - 03/06/25 at 02:10:58
PDXDrew:Not discounting your experience but as other members rightly pointed out, the outfit isn’t doing themselves any favors with their website shopfront.  It’s almost if they went out of their way to be cryptic and that solo review by Mikey the Cop NYC—-well, I can’t top what other members have already commented on that front.

That said—while I’m not curious enough to take advantage of the 60 day money back guarantee, I’ll keep an eye out for more info.
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Senior Member

Posts: 67
Re: Holostages-
Reply #9 - 03/06/25 at 02:12:13
The original post I was following is on WBF. It does appear to be minerals and the like. Yes- woo woo I know, but very affective woo woo for sure. Attached are a couple of pics. One of my system and the other a closeup of the Holostage that's mounted in the right, front corner of the room.
After getting the first 4 units and listening with them I place and order for a grounding box Krissy makes and a couple more H/S. They arrived today. A few of the posters on WBF said that these devices transform your system to where it's like your swimming through the music. Even though the first 4 units had a very positive affect on my system I didn't get the swimming on the music sensation. After getting the new devices installed today, I can say I feel submerged in a sublime pool of sound. I am very impressed.

big letters copy and paste

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Seasoned Member

Posts: 255
Re: Holostages-
Reply #10 - 03/06/25 at 13:45:10
I ordered one set.  60 day money back guarantee is always a fall back if these do not work as discussed in WBF.
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HDTV2, Liionidas Silver 10/W-15,Sarah300b/Cary SET Monos/,CSP3 25th/Lampizator Atlantic TRP/USB/Pulse/LHY SW10, Roon/Thorens 1600(SRA ICs and PCs/Equi=Core 1800, SFDBs and STR-1002s)
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Senior Member

Posts: 67
Re: Holostages-
Reply #11 - 03/06/25 at 18:18:38
Hey Bob,
Please keep us updated. I'm amazed with what these have done. Compared to what I've spent on other similar devices that have helped, these are another level considering price to perform. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to Cello Concert in F Major and I can honestly say I have not heard a cello sound so sweet with my gear. It has made a positive impact with all genres of music. I can describe more later when I have more time.

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Seasoned Member

Posts: 255
Re: Holostages-
Reply #12 - 03/06/25 at 18:46:58
Drew, will do. I have DIY QRD-7s on the front wall to see if there is an improvement with the use of these.  I have the WBF in placement both on the front and side walls as well as equipment so I do have some experimentation to do.
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HDTV2, Liionidas Silver 10/W-15,Sarah300b/Cary SET Monos/,CSP3 25th/Lampizator Atlantic TRP/USB/Pulse/LHY SW10, Roon/Thorens 1600(SRA ICs and PCs/Equi=Core 1800, SFDBs and STR-1002s)
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Posts: 1665
Re: Holostages-
Reply #13 - 03/06/25 at 20:09:51
I go to their website to see the product. I do not see anywhere on the website the price of anything. So, what is the actual price for say 1 box? Quantity discount?
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Decware 34I.3 integrated amp/Forte' 3 bass amp/Velodyne SMS-1 bass mngmnt system/Decware ZOB speakers/Audio Nirvana 8" bass drivers/Xiang Seng DAC/ LR Audio Computer/Rega Apollo R CDP/Emotiva ERC3 CDP/BPT 3.0 power cond.
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