With an amp change I need to find a new home for:
- pair of 6922 to 6sn7 adapters w/ Decware screw notches $25 - pair of Amperex (Usa made) 7308 USN CEP ‘65 $125 - 5 rare French Philips RT/Dario E188cc large O getter ‘63-67 $100 each - 3 pairs of Voskhod 6H23n swg ‘72, ‘73, ‘75 $60 ea pair - 1 pair of Reflector 6H23n swg ‘75 $100 - pair of Westinghouse OB3 Nos/Nib $40 - pair of RCA OD3/VR 150 USN Nos/Nib $30 - pair of RCA 6CG7 black tri-plates test 90-100% $80 - single RCA 6CG7 clear top grey plates tests above 100% $15 - very rare pair of Raytheon 6F8G flat plates Nos/Nib bought new as a sleeve of 5 not used just tested. These sound better to me than NU round plates and much better than the Raytheon T plates. Needs adapters. $190
If interested PM me. I can provide pics test results on request. Shipping in Conusa included. Thanks